Page 2, Carolina Indian Voice-Thursdav, November 17,1994 Pembroke The Norih Carolina Coiiunission of Indian Affairs recently distributed a document which shows the population numbers of Native Americans in each of die state’s one hundred counties. The by-county totals ctune from the 1990 United • States Census, and reflect what people say about their own ethnic identity. No attempt is made by tlie Census Buretiu to establish valid membership in any Indian tribe or nation. People just write down what they are, tuid that’s how they get counted. This is not necessarily a bad system, because after all who should know better what ethnic group a person belongs to than the person himself/lierself. The by-county population figures are interesting for several reasons. First, tliey show us where most of the Indian people in die state live — 40,511 in Robeson County; 4,425 in Cumberland; 3,176 in Moke; 3,075 in Swjiin; 2,667 in .lackson; 2,430 in Scotland; 1,936 in Mecklenburg; 1,711 inlhilifax; 1,637 in Guilford; l,370in Columbus; 1,14S in Wake; 939 in Onslow; 876 in Stunp.son; 763 in Wiuren; and fewer in all the odier counties. The figures show us where the fewest Indian people live — 4 each in Hyde tuid Tyirell; 8 ettch in Allegheny, Gates and .lones; 13 in Washington; 16 in Greene and 17 in Polk. But every one of North Carolina’s counties has some Indian people! It is also inieivsiing to compaie these 1990 census figures with those from die 1980 census. In 1980 Uiere were 64,635 Native Americans living in North Carolina. In 1990 that number had jumped to 80,155. Obviously die number in most counties increased, but 6 counties actually had a decrease in the number of Indiiui people. Most of these tffe very sm.ill decreases, but in one county the decline was monumental. The Indian population of Hertford County, home of the Meherrin Indians (most of whom live in and around Ahoskie, CtUifomia and Winton) dropped from 448 in 1980 to 228 in 1990. That’s a decline of about 49%! 1 called Lawrence Dunmore, director of the Meherrin’s Federal Acknowledgment Project, to ask what had happened. Had 220 Meherrins actually moved out of Hertford County? He told me that, while some younger Mehemns had moved to urban iueiis in .search of work during the 1980s, the real Indian population of Hertford County must have been under-reptirted or miscalculated in .some way in the 1990 census. He believes that a combination of lactors could be producing the lower 1990 numbers — lack of response to the census. possible mistiikes in calculations and some as-yet unknown factors. Henoted that tlie Meherrin tribal roll currently lists 565 members, at least half of whom live in Hertford County. Thus, the Indian population in Hertford County iLs reported by theU.S. Census must be wrong. Also remarkable in the new census numbers is the dramatic increase in some couttlies. In Wake County, for example, the Indian population jumped from 516 in 1980 to 1,148 in 1990(;uiincretLseof 122%). In Almn;uice County the jump was from 144 in 1980 to 303 in 1990 (an increase of 110%). Several other counties had increases of more than 100%. Where are all these Native Amcritauis coming from? It is U'ue tliat as a group Native Atnericansdohaveasomewhai higher birth rate th:ui tlie general population. It is Jtlso tnje that life expecLancy of Native Americans has increased slightly over tlie past decade. Both of these factors would produce larger numbers of Inditui people. But are these two factors enough to explain the overall increiLse of 24% in the stale? What other factors might produce hu'ger of numbers of Native Americiuis in die 1990 census? For more information, visit the Native Americtui Re.source Center in Old Main Building, on die ctunpus of Pembroke State University. Kiwanis Report by Dr. Ken Johnson The weekly meeting was held at the Town and Countr. Restaurant with President Grady Hunt presid ing. Kiwaiiian Judge Dc.\tcr Brooks was the speaker His topic was "Politics." The voting public seems to be quite sophisticated, many voting the straight ticket- Democratic. However, a candidate needed just 40% of the vote to win. or to avoid a run-off. The^'Motor Vote Act" was changed to allow a voter to register once and be on the books. Formerly, if he did not vote, his name was taken off the books. Voting in Robeson county was helped by more Indians voting. The popular candidate was Glenn Maynor., In the National election. Charlie Rose won due to more Indians registering. Rose got 90% of the Pembroke vote. The National House of Representatives will have to do its own investigation of the Anderson protest. Many voters were independent in their voting. The 31st Annual Pancake Spa ghetti supper fund raiser will be held in the Pembroke Elcmentar\ School Friday. December 9 at 5 p.m. and6 a.m. Saturday morning Tickets arc $4.00. Presiding-Grady Hunt. Invoca tion-Clay Maynor. Song-Vardcll Swett. Reporter-Ken Johnson. News From Prospect School These students from J and O Tae Kwon Do Karate Wolf and Do Jo in Pembroke, NC won championship belts and trophies at Johnson and Leon's 21st Annual Open Karate Tournament held in Spring Lake, JVC in October. Shown from left to right are Ivan Hernandex; back row, left to right: Crystal Henderson, Instructor and Do Jo Operator, O.J. Hendeerson and Misty Henderson. The Trainable Mentally Handicapped Class at Prospect School par ticipated in the FallSpecail Olympics at Pembroke State University on Tuesday, November 15. The activities at PSU began with all the athletes marching in the gym displaying their school banners. Good luck wishes were given to the athletes by Dr. Sandra Watkin.s, Associate Superintendent of the Public Schools of Robeson County; Dr. Tommy Thompson, PSU Physical Education Department HEad; Ronnie Chavis, Physical Education Supervisor for the Public Schools of Robeson County. The events the class participated in wese Lead Up Skills and 3 on 3 basketball game. In the Lead Up Skills athletes had to dribble the ball, aim the basketball at a target in the middle of the wall, shooting the basketball in the net from the left and right side of the goal. The athletes who participated in Lead Up Skills were: Marcus Locklear, third place; Antionette Odum, second place; and Jennifer Scott, first place. In the 3 on e events the athletes played a basketball game in teams of three. The game lastedfor 15 minutes. The athletes who partiepated in this event were: Jamie Locklear, Orson Locklear and Larry W. Hunt. They all came in second place. Carolina Indian Voice is published every Thursday by First American Publications 304 Normal St. - College Plaza Post Office Box I07S Pembroke, North Carolina 28372 Phone (919) 521-2826 Fax (919) 521-1975 Connee Brayboy, Editor Helen Locklear, Office Manager Subscriptions One year in NC, $20.(X) Out of state, $25.00 Second Class Postage Paid at Pembroke, NC PROGRESSIVE SAVINGS & LOAN, LTD. s-\ OQ No Sendee * This $ 100.(X) Minimum Balance Checking Account Allows You To Write Checks WITHOUT A SERVICE CHARGE As Long As The Balance Does Not ?all Below $ 100.00. If The Balance Does Fall below $ 100.00, A $6.00 Monthly Charge And 3n Check Is Necessary. This Account Does Not Pay Interest DEPOSITS FEDERALLY INSURED TO $100,000.00 Substantial Penally For Early Withdrawal • Rale Subject To Change Wilhout Notice A PROGRESSIVE SAVINGS & LOAN, LTD. JOS N. Ckciaat Limbtrtoi. NC 73B-t478 4400 PayelUvIlk P l.embtiioa. N' 7JS-I415 LOCKL EMI lACQBS, SUTTON & HIM Attorneys & Counselors At Layy ARNOLD LOCKLEAR ARLIE JACOBS RONNIE SUTTON Initial Cohsullatlon GRADY HUNT Pembroke 521-3413 O C ^ Senrlim ’Sobeson County OeV^rV Ouern Clears CHIROPRACTIC Specializing In Auto Accident Injuries Most Insurance Accepted CENTER "APPOINTMENT PLEASE OFHCE 739-5751 initial cwIultatioN EMERGENCY HOME NUMBER Dft-WOOWtOW W BECK JR 738-3126 Pediatric Pointers By JOSEPH T. BELL, MD One of the inlcrcsling rashes we see in Ihc clinic is called Fiflh's Disease. Fifth disease is a vims infection characterized by a bright red or rosy rash on bolli checks for about one to three days ("Slapped check" appearance) followed by a pi nk lacy-like rash on t hcarms and legs. The lacy rash comesand goes over a period of one to t hrcc weeks, especially after warm baths, exer cise and sun c.xposurc. Usually llic rash is not itchy. The child may have a low grade fever, a slight mnny nose, and sore throat or not other symptoms besides the rash. Fifth disease is caused b> Ihc hu man paivovims B/9. It was so named because it was the fifth pink red rash to be described by physi cians (Ihc others arc scarlet fever, measles, mbcila and roscula.) Once a child has had the virus, they arc protected from becoming infected again. One nice thing about Fiflh's dis ease is that it is harmless to Ihc child. The symptoms usually do not require treatment. The child does not need to be kept out of school because the disease is cn tagious mainly during the before the rash appears a who has the rash is no longerco tagious and docs not need lo s home from school or day care Most adults who get fifth disca dcvclopjusl a mild pinkness oft checks or no rashaiall. Morcofi an adult will develop joint 03, especially inthc knees. These pai may last from one to three monil Taking non-prescription Advil, Motrin will usually relieve pain. The vims ihal causes Rni,'. case docsn'i cause binhdet pregnant women exposed „ Rcscarcli has shown. Iioivcvt about ten percent of babir, reeled Witt, this virus bcfel will dexelopascvcrcancBii,r one to two percent nravcvctdi you arc pregnant and expostd . child will, Finii's disea*?' the child dcx’clops ihc rasb „ yoiirobslctricianforabloiyl'i, Well.ibafsalloiiFiflhS Takccarcandwc’lllalka.ain7 week! ' An "Exceptional” Student When vou think of the word exceptional, you think of Mark Murray. Mark is a 2()-ycar-old Trainable Menially Handicapped student at Prospect School. Mark recently made Prospect School proud. He is a marching band stu dent, under the direction of Mrs. Angela Hodges. When Prospect Band participated in the Veteran's Day parade on Friday. Nox ember II. Mark marched and played Ihc bass dnim. Mark is the son of Ms. Eli Murray of Red Springs. He very conscientious sludenis. helps out at Prospect School several odds and ends, such sweepingout classroomsaiidu liming the library . In our schools today, you ‘ about our youth in trouble, .^finally good loknowiljcrp.aie some students today aliTltc "exception" to the rule. .\ lasir of irony hat- k«-|il n iiM- of liiiinoi'—foi' il lakrs in IV. til.' joke "hi. Hiren Patel, M. D. announces the opening of his office for the practice of Internal Medicine (Specializes in treatment of diabetes) 3009 N. Elm Street Lumberton, N. C. FOR AN APPOINTMENT CALL: (910)739-9227 ^ SOUTHEASTERN On staff at KS REGIONAL ' MEDICAL CENTER Movie popcorn full of fat If you're on a diet, unbuttered popcorn is a healthy snack, right? Well, maybe nol al the movies- Because it's usually m«ide with fat-laden tocoH»4 oil which makes it taste better and creates the aroint that wafts through the lobby, a typical small bag of theater popcorn contains almost an entire day's recommended allowance of saturated fat, the kiitu that can cause heart disease. And that's withojtUh^ butter-flavored topping. Some theaters have begun selling "healthier popcorn made with canola oil, which does have significantly les.s fat Keep informed.. for health! call toll Eree 1-800 jy Take the Time to Ansit^er Ynur Ouesti^ ^eadiv Hunltv PharmaiUtUti ■ J -liomTKanMUUii'' m

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