Published Each Thursday Since January 18,1973 y M CAROLINA i ffl ?In(fian jut a brief over view of the organization and people who in lttO started Glenn Mnynor'i campaign for sheriff of Robeson County Many sacrifices were made over the course of time that Anally npfifd die (foof for Glenn Mnynor and afl persona of cdtor in our county Like the evenU of 1 MO, this it a new beginning for all citizens of our county , We should graap (he oppor tunity to move our county forward in all aspects of Hfc Lot people like Forney Prevails, W.W. Willis, Carey Wilkine, Alfred Hunt. William Jacobs, Preston Locfclear, Charles Barton, McDuflte Cummings, and many many others be a role model of whet can happen through a coopera tive effort iSMI FayettevilleUnited Methodist Chuch to Expand Substance Abuse Program A project to assist Native Ameri cans in the Fayettcville, NC area who are experiencing substance abuse problems is one of 17 projects funded in 1994byaUnited Methodist Church program now in its second year The S3,000 grant by the Special Program on Substance Abuse and Related Violence, part of the Na tional Division of the UMC 'i Gen eral Board of Global Ministries, will enable Grace United Methodist Church to Fayetteville to expand its substance abuse program for Native Americans. The objective of the church's uro gram is to address the mbstanoe abuse program among Native Americans in the Fayetteville area by providing culturally sensitive ''ivfti'"! ser vices mid addressing high-rim foe tots that cause substance sbuse among Native Americans More than 30 people have already nocn neipeo m tnc program during the lam four months of I9M. said the Reverend Sam Wyaa,paamr of Qrsoe UMC.aprctV iaan I^Nathe Ameri money will enable the program to teach more people, he laid. Expan sion of tlw program ia the oext itep in what some of tne congregation hopes will someday be a comprehensive, in depth therapeutic counseling center for Native Americans "It's a dream and we only have $5,000. but it's made a difference, said Wynnofthe grant, which will go to supplement current programs Among the high ri* factors Na tive Americans bee for alcohol and substance abuse an loss of tribal iden tity. unemployment and underemploy ment, poverty, a sense of isolation and low self-esteem. Culturally sen sitive treatment. Wynn mid, lakes these Ihctors into account, as well as and spiritual dimensions of being a niaiivc American Wynn views the 13.000 gram as a key sdlssScm in dm development of the program, but Ukc others in the congregation wants to see more dona to help those in need. "tfwe had more resources. we could do w much ? more." I* aid "We're a commu nity struggling to aurvive But thank God for the church. The federal government'! record with dealing with nibetance abuac among Ameri can Indiana ia abysmal " The $3,000 grant ia part of a total of $201,700 the Special Program on Substance Abuac and Related Vio lence ha allocated for the 17 pro grams nationwide in 1994 The pro gram.. whoa theme te "Committed to Wholeness The Unitod Methodist Church Reaponda to Drugs and Drug Violence." began in 1991 after the 1992 UMC General Conference man dated such a plan. " We're well pleased." aetdJeraid Lillian Scott, national coordinator of the program, which is related to the si _ * -? ? _ a r%ia t _ hdam^aes^wn rsauofuu \j%vision irarisn mi nisi ma Unit. Noting the need fertile church to tackle the widespread problems of drag an alcohol abuse, she said, "k'e about dne far the church, which had baaa a aleeptng giant, to get out of the aaartuery and Mo the oomaaiahy where thu la each a problem " Tuscarora Tribe Changes Name to Tuscarora Nation The Tnecarora Tfte of the Red Hill Coauauaity of Roboaoa County North Carolina, lac. has had a name change to (ha Tuscarora Nation at at Stale, RuA? Mminston at the request of Chief Leon lock tear No other group or tribe shall claim this name as or N weather 7, l w4. Anyone who waata to ba a part at this nation caa coat etoaether and wotfc on one accordc as oaa family under the name of Tuscarora Nation CkiqfLmmtJStUm Gospel Sing Baperiaaoe the Mask Miaialry of Carta and Redemption of Lnmber toa, NC. and others who will la performing at Tabernake Hirtiil Church on Friday aMt. January 11 1995 at 7: JOpm.OtC stagers w|l; mehide the Chosen Generation and theTilaai fahdrtn For ansa infcrwtnon about (Ms deltas, iwatart Meaa Daaee at 331 44?tnr Ramet Swatt at 9214*29 f