century-old mifk for Mni acknowledgment, it to ? limn easy hem aloof toe Robceon trail 10 wiirtwS^Ltor dMBaSS.'fc bar been reihnmrd that Mare am approximately oae hundred and fifty Indton tribes or nations in tbe Uaited States which seek, bat have not attarard, federal acknowledgment. One seek groep to the Niptnoc Nation. The present-day Nipmuc are Jtrceudartr of a relatively snaB Alfookian-speaking nation whose traditiaBai homeland to what to now known as soothera Massachusetts and northern partsof Rhode Island and Connecticut. Like he Lumbee and most of the Indian people of the Eastern Woodtands. the wxxston of the Nipmac lived ia permanent fanning villages. They grew eon, beans, squash and other vegetables, and hunted and fished along tbe riven and streams of their home According lo S wanton, tbe name Nipmuc means "people of the freshwater Ashing place." la many ways their cultural life was similar to their perhaps better-known Algonkian kinsmen, He experience of (be Nipmuc similar to moat other Indian people in the East With European* came epidemics, decimation, warfare and loss of tribal land*. Nipmuc wanton fought fiercely (to 1675) against the eotoatou during what the English called "King Philip's War." But to October of 1675 approximately five hundred Nipmucs (virtually all who remained alive by that time) were surrounded aad captured. They were taken in chains by bane-drawn cans to the tan there by canoe to Deer Island. They were imprisoned at Deer Island tor eighteen months, daring which ttoK about half of them perished from starvation and disease. Afterward, the remaining two hundred were takes to "plantations" in Nabck, Wamesit and Ponkapoag, where they were confined for ten more years. But some mrvived. la modem times the Nipmuc have reorganized themselves in thirty-nine bands, and have formed the Nipmuc Nation Council with representatives from each of the bands. Their petition for federal recognition was "tabled" (delayed indefinitely) by (be Bureau uf India Afbrn in 198S. But m with the Lnmbee, Me goes an for the Nipmuc with or witboat federal recognition. They jnet celebrated their forty-first annual powwow, and each year they tannem ah the day when their ancestors wm teat uvedto Deer Island. After one of their Nation Council tai?Iiiii rem mil iiiti l hi u is the land of the Lianbee, the returned to speak with ha people about the Ltanbee. She writes: "I spake with other Coandl members and with the Elders about my time in Pembroke, North Carolina and about the struggles of the Lnmbee regarding acknowledgment. Many of them remarked at the striking similarity between the straggles of the Ltanbee and of the tribal nations in Massachusetts engaged in the petition process. They asked me to tend their best wishes and agreed to remember the Lumbee in their thoughts and prayers." For more information about the Nipmuc people of yesterday and today, visit the Native American Resource Center in Old Main Building, on the campus of Pembroke State University. Seaafching for Indian Identity Mm L.ManhallofRocky Mount, N C., adopted at the age of6, from his biotogiaJfamily (CXouaMorgan) in H>5o, is mucking for his Native American roots and genealogical background of ancestors reinted to ike Kenneth T Morgan family of Robeaon County. N C and Dillon Coumy, 3.C. tt a believed that K T.'i father's name was banc Isaiah or perhaps EUaha Morgan. His wife's name was Mary Ana Hnjaat name is believed to have baen Duboue. However, no reoonls have been found to date to verify her laat name. K.T. and Man Ann would have been bora around It05. There lenodue as to what their pareats names were, but they would havepossibK been bo rain the lTTO's. TW unsolved link thnt can prove the identity of my Native American heritage is information about m> sdio uy many leiorioni rarniiy mcni bers that Doif v was the daughter (Pn n ocas) of a Cherokee Chier Any leads or iafcrmationou how I could contact my Sparkman deacendnnts would be deeply appreciated Having rtnrumcntril ancestral in Robcaou, Dillon and Minion Countica, many Morgans hnvr all the physical characteristics of the tllwlln, A Native Americans According to historians, the Charaw, Kcyauwcc, Catawba. Eno. Occaneechi. Tutelo, Pedee. Waocamaw, Cape Pear, Cobarie, Wateree, Cottgarea, San tee, and the Robeson/Dillon County area. Unfortunately, many of these tribes have been drastically reduced to a population of just a few hundred, while several North Carolina tribes has been long, extremely slow, and Other factors that have created genealogical roadblocks to access records Airing this period of history were the many tragedies of the Civil War, enslavement and the transport ing of American Indiana from their horariands. and the burning down of the Lumberton County "Courthouse with all its genealogical history ft records. I have discovered that search ing for and finding the records I need are virtually next to impossible How ever, I continue my struggle I have yet to research the ances tors of my dad's side of the family (WMhm w. Calhoun). However, I wnutybuttsvstMhhs Calhoun Fam ily will HIM pRSn> be mixed with rMmivc American mooKry. Perhaps your knowledge or some-' oneyou know can help one Anything, rcgardfcsshow insignificant vou think it may be could be the missing link I I would additionally like to add thm I hope this pubhc inquiry will not offend any of my members. I seek only the truth, and reclamation to my loet heritage Your help will be greatly appreci ated Contact me by mailing afl cor respondences to: John L. Marshall 809 Edwarda St Rocky Mount, NC 27803 nam g ^ _ Kea L,ross to Sponsor Blood Drives this month The Red Croat will be ipoosonng Mood drive* at the following loca tion* Harper * Perry Baptist Church on Wednesday. December 28, 3 p.m. until 7 p m Mt Airy Baptiat Church. January 7, 1993.9am until 2:30pm For more information pieaae call Patricia Brayboy at the Robeson County Chapter of the American Red Cram. 73S-S037 ?^ Pembroke Kiwanis by Di"' Ken Johnson The weekly meeting was held at the Town and Country Restaurant with President Grady Hunt presid ing. Program Chairman Brian Brooks introduced Col. John Atkinson of the North Carolina National Guardd who explained the work of the National Guard in time of peace and war Kiwanian Brian Brooks himself is a lieutenant officer in the North Caro lina National Guard. Col. Atkinson has 27 yean of service in the armed forces, including Viet Nam, and a graduate of the Citadel and East Carolina. Members of the National Guard are traditional civilian soldiers in support of regular soldiers. They func tion in many capacities, including canes, tonados They as&UfocaUaw enforcement officers such as in the Lot Angelos riots. They have been called upon to serve in the Gulf area and in Europe There are 12,000Guardsmen serv ing with the armed force sin North Carolina. Many live right here in Robeson County. All are volunteers, and serve because they want to The 30th Brigade saves in the Tank Corp They are ready to serve actively in 90 days Two years ago they built a road across Panama. They also do drug enforcement duty, medical as sistance to the homeless All these services add value to the communi ties. Educational scholarships are available to members The Guard provides excellent role models as responsible citizens Economic ben efits are great for the communities The payroll in Robeson County is $1,766,000. Retirement is after 20 years at the age of 60 years. The maturity level is very high in the National Guard, thus making them very valuable for security work North Carolina is very supportive of their National Guard i Song leader-Ed ZTeets, Invoca tion-Clay Maynor, Reporter-Ken Hospice Volounteers Attend Conference teen racentij^Eturaed from die Gal axy of Loving Sun National Volun teer Conference hosted by the Hos ^iccjif Central FtontU^Ortondo snaniwi ban throughout Robeson County are: Lois Loway, St Pauls, Connie Oxendine. Pembroke, Timma Lock tear, Lumberjon, Cynthia Locklear, Lumberton, Robot and Burneil Moore, Fairmont, and Bobbie Ann Oxendine, Pembroke Anne Crain, Hoapice of Robeson volunteer coordinator, While at the three-day confer ence, volunteers participated in work shops designed to enhance their cotn ing of the needs of terminally ill patients and their families They also brought back new ideas to incorpo rate into the local Hospice program and to share with fellow volunteers Locklear to Serve as Chairman of State Advisory Councii A Robeson County native had been appointed by Gov. Jim Hum to serve as chairman of the North Carolina Head Start Collaboration Protect Advisory Council. Dr Eddie Locklear, a 4-H special ist with the North Carolina Coopera tive Extension Service at North Caro lina State University, serves on the national Extension School-Age Child Care Consortium. He also serves on various state committees and chairs the 4-H Intern atsonal Committee and the N.C. Cooperative Extension Ser vice Youth At Risk Committee Locklear, who lives in Raleigh, has worked for Extension for nearly 20 years, including 12 years as a 4-H agent in Robeson County Locklear's term runs from Sep tember 9 until June 30, 1008. Carottaa ladiaa Voice a published every Thursday by r-i ?? A ... Pkihli, eSinns rffst American ruoitcauons 3<M Normal Sc ? Coltge Plan Post Office Box 1075 Pembroke, North Caroline 28372 Phone (919) 521-2826 Fax (919) 521-1975 Cormee Breyboy, Editor Helen Lockleer. Office Manager Subscriptions One year in NC $20.00 Out of state, $25.00 - Second Clus Postage ftdd at / A, ? nlf A k|^ ^ (|remorone, iNv? Pediatric Pointers By JOSEPh T. BELL, MD aa^fK^n (Tdkcta^ tint cause fluid and pus to collect in the air sacs/ . tt is oauaBy acomptioiioB ofacold and SrwLUnlike the cold, paenno^ nia is usually not contagious About aoSofaa pneumonia are cauaed by viruses aariabout 20% by bacterial The usual tipaff symptoms of this i nt ecuon include coughing, fever and breathing difficulties. Rattly breath ing is not a sign of pneumonia, but rather comes from munis m the wind pipe. Viral pneumonia is usually milder than bacterial pneumonia'the latter tends tocome on more suddenly and produces higher fever and chills. A chest x-ray shows an abnormal patch of fluid on the lungs. Most children with pneumonia can be cared for at homie. Fewer than 10% of patients need to be admitted for IV fluids or oxygen. Those admitted are usually young infants or children with large areas of lung infected. Here are a few basic suggestions for taking care ofthe child with pneu- ? tnonia who does not need to be admit ted. 1) Make sure the child is given the antibiotics as prescribed by the . ji . *? . w ? 1 b pneumouia, tamt it is sometimes f hard to distinguish bacterial frnT S ^S j W ? I ti|^l \ 11 ill unwIiliWIl, NaK WaUG WW wal infection will be given anubtcxr respond (tatheantibiotics within 24 to 48 hoars, bm don't forget to give the whole dosage. 2) Don t forget to give Tylenol for fever or chest pain if needed. 3) Give warn fluids for coughing spells. Warm lemonade, apple juice, hot soup or broth help loosen up thick secretions as the child can cough them up better. 4) Use a humidifier in the child's room at night Dry air tends to worsen a cough, and moist air helps quieten the cough. 5) Keep the child away from cigarette smoke. We all know thai tobacco smoke aggra\ ates a cough and makes coughs last longer If the child s condition worsens after being on antibiotics for 48 hours, make sure you check with a doctor, he may deserve a re-evalua tion. Continue to support our tribal council and tribal chairman. And if you get a chance, drop by our grand opening at Julian T. Pierce Health Center on Sunday. December 18 from 2-5 p.m,. See you next week! Azaleas ut December The azalea sprig I brought in the house last week is still blooming away Just like it's spring! But those who've been complain ing that it's too warm to get in the mood for Christmas should be hap pier now The chill in the air hits harder after a spell of warm weather, doesn't it! Snow in Montana There were several light snowfalls while I was visiting Mother. Then the day I was scheduled to leave several inches covered the ground My cousin Betty's husband, Lee,drove Mother's 1978 Skylark over some slick roads on our way to the airport at Butte What a wonderful wintry send-off, I thought Everything we passed was frosted in white. And the snow kept falling, as we crossed the Continental Divide, peaching the airport a half I put on my OLD tennis shoes to wade through the snow. (Butte got 12 inches that day.) Just as 1 was about to show my ticket at the counter, Betty said: "I heard them say the plane couldn't land. Youcan'tgotoday". Visibility was only one mile, and there was no way for pilots to see beacons on the mountains. So we three ate dinner and went back home. By the time I left on Wednesday, the highway was almost dear of snow, and driving was a whole lot easier. But the trip I'll always remember is the winter wonderland on the Sat urday before! Singles 'Meeting As usual, we had some good fel lowship at our Tuesday night Singles Meeting. Annie Pearl Cummings was in charge of the program and refresh ments. She asked us to share our most memorable Christmas with the group After the business meeting, we sang Christinas carols in the church sanc tuary. Then we went to Ihe kitchen to enjoy chili and homemade tike. Our ten-year reunion get-together will be held on (or near) Valentine's Day. ; In the Armed Forces Toby Locklear Navy Seaman Recruit Toby Locklear, son ofLanyD. and Deborah B. Locklear of Route 1, Shannon, NC, recently completed U.S. Navy basic training at Recruit Training Command, Grand Lakes, 111. During the eight-week program, Locklear completed a variety of train ing which included classroom study, practical hands-on instruction, and an emphasis on -physical fitness. In particular, Locklear learned naval customs, first aid, fire fighting, water safety and survival, and a variety of safety skills required for working around ships and aircraft. Locklear and other recruits also received instruction on the Navy's core vahies-hoaor, courage, and com mitment, and what the words mean in guiding personal and professional conduct. Locklear joins 63t000 men and women who will enter the Navy this year from all over the country ; Men and women train together from their first day in the Navy just as they do aboard ships and at shore bases around the world. To reinforce the team concept, Locklear and other recruits also were trained in prevent ing sexual harassment and ensuring, equal opportunity Even as the naval service gets; smaller over the next few years, highly motivated young people like Locklear'. are still finding an opportunity to: improve their knowledge and educa-; tion as they become part of the most highly technical naval force in his-I tory. This year alone the Navy will; have more than 57,000 job openings; and opportunities, most of which in dude guaranteed training. He is a 1994 graduate of St. Pauls; "igh School of SL Pauls, NC *? ??? , PROGRESSIVE } tAVlNGSAL^W^j^^, I ^5???j ? B* HOMO MNww Mmw Owi*i Aeeewi/Utowi Yw To Wrim Chada WITHOUT A HVIC1 CHAWOB X? Lang At Tha Bahnca Doaa Nat nil Mow 9100.0b. V ' < V THa idanca Doaa Fal Mow SIOOjOO. A ffcOO MomNjt Charja And KW Hr Chadi h Miraawry Thta AcomntDoaa Not fdjr PMOfff KOOULLY .MSUIISO TO 9I00.00040 MNMWNnhjf NrBferiy WIMnvil*KMiM|Hi1liClM|V^lilMIIMi| . l , PROGRESSIVE tAVMOt A LOAN, LTD. ?< 1 ?fBB| -?* J Attorneys and Counselors at Law ARNOLD LOCKLEAR ARLIE JACOBS RONNIE SUTTON NoCkaifeFor GRADY HUNT UMC.M. BRIAN K. BROOKS 521-3413 Pembroke 1 * n BECK <"n**ow<r* {ijffr1*1 CHIROPRACTIC CENTER "APKXNTItfNT PLEASE" 5TS nm Q 7JM75I coHiutTAW*1 mi mmatrnrr mom nummk BLaKxno??ami T?ti? I fOiwi t lii rral??k?. NT DM Itl MM . I" IPhgrmpyjg* ifyfWd i Freezing Holiday toys Tbnee Mtlto; Mdjr btara that took to adorable aader the ChrialaaM tree atoy hria* many aifhta of aaeeriat aad abeeriag a I hey than hearooaw lor the real of (be year ?Hh ytwph aba aaffer abb ? a>tnh? or aalliiaa. Aad yaa kaoa that r mhliit ?hem la eery hoi aalei la eeaavee daal aad aiMee caa nda Ibebr writ had booty tali atm. Hal aalllaf Ibear aaate naMy toy* la the dcea Areece a? alr-llpbl alaalfc bar briba daya la a treat way la Ml rid of dlny raaalat aiMta. II tabea a Mi lao to three daya la kM athea coaaaMety. Ila?* ? aoaderbd aad healthy CHRISTMAS! I * | ?Mtmtr?j ? 1(pm TKmmAcy |

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