i4 liif? i 11 f' THE CAROLINA lHDttBP/OI 1 ? ' ?* PEMBROKE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22,1994 f-FIVE CENTS Ms?e Roe l^>cklear,CheirmmmofLumber Firer Electric Mtmk rrthip Corporation's "Help a Nee* Friend" program, presents Toby Ferris of Pmlctom with en electric berbecne grill mm In emmdngheUDocober 5. Mr. Ferris' name was selectedfrom co-op mtmkerswho signed op during the months of October end November to portldpat* In the energy cob Umct prognuit. FIRST AMERICAN PUBLICATIONS The Qvatra Indtan Voice Newspaper Con nee Brayboy P.O. Son 1075 Pembrok*. N C 20373 (910) 521-2820 (919)521-4011 OKice Horn* LRDA Re-opens its Enrollment Rolls L iimbee Regional Development Association Board of Directors voted on December 3,1994 to re-open the Lumbee Tribal Rolls on January 2, 1995 until June 30, 1995 This six months period is to allow for eligible Lumbee descendants who have not enrolled in the past, the opportunity to be certified enrolled in the Lumbee Tribe by December 30,1995. This is the first time the LRDA Lumbee Tribal Rolls have been opened since 1991 Ifyou are of Lum bee descent and maintained Tribal affiliation with the Lumbee Tribe and not enrolled, you are encouraged to apply If you know others who are not enrolled who may be eligible, inform them of the LRDA board action to open the Tribal Rolls. If you are already enrolled and have changed addresses or moved si nee enroll! ng, please call the LRDA Lumber Enrollment Office and give the staff your new mailing address so your file can be updated. If you move in the future, remember to update your file with the new address Where to apply? LRDA Lumbec Tribal Office Union SSSSff,!5S?JS: tions with instructions can be mailed to your home. Pinewood Derby Winner Shown art Isaac Martinez, Wohati Rereis, Stephen Charts and Ray Cab Scant Pack 327 haU their 1994 Pinewaad Derby aa Satarday, Nareatber 26th at the Fint MethedbtCharck in Pembroke. Waif first plaice winner was WakoU Rereis; second place winner was T.C. Qaeimnt. Bear first place winner was Stephen Ckisris; second piece ninner was Marcsu Seals; third place winner was James Charts; Webeiee I firstplace winner was Isaac Martinez; second place 11 inner teas Dastin Sam hail, third piece winner was Reeky Key Lower*; Wtbelee Ilflrat winner was Ray Johnson" second place winner was ChruMmynar. All first piece uinaers will compete in the Central District Derby in March 1993 at the "Scant Shew " Lather Brkt Park in Lumberiea. Mt. Airy Church to Present Christmas Cantata tmm (tJuStmmaSmgN+tQ m f^rmLtr UadM 7pjm. ami Drctmbar2Stk m il mm. ihm*?mh? 30 per cent of the tribe voted ia the 1994 tribal elections to the oonsutuoon and the tribal oflkaala. Hardin failed according to sources, to report that leaathniooo people votedoa the ^ referendum and more thanSOOO voted for the Lumbee Constitution Voting for the t?bet Co?thntiennudths tnbal chairman and council were elec tions that could be woo by o simple majority There is no law that states tint tribal election* must have 30 percent voter participation. Although 30 percent was not required, mora than 30 percent voted in the election for the constitution. While the question of who repre sent thul nmboe Tribe as governing body keeps arises, the issue was settled w ith the adoption of the Lumbee Coo stitution. That vote was a mandate by the Lumbee people, as wall as the election of the tribal chairman and the tnbal council. According to Harding's report, however, the Commission referred the question of leoogaialng the tribal council to recognition committee The wad mea^ter the (\xincilis busy with the conccrna of csiitoi)shiii|^ tnbftl government It seems that LRDA'a board of directors a^wdl ^^tbeir ^weogae mate foaoa to he apprehensive of the Lumbee Tribal Council It it a fact that the tribal eovcrnment will console with the prtvuc, non-profit corporation for Indian set-aside pro who administers each pwpwa as JTPA, Energy Assistance, and Other federal sad elate sot-aside prog rams. One thine is certain. according to members of the tribal council, they are abt going anywhere Andobvi ouaty the administration at LROA will straggle to km administering theee programs The decinorts on who will administer the programs will eventually be solved by thafhnd ing sources themselves. It is fch by Reference toTdSjTe^ctcd' "inLd council over a private, noa profit The Lumbee Tribe has always beea in a petition to adopt a consti tution and elect a tribal council ht any that tht people so choose. They choae todo ao in July 1994. I ? School News ? Mrs. Doares' first grade doss of Rowland Narnsent Elementary Schoolcelebrated Thanksgivingatthe school by decorating the tobies in the cafeteria. The third grade parents paiticipatod by having e mooTuhh their ckiidrau, During this season for the Fall Festival PTA decorated \tables n4th beautiful aeeteipieeas aba. To celebrate "Indian Heritage Mouth" also in November, Mrs. Rend'tthlrdgrodeiUidoaisoloogwkh cafeteria staff made the very special' 'Indian Frye Bread." Great things ore going on at school by Involving the students, staff and parents-' 'Partners in Education: narking together. Once a mouth, RovAand-Norment has Students Choice for lunch. Mrs. Read's third grade does mode the first meal choice-chicken nuggets, com, applesauce, cinnamon raisin rolla end aaoottodetllt Some vary wise cbticot. Amanda Pfttman a fourth grade student won the Hattouman Contest bo gtsttshtn the number of seeds In a pumpkin. Amende received SXOOfrom the cafeteria. The cafeteria roasted ike pumpkin eoedsfor thefisuth grade. tchooifoodterticifw^ioyttm ItaiAMfAtaniMNf m fmmtiumt -* mam an wi^S^r Art^Tinr ^ * ,//*:.*' St^/ZTSL^l ?-'?/?? fL/T'/ Mt%u JOt 9t%ff \HtT\JJ f \FJJiCGT I.MMH E#MfBiL Mr. * latli ikkMf<~ff)mUm4 i III. nrfifcwrWw j*" wekj w? t vyfierw wfr wv ? KWVMI W?? mnm^Hi miiahptkmattnmrtemmmtmdml jortmr tmffmim?4bm4wmkkt <3Ll|ia *4f mufrem mtd tut dag*. em?a hmmmmtdt, MMyiflril>ifc^ ApAcm9 Cnm^i It A#mpi Mayyou have a joyous ChristmasI Connee Bray boy Editor Carolina Indian Voice The Christmas Story lo be Presented Tbe Christmas Story will be pre sented by the children and youth at Union Chapel Baptist Church on Sundav mofatatTbecembet 25, at 10:30 am. The public is united to attend. The pastor is Rev. Jimmy Strickland. Housing Authority Seeks Families The Pembroke Housing Aii- " thority is seeking families for its housing units The Authority cume^ ^ and uy recave? tree water am a monthly utility aUowaace. The i^y |f( convenient^ located within the dty Umitsofthc town -just a few minutes from the hunks, pott office, and grocery stores The local police regu larly patrol the developments, thus, providing 0 high level of sociuiny. If you are living in substan dard housing, pay ingal least half of your income fcr rant, or invol untarily displaced, you may quality fbr a special preference For more details contact Rliondn Lockiear. Ifyou wish toapply, applica tions are taken on Wcdncsdavs from 9-11 AM and 1-4 PM at the Central Office in I iwHtar Court Mease bring a birth certificate and social security card for each member of the household Priortoadmission," the Authority conducts a thor ough background check of each -*"" personage sixteen or oldci who niav reside within the unit The Authority does not dis criminate on the basie of race, color, national origin, religion, creed, sex, aa*. or handicap ? tfyouihould need additional infemttk*caii(9!0)S2l-97t! or for TDD (910) 5214765. NASF Presents Educational Award to Elementary School The Native American SchoUr ?hip Find (NASF) announced re cently thai the winner of it* Exeai plan Progaani in Indian Education (FPfE) award for 1993-94 n Gaaado r nmary acnooi, ax Staring ia I9tl, Principal Slgmnndnnln t iailiainl tlx Panada Learning Arte DcvelopaMat (OLAD) protect Under this pro gram. the 4 V) madams ia the school hat year read over 40,000 books, or 90 books per students la addition 10 the intensive read ing program tor even Undent, the ?c noot tea emnowerea he individual teachers ia sending. Each classroom now haa its ?wa library, with over 1.000 books par daaamom The echoal toao tave 137 cont dannatonmhatoo ha? an hmrnc saadtog program, and sovesal other "'tL ie the toarth pear sf the EP1E program, and Qanado to (be fourth winner of ourSS,000award." mid Dr Dean Chevera, NASF Di rector "In the current year. 1994 95, we will have oar lUih competi tion " ?? injvidual r*rr>l project program, college or tribe citable to win the award, he continued " And there are ao etrtagi attached All that ie required it that ihc winner muet have done some exemplary wort with Indian itudenti over a 1- -e ?# , ti pen(xi tn uvnc NASF ia a national tchoiarahip program for Aawrican Indiaa ?tu dents U i primary ftmction ia to Se2mmtaeaf|5.^S per year are due May 10 of each year The Pand ia located at S200 Moootaia Rand, NE. Suite MS, Al hagnaagnt, NCtTllo ?? ? i it ?