Along the Kobeson J rail I by Dr. Stan Knick, Director I FSU Native American Resource Center | Council Im ben oac of dke bum programs which relate lo Native Americans is the stale. The Greensboro-based agency which receives the vast majority of in fund* projects large and small These Humanities Council project* have lot of good words about Native American prehistory, history. issues. Aad southeastern North Carotins has received its share of the Que of the Humanities Council's major recent projects was the three year program for public school teachers entitled "Enriching the Agenda of American Culture " This project brought teachers from the Public Schools of Robeson County together with regional and national aad numerous other workshops These institutes and workshops focused on the three principal cultural groups of Robcaea County ? Native Americans during the first year. Africa Amrrirane during ike daring Ike third year Through ins project Ike teacher* received ia lively diacustloas whick have Tkeae teachers now form a core aoorce of information for o*er area teacher*, and have become improved resowce* far their undents. Thus the overall impact of this Humanities Conned project is very large indeed. The Humanities Council ia aiso sponsoring a traveling exhibit from the Library of Congress whick will be shown in ike Native American Resource Center in late spring snd early sammer of 1993. The exhibit is entitled "In Their Own Voices," and features reproductions of prehistoric and very early historic artwork by Native Americans. The exhibit will be accompanied by a public program which will discuss the nature and history of die artworks, and will reck to explain what we can learn about their culture from these ancient artists . The Humanities Council will also be sponsoring a two-day symposium on Native American writers in one of ami neighboring counties. at Bkmkm Community CoOc?e in the spring of 1995. Tkii project will bring talented high school students together with writers nod scholars to examine the rich diversity and limitless possibilities of Native Despite ail this good work, and its many other worthwhile projects, the Humanities Council is in jeopardy. Information coming out of Washington indicates that funding for the National Endowment for the Humanities is very likely to be drastically reduced, and possibly cut entirely whea Congress re-convenes in January. If this happens, it would bring the end of the North Carolina Humanities Council. The many significant Native American (and other) projects of the Humanities Council would be things of the past. Our coOective future as a community would be darkened by cots to Humanities programs, since we all need more humanity in our lives. For more uS$nnatk?. visit the Native American Resource Center in Old Mam Building, on the campus of Pembroke State University. ??"??MHHmawMmBBuMmiaHMaivmmm Pembroke Kiwanis by Dr Ken Joinon sSTSS'S fieshnren at Feabrofce Stale and the daughter of L.H. and Hazel McNeill. She is now bu^toeveh^gaadappiar Dm t T??-J ?11 ?-i ? lift rtt m i4 tkt kl%. vaioeii awen presented ine Christmas mrsssgr. It is a joyous bare far children as they receive their pft. We look forward lo Christmas church sendee Christmas Eve, the candle light services, going home receiving presents. It is a joyous time far churches emphasis on peace and the coming of Christ the Savior, the brought Thrown into the World in the person of Jeans, Son of God I tranocnds all logicin the spirit of wonder and mystery There is aplace in life far the heavenly care in joy and pence, in the Christian life God's rescue of mankind in overcoming his death on the cross Hope in Christ is the hope of the srarld as God is the victor over death. To Subscribe call 910-521-2826 Holiday Greetings from Ray Utttetortle in New Zealand 0<HoMiJrXGreetingS from New Zealand where my wife, "KM", no I arc spending our actavca non eymoon nod Christmas among our friend* and native people, the Maori* We were deeply tout lied b\ thewarm reception given usby Chief Joaeph and his people upon our arrival here last Wednesday. Dec. 14 Our free weeks suy here will aford us a rare oooortunitv to inter act with oar native brethren and iv Lumocc ana more D&rncuMMiv. 01 Wiz" (ska Ruth Ballard Locilear) know that nhal Fn about ii more than wcariaflealher. bends, and feathers I am a cultural fire keener I think ef myself as inclusive of all native peoples And as I see it, nscrve Peoples are s universal fam riy and in so bang, must work to Milk building cultural cofwccctions u> the no* inuiti ways poasfeic Over the next two weeks here in New Zealand I will wok in gaining a deeper knowledge of the culture and tradition of the Marai people white sharing with them drench history, cuttnre. and tradition fothe I 1 kl^l,., -KJUS i.umocc DCing wauve is wxhii ih^*6,^iLtoTmke thtsopportu nity to amr "Merry Christinas" to you, our ImtUy. and many friends Lhhonreia North Carohna, USA. Ray HMtotorlW Letters to the Editor Things to think about during the holiday season Once again a is the Seam lobe Jolly Soon btmbes wiO be gathering together to cdebmtc I've beard a lot of tadkabout what kind of ChnAmas people wabtSome wart an old fash ioned on Otben want a Christmas lo remember I would like for this to be a "Thraking Chnatm* " I would like to sknic w*h you tone thing* to think about Let's Mpp for a while aad at dawn and talk with one another You can'tbc everywhere at once and neither can you picaae everyone. So oop try ing! We need totaik about why we have Chrotnp. WMKcd to ta& dbout the birth of JaMdnsU the hope ofFhaoe To many children, Christmas ? the time of getting lote of loya that nay be forgotten by Spring Take a child to dumb Let dm aee for themselves what the real Chrwtma* a about The one thing children need the mow it the one thing they don't get enough ofthat ? yott Tstejomegmdi^ tone with 5n tte'mN^rfSarmg. Ict'stcnch our children the true wuy or grviire that it better to give than to reoervc. Share that spirit with ten by an example. Indian people beheveifyou give tone dung with the thought you will gel something m return, then you truly have not given. I like the adopt the hmily program. The one thing I don't sehes as the pver by makingabig todo about it Whnt it wrong with leaving it caabedomd^ thinkd^t?^ uiKwucgreacMUiuuiiuiimiv lies is on Christmas there wasa knock at the door and when we weal to the door, no one was there, but there was the pair of cowboy boon I wasthid. We should be careful not to take the only their pride, just so we can say look at me. I m giving 10 the leas fortunate. Let us not forget those that Christ mas maybe a depressing time of the year. Those who may be alone because of the paming of a tovedone. For the elders this can be a hart tome because families may be oadbie to visit because "L5^"tS^S5i _ time on our knees and fie thankful fior die Messina we have and will receive. We are truly bleared. We have a won dcrful God. We have a Forgiving God, a Loving God who cares about us more than we will ever know WehaveaGod who loves us so much that he sent his asoolo die fcrua so that whosoever believe in him shall not perish, bm have everlasting kfc Thereis noth ing we can do that he wouldn't forgive us of, if we only come to him truly seduna forgiveness Believe me when I say tfhe can forgive me, hecan forgive anyone. Mostofatt, let usthink of Jesus who came to die world that we might have eternal life and tave it more abundsady Never forget God is con cerned \?i th even t bought, every worry we may have. He even asks us, those who are heavy laden, to come to him and he wiB give ua rest 1 know some of yon amy read das and my I cant change Yon are right, bat God in you (the Aoiy Spirit) will change you. you do b irnxMBbie for you. Without God ail things arc impossible With God all things are poanbte. HE will do this and more, if we only befaevc anc^ tow bun to enter our hearts and Of all (be gifts we can ghc during Ibis season, leant Hank of a belter gift to give to the one wbo hat given you everythmi you Lord and Savior Gh? him you nuL Think what a great gift it would be to your family and friends. Think how much better your hfc would be. Maybe yon have a drag problem, a problem with alco hol. TWofhow sweet life would be to be ftee from this problem. Moat of all, do it for yourself You deserve the beat life has to give, that is our Lotd Jesus Ovist Remember him during his season and the new year to come. I hope I have given you some things to think about, pray about and dream To my Christian brothers and sto len, let us lake our lights out into the world that others may sec that Jesus is real and alive today, Bill making an impact in other lives. And never fiar get you ate not perfect, just forgjven, as you deal with those who do not know Jeans as their savior. God bless us each and every one May tins find Bin the best ofhenkh and spirit and mg forward to the return of our Load and Savior. to the True Way, Derek Lawn /"*? ilk, ill-. |T al _ urcensooro. tNorui i_anxina Advertise you business in the Carolina Indian Voice, Ur" . the tribal newspaper to subscribe call 910-521-2826 r PROGRESSIVE I SAVINGS & LOAN, LTD. r$7ssn I ?^gWWff I? ? TMi $100 MMmum Brim dwddno Acoourt AJtom You To VMto oncri? WITHOUT A KRVKX CHAROC As long At TUri Britoio* DOriri HOI M Mow $100.00. V Tllri Mra Oott Fflfl Mow $100 00. A $$.00 MortMy aw* And $0$ Nr Chock H Nmmry TMi Aooouri Oom Not Priy rwmwn fwuhai i r niwin m iif tw $$ SAVMOS& LOAN, LTD. || Bsl Attorneys and Counselors at Law ARNOLD LOCKLEAR ARLIE JACOBS RONNIE SUTTON N^CkufePar GRADY HUNT BRIAN K. BROOKS 521-3413 Pembroke BECK r? CHIROPRACTIC CENTER A. I "APPOINTMENT PLEASE* OflrtCB mitiai MMBl St Mmnctkmnumr ?L?oano?wNct? ??>i? School Lesson bt Jam R. Buflor S*JM Mnauar BtfWT Cstatc* GWaGraaaGMI (Matthew 21-12) L Who Urn (2:1-2) U. TrtmbkdMam (2 :3-6) IU- DtcepUvr Pkm (2:7-8) IV. Joyful Won tup (7 9-12) L WiitMa(Nattk(w 2:1-2) The wise men came from the East looting for Jesus. Bible scholars aay that these wise men were probably astrologers, and that they lived in PenM (present day Iran) They saw the star jn the East and came to wonhip Jesus. They must have had some knowledge about Bible proph ccy because they recognized the atar a* that of Jesus. Apparently they woe looking for the Messiah that the prophets had foretold They came to seek out the one who was bean King of the Jews. ILTroubled Man Herod was King of Israel at the tame of Jesus' birth. When the wise men adeed about wbere the King of the Jews was, the news got to Herod and he got vary upset Herod was disturbed mainly because he was insecure. He loved being King and did not want to give up ms throne When he heard the wise men asking about the King of the Jews, he thought Jesus was coming to take his throne. Herod was like many people today, they love their social standing, wealth, etc. more than having the peace that Jesus can give. In other words, Jesus is a threat to their life, as they see it In Herod's anxiety he called for the Scribes and Chief Priests to find out where Jesus would be bean, his like the natural man when he gets dis turbed about something, he asks advice from a man of God to get an answer to his problem. Sometimes the answer is not what they want to hear, but it may also soothe things over for a while The Chief Priests ? and Scribes told Herod what he tn know Sometimes low people know what tbejr need to do. when under conviction, but they 2 want to work it out aomc other way' Herod found out that Jeaua waa to be horn in Bethlehem of Judre. foe fir* of the pnnoca. ULDaceprKeftaa (2:7-9) Hood sent for the wise men md find Jeaua and oame beck to let him know where he war Herod told theeo that he wanted to go and worship him. Ofcourae. Herod'apim waa to find Jeaua and kill htm Many people today woukl like to hd the world of Jesus became like Herod he is a threat to their life style. like Herod they use deception in the wwt of religion to try to thwart the goapd at Jesus Christ They cannot see that Christ offers them eternal life and peace that pemcs all under standing IV.JeyfUNeiae (2:9-12) The star led the wise mm to the house were Jesus was. They re joiced at seeing the star The star stopped over the bouse where Jesus was and they went in to worship him They had brought gills of myrrh, gold and frankincense The myrrh was symbolic of the death of Christ because it was used in the prepara tion of deceased bodies. The gold was a symbol of the purity of the Son of God The frankincense was sym bolic of Jesus' authority, after wor shipping Jesus, the wise men left, but God warned them in a dream to go home another direction. God let them know of Herod's deceptive plan to kill Jesus. Many times we are faced with people who try to deceive us, but if we listen to the Lord, He will reveal it to us. When we are in God's will, we will be able to see deception of others The day that we live in we definitely need the wisdom of God more than ever to know when people are bang deceitful or are for real In today's world, people will use other people m the name of Jesus and think nothing of it If you have not found the Lord's will for your life, first of all God's will for your life is to save you for Christ's sake. If you don't know Jesus as personal sav ior, why don't you accept God's greatest gift to the world right now and find out the real meaning of Christmas. <frd b)cs? ypu MPtjl next week. Reflections by Alta Nye Oxendine May You Have a Blessed Christmas! Getting "ready "fix Christmas these days is a lot simpler for me than for most Americans For several years I've been Hying to concentrate on the REAL reason we have Christmas in the FIRST place, instead of all those traditions that tend to drive people crazy and wear them out long before that special day arrives. Like shopping (searching in store after store for JUST the "right" gift for each person you're "obligated" to buy for). Or decorating EVERYTHING in sight Or staying up late backing pies, cakes, or cookies until you think you're going to drop OR borrowing extra money just to make sure that Santa leaves a nice-looking, expensive toy for every child, and something REALLY special for the grown ups. Last Sunday Bight thee two DIFFERENT ways of CELEBRATING CHRISTMAS were vividly dramatized at Branch Street United Methodist Church by children, youth, and adults who attend that church. Rosemary Oxendine played the part ofaTVreporter interviewing people as they rushed through "BnmchStmetMair'beforeChristmas As she asked each shopper what most of the shoppers what he or she liked best about Christmas, it was obvious that most or the shoppers were lost in the commercial, material meaning of Christmas like time off from work or school, buying presents..' dreaming about all the gifts they were hoping to receive Finally, a few told the interviewer they were thankful for the TRUE meaning of Christmas. THEY Talked about Jesus coming to earth as a baby, into the home of Mary and Joseph. And about how the grown-up Jesus gave the greatest GIFT ofall time, HI SOWN life, for EVERY persotrcm this earth I was impressed by this skit, because most ofthe" mall shoppers "expressed - attitudes that are typical of the majority of men, women and children in this country today. But, thankfully, there are nearly always a few who have come to appreciate what Christmas is REALLY all about To make this idea even dearer, we watched another scene, a Christian family celebrating Christmas in their own home. While they decorated a Christinas tree, they talked about how THAT tradition got started, about Martin Lather's idea that the trees in the forest are pointing heavenward. As the father was reading the story of the first Chnstmas out of-ihe Bible, a stranded stranger came to the door to use the telephone. He became Sp interested in what he was hearing about Jesus that he wanted to learn moft Before long, he deckled to acoept J?us Christ as his OWN Lord and Savw The scene ends as this man, no longer a stranger, is invited to join the family for their Christmas meal. These are the ways that 1, too, wo^id like to celebrate Christmas evap No matter how busy and tired you may be fffai getting ready for Christmas, it is my prayer that you pause for a few moments, or an hour, to look in your Bible (in the gospels of Matthew or Luke) at that tovely old (yp NEW) STORY, or hsten to the words of a familiar Christmas carol, and tWi thank God for sending His Son to this world. ?. Sincerely, ? Altt Oxendine * ' <1 Commercial Property For Sale Downtown Pembroke Nationwide Insurance Building Three businesses under one roof, i Price: 15 year financing, : S545per month Rent potential: S650 per month } Contact: WILLIE V. LOWRY j 521-4368 - - ? ? ? :v' ?' " ' ' . ?

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