? JPI NA INDIAN Vopr; Pubi ! j | r chThursday by First American Publications, Pembrokejfi&^^^SSSU VOLUME 22 NUMBER 26 _ C ? THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1995 ?? . .,r- -m> u gf ^ <-? ? - ? -? -?-. * ?. ? - ? - ? - ? -*--^-i. -- - - ^ . . - . ,. g I 1 NorthCaroli s g rsf International Baccalaureate senior class i 's Indian scholar Ryan Eugene Emanuel of Char lotte was among the fifH-three high school seniors recently hon ored by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and School Superinten dent John Murphy at a reception held at Charlotte's First Union Center As parents and teachers looked on Dr Murphy and mem bers of the school sy stems leader ship team recogm/ed the first class of seniors to complete the aca demic requirements of the Inter national Baccalaureate (IB) High School Diploma Program. The academically gifted scholars are 1995 graduates of Myers Park and Independence High Schools and were the first to participate in and complete the world class IB cur riculum in the Public Schools of North Carolina One hundred ten Charlotte-Mecklenburg pioneer scholars embarked upon the pur suit of the IB diploma three years ago, fifty-three have finished, lead ing the way for the more than twenty-five hundred undergradu ates currently enrolled in what is now viewed as the system's most ambitious academic endeavor ever undertaken In his remarks. Dr Murphy stated that the International Bac calaureate program is widely re garded as the most rigorous col lege-preparatory plan in the world Based on the pattern of no single country, the IB program provides ?tudents of different linguistic, social, and critical perspectives necessary to be active as world citizens in the twenty-first cen tury A 1995 graduate of Charlotte Mecklenburg's Independence High School. Ryan graduated with a number of academic honors and was ranked academically among the top ten seniors in a class of 466 students. A nominee for the Duke Power Scholastic Excellence Awards. Ryan will receive one of only six Duke Power Minority Scholarships to be aw arded in the Carolinas Crediting, in part his participation in the IB. Rvan has received college admission and scholarship offers to Appalachian. Duke. Harvard, and Johns Hopkins Universities in addition to an ap pointment to The United Stales Air Force Academy Recognized asa 1995 regional All-Star Scholar by the Charlotte Observer. Rvan has served as President of the Na tive American Student Organiza tion at Independence and a student representative to the Indian Edu cation Parent Committee of Char lotte-Mecklenburg Schools. In addition to his many scholastic achievements. Ryan is an Eagle Scout, an Order of the Arrow Vigil Honor Member, and President of his Church Youth Group After participating in a church spon sored mission trip to South Florida, Ryan will return to a job with the United States Geological Survey. Water Resources Div ision Ryan plans to attend Duke University' in the fall where he will study biol ogy With many of his relatives re siding in Robeson County. Ryan wishes to thank each of them for their support and prayers, espe cially his grandmothers, Mrs Vernice Emanuel Hughes. Rennert Road, and Mrs Martha Demery Odom of the Sandy Plains Com munity Ryan's parents are Laney and Pam Emanuel " . J.J.. . 'J!LJ "IH ?,L ? ? f* "I Grand Marshals Chosen for Homecoming Parade The Lumbcc Homecoming Committee has chosen the Rever end Isaiah Locklcar and Miss Natasha Wagoner to serve as the 1995 Grand Marshals for the Lum bcc Homecoming Parade Rev Isaiah locklcar who is a young 95 years of age is known throughout Robeson and other counties for his pastoral work, al ways as an adv ocalc for Lumbcc people He is the LRDA recipient of the prestigious Henry Berry Lowrie Award this year Miss Natasha Teresa Wagoner was crowned Miss Indian USA on May 4. 1995 She was Miss Lum bce in 1993 and is currently en rolled at Wingatc College She has served as a positive role model Tor Indian youth and has worked to preserve the traditional ways of Indian culture These two individuals epito mize the true essence of the Nat ive American as they strive to main tain the tie between the commu nity and Indian culture The LRDA Board and slafT applaud the efforts of these two deserving individuals and wish them the best in their endeavors Ashley Brooke Cox Helton A Shmri Brooks Kenya ('after Abner i after A Kimherly V Junior Miss Lumbee Pageant to be held July 5 The Junior Miss Lumbee Pagcnat will be hdd July Sat 7 pm. at the PSUPerfonnign Arts Center The reigning Junior Miss Lumbee. Rebckah Chantay Revels, will relinquish her crown to one of the following contestants: (Parents are named also) ?p?? * Cry mat Lynn Locklear John A Janice Locklear KM Kmwm WmUoce Elf on d A Yvonne Wallace LmSkmxm Jones Rom A Bobby Jomt? Shelly Denyale Scott Randy A Sandra Scott ^ Tome Let J MeMm Rogers A R&MUd StrickU&A AmT/ srssrss Little Miss Pageant to be held I ' ' ??? ' sL ' - The reigning Little Mia Lumbee Meredith Leuuie Hunt will relinquish her crown on July 3 M 7 p m. in the PSU Performing Arts Center One of the following oontesmus will be the new Link Miss Lumbee ^ Tarm NicaU C i mtitl HrtmJu A > urdtU Hunt ( hiam Lynn OxtnMmt | Terry A Cymtki* OxmSmt Cm+* Nk*t* M?hi* A T?*m R**n lltya NU-ote H**t Terry 6 (Horie Hmmt KtUy Mmrtt l.tmark A BUfy J? HttrrU V ^^?2*2^2hii53III5Em55252SE^^^^ Keri Aakkty Harris J alia A (imry l.aa Harris t, Ckynm Jmd* Lmckltm Mickmti A Amg*i* Lockhitr I /.mm ttmmw Smaru itraaUa Hum! 4 fiMtWi ? MMi (iw*nM\? I