THt AftOLINA INDIAN VOlCIw Hi ^ ^ Pi\ _ 1 Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NCt J VOLUME 22NUJB^.' ^^^~^SSKSST^r Miss Lumbee > an to be held Friday night On Frida> night at 7 p.m. Miss Lurnbcc. Lorna McNeill, will relinquish her crown to one of si\ contestants The pageant will be held at the PSU Pcrfonning Arts Center Admission price is $X per person The contestants arc shown below India l.mvry, daughter oj fiarnie and Annie PearlLmvry liobbie Ann Dial, daughter of Hobby and Uene Dial Kuril Elizabeth iMWtry, daughter of William and Joan l.mvery Ann Marie litcklear, daughter ofSu\an l.ocklear Schnotfield I.trtonia T>c. i ine Cox, daughter f of Tommy and Ann I 'ox ( Hcth ('niiikv (huvis, dan ^It er of Ron nic C 'havi\ and Judy- li. 'havis J Lumbee Guaranty Bank purchases two Centura offices PEMBROKE, N.C. - Lumbee Guaranty Bank and Centura Bank of Rocky Mount, N.C announced today they have reached an agree ment in which Lumbee will pur chase the Centura branches in Rowland and Red Springs Pending the application and acceptance by the federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the State of North Carolina Banking Commission, the transition from Centura to Lumbee is scheduled for the fall of 1995 Once the transaction is complete, the two offices w ill operate as branches of Lumbee Guaranty Bank With headquarters in Pem broke, N.C., Lumbec Guaranty Bank has assets or $ 48 million "We are very excited about the opportunity of going into the Red Springs and Rowland markets", saidMr Chav is We feel that these communities will be good for us and the customers We are a com munity bank and can serve the needs of the small communities We look forward to this relation ship We would like to thank our stockholders for their support in our current stock offering that made this possible Lowry-Townsend to attend International Education Congress Rose Marie Low rv-Tow nsend a principal 011 Icav c from Ihc Robe son Count) public school svslcni. has been selected as n delegate to the Education International World Congress in Harare Zimbabwe. Jul) 18-26. 1995 Lowrv-Townsend, who began her third term as president of Ihc North Carolina Association of Educators on Jul> I. 1995. is One of three North Carolinians chosen to serve as a voting member of the National Education Association s I (NEA)dclcgalionloZinibabwc A total of 5<) delegates from across lite count rv were selected to repre sent the NEA "I'm thrilled to have this op |x>rliiiiit\ togathcrwithmv cdnca- ? ' on colleagues from around the ( 'abc to exchange ideas and dis ci .x is* vs." Low rv-Tow nsend said "A educators we has c mans ( concerns that need to be addressed on an internallonaI level " The theme for this v car's World C ongrcss. w hich represents ncarlv 2ti million education cmplovecs through 25(1 national unions in over H5 countries is 'Education United Read) for Change Delegates will discuss interna tional Relations. Human and Umoq Rights Education and Entpto)-' V. 7 7 I w* iik-nl ;iih1 consider business ileitis Hid rcsoiniioiis of E ion In ternational. the sponsor of the event A n;iii\c of Pembroke NC. l-ovvryTounscnd has served in NEA leadership posinons on the local state and national level She received a B S in Elcmcntarv Edu cation from Pembroke Stale Uni versity anM Ed from the Univer sitv of North Carolina at Greens boro and a Ph D in Education Administration from Campbell Umvcrsitv PS If employee /if tltil *Q?V^ PEMBROKE ? Don Williams is Pembroke Stale Uni\ersit\?s Employee of Ihc Month Williams is a sergeant w uh the campuspolice department and has been with PSU s police depart ment since 19X0 Williams resides in Rowland and has a son. Bobbs w ho is cur rently attending East Carolina Unncrsily He is a volunteer with the Rowland Fire Department and the Rowland Rescue Squad Tribal Government To Take Part in Homecoming Festivities Stop by the Pembroke Town Park on Saturday July 8. as part of Lumbcc Homecoming, and \isit with the members of the I limbec Tribal Council This is a great opportunity to meet the Chairman of the Lumbcc Tribe. Dr Dalton Brooks and the 21 -members w ho comprise the first Lumbcc Tribal Council A booth will be set up for the Purpose of selling food items The booth w ill be set up from 7am until in the Town Park Mem bers of the tribal council and the Lumbcc Support Committee will be asailabk to talk with tribal members about tribal go> crnmcnt and other issues of concern to In dian people A booth will also be set up for Ihc same purposes on the PSU campus during the AISFS Pow Wow on the same date Best writers of Robeson County The ('afeteria Stuff of Rowland Sorment School iwti'i/riiw li/rgr xheetcakes am! decorated the cukes with ' 'Best M titers of Rohe son County ". The cake had pen cils on each corner for the 4th graders, who were the top scorers in the crmnty on the iY< End ?/ tirade Narrative H riling Test, tin May 25th, the 4th graders were served cake and punch to encour age them as they go on to Middle School, to seek to do their hestfor theW future, Staff. Margaret Stephens, Hetty Johnson, Pot ackson, Wanda Hammonds, dame Oxen,line. Mary Hatchell. provided the refreshments. Scott Blanks, native or Robeson C ountv. w ill be one of the feat urcd performers at the Miss Sooth Caro lina Pageant on Saturdav night. 1 ?u Jul> K Blanks, a multi-talented I.umbec can be seen local l\ on Channel I V at 7 p m He is (he son of Mrs Zadtc Rac Blanks Gospel Sing held as part of Pembroke Centennial If you missed it. >ou missed a treat and a blessing As pan of the continuing Pembroke Centennial Celebration. a gospel sing was held last Saturday night in the town pari A good, foot -stomping tunc was hadbvall Groups appearing were the Heavenly Hosts, the Ml Air> Mixed Choir. Vicky Cone, the Bkxid Bought group tne Mi Air> Quartet and (retries Bell Strike at the Hind begins 20th season Despite rumors to the contrary Strike at the Wind begins its 2?ih fabulous season July X at (Ik adulph L Dial Amphitheater on the grounds of the North Carolina In dian Cultural Center in the Red Banks community approximately three miles from Pembroke The drama about Henry Berry and Rhoda Lourie their Indian, w hue and Black friends and foes is a riveting show and a great family outing For more information, call Dai id Carter at 671 -TI .V) Tickets arc $7 for adults. S5 for senior cili/cns. $4 for those 12 and under Rowland-Norment School Cafeteria Happenin ' The Roheson County School FiuhI Service Association "An nual A wards ami Retirement Han - quel" was lielil May 2:I99.A al l.umherton Senior High School. AII ttfth e m h oolsrei vi veil an urds. Ron-land Norment Cafeteria Staff received a plaque for the "An-ards of Excellence Hook turned into the state to he graded. The plaque is the highest award you can receive. The hook re ceived MS joints. Rihhons inert* awarded'/or win nings in the "Roheson County Schoot Food Service Culinary Arts Fortd Show" held April Jth at St. Pauls Elementary School. 2nd place for meat/vegetahle plate, and 3rd plate for complete breakfast plate. Wanda Hammonds was given her certificate of seals for com pleting her EfJ.FP Food ('lasses al Roheson I 'ommunity ('allege. Hdnda received her certificate Jor i ompleting IS credit hours /or Foodhourne Illness. Margaret Steithens, Cafeteria Manager, won 2nd place fitr Fall Seasonal Des-orations in the IS.C. Stale Culinary Art Ftuui Show held in Creenshoro, N.ton June IMh thru June I ft. / VV5 at the Slate Schmd Ftuui Service t on vent ion. Margaret received a plaque To rei eivelhcse awards it takes the team work oj sta/J and stu dents throughout the tuhtud. M e look forward to greater things in the coming year at Rowland SormentSchmd. A special thanks tot arolyn Hullard. Princi/ull, /or helping make this possible. / eft In right: Handa Hammonds. Annie tl.xendine, Margaret Stephens, Dot Jackstm. Terry Sinclair, and Hetty J oh num. (Lumbee Homecoming 1 Continues thru Saturday, July 8 J Clean Plate Award Presented /f</?y<MK/--Tina Dillingcr. lit grade student mm given the Clean Plate Award' tropin of Rowland Normcnt School IW4-1W5 Tina wasconstanUs telling the lunchroom staff how good the food was and how much she en joyed the food The trophy was an award from Margaret Stephens. Caf eteria Manager The Cafeteria Staff of Rowland Normcnt School cooked two large sheet cakes and decorated the cakes with "Best Writers of Robeson Counts ' The cake had pencils on each corner for the 4th graders, who were (he top scorers in the counts on thcNC EndofGrade Narrative Writ ing Test OnM*y25th. the 4th graders were served cake and punch to encour age them as they go on to Middle School, to seek to do theu best for their future Staff Margaret Stephens. Betty Johnson. Dot Jackson. Wanda Ham monds. Anntc Oxendlne, Mary laic hell. Tern Sinclair, and Joyce Irani prov ided the refreshment* The Robeson County School Food ervice Association "Annual Awards nd Retirement Banquet" was held lay 23. 199) at Lumbcrton Senior ligh School All of the schools re eived awards - Rowland Nortnent Cafeteria Staff ecetved a plaque for the "Awards of Excellence Book " turned into the sute o be graded The plaque is the highest iward you can receive The book re ceived 8SI points Ribbons were awarded for winnings in the "Robeson County School Food Service Culinary Art* Food Show" kaeld April 4th at St Pauls Elements School. 2nd place for meat/vegetable etc. and 3rdplace for complete break I plate Wanda Hammonds was given her certificate of seals for coniplcuna her EQFP Food Classes at Robeson Com munity College Wanda received her certificate for completing 13 credit hours for Foodboume Illness Margaret Stephens, Cafeteria Man ager. won 2nd place for Fall Seasonal DeoorationsintheN.C State Culinary Art Food Show held in Greensboro N.C on June 13th thru June 16, 199) at the State School Food Service Con vent ton Margaret received a plaque To receive these awards it lakes the ?cam work of staff and students throughout the We look for ward to greater things in the coming year at Rowland Normcnt School A special thanks to Carolyn Bullard. Prin cipal. for helping make this possible Left to right Wanda Hammonds. Annie Oxendine. Margaret Stephens. Dot Jackson. Terry Sinclair, and Betty fohnetm

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