Hit : CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE 2 r fl -? C -J ? . ? tig v . K x> m m hed each Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NC " mmmmmmmmmrnrnrn c~ ?'?????in :i r i .T. ^m j,,, ? ^ ^O^ME^^nJUMBI ? ? * THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 7, 1995 < tamm&*BesammmsaB332BSBSttemamtes^Bss^=~---??--?sm - Only I s an serving on EMC Board announces re-election bid Madic Rac Locklcar incum bent director on the Lumbcc River Electric Membership Corporation at-laigc has announced her candi dacy for re-election to that Board She is completing her sixth year (second term) in that capacity In announcing her candidacy Locklcar released the following statement "On October 1. IW5. the con sumers of LREIklC will hold their annual meeting At that lime, they Iwill decide whether to keep four incumbents, or elect new persons ' L?V to the board of directors 1 am the only woman serving on the 12 members board or directors and I have been privileged to serve in that capacity for two terms. It has not been an easy task, but nothing worth having comes without some difficulty I remain resolved to make decisions based on what is best for the consumers If I am re elected. I wiU contiuue to-be ag gressive when necessary and pas sive when allowed to be so I have a reputation for being out-spoken and forceful I do not apologi/c lor that I have the courage and the determination to make hard deci sions and abide by them Not many people can do this.lt is not always easy to stand on conviction and principle, but it is an attribute that should be practiced, especially in business. I have demonstrated by commitment todoing what is right, even when it is unpopular I am a firm believer in the biblical prin ciple that says: "Be not weary in well doing for you shall reap in due season if you faint not " I believe that nght is always right and will prevail eventually "When I first ran for the at largc position on the board of di rectors. I had a v ision to do so Many people have questioned by vision and by commitment to serve others I have publicly declared that God had a purpose for placing me on the EMC Board I have been ridiculed and avoided for this posi tion. but my faith in God has not diminished and my commitment to fulfill my obligation as a mem ber of the LREMC Board of Direc tors has not dimmed. I consider my self-a servant only, and once again offer my sen ices to the con sumers I would consider it a privi lege to be allowed to serve another term "I have been employed for 27 years with Four County Commu nity Services. Inc My tenure there has provided me much experience with the economically disadvan taged I believe that i have held the trust of that position well and I . have tried to help those who were less fortunate than others I be lieve that my record in that regard speaks for itself "M> record as a member of the EMC board of Directors also speaks for itself. I have based my decisions on what was in the best interests of the consumers, rather than doing what was politicallv or economically expedient During my tenure on the Board of Direc tors I have grown as a person and asaChristian lamhumbledbythe experience If re-elected I assure vou that I will continue to make hard and sometimes unpopular decisions with the consumers in mind It is not an easy task to run a major business like the EMC Contrary to what some people think, llic EMC is big business and sound business decisions must be made I feci that I have demon strated m\ commitment to ensur ing sound business decisions rela tive to our cooperative I am proud of my record, and offer my self once again for re-election I am avail able. willing, and experienced I have attended schooling to help me become more efficient in the administration ofcoopcrativc busi ness I have learned alot and have applied this.knowledge to serve the consumers " When you attend the LREMC Annual Meeting October V IW5 at the Givcns Performing Arts Center, remember that only you can decide who will represent you on the Board of Directors 1 hum bly ask that you allow me to con tinue to serve you You must vole for four, one in each district, m ? order for your vote to count Make Madie Rac Locklear one of your four" PSU Board of Trustees propose name change to UNC at Pembroke by Don Gersh. University Relations" Pembroke-n a mos ing address to other Pembroke State University Board of Trustees recently. Professor Emeri tus Adolph L. Diai-recommended the school's name be changed to the Uni versity ofNorth Carolina at Pembroke Dr Dial, retired chair of PSU's Department of American Indian Stud ies and former member of the Slate Legislature, apologized for not sup porting the name change in 19X4 "I was wrong and 1 apologize. ' he said "I wouldn't be here if more than 90 percent of the people I've talked with over the past few months didn't agree with the change. This is the best one single thing we can do>"' PSU Board of Trustees chair David iWeinstein thanked Dr Dial for his recommendauon and said that although he personally agrees with Dr Dial, the board should not rush intoit. Weinstein recommended the board survey fac ; ully. administrators, students, alumni -and community members for their - opinions and discuss the issue early I next year Chancellor Joseph B Oxendinc acknowledged that he has been resis tant to a name change and is very ? interested in the community's atu tudes Dr Oxcndine discussed the his torical tie between the Town of Pem broke and the University He slated that "the citi/cns of this community gave birth to this institution and we should do nothing to disenfranchise this community' Dr Oxcndine did agree, however, that it is appropriate to "re-visit the issue of a name change at this time " In other board action. Dr Cheryl Ransom Lockkar of Pembroke was sworn in as a new member of the Board of Trustees Elections were held following re ports from PSU's vice chancellors David Weinsiein of Lumberton was re-elected chair. Sybil Lowiy Collins of Pembroke was elected vice chair and John Nicholson of Lumberton was elected secretary . McDuflie Cummings of Pembroke, and Henry G Lew is of Lumberton and Dr. Cheryl Ransom Locklcar were elected to the executive committee Dr Ray Pennington, professor in the Department of Health. Physical Education and Recreation and Direc tor of Athletics, make a special presen tation to the board Pennington gave an overview of the athletic program and assured the Board of Trustccs thai Pembroke Stale University fully sup ports gender equity "Pembroke Stale University has seven men's (intercollegiate) teams and five women's Next year, tennis w ill be the sixth.'' he said Pennington pointed out that men's and women's varsity athletic teams receive the same funding He also said that PSU's stu dent athletes graduation rate is higher than the general student body 's Chancellor Oxendine welcome new board members, many of w hom at tended Fall Convocation last Wednes day . He said the elevation to Compre hensive 1Uni versity status was accom panied by a budget increase to go towards faculty salaries Dr Oxcndine said it was important to give special increases to the lecturers, assistant professors and associate professors to bring them more in line with fther Comprehensive I Universities Student Government Association president Ken Gnswold. a member of the Board of Trustces. told the board that the SGA will oppose the shipment of spent nuclear rods through Pem broke and asked for the individual board member's support Wcinstein commended Gnswold for his and the SGA's involvement The Tap Dance Kid to ie presented at PSU The Tom Award-winning musi al. "?The Tip Dance Kit" will open he 20th anniversary season at (he .mens Performing Arts Center on the antpus of Pembroke State Univcr .rtv Fridav September 2V. at X p m The charming musical is a delight for he enure Tamil) that urges >ou to ollow your dreams and reach for the .tars the production includes spec iacular tap dancing, passionate bal lads and show-stopping production numbers that will hase sour feet lap ping. hands clapping and will sing to vour heart as well Tickers are >20. SIX. $16 and S6 for children and stu dents This production is sponsored n part b\ Bclk of Lumbcrton and Laurtnburg For tickets or information call (910) 521-6361 or l-KOO-367 077X Evangelist Julius Bryant on on WSTS Evangelist Julius H Bryant is back in town Hear him on WSTS ever) Saturday at 7 30 p m His radio pro gram is entitled Gospel Truth 9 Native American ceremony i held at West Robeson UMC : West Robeson United Methodist Church on Highwav 74. East of Max ton. celebrated with a Native Aware ness Service on Sunday, the 27th of August The Sunday School coincided with the lesson about how the Israel ites had turned away from God as many of our people hav e done today The Adult Lesson was taught by Mrs Pcneva Jones who compared the two c is. now and then There were sev eral visitors welcomed at the services which began at V a.m. and continued until 11:45 am At the beginning of the church ser vice our special guest Spotted Turtle, pcrfcamod a Blessing Ccremonv Many of the congregation were wearing tra ditional Indian clothes, beads, etc All did a traditional dance and concluded by being smudged by him at the altar of the church The pastor. Mr Marshall Locfclear. had Spotted Tunic answer many ouestions concerning the ccr cmorrv later Another invited guest was Red Hawi Mho appeared in traditional Indian clothes and did a short Indian dance He has participated in many gather- : ings. and so has Spotted Turtle Red Hawk has been performing since he Mas a Bos Scout at Troop *27 in Pembroke, underthe late Waller Pinch- j beck as Scout Master I performed Indian dances for m> Troop *H.V Harper s Fern, until my departure in IV52 for the U S Nats After the dancing and singing all Mere invited around the altar in a circle Prayer requests Merc taken All joined hands and united our hearts in prayer for our church and the commu nity Extending an open invitation to the many people in the area Mho do not attend church to come worship with us Rev Marshall LocUcar preached a ' great sermon The Spirit of the Lord could be felt all around This was a i glorious occasion shared by all who were there Hopefully, next year there , will be a larger gathering Erwim Jioh\ Evening clinics to be held at Pierce Clinic Julian T Pierce Health Center wil begin having evening clinics Monday Tucsdav and Wcdncsdav beginning September 13. 1995 Hours ill be front 5 30-8 (Ml pm Appoiniinents and walk-ins arc accepted X-rav and labo ratory sen ices arc available Call 521 2816 to schedule Volunteer training to be conducted ty Family Violence Center The Southeastern Family Violence Center which provides serv ices to bat tered women and children will be conducting a volunteer training on Saturday. October 7. from 9:01) a m. to 3:00 p m Individuals interested in volunteering should call 277-7660 or 739-8622 to register Help Us Slop The Hurt Revival planned Kcvival services begin SuikIhv Sept 1(1 at Mount Olive I'cntevoslul Holiness Chinch of Pembroke lhe Kcv Kulph I eggelt of W ilsonm NC in tlie guest evangelist Services will he ut 11 a m Mikl 6 p in Stiinlin uikl at 7 V) p m each nighl MoimJio tlmi I minx Sepl IS Spcciul singing will be lenlutej lluoiigh lite tnceling I'as l?a I mi Creel inviles even ink In al leml i*?* left to right urt JmckU brtington, Eurtns Xtucks, Jmmm Bruwur, board members for NC Indian Housing Authority mud Rap. RimnU Sutton. Indian Housing Authority holds Sweating-in Ceremony 1 he North Carolina Indian Hous ing Authority held a Swearing-in Cer emony on Monday. August 2K. IW5 for Janics Brewer of Greensboro Jackie Brcwington of Dunn and Earlenc Stacks of Charlotte The cere mom was held at the Administrative Offices in Faycttevillc. North Carolina, and was conducted b> Representative Ronnie Sutton of Pembroke These indixiduals have been appointed to serve on the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority by Governor lames B Hunt James Brewer, a Lumbcc Indian, has been reappointed to a second term on (he board He is a member of the Guilford Native American Associa tion where he served on the Board of Directors for fourteen years He also served on the N.C Commission of ladan Affairs Board of FUrectors for twelve years Jackie Brcwington. a member of the Coharie Tribe, is employed by the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety He serves as chairman of the Harnett Countv Coharie Tribal Council and a board member of the Cohanc Intra-Tribal Council Earlcne Stacks is a member of the Mctrolina Native American Associa tion. w here she has been a board mem ber since its inception in 1977. serving as Chairperson for eleven yews. Ms Slacks has also served on the Mdroitna Food Bank Board of Directors since I?83 and the Board of Directors of the North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs since I ?85 She has been a member of the White Houac Advisory Council on Indian Education since I V? I The N.C Housing Authority was established by State Statute 137. 10 prov ide decern, safe and sanitary bous ing in North Carolina. The Board of Commissioners Is made up of eight members, representing the following stale recognized tribes and Indian or ganizations cohane. Haliwa Sapotu. Lumbcc. Waccamaw Siouan Indian Tribes and the Cumberland Count) Association for Indian People. Guilford Native American Association and Met rot ma Native American Assoc uw Hon The members arc nominated WT the N.C Commission of Indian Af fairs and appointed by the Governor of North Carolina The N.C. Indian Housing Author ity . funded by HUD. ow ns and operates apartment complexes in Cumberland. Halifax. Hoke. Robeson and Sampson Counties It is an Equal Housing Agency and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color or National origin GNAA to sponsor Cultural Festival and Pow Wow (ireensboro-The Guilford Native American Associaiion is pleased lo announce thai lhe> Mill be sponsorintt their annual Cultural Fcstiv al and Pom Wom on September 14-16. IW5. The three da> even Mill be held at Castle McCulloch in JamestOMn. NC A imo day Cultural Festival for K Mh graders Mill kickofT the even on Thursdav. September 13 and continue Friday. September 15 The Cultural Festival Mill begin at V a m and eon elude at 2 p m both days Schoolchil dren from throughout Guilford and surrounding counties arc invited to attend the festival Admission is SI / dav during the festival only Activities to take place during the festival include Native American storytelling, traditional toolsand weap ons demonstration, traditional danc ing and sign language and a tee pc demonstration Featured performers for the festival m ill include The Ximalli A/tee Dancers of Mexico and the East - crn Cherokee Championship Hook Dancer Jonathan Feather Native American traders Mill also be selling traditional arts and era/Is The Pom Wow willofficial!) begin Fridat. September 15 with the Open ing Ccrcmont at 7 p m and continue Saiurdat September 16 beginning at Itia ni withvarious activities includ ing inicr-tribal dancing, dance coinpc uuon. artsandcrafticompctilton. hon oring ceremonies and a gospel sing ing Food vendors Mill be on hand telling various foods, including tradi tional Indian frvbread and lacot Gen eral admission is SVdav. $11/2 davs Senior Cm/ens SI. Children 6-12 il. Children 5 and under free Joining GNAA this >car as Master of Ccrcmomcs m ill be Apcsanaltku at a member ol the Menominee Tribe and aelionon' NorthernExposure "Cur rcntl> residing in Los Angeles. CA. ApesanahkMal has been acting for the past ImcIvc tears He has had feature roles in mot ics such as Siout Cut. co staring with Lou Diamond Phillips ApcnsanahkMal is also a traditional dancer The host drum Mill be Running Water from Fatclict itlc NC Our head dancers Mill be Reggie BrcMcr and Barbara Locklcar both members of the l.umbcc Tribe GNAA is celebrating tMcniv tears of existence- September 1175 The ihcm for this tear % pom mom is ' 2n Years and the Click Continues Big Sweep '95 to be held September 16 Big SMeep 15 will be held on the Lumber Rit cr on Saturdav. September lo from''a m until I p m This annual clean up of trash on North Carolina s Matcrwavs and shorelines will be held on the l umber River for the second tunc tince the river became a state part Volunteers with boats arc needed to remote trash from the river Other volunteers arc needed to ckan up bridges and roads beside the river The goal for this tear is to net all sections of the river in Robeson County cleaned up Last tear over lO.tWO volunteers across North Carolina cleaned up 2)2 tons of trash For information on how to gel involved with Big Sweep, con tact Lumber River State Part at 62* 1*44