Locklear and McNeil Health Clip Board to wed December 2 , Helen Oxen dine Locklear of , . Lumberton and Harold McNeill of Roseville, Michigan announce their engagement The bride-elect is the daughter of Mrs. Luvenia Dial Oxen dine and the . late Mr. James H. Oxen dine of , Lumberton.. The prospective groom is the son of Mr. Al McNeill and the late Mrs. A dell Cummings McNeill of Lumberton. The 11:00 am wedding is planned for December 2 at SaddUtree Church of God in Lumberton. A reception will follow at Holiday Inn, Lumberton. The bride-elect is owner of The Real Estate Exchange, Inc. in Lumberton. The prospective groom is employed by J A Alberici Construction Company. Invitations have been sent Now (Jut Ike season of giving pea and hunting with pels is upon nt. we need to think a^nsfaoui rabies There u no need to become afraid of rhbics with the increase in reports laldy The need for awareness and education is necessary. Raccoons are pan of the problem in the new increase of reports of rabies among unvaccmaied pets at home and or wild animalr. Raccoons rarefy attack people One report did involve a raccoon attacking a child Raccoons do attack dogs. cats, and other animals, ifa raccoon with rabies bites an unvaccinated pet they mat catch rabies This places the pets owners at risk of catching rabies if the pet bites and or scratches them. The number of dog and cat deaths has increased-due to biles from raccoons infected with rabies We all know the emotional and monetary lose this can cause a family People should not u> to pet any wild animals We should warn children not to pet strange and or wild animals, in particular raccoons. It is great to be inthe woods seeing animals first hand in the wild, but these hands to not have to touch the animals Take all of your pets to the Veterinarian to see if they require vaccination for rabies In common terms there are two kinds of rabies sicknessyoucanidentify: I. "Dumb'* rabies is when an animal, especially a wild one acts too tame or too tired to i ran away boa you 2. Funous rabies is the type wbea ike sniaisl (wild or domestic) acts loo mean and aggressive towards you Aav unusual behavior show n by animals might be a sign of rabies, aicb as night tune animals out in the daylight or daytime animals that ate oat at night. Do aot let vourjpett roam around outdoors at mght Take all of your pets to the veterinarian for thou rabies shots The best shot for them is the three veer shot This vaoctnauoa last for three years, and caa not be given to all age groups of animals. Some of your pets may be loo young for the three year shot Hopefully you will not be bitten, but if vou are bitten or scratched by an animal do these things. Wash the wound with a lot of soap and water as soon as you can. Then you should see your, medical provider or go to the nearest emergency department for proper care. A tetanus shot will be given to you if you neod one. Most tetanus shots arc good for ten years The medical prov ider may elect to give you another one if it has been between 5-7 yean since your last one The attack may need to be repotted to the local police. Someuan the facility you go to will report the incident for vou. if you have not reported it already the medical provider may give you an antibiotic to reduce the appearance of infection from other germs PediatricJPointers One of the things we got concerned about a* parenu is how often our children have colds continuously cspecudly through the wuftar time. The question often asked to me as a pediatrician is "U mv child having too many colds?" What we have to remember is that during infhncy and in the preschool vears. children average about 7 or I colds per year. When you consider that the average cold might last up to seven days, this means as amch as 60 days in a year could be spent with cold symptoms and that be normal The main reason kids get so many .colds is they are constantly being exposed to new viruses as voung infants There are at least 200 cold viruses in the environment The younger the child, the were viruses he is being exposed to an the less protection his immune svstem has against it. Children who attend daycare, nurseries, or preschool are directh exposed to more infections than children who don't Infants kepi in home based daycare rather than large daycare centers tend to have less complications during the first year of life with common colds. Children with nMw ?ihling? n yhool "If" Iffvf miw indirect exposure to cold viruses. The lowdcd together iaooon breathing itaicvtamw. Inriii* in the home ? ik. niiiii child s susccptibiliti 11,00*4" and at well M enr Infections, uattmfocoons. croup, wheeling. ami Some parents worn thai a child who hat freqweat colds hat tome serous underlying dueaseCtuldrcn Ethe mom serious infections often, i pneumonia. meningitis. sinut i nla. nous nd skin infections Some parents worry thai they have in tome way neglected child or done tomething wrong to cause ftequemcoldt. On theomtiafy. having a lot of colds it an unavoidable nut of growing up CoMsarc the on infection we cannot picvenl. From a medical stand point colds are an educational experience for your child's immune system That is ail on colds today. Next week we will talk about dealing with frequent colds Take care. We will talk again next week. Introducing the amazing "TURKEY GOOSER"! Lifts the hot, roasting turkey out of the pan in 3 seconds. Turns the turkey in 4 seconds. No drip. No burns. No mess. The 'Turkey Gooser" _ cavity of the turkey. Lift and takes the risk out of yjfj) drain, or lift and turn. It's that turning a hot, drip- {JB//^y- Send $9.95 plus ping turkey in the / $2.50 s&h or order 2 pan or removing it for J I for only $18.00 plus carving. It's solid, ^ $4.00 s&h. Send stainless steel with a check or money order I.- - sturdy handle and fits any to:" Turkey Gooser," 'cd " size turkey. Simply Irlsert the 123 South Street, Oyster Bay, <-? pointed end into the large NY 11771- 2281. Makes a great gift. PEOPLE ARE SWEET ON THE FRESH TASTE OF HONEYBEE. honeybee twii^ '?# ?ivnat NOW IN PLAS1K CANS. 4 kjl mmif " 'iv' OS) College Entrance Exam. i i If you've been wondering whether you'll make the grade when you apply for an education loan, then this test should answer all your questions. Simply circle the appropriate numbers and add up the score. If your total is 15 or higher, you'll likely qualify for that education loan, or most any type of UCB loan for that matter. If ? your score is lower, it means we'll work that much harder to get you the money you need So take a minute, take the test, then call or visit any convenient UCB office 1 mrrTrrrm QUO. ^?^?lalilill SRfl rogHS!gH Fri^Tyi^^H fj^erergrri D>n.hn.rt??.4>k,a TOTA1 I I ztttzistzzzrsz scowl 1 pmmmm Nm w> md wv eNlw> m bwh m '?^'r.T*^*"* oiwn^i??t*?r ^miM 4| ? ?- ? ? ? Call Today For More Information 671-6100. i Text telephone number for the hearing impaired, 1-900-876-6545. ttoinn I nMr* I SI Anmal 1995 SOBRIETY FESTIVAL SATURDAY DECEMBER 16,199S A Sober Gathering to Promote A Drug and Alcohol Free Lifestyle' II OOAM SOBRIETY WALK tweether permittrnii) Meet at Food Folk*, Loat Colony Plara, Pembroke Walk to Pembroke State University Police escort will be ptovidqj^ I 00pro-9:00pm SOBRIETY PQW WOW Free Admission PSU Auxiliary Gym Grand Entry I 00pm A 7pm MC Barry A Marry Richardson Head Dnim Southern Sun Head Male Dancer J D Moore Head Female Dancer Becky Goina Arena Director Michael WHkins SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT 3:00 p m Parkview Choir 6 00pm D A R E Band Indian Art> and Crafts as well as Food will be available All proceeds will be donated to Substance Abuse Programs 1000pm A1SF.S SOBRIETY DANCE PSU Chavis Student Center Admission $2 00 for PSU students S3 00 for non students CO-SPONSORED BY THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE. PAIJHER IMHIO Alitor Minn BAM PUBLIC SCHOOL OP ROBESON COUNTY SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROGRAM. RORMON HEALTH CARE CORPORATION. AISES. NASO. Nf fOMMIMKlW OR INDIAN APPAIRS SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROGRAM. REGISTERED VOTERS of Robeson-Hoke-Scotland Counties-District 87 rvmun Mmrim La&w Elect Your State Representative The Honorable Frances McArthur Cummlngs frwu'M Cummimgt November 19M General Elections wiH not be as a Sentimental Journey for Gender, Color of year Physical Body or Political Affiliation, bat Rather to Prove the Miado which are of a "Higher Conscience." ? It is not accessary to change year Political Party Affiliation. Every Democrat, Repablicaa, aad Independent can VOTE for State Representative franco McAnkur Cwmmimga who stiM holds the Key to Progress to preawte Higher Edacation, Valaable Leadership, aad wiN always speak, write and revise Laws for Happier, Peacefki, Fatare Years for yon, yoar family aad yoar friends. BE KIND TO YOURSELF November 1996 General Elections SHADE the OVAL next to Frances M. Cummmgs' Name for the NC House of Representatives LET YOUR CONSCIENCE be Your Voice A Guide. Poac* Bo Uuto You. AMEN. Wrktm by: YVONNE MARIA LEOW PoMfor by CummiugtforN.C Houoo Commlttu ,