T ^ra^OUNA INDIAN VOICE j - blished each Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NC VOLUME 1 '2 THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1996 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS I1 1_1*. A Front Page Editorial Race Rears its ugly head in the 7th Congressional Run Off, But Rose Marie Lowry-Townsend is Still Going to Win on June 4 Indians and Blacks in Robeson County arc on the verge of selfdestruction being played off against one another like ping pong balls.Congressional candidate Mike Mclnty re and his people including his campaign manager. Lumberton attorney David Branch, arc telling Blacks that Indians arc ' taking over everything in Robeson County " How foolish and untrue that sentiment is Indians and Blacks arc still woefully under represented in Robeson County Racial div ision is being encouraged, even Tunned into a roaring fire in sonic quarters. But we arc not going to fall for it this lime, whether the puppeteer is Mike Mclnty re. Tom Jones, or a disgruntled Indian from New Jersey Many Indians and Blacks arc Irving to find out why they arc lining up in such weird alliances Never have vyC seen such strange, political bedfellows. For instance the Black' Caucus has endorsed Mike Mclntyrc for congress, but Mclntyrc doesn't know whether that is good or bad since the majority of his supporters arc White arch-conservatives like himself. Blacks am i doing political hand stands either: ninny of them arc cmbarasscd about it For instance. Tom Jones, the Black candidate, received a mere 67 voles in Mike Mclnty re's Precinct. Lumberton #1 in the recent register of deeds nice Indians arc frustrated, and concerned that the warped political turns might adversely affect Rose Marie LovvryTownsend's bid for congress Go figure Only in Robeson!! See if you can follow this The Black Caucus. With defeated Register oT Deeds Candidate Thomas Tom' Jones. Jr as president decided after the primary to endorse Mike Mclntyrc Talk about sour grapes; Neither Mclnlryrc nor the Black Caucus seem to want to brag about the endorsement too much It seems that those Blacks who have lined up vvilh Mclntyrc have done so because they arc mad with Indians As reported in last week's front page editorial. Jones, and his supporters. ^ believed they had a solid commitment from the Indian community in the register of deeds race They didn't. Vickie l.ocklcitr. an Indian, won the Democratic primary Strange, huh'* A few Indians havcalspdccidcd. for what ever reason (God only knows!!), to support Mike Mclntyrc too. Why? We have no earthly Rf ASON. or editorial RATIONAI ,E for such a strange turn of events Think about it! There arc actually Indiansand Blacks in Robeson Counts who would rather has can arch-conscr\ati\c While male from Luinbchon represent them in congress than a liberal female. Lunibcc Indian from Pembroke Go figure1 Only in Robeson1" Some of us still, seemingly want to be treated as children, the paternalistic approach suits us just fine The question begs an answer do we nlsvass think w ell of ourselves'' LET'S SUPPORT ROSE MARIE / OWRY TOWNSENP ANYWAY!! Lct'ssupport Rose Marie Low r> -Tow nsend anyway especially after we ask Mike Mclntyrc the right kind of questions For instance, will Mike Melnl> re support Ihccxicnsion oflhc 1965 Voting Rights Act ss lien it comes up shortly in Congress"' Did sou know that Robeson Counts is subject to the Voting Rights Act for past discriminators practices'.' The Voting Rights Acts is ss hat opened political doors for Indiansand Blacks in Robeson Counts Have a lis of us forgotten so soon"' Also, another question you might ask Mike Mchilsrc is Docs he support the Motor Voter Act ' Wouldn't it be nice to be able to register to sole and get sour driving license all at the same lime'' And. the third question wcsvili ask him if we gel a chance before the election, is is he in fas 01 ofafiTrinal is c action'' All three of these agenda items ss ill help ( or liasc alreads helped) Indiansand Blacks, and mans Whilesloo Wcshouldbcasking the candidates questions like these: instead. Melius re and his minions arc spreading out across the district questioning l.ours Tossnsend s financial support, and w hether or not she is a true daughter of Robeson Counts Whs not ask her father Pembroke native and Res Wcllon Low rs/Hfcprobabls has a good answer to that quest ion Also Mclnlsrc and his people ought to be asking Lou rs -Tossnsend whether or not shehas broken am election lasvs. Sheobsiousls has not That question has ncs cr been asked Whs' Melius re and his people are frantically fanning the racial fires in Robeson Counts hoping to split the Indian and Black informal coalition that has held sssas in recent elections. Melnls rc'sonly hope for victors is to throw political dirt on Rose Marie Lossry Tosynsend and split the Indian and Black electorates. We do not belies e he will be successful It makes one wonder sshs a man like Mike Mclntyre. who talks about being a Christian publicly. and champions "(nniil\ v alucs' would stoop so low as to talk disparagingly about Rc\ Wcllon I own s daughter UmmntmniriH!' HI 7 ENOUC.H ABOUT STUFF I.IKE THE ABOVE. LET'S TALK ABOUT THE RUN OFF ON JUNE J. Rose Marie Lowry-Townsend needs our support to w in the congressional run olT She hopes to lead Robeson, as well as Bladen. Brunswick. Columbus. Cumberland. New Hanover. Onslow, and Pender Counties WE PRAY THAT THE INDIAN AND BLACK CONSTITUENCIES IN ROBESON COUNTY WILL COME TO THEIR RESPECTIVE SENSES BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE There arc many elections ahead of us and neither side can afford to be narrow minded and lose sight of the future when Robeson County will TRULY be governed by all three races, unless some of us lose our electoral way Arc there any right thinking Robcsonians?lndian. Black or White? who really want to go back to the way it was in the demeaning fifties and sixties? Let's support Rose Marie L ow ry -Townsend any way. and tell the negative ones in our nndsts that we arc not going back to the segregated past for any reason, even the temporary joy ofsaying something nasty about another race We are very disturbed about the strange turn of events but not enough to throw the primary baby out with the run off wash: we hope the leaders in both camps (Indian and Black) will say and do the right thing on June . 4 in spile of the hurt feelings from the May 7 primary In spite of all of the above 98% of the Indians and many Blacks and Whites in Robeson County are going to vote for Rose Marie Lovvry7 ownsend on June 4 Common sense and decency demands it. and she is the best qualifcd candidate too PLEASE VOTE ON JUNE 4' WE RECOMMEND ROSE MARIE LOWRY-TOWNSEND TO YOU And we predict, just as we did before the May 7 primary, that Rose Marie Lowry-Townsend will win the Democratic Party run off on June 4 Remember, you read it on the front page of the Carolina Indian Voice Newspaper first After that, she will win the general election in November and go on to the U S House Lumbee Memorial Gardens and Mausoleum, ' Services of Revels Funeral Honie by Rik and Bruce Barton Pembroke- Mr and Mrs Juddie Revels. J r.. owners, arc justifiably proud of Lumbee Memorial Gardens and Mausoleum, the crown jewel of their family-owned business-Revels Funeral Home in Pembroke Lumbee memorial Gardens, spacious and encompassing 61 acres in the / S? Moss Neck Communii). was purchased from the Cooper Family in 1990. The Revels family added the Mausoleum in 1993. ' ' ; r?f ; The stately and majestic building housing the Mausoleum was built in 1993 on the grounds of Lumbcc Memorial Gardens. The edifice has 260 cry pts (or sleepers), both inside and outside ' (he Mausoleum also contains a chapel for priv ate family and funeral serv ices I Mr. Revels buiit the chapel " larger 1 lluui usual" in honor of those buried | there Revels, the funeral director and 1 CEO of Rev els Funeral Home and re- i laicd businesses, takes special pride ir. I lite Mausoleum. "1 wanted something ' very special, and something family j members could be proud of " I One of the crypts in the Mausoleum is the final resting place of Fred W. Zahitosky,a Congressional Medal of Honor winner. Tribal Council elections set for August 24 Pembroke, N.C - The Lumbcc Tribal Council Elections Boa rd has set August 24, 1996 as Election Day forthcLumbccTribal Council. Seven seats will be filled, including 1 vacancy in District 15. Those interested in filling Tor office have been from June 3 thru June 28 to make application at the tribal ofTiccin Pembroke. The office is open weekdays 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. AccordingtoMr. Harbcrt Moore. Chairman of the Tribal Elections Board, each candidate will have to meet the qualifications for office as stated in the Tribal Constitution. Those qualifications arc: (1) Must be Lumbcc and 21 years of age. (2) Must reside in the tribal district: (3) Cannot hold any public elected office; (4)Cannol be subjected of a felony com ict ion for the past 7 years to include any probation or parole time Incumbents,are Mr Eugene Lowcry.District 2. Rev. Jerry McNeill.District 5. Mr Robert Locklcar. District 8. Mr. Ponce DChavis Jr. District II. Rev Steve Locklcar. District 14. vacant. District 15. Rev. Hilton Dccsc. District 17; Mrs Zclma Locklcar. District 20 Each candidate is required to pay a $5000 nonreturnable filing fee For further information, please call *> 10-521 <) John Hodges, a history teacher at Purncll Swctt High School. Pembroke Housing Authority Youth take ofT their hats to actors and actresses who made this historical re-enactment a successful event May 23. 1996 was also the day for Pembroke Housing Authority's Hrst girls softball team to register for the season ' Pembroke Housing Authority will be has inga Drug Awareness Das in ilic Park al Strickland Heights on June 14. 1996 "We arc planning to hase some great speakers such as Mayor Milton Hunt. Sheriff Glenn Maynor and others We svill also hase games for csery one and a cook out for lunch Mi Carncll Locklcar will be performing along with other local groups, said Mitchell "Bosco Locklcar. PHDEP Coordinator SOS Program holds Awards Program at Pembroke Middle The Support Our Students Program at Pembroke Middle School held its First Annual Celebration and Awards Program on May 16 in the school cafeteria Parents snd guests were registered, welcomed and entertained by students The guest speaker was Ms. Amssn Emanuel, of the Healthy Young People Program sponsored by the Robeson County Health Department, w ho spoke to the parents concerning "What you know about your adolescent child " Many parents felt quite pleased about the " little things'' they about their children After dinner, awards of participation were presented to 5X students by Mr. Noah Woods. Principal, and Ms Maureen Regan. SOS Program Director. and to our special volunteers the HYPE group from the Robeson County Health Department, the Painter Dnig Abuse Program and the Robeson Counts 4-H staff hour special student achievement awards went to ka\ la Phtpps lor Best Attendance in SOS. Stacie Nulling foi Leadership. James Vincc Bryant for Most Improvement and( andacc Lowrv for Academic Achievement The program concluded with student performance singing, a puppci show ans a talking skit with a healthv lifestyle focus. Parent's appreciation of their children and the Support Our Students Program was evident in the laughter and applause they showered upon the students, volunteers and staff SOS. an aflcr-scliool program, is one of Gov Hunt's special initiatives to create lifelong positive attitudes in middle grade students while keeping them in school The SOS Program is sponsored b> Robeson County Communities in Schools Additional information mav be obtained bv calling 521 0(171 Triangle Native American Society's Pow Wow to be held T riiinglc Native American Society's Second Annual Pom Wow will be held Juffcc_Lanti 2 at the Stale Farmers Market. Raleigh. NC MC will be Jim "Two Fox" Chavis. HosTDnnirwHfb^ Red Wolfe with Southern Sun. Adult Head Dancers: Joel Moore i and Christy Strickland. Youth head ' Dancers: Willie Silver and Lc Ann Strickland Grand Entry at 12 noon Saturday and 1 p.m. Sunday. Prizes drawings to dancers, native American Traders w ith arts and crafts, native foods, raftlc. demonstrations, face paintings, etc. Admission is free For further information contact Gwcn Locklear of Darlenc Jacobs at 919-779-5044 Host Hotel: Best Western. Cary. NC Carla and Redemption to Celebrate 5th Anniversary Carla and Redemption will obser\ c llicir 5th Anniversary with a singing at Lumbciion Senior High School on Saturday Juno I * 19% at 7 p in Helping them to celebrate will be Qui n ion Mills The Tylers, the Singing Sheppards Tickets arc $<> in advance and are sale at tell Christian Bookstore in I umber ton. Red Springs Christian Supplv St Pauls's WKK.F Radio the Christian Bookstore in Rockingham IhcMinistrvorjesus Bookstore in Pembroke. WSTS Radio in Fairmont the Gospel Music Store in l.aiirinbtirg: and Aunt Merl's in l.umbcrton Children sis and under will be admitted free Admission at the door is $7 Be on the look out for a "Special Edition" of the C arolina Indian Voice during 1,umbcc Homecoming