THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE Published each Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NC VOLUME 2J NVMttER 24 - - IHURSDA >. .// TV.E I I. IMf, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PSU student in Panama While many college students will work on their tans or an part time jobs this summer. Pembroke State University student Michael Morales w ill be working with w asps Thejuniorfrom Aulryvillc. was awarded an internship to study parasitic wasps in the Central American tropics to help add to the Smithsonian Inslitulcs's insect collection. Morales will be living and working at the Smithsonian Research Station in Panama for 10 weeks starting June 3rd "I received the internship w ith the Smithsonian's Office of Fellowships and Grants." Morales said. "I applied to work with the National Museum of Natural History in the Entomology Department. They arc the ones w ho decided to send me to Panama." he added. Morales is majoring in biology with fi /oology concentration and ii geology minor at Pembroke Stale University Before heading to Central America, the PSU student had to receiv e vaccinations forTyphoid. Yellow Fever and Malaria The internship provides a $25,000 stipend and prov ides approximately $501) for his travel to and from Panama. T w ill be vv ork ing with a rccogni/cd scientist in the field of entomology.'' Morales said. Morales iscxpcctcd to return to North Carolina in mid-August. Miss (iennie l.ocklear displays the l.umhee Home Beverages Standard Service which is the Service recommended for disabled and elderly persons. i .. 4 It contains -17-1 items of beverages ranging from Tang to tea. The concept is to have amble beverages for entertaining persons of any age and any taste. I umbee restocks the Service once each month and can deliver beverages to restock to the home saving persons trouble in leaving the home and drugging in bottles. The Service's complement of beverages can be modified to suit the needs of the individual. New Service Let 's Disabled Start "Living Again!" Disabled & Elderly persons who have had their lives suddenly changed and feel they r arc ' out of it for good can start "living again Thanks to a Pembroke business called Luinbee Home Beverage Scrv ices. Beverages arc the center of entertaining and persons partly confined, who can not get out to a store good anymore, and have decided it can be no more for them can take heart now. Lumbcc Home Bev erage Services places a cabinet in a home and stocks it with 474 items of dclicous beverages from Tang to Tea. A disabled oe elderly person docs not hav e to go out to stores and drag in bottles, yet they can entertain friends family and guests vvilh full confidence and aaurance Best of all says Edmond Locklear Jr. manager at Lumbcc Home Bev crage Scrv ices, a person can be hcrsclforhimsclffully again and hav c the pleasure of entertaining friends, family and guests properly from a bcauli ful Scrv ice where all the bcccragcs needed is at the fingertips. A person partly confined or totally confined can make his or her home a gathefuigjjlacc orfriends instead of a lonclyplacc- ? That may be a good way for a person to cope with his or her disabilities, says Locklcar Lumbccscndsan inventory form to the home each month The person returns the form listing what bc\crages arc needed to restock the cabinet or Sen ice. Lumbcc can dcli\ cr those beverages to the home Locklcar says inspiration for his offering of his Service to disabled and elderly persons came from an AK amputee in Faycltcvillc After her accident, she went through a terrible period of depression and drug addiction Now she has lifted hcrsclfoul She is turning her talents to helping other disabled persons Locklcar says her praising the Lumbcc Home Bexcragc Service and saying how wonderful it w ould be to help people w ho can not gel out to go to stores and who love ha\ ing people come in and entertaining as she docs. opened his eyes to the needs of disabled and elderly persons Loeklenr is now try ing to get the word out to disabled and clderlv persons and to persons in charge of those persons He is sending announcements to pastors Tor their church butlcniin boards He says he will be covering (he Cape Fear Area w hich includes Cumberland Rladcn. Columbus. Harnct. Hoke. Lee Moore. Robeson Sampson and Scotland Counties Two counties in South Carolina w ill also be covered They arc Marlboro and V Dillon. A full color brochure will be sent without obligation by Lumbcc Home Beverage Services if a per- i son w ill call them at 910-521-1270 j or write to PO Box 3187. Pembroke. NC 28372 Persons who w ould like to sec the Lumbcc Beverage Service for the disabled and elderly may see it on display at 614 Union Chapel Road in Pembroke 3<gd Cloud 'Prayer 'O gXEWrSPWr r, J pray you to took upon its. We are your children and you p laced us Jlrst in this (and. "We pray you to Coot (fawn upon us, so that nothing but truth shall be spoken in this council. We do not ask for anything but what is right ana just. "When you madieyour red children, 0 Qreat .Spirit, you made them to have mercy on them. Jigw we are bc/ore you today, praying you to Coor down on us, and have pity on your poor red childmu '"you are the protector of those who use the bow and arrow, as well as those people who wear hats, 0 hope we do not pray to you in vain. We are poor arm, ignorant, but our fathers have told us that we wouhf not be in distress if we asked you for assistance. "O Qreat .Spirit, Coot down on your children and take pity or them." ? Public Housing Workshop held with Congresswoman Eva Clayton as keynote speaker by John /.. Marshall On Max 10 20 and 21 I'Wo. the Carolmas Council of Housing Redevelopment and Codes Officials (CC'HRCO) met in Wilmington for (hcirnnmial Spring Wprkshop/( 'onfcrcncc Attendees consisted of officials representing Public Mousing Authorities (PHA) from South Carolina and North Carolina. Keynote speaker was Congrcsiswomnn. Ev a Clayton. U S HouseorRoprcscntnlivcs. First District North Carolina Other Dignitaries participating in the workshop were James Blackmon North Carolina HIJD Slate Coordinator Rod Solomon. Senior Advisor To Assistant Secretary For Public and Indian Housing. Washington. DC Mary Bear Stale Director Senator i Fairclojh's Office of Raleigh. North Carolina: Francesco T Ficrru Legislative Assistant ( ongrcsswoman io Eva Clayton: Lav ton Woodcock. Dircclorol Operations Div ision. Office of Public Housing North Carolina HUD Stale Office and Gene Ralniba General Engineer North Caroliifit HIJD Stale Office Presiding over Ihc workshop was James Reed President. CCHRCO and Executive Director orSmillificId Housing Authorits Congrcsswoman Eva Clayton slated (hat out oP I million people living in Public and Indian Hons ing in America. I >4 ono of these households were located in North Carolina. Congrcsswonunt ('lav ton staled.' Change is good w hen it is necessary*" She emphasized that it was important to know who will be helped and who would be hurt With the re-invention ot HUD downsi/ingofHI iDpcrsonncl. deregulations. rccissions in funding and elimination of manv grant programs. Congrcsswoinnn Clayton suited thiit the changes would cause ' great adjustment in the rulurc by the Loeai Housing Management Agencies (L.HM At' Congrcsswoinnn ( lav ton went on to snv that HUD s current svs tent was being modified to allow local management while provid inglhc L.HMA with nunc decision making power Fltc funding process ol submit ting grant applications will be eventiiallycliminated By IdV IHMAs will receive an equally lived lump sum referred toas t apilnl F unds Manv national standards will be eliminated as newly developed Stale and Local Standards will apply Coifgrcssvvontnn Clay ton slated that she was in fitv or of raising the minimum wage rate It 'sail about being able to afford heal in the winter medical needs, food and clothing' * She concluded by slat ing lluii Our n;ition is strong and compassionate and it is the responsibility of all to see that it remains that wa\ From HUD' OffietajS. we learned iluii some 4000 HUD Personnel will lose their jobs by the year 2000 ' In nclwbrking Willi other Hons ing Authorities' Management Personnel we learn a great deal about w hill ol her iinlhori I ics arc doing as well as I lie success of their acli\ i lies Manx L.HMAs arc pursuing innovative acliv ilies in order to obtiiin a placenieni of funds, lost as a result of HUD s budget cuts and recessions Soine L.HMAs arc building new homes to sell to the low to moderate income Other Authorit ics are selling their Public Housing I nils Some Authorities arc also nITcniig training ami consilium son ices Willi Federal budget cuts ev ceeding I In hi"n factor w ithin the p:isi two years it is clear that L FIMA.s must pursue new and addilioital avenues ol funding in or. dcr to maintain their current pace In my opinion, the CCHRCO workshop was most informative and the bcsl planned that I have had the opportunity of attending. Congr;. ulations io all the Officers. Board of Directors and Com niittcc for an outstanding work shop June 14 proclaimed Drug i Awareness Day in Pembroke ? fi; IN.THE- MATTER OF PROCL AIMING ) TOWN OF PEM broke: June 14 l'J%. as "DRUG AWARENESS DAY" In Ihc Town of Pembroke ??? ##**???**?**?? ?##****** WHEREAS the Pembroke Housing Autbonis adopted ;> RosoluiiononMarch 25 request int* Dial ihc Honorable Milton R Hum Ma* or of Pembroke prochum Jane II I'Wo as Drug Awareness Da* for I lie Tow n of Pembroke: and " WHEREAS I lie Tow u or Pembroke realizes the ad* else social and economic cITecis that illegal drugs cause in loda* s socict*: and WHEREAS the Tow n ol*Pern broke further realizes the impor lance or educating the residents of the Town of Pembroke about the dangers of drugs and drug usage . NOW. THEREFORE. I. Milton R Hunt. Minor of the Town of Pembroke do hereby PROCLAIM \ the day of June 14 PJ%. to be "Drug Awareness Day" in the Town of Pembroke and urge ;?ll of i . our citizens to join twe in the support of this Proclamation i IN WITNESS WHEREUI I hat e hereunto set my hand ;ind caused the corporate seal ol the ' Town of Pembroke to be affixed this the 6lh dav ofMav l*W<> Sl(iNEi) THE HONORARLh Mil TON R. HUNT MAYOR, TOWN Oh PEMBROKE Rowland Norment Elementary School's recent Cirricutum hair was the largest ever held with 167 en I erise representing all areas ofth e cirriculum. Shown above are student winners Paige Edwards, Asia Carter, Jessica McNeall, Ryan Humphrey, Corey Taylor, Hriltany Wilkinx, Emmarld Jackson, Ryan Hunt, ('harles Flowers, Hrandi Biggs, Can dice liruce, Matt Thomas, l.auren Parker, ('hris Edwards ana Corey Simmons. Not shown are Ryan (luidroz and lirennsn Anderson. Jo red Powers, center front with trophy, won Rest in Show for his project, "Let's Recycle", which featured u lifesize creature made completely of household discards. Submitted by Olivia ttarnes for Rowland Norment ? 671-60.10. Sandra C. /. ocklear con^radulates Desmond Sampson who attends Piney drove Elementary School. Desmond has keen chosen to participate in the 1996 Summer Veterinary Workshop and North ( arolina State I University. This letter and photograph him shared with us by Dr. I.inda Oxen dine, the Chair of Native American Studies over at PSlt. Dear Linda, I hope that you remember me, / worked with you on the Celebration! Festival years apo when I was with the Folklife Section of the Arts ( ouncil. At any rate, I am enclosing two photos that / took in Italy last October that I thoupht you would enjoy. My husband and / were in the train station in Milan and I looked up and saw a poster ad for sunglasses with a picture of someone named I loyd Oxen dine of the l.umbee Nation. It is a small world, isn 7 it? / took a photo and swore that / would send it to you, since you are probably kin to him?or know him at the very least. It has taken seven months, but here ary the photos. I hope that all is well with you and that your propram is thrivinp.

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