Tfl CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE 1 , ; ed each Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NC yOt.l'MF 21NVMHL ' IHt'RSIH), Jl'HE 27, 1996 / TWENTY-FIVE CENTS * ' Crowt a of new queens-a part of Lumbee Homecoming Little Miss Lumbee Contestants Brittany Victoria Oxendine Parents: Daryl <& PennyOxen dine Tara Nicole Campbell Parents: Verdel! A Hrrmla Hunt /S. ? Chi am I ynn Oxendine Parents: ferry & Cynthia Oxendine Allison Pot rice Bray boy Parents: ('harles & Patricia ' Hrayhoy ^ Sherry Ashley ( able Parents: Kenneth & Hynette Coble Illy a Nicole Hunt Parents: Terry A (iloria Hunt r m w " V Angelica Marie Chavis Parents: Don & Angel Chavis '/ A _ ..A. Ashley Cos Parents: Tommy ?S Ann Cos A Junior Miss Lumpee Loniesianis Carmen Paif>e Parents: Robert A Carolyn ^ Vidoria Shunt el Dial Parents: dene Admission will be $(> Sheriff Glenn Maynor appointed to task force on Racial and Religious Violence Governor lim Hunt rcccnlly announced (he 21 members of a new task force designed to find ways to protect churches around the stale from racially-motivated fires and other acts of racial and religious violence The task force includes state Attorney General Mike Easley. who will serve as chairman, Sec: of Crime Control and Public Safety Richard Moore. SBI Director Jim Coman. state Sen. Jeanne Lucas of Durham. State Rep William wainwright of Havelock. Skip Alston of Greensboro, acting state president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; and several law enforcement officials, citizens and ministers from across the state ' This task force includes some of our state's most highly qualified law enforcement experts, concerned citizens, legislators and religious leaders who arc working together to erase racial and religious hatred." Hunt said "I am counting on them to help us do all we can to make sure even church in North Carolina is protected from these acts of violence ; I Si "> J"f-... Other task force members include. Rev Jerry Draylon chairman of the NC Human Relations Commission Rev Harold Diggs chairman of the MaftTjf Luther King Jr Commission: Wake County District Attorney Colon Willoughby, U.S. Attorney for the Western District Mark Calloway. Police chief Donnic Parks of Hcndcrsonville. Sheriff Glenn May nor of Robeson County. FBI special agent John Morlcy and ATF special agent Mark Logan. Rev William Barber of United Church of Christ in Goldsboro: Rev John D Fuller of Fayctlcvillc of the General Baptist State Convention. Rev. Charles von Rosenberg of St James Episcopal Church. Wilmington. Rev Joe Mann of Raleigh. President of the North Carolina Council of Churches. Mayor Fred Yates of Winfall. Ken Spaulding. chairman of the Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People, and Valeria lee of thcZ Smith Reynolds Foundation The task force held their first meeting today at 10:30 in the Press Conference room of the Administration Building j Pembroke State University becomes UNC-Pembroke After more Chan four weeks of ! f L delay in the Legislature, the name of Pembroke State Univesity was officially changed to the University of North Carolina at Pembroke (UNC-P) Thursday The Bill was introduced in the House by Rep Frances M Cummings of District 87 and a companion Bill was introduced in the Senate by retiring Senator David Parncll. After several weeks of delay, the Senate decided to pass Rep 1 Cummings'bill and the University f | became UNC-P Rep Rah Sutton who represents District 85 where the University is located finally made an appeal to both Chambers to pass tne Bill The name change announcement was scheduled as part of the Lunibcc Homecoming activities It was touch-and-go for several days as the House and the Senate scented to be stalled as debate went back and forth about protocol, tradition, and who was going to get the credit But the House Bill passed in time for the scheduled H.umbcc Homecoming activities O' ihe same evening milic same locsilion. Kclli V Wallace. Junior M'jst.uinbce will CcliiH|uisli tier crown lot lie new Junior Miss I.uinbce I lie conieslnnls for thai pageant arc also shown below Native American Medicine Show to kickoff Lumbee Homecomine I .umbcc Regional I >c\clopinent Association will sponsor the 2Xth Luinbec Homecoming beginning June 2t)-Jul> 6 The agcncs has sponsored Liinibcc I lomecoming since its inception along \\ illi the Tom n of Pembroke Opening event for the Homecoming activities will be the presentation of Scott Blanks and the First Annual Indian Medicine Show This e\cnl is sponsored b\ the N C Indian Ciillural Center and will be presented at the Performing Arts Center on the campus of Pembroke The show begins at X p m Admission is $10 general admission and $6 for senior ctli/cns and children 12 and over Construction to begin on Home Offices of Lumbee Bank Lumbcc Guaranty Bank announces construction of their new Home Office located at 40.1 East Third Street. Pembroke. NC (.across from the Post Office) The "ground Breaking ceremony will be held July 3, 1996 at 10 a m This occasion marks another milestone for Lumbcc Guaranty, Bank This year marks the 25th' Anniversary of Lumbcc Guaranty Bank, according to Larry D Chavis. President/CEO