_. " i T111 CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE r> -i n m -3. .... 4?. lied each Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NC VOLUME 23 NUM r' * THURSDAY, JULY -t, 1996 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS "J3 ^ ? ?r i wtu1 On Fridnv c\citing. July 5. beginning at 7:30 p.m. the Miss Pageant will be held ai the Performing Arts Center on the " tnipifj nf -? PSU. Admission is $8 At that time. BcthChavis. MissLumbce. will end her reign as a new queen is crow ned. Contestants vying for thai title arc shown below Little Angels Day Care Center Newest Business in Pembroke Little Angels Day Care Center in Pembroke held their ribbon cutting ceremony on Sunday, June 9, 1996. The Day Care Center will open July 1, and will accomidate 58 v children...... . ; Pictured from left to right is (back row) Ken Freeman of Lumbee Bank, Noah Woods County Commissioner, Denise Woodell Singletary Co-owner, Wade Singletary, Jessica Locklear, holding Joshua Singletary, Doris A Mitchell' 'Bosco'' Locklear Co-owners, Raymond Cummings County Commissioner-Elect, Mike Siebert President of Pembroke Chamber of Commerce. Applications are still being taken for infants to 12 years of age. Business hours are from 6:30a.m. - 5:30p.m. Lowery-Graham receives Doctorate Degree at NC State Cathy Lowcry Graham, area specialized agent with the Robeson County Center of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, has completed her doctorate degree in Adult Education at North Carolina State University. Prior to the area agent position, she was 4-H agent for ten years in Robeson County. The title 1 of her dissertation was "Leadership Behaviors and Job Performance of County Extension Directors in the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service." Cathy is married to Vincent L. Graham and is the daughter of Joseph Archie Lowcrv. Jr and Sarah L. Lowcrv. both of Pembroke. Miss Lumbee Contestants Revels Parents: Deena & J.I). Revels l.utoniu Detune Cox Parents: Ann & Tommy Cox Elisha Pawn Mansell Parents: day (l.owery) Mansell V/ Wi'infy 4itn I mit'ij'" Parents; (doria A W endell ' *?' v r ?i?vrr Krishna hate' Oxatulinc Parents: Margaret & Sam 4gfgMt< Oxendine Shannon Oxemline Parents: Kutrina & l.eroy Oxen dine Local artist Plummer Locklear Jr.completes 23-year art project Lumbce artist Plummcr Locklcar, Jr will officially complete a 23 year art project July 4, 1996. "The Renaissance of "" Native Americaa Art' includes Mr. Locklear's art compositions signed by the name Savage in the ALL DUES PAID collection and compositions signed by the name Shaman Yellow Owl in the collection. WHERE THE RIVER RUNS COLD. What other Native American artist has created collections that contain enough art compositions to exhibit one per week from October 1. 1996 until December 31. 1999 The ALL DUES PAID collection will take you from The Manifestation of Adam and Eve through The Bowels of Hell into Amazing Grace and The Resurrection of Human Souls WHERE THE RIVER RUNS COLD is more traditional Native American Art but still nontraditional Mr Locklear feels that there are no traditional Native"*" American Art Forms in this region of N.C other than those imported or mimicked front traditional tribes. Shaman YellovvOwl and in his art subjects. He works from the inside out. in a style or approach to art he has named the "Egoistic Perception" meaning from within. Ego Art Studio will exhibit "The Renaissance of Native American Art" beginning Oct. 1 with art compositions from the ALL DUES PAID collection and 13 compositions from the collection. WHERE THE RIVER RUNS COLD This exhibit will continue through March of 1997 and will also include writings fromthc book. movie manuscripts, videos and other art objects These V < Pembroke Rescue Squad Presents Pro Wrestling Red Thunder American Champtionship Wrestling comes to Pembroke Middle School on Saturday, July 6. with an 8 p.m. bell time. The eventis part of the Lumbcc Homecoming Festivities and is a funicjraising function for the Pembroke Rescue Squad All tickets are just $5 with children under 6 admitted free. The wrestling card includes seven matches with four championship bouts. The feature event pits current ACW U.S. Champion Jay Eagle, The Indian Outlaw" against Native American Red Thunder of Pembroke This bout is schculcd to be an Indian strap match with the U.S. titlcon the line Jay Eagle, with outside help from Black Jack Daulton. Wachcc the Sarnoan, and manger Tom Holiday, have been causing problems for Red Thunder for several months This trouble ha included attacks during /.Thunder's matches as well as Jay Ealc's claim that Lumbccs arc "good onfyfor making baskets." ACW world champion Johnny B ZGoodc willd cfcnd his title agains 1400 lb Big Slam Vadcr ACW tagc team champions, the Ringlords will defend against professional boxer turned wrestler Cha// Rocco and Don "Flesh Gordon' Brill Top light heavyweight contenders "Carolina Male' Lcs Parker and Black Jack Daulton will wrestle for lie ACW lightheavyweight title To subscribe call 521-2826