/ Til CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE rn 3 j c ) 1'_ hed each Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NC VOLUME 23 NUMB % THURSDAY, JULY II, 1996 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS f.J 72 . -jj -s Cn t Scene^ 8 n Lumbee Home vr ## -f'# fg Parade ?rw i? ?i ? m iih i ?imi' iibi? m i i'!>> i mil w i i Among tttose Lumbees visiting home was Kelvin Sampson, University of Oklahoma Head Coach. l.RDA, the sponsoring agrncy ofLumbee Homecoming, saltued Coach Sampson, son of Ned and Eva Sampson. Junior Miss Luntbee, Morgan Brittany Hunt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Hunt Newly-elected County Commissioner, District 5-Raymond Cummings. The new Utile Miss l.umbee, Angelica Chavis and her court conprised of the contestants from the pageant. Mike Mdntyre, Democratic nomieeforthe Seventh ( ongressional District. Dr. Dalton Brooks, Tribal Chairman, and the float representing the Lumbee Cher an' Tribal Government. Harold Collins and members of Pembroke's Power House, pulled this truck tlioruffh the parade routh. Representativesfrom Charlotte's Melrolina Native American Indian Association. The new Miss l.umbee Rehekah Revels and her court. Rep. Frances M. Camming*,NC Ceneral Assembly-District S7. She Ls accompanied hy Aiferd Dial and McKeithan Jones. , ^ Photos by Rik Barton Bill Caster, Republican nominee for the Seventh Congressional District, his }vife, and Pembroke native Michael Sanderson. I William "Red Thunder" Locklear who proved to be a tremendous hit with local wrestling fans. The l.umbee Elders Council. Standing is Mr. Earl Carter, the I.umbee Fire Keeper. Sean Chavis graduates front Georgia Institute of Technology Sean l.enare ChavLs, a 1991 graduate of The North Carolina School of Science and Math ematics, earn ed his Hach el or of Electrical Engineering Degree front The (ieorgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, (.ieorgia on June 8, 1996. He is the son of Fran cine ('ha vis ofPembroke and Micheal Cummings of Charlotte. He Is also the grandson of (iertrudet'havis of Pembroke and the late Harvard I.. Chavis and Simeon and Maude C ummings of Pembroke. He was hired by Sprint/trior to his graduation, lie received a yearly scholarship from the Nati ve A mericun Scholarship Fund in Alberquerque, New Mc.sico, under the directorship oj Dean ( havers, during his Jive year attendance at (ieorgia Tech. l eggy Locklear elected Director for NC-ESPA Peggy Locklcar, school bookkeeper at Purnell Svvctt High School, Robeson County Schools, has been elected District 10 Director of the Board of Directors of the North Carolina Educational Support Personnel Association (NC-ESPA) Ms Locklcar began her 3 year term as District 10 Director on July 1. 1996 NC-ESPA is an affiliate of the 70,000 member North Carolina Association ofEducators (NCAE). based in Raleigh, and the 2.2 million-member National Education Association (NEA). Washington. D C' The NC-ESPA represents the professional interests of educational support personnel which consist soflcnclk'i assistants school secretaries, bus drivers, custodians. Iscluiical assistants food service staff, maintenance and other support positions Ms Locklcar w ill represent NC-ESPA members in District 10. which includes Cumberland County and Robeson County These are' 15 districts in the state ^ Say you read it in Carolina Indian Voice. To subscribe call 521-2826 ^ JJ)