1 "peftir s JUL * - ?'?>? Ill ??~ p- | ftiKMOKE state uarrt/w . ^ TI 11 CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE z _ h r S | f/ierf eac/i Thursday by First American Pembroke, NC r-j . VOLUME 23 NU. ^ -J THURSDAY, JULY 18,1996 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ?>- >. % to ' Faye's Footwear and Accessories What a great deal on a pair of shoes! When I visited Faye's Footwear and Accessories located in the Dream Maker's Mini Mall on the Union Chapel Road, I thought / would have to put some money down and come hack and get my shoes.1 only had a couple of bills in my pocket Faye got out her calculator and started figuring. Hefore you knew it, I had a new pair of shoes, at an affordable price! They were just my kind, too. In addition, to shoes, Faye has a great line of fabulous T-shirts that she designs herself. There is an excellent selection in her store. Faye invites you to visit her and browse through her selection of shoes, hats, t-shirts and accessories. Faye's Footwear and Accessories is located in the Dream Maker's Mini Mall and Shopping Center, on the Union t hope I Road, behind Juke's Con venience Store and Exxon. (Photo and text by Joe Red Huffulo) Prospect 's Dizzy Dean Baseball Club in World Series July I Xth will be a very exciting day for a group of 13 year old baseball players They will leave for Louisville. Mississippi lo play in the World Series for the 13 year olds of the Dizzy Dean Baseball Organization There arc two teams in the Prospect community that have played 12 games in the regular season. Now these two teams will come togct hcras the Prospect Dizzy Dean Baseball Club in tne chance for the World Championship The 13 year old league at Prospect was organized to give all 13 year olds the opportunity toplay .baseball and to give them more playing time Age 13 is a very critical year for the teenager and it is fell that the more involved in mischievous activities. It is also felt that the 13 year old need lo be with the 13 year olds from both the physical and social standpoints. The tw o teams were coached by Mr Eric Freeman and Mr Ryan Locklcar The league was managed by Mr Harold Jacobs and the official scorc-kccpcr was Ms Fcdclia Locklcar The Players listed abov e from Icfl to .right arc I st row - Steven Oxcndinc.. Danny Henderson. Donavan Hiint. James (Tcre) Locklcar. Jeremiah Bryant. Willie Locklcar. Jonathan Locklcar. James Lee Jones. Ross Maynor. 2nd row - Derrick Billiard. David Jones. Sandy Jacobs. Jonathan Bowen. Billy L.ee. Gene Jones Michael Antonio (Tony) Locklcar (Now deceased). 3rd row - Coach Erie Freeman. Jason Hammond Harold Jacobs, Steven Bullard and Coach Ryan Locklcar Not pictured is Chris Hunt Our best wishes to the Prospect Dizzy Dean Team as they go for the World Champion Title at the 1.3 year old invitational World Scncs in Louisvillc^Mississippi Pembroke BPW members attend state conference Representatives of the Pembroke Business and Professional Women's Organization attended the 77th Annual BPW/nc Conference June 20-23 in Research Triangle Park at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel and Convention Center Members attended and participated in personal and professional workshops, business ^ sessions, a memorial service, an awards luncheon, elections, a young careerist and individual development luncheon, and an installation banquet. The Pembroke LO received award certificates for: I) the Doris Foster Membership Award (based on the greatest number of new members during the 1995-96 Federation year). 2) the Marlcne Plylcr Membership Award (based ' J 4 on the greatest percentage increase in membership in the 1995-% BPW/ncycar). and it) Foundations (awarded to local organizations that contribute a minimum or $.t per member) Pembroke LO members also donated items to and participated in a silent auction which raised over $4.(MN) Tor Foundations which will be used for scholarships The theme for the conference was "Eye on the Future Pembroke LO members attending included Dorothy Blue. Yvonne Dial. Fayc Lock leaf and Annette Strickland. Pembroke BPW meets on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the James B ChavisCcntcr at UNC-Pembroke Membership is open to alt working women throughout Robeson (omit) Native Herbs & Natural Foods & a Great Smile The human body requires complete nutrition. There are herbs and minerals that are supplied by natural food sources that are necessary for maintaining a healthy body. ~ ~ One of the best twiys to find out about natural and organic foods is at Native Herbs and Natural Foods. JoAnn Cummings Furmage, owns and operates the store which carries a great variety of products with a selection of vitamins, minerals, natural and organic foods from an excellent selection from major distributors. The store alsofeatures a wonderful range of health food snacks and beverages, just the right "pick me up" for a hot summer day. Most of all, however, the thing I like best about Native Herbs and Natural Foods is JoAnn's smile. If you are not laughing when you go in, you will be laughing when you leave, l aughter is the best medicine and is certainly foodfor the soul. JoAnn invites you to come out for all your heath food, vitamin, minerals, etc. needs. You are encouraged to stop by and try one of her Sarsaparilla sodas. JoAnn and Native Herbs and Natural Foods are located on the Union Chapel Road, Pembroke, adjoining Southern Interiors, and* across from Jake's Convenience Store and Exxon. (Photo and text by Joe Red liuffalo) Office for Civil Rights begins initial-investigation into public school system The United Slides Department of Education. Office for Ciyil Rights (OCR), is beginning their initial investigation intothc Public Schools of Robeson County the NAACP announced lodax Rex Franklin D Bow den. Ir. President of the Unified Robeson County NAACP. said that this w as a result of NAACP complaints of segregation in this year's school system "Nov the real vxork begins." Rev Bowden said "Individual complaints need to be found to' complete the forms that OCR lias sent to us " OCR is investigating the NAACP's allegations thai the school system discriminates against students, faculty and administrations onthcbasisolTacc Individuals wishing lo file complaints against the Public Schools of Robeson County need to contact the branch at 865-1033 no later than Julv 31st and must return the official OCR forms lo the branch no later than August 5lh to be involved in the initial round of complaints. Persons niav also come to the branch meeting on Monday Julv 22nd at 7 p.m. lo pick up complaint forms The meeting w ill be held in i umbcrlon at the African American Cultural Center OCR lias staled their desiie lo meet with the NAACP and other, complaints bv mid-September If you have further questions or concerns von mav contact IhcRev Bowden at xr>S-|0H p ^ Say you read it in Carolina Indian Voice. To subscribe call 521-2826 ^ 4 Local students attending American University Internship Program America's University's Washington Internship for Native Students (WINS) is hosting>15 Native American students frork , June 8 until August 3 This two-> vcar-old program gives Indian and Native American college students a Washington-based education, experience and training they can use to help their tribal communities. WINS' students arc placed in federal agencies and public service organizations such as The While Housc.OfTiccoflndian Education. National Institutes of Health. Bureau of Indian Affairs, and Congressman Fnlcomavacgn' s (DAmcrican Samoa)office Attached is a list of students currently enrolled in the WINS program The program will prepare nnd support college students for public service within (heir tribal communities by: 'Providing students with an " understanding of the ways government and public or private organizations interact with Native American communities; Teaching students to work effectively in Washington and then apply their education at home and within their tribal communities: Developing mentoring relationships between government agencies,- Native' Americans and other students; Providing professional training in leadership skills, lifeskills and approaches to changing rHc community . ^Motivating students to work on their college education: Returning the knowledge and contacts they develop during the program to their tribes WINS' advisory council consists of 25 Native American professionals from government, education and business organizations Also, more than 200 American Indian education directors and field representatives contribute to the program Student* interested in apply ing for next year's WINS program should contact Maria Dadgcr at (202) H85-205 1 Fpr more media assistance, contact I odd Scdmak at (202) HX5-5?)5| ThcsonofRcs A Mrs Michael Cummings Jody Cummings was chosen as one of the 15 for Washington Internship For Nat i\ c Students. Jod\ is a I limbec K Chcraw Indian and attends Duke I litis crsily majoring in History He will be placed at the Office of Indian Affairs Dream MakerIs Mini Mall float places in Lumbee Homecoming Parade Dearm Marker's Mini Mall and Shopping Center on Union ( hapel Road, Pembroke, won second place in the l.umhee Homecoming Page with their "l.umhee Sale-A-Bration" entry. Hayes Alan l.ocklear, of Mother Earth Creations, coordinated and designed the float for the mall and shopping center. Participating in the float were: *( yna's Jewelers - Select Jewelry at 10% to SO% off *Faye's Footwear & Accessories - Complete line of footwear, Hats, T-shirts und Accessories *Esquires Unlimited - Your Casual Sportswear for Men and H omen , *The (iolden Comb - (Hindu McNeill, Sandra Jacobs, Ferlinda l.ocklear. Debra Strickland. Constance Hammonds. Julia Harris. Makesha Strickland and Michelcne Hunt *Sister's Boutique - Hot Clothes at (ireat Prices *Quality Air Tech System - XT-IS Air Purification System Producing Mountain Fresh Air *Jason's Home Entertainment - Complete Home Movie Fideo ('enter *Primerica Financial Services - Offering Free Financial Analysis * Mother Earth Creations - Florist, (lifts and American Indian Art *l.umhee Tribal Enrollment - The Official l.umhee Tribal Enrollment Office Some of the riders on the float were Simily Vivian Cyna l.ocklear, Timma l.ocklear, / inda l.ocklear, Porchia l.ocklear, Katherine / ocklear and Donna Allen. Dream Maker's Mini Mall & Shopping Center is located right behind JAKE'S Convenient Store and Exxon on the Union Chapel Road at Pembroke city limits below l.ocklear & Sons Funeral Home. Swett High student serves as Page in NC House -? ^ Veronica Revels, a student at Purnell Swell High School, recently served as a page for the North Carolina House of Representatives Veronica was appointed by Rep Ronnie Sutton and is the daughter of Ronnie and Charity Revels. Pages play an important role in The General Assembly b assisting members of The House during committee meetings and floor sessions. Serving as pages gives students a chance to interact with thcirgov eminent, and it gives lawmakers a chance to meet and listen to some of their most important constituents, thcirschool children Veronica was inducted into the National Honor Society and also received both the Biology and Computer awards at Purncll Swell High She participates in the Native American Student Organization (NASO) and is president or the Students Against prunk Driving (SADD) Besides being involved with activities at school Veronica has kept herself busy volunteering for the past 1 years at Southeastern Regional Medical Center South Rdbeson student serves as Page in NC House Rowland, NC: Miss A/.iirc Dec Thompson of Rowland, a rising Sophomore at South Robeson High School served as a Page in the NC House ofRcprcscnlativcs the week or June 17-21. IWi. Dee said."I was impressed bv all the polities, debate, and with the amendments leading to a vote on the House Bills " Dee said that the procedures used by Speaker Brubakcr and members in asking questions and getting responses were intriguing "I got the opportunity to meet mam new people and tire experiences were thorough!) enjoyable," Dee said A/urc Dee is the daughter of Ernest J and Clara Page Dee has a grade-point average of 3.0 and is involved in a diversity of programs and activities at South Robeson including JROTC with a ranking of E-H Master Sergeant, the United Black Student Society. Sgt -atArms. and the basketball team and volunteer for the Special Olympics at Pembroke Stale Universitv :. Dec is an usher and Junior Choir member al Si James Baptist Church and represents Rowland Community in Softball She is a student of the Drums Dee said "mv educational training and experiences in school and related activities have taught me how to become a better American. In my neighborhood. I run errands for elderly people and spend lime with the younger kids My goal is to go to college upon graduation." Rep Frances M Cummings sponsored Azure Dee in the NC House as a Page Cummings said."I Chose Dee because she is scholarly, highly-motisalcd and hassct remarkable goats, standards, and aspirations for herself " "I was delighted and amazed by the self-control and demonstrated initiative of Dee In fact;, the NC House staffers said Dee w as one of the smartest Pages we base had in Raleigh and that she worked diligently in the Chamber", said Cummings 4 . ' 4

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