; PERIODICALS j - - 3 JUL St! 1996 Tt ; CAROLINA INDIAN YOICE C s" | hed each Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NC VOLUME 23 NUM. ^ ^ THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1996 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ?. ^ ?v Wesley . Is replaces Bill James as Principal of Purnell Swetl High School Wesley Revels, principal of Red Spring Middle School, has been appointed as Principal of Purncll Swell High Swell He will replace Bill James Brcwington who has been i ransferrcd Ip Ihecentral office where he will supervise the buses for (he county Rev els, ihc son of John Weslcv Revels and Dcloisc Burncltc Rev els, graduated from Magnolia High School in 1966. He graduated from Pembroke Stale University in 1971 with a major in Spanish and x Hnglish and a minor in math He served in the United States Army from 1971-71 Following his military serv ice. Rev clsscrvcd with t/ Lumbcc Regional Development Association and was operations director Tor six of his seven years with that agency in 19X1 he received a masters in administration from Pembroke Stale University He has attended both F.ast Carolina Univ crsitv and Faycilcville Stale Univ crsitv receiving a masters in guidance at ECU and beginning work on his doctorate at FSU While working and attending school. Revels' son said. "Daddy. we play very much any more " At that time Revels decided to put work on his doctorate on hold and spend more time with his voting son In l')7?) Revels became a guidance counselor at Magnolia Union School (k-12) From l*)7H(> until 1991 he was' assistant principal at Magnolia He served as assistant principal at Red Springs High School During the I99T school term he became assistant principal at Red Springs Middle School and in Februarv 1994 he became principal there Revels is a strong family man His wife Sharon Graham Revels w ill be a teacher in the third yearat Pembroke Elementary School this year The Revels have three children. Kristic Lynn Lockloar * 21 who has I wo children of her own. Ann Chanel Revels IX a freshman ai I 'NC-Pembroke, and John Wesley 8 a third grade student at Pembroke Elementary The family has resided in Pembroke for the past 2 < years Revels expressed his appreciation to the Board or Education and Superintendent Pumcll Swell for their confidence they hn\ c demonstrated in his with his appointment Revels promises to give the task his very best effort He says that he isa lea hi play cr and is looking forward to working the faculty and staff at Purncll Swell. He likes to refer to the cooperative effort of his position. ' In order to succeed." he said it takes all of us working together to provide the best for the students that we can When I say US I mean the commiimlv the parents, the teachers the staff the administration and the students, all working together to move forward to accomplish our specific goal for education . both individually and collectively" Revels also thinks in terms of the Purncll Svyetl community, focusing on all aspects of Hie school community to make a picture of the whole , very balanced, hard working and energetic Sonic of l he kevs 10 accomplishing this. Rc\cis said will be providing a safe and ordcrlv environment where . teachers can leach and students can learn Rev els said he plansand expects students to come to school each and even dav prepared to learn, rcadv to learn and willing to learn He wants Swell High to be one of the most respected high schools in the region, known both for its academic achievements and its spirit of coopcraliveness Revels believes thai with the help of parents and eommunilv this goal can be accomplished Also appreciation is expressed to out going Principal Bill James Brcwington for all lus hard work and cncrgv during lus tenure at Swell High Alwavs rcadv to listen and greet w it ha smile Brcwington will be a great cncourager 111 whatever cnduavoi he attempts Brcwington never distanced himselffroiuihe public and guided Swell High on a steadv course Mar we funl our schools and our students in our pravcrs Education is a big job and ihosc associated ?\ ilh it need our praverful support (This article prepared by Joe Red Buff alo) Fleetwood of Pembroke has been designated as the Number One Trailber Plant in America fur several years. Congratulations to the men and women who work there. That designation speaks well for our community. We expect Fleetwood to recpature that title again this year. Hunt receives CPA license from State of NC Bonnie Ann Hunt, originall> from the Green Grove community has received a Certified Public Accounting license from the Slate of North Carolina. She passed the final sections of the five-part national examination as of _ February. 1995: scoring a grade ol 94 on tin; accounting thcorv seel ion of the Cxam After submitting paperwork ^evidcncfitgT. (he " experience requirement she rcccixcd the CPA license in Jul\ ol 1995 . Hunt graduated from PSIj with degrees in English and business from Radford University with a Master's degree in English and from UNC-Chapcl Hill with a Masters in Business Administration with a concentration in accounting. After a summer as a research writer for the Commission on Civil Rights in Washington. D C she taught . V. " ."v. * English in senior high school and ai Robeson ( (immunity College and dirccied ah English Project at PSHS. which resulted in the student publication of L ighter ed Knot, a small booklet oflocal culture. Asa result or litis and of oilierwriting projects, she was listed in Outstanding Young Women in America Since 1*180 Hunt has been an accounting instructor Tor Faycttevillc Technical Community College and has taught accounting as an adjunct i nst ructor at Robeson Community College and at Faycttevillc Slate University. She has also taught the graduate accounting course to officers al Ft Bragg and Pope Air Base in Webster University's Masters in Business Administration program She has a < PA office in her home and is interested in opening aiV office in flic trtliiibcrfb'n Pembroke area In addition to leaching general accounting courses she has also been the instructor foi fund accounting which is gov crnmental. school and other not-for-profit accounting for sis years and has a special interest in accounting for an auditing these entities Hunt re laves with organic gardening. She has also sponsored medicinal plant walks and has consulted on one job to design a? garden border df medicinal herbs ? " ? Mr. & Mrs. Jim Dial Observe Golden Anniversary **? ' Mr. anil Mrs. James H. Dial of Maxton, N(' celebrated their SOth wedding anniversay on June I, at Purnell Swett High School. Their children: James Dial, Jr. of Charlotte; Dennis D. Dial of Bosnia; Colette R. I.ocklear of Maxton; ahd (Una O. I.ochlear of Maxton were present and a host of friends and relatives, both locally and state wide. The cake and food was catered by Miss Maureen Dial. 1> ReP- Cummings appointed to Minority Health Advisory Council Raleigh. N( - StaleRep. Frances M Cummings has been appointed b\ Rep Harold J Brubakcr Speaker of the House losenCon thcNCMinorih Health <\d\isor\ Council Her liflpnintmenI waseffective JuIvT l>% and will expire on June "to 1 ?>*>8 Rep Brubakcr said ' I am pleased to appoi nt Rep Cuiuniings to serve on the Minorilx Health Advisorv Council' her willingness to serve in this capacity, is grcatlv appreciated and I ani confident sne will have much to contribute to the Council State Rep Frances M Cummings is one of two House mcmbcrsand two Senators, among the fifteen-member Council. The Minoritv Health Advisorv Council will make recommendations to Ciovcrnor Hum and lhe Secretary of F.nv iroitmcnt. Health and Natural Resources aimed at impro\ ing the health status of North Carolina's minority populations: identifying programs and services: financing and access to health sen ices: and to identify and review disease prevention strategies relating to the leading causes of death and disability among minority populations Rep Cummings said "I am delighted to have been appointed This allows me to work more closely w ith (he largest population in my House District and in an area that is critical to the longevity and quality of life for all minority populations in the Stale " Cummings continued The first issue under consideration h\ the Council is the Confide Home Test kit for HIV ' Activities from Pembroke Housing Authority Pembroke Housing Authority Vouili Center Mould like to invite mothers to join us in our new program EFNEP. Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program is designed for homcmakers with children school aged or young living at home EFNEP classes are held at Pembroke Housing Authority Youth ('enter even Wednesday at 2 (H) p m and is supervised by Ms Brendu Davis For more information please contact Aim Woods. Youth ( enter Coordinator at 521-HMO Pembroke Housing Authority would I ike to welcome Mr Richard Jones, our new Youlh Sports/ Cultural Coordinator Richard is a graduate or North Carolina Stale University with a degree in Recreation and Tourism. The Robeson County Family Support and Family Preservation Program has opened the Family Resource Center for the Pembroke area. ThcCcntcriscurrcntly housed at the Maynor Manor Building Office hours for the Family Resource Center arc TuesdayThursday from 1 p m til (> p m Support sere ices to be offered at the Center in the future will be included on site Resource and Service Coordination Parent (Education and Training. Youth Leadership dcsclopnicnl Information and referral arh oeacy educational improvement and support group For more information, please contact Cindy Locklear at 521-1050 between the honrsottp.m.andbp m TuesdayThursday. A special thanks goes to the community forthcir continuing support with the Family Support Program ' April Locklear, Miss Robeson County has busy schedule April Locklcar the reigning Miss Robeson County is staying very busy during her reign: April has made many appearances lliroughout Robeson Counts and also out of Robeson County April has also visited many schools in Robeson County and gave motivational speeches and performed classical ballet on poinlc to the students. April 's platform is HIV/AIDS Awareness and Prevention: She has given HIV/ AIDS presentations at schools churches, and civic organizations April also appeared on Channel 6 and n news speaking on the While House HI V MDS Forum in which she was able lo attend v in satellite April is a student at UNC Pembroke majoring in Psychology and is the daughter of Harry and Barbara LocklcarofPcmbrokc She is also a student at the School of Ballet in Lumbcrton under the direction of Lauren Jolly April lakes classical ballet and poinlc under Lauren Jolly and Jazz. under Zavcry McDougald. She is also a private voice student under the direction os Matilda Whitfield cireenbriarresidents enjoy July 4th activities (Ireenbriar of Fairmont, iwis the place to be this Fourth of July. There was plenty offood andfun for all! Ifyou would like any further information about (ireenbriar Rest Home, or you would like to become a volunteer, please contact Carolyn Cat on or Stephanie Rritt at 62H9021. Pictured is Ms. Hessie l.ocklear who is celebrating the holiday with a smile and a sparkler. Two of Re\ Steve l.oeklcar i Interested candidates should file ;it the Tribal Government office located m Pembroke Thedeadline for filing August 2 I')<)(> For further information, call the LumbecTribal Government at *21 ?)<)<>?) I t