|Ti j; CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE I ; hed each Thursday by First American Public0ioits, Pembroke, NC II - Shoivn left to right-forefront: Karate Master Shiohan Monaco and i Sensei Kenny Buffaloe shaking hands. Shoivn in the background are . several of Kenny Buffaloe's students from his three branch Karate ! Schools. B\-Anti-Drug Karate Presentations to be Demonstrated in Public Schools Scnsci Kenny BufTaloe. the NC Representative of Kyokushin-kai Karate recently invited Karate . Master Shihan Monaco to conduci , ^ special seminar with his students I. on the beach at Nags Head. NC i >iShihan Monaco is the US Rcprcscntat ivc of the J ntcrnal tonal Kyokushin-kai Karate I - - Organization, and one of the top 1 instructors in thccounlry. He is the promoter of the prestigious "American International Karate Championship Tournament " held ' - ev ery year in Rochester. New York ' 2-; Shihan Monaco, assisted by Scnsci BufTaloe. taught a 1 hour seminar on Kyokushin-Kai basic techniques, self defense, and -special knockdown fighting techniques to 25 students from Emporia. Roanoke Rapids and Ahoskic branch schools Suidcnis ranged in ages from 5 to 4*). and great 1\ benefited from this rare opportunitx Shihan Monaco noted the high lex el of Kxokushm Karate in North Carolina, and praised Scnsci Buffaloe for his efforts, Kenny Buffaloe is planning to do several " Anti-Drug Karate Presentations at Robeson Counlx School during the 19%-?)7 school season These presentations stress participation in Karate and sporls as a positive alternatixc to drug and alcohol use For more information about kvokushin-Kai Karate and classes contact Scnsci Buffaloe at (910) 589-4282 News from the Eastern Carolina Tuscarora Nation The Eastern Carolina Tuscarora Nation is running another survey for the Six Nations, for the Mohawks, and all of the Native people, to certify in Robeson and adjoining counties for name 1 picking for each individual to identify those who are recognized and for the certification of those who are eligible for cards entitling them to tax-exempt status. These cards are issued by the Six Nations and entitle the holder to exemptions of fishing and hunting. U is important for the ones wno have neversigned up as Native people to look into this matter and see whether the Tuscarora Nation is carrying out true fashions concerning this recognition. I advise you that the housing administrator, under Native people ofRobeson and adjoining counties, -v has dealt with the Federal , Government on building homes in Robeson County and I advise you "to watch out for undermining Tuscaroras claiming to be something they are not. We are all Indian people but wc misunderstand one another. It is time for Indian people to wake up out of their genocide beds and realize that Indian people have been discri mi nated agai nst enough. f you will look around at the population of Indian people, you have two choices. Stay with your two party system in schools, or take a three party system and be able to carry your culture into the schools. Then you will be in line with all Native people all over this climate of the United States where ourchildrcn can come out of school and speak their language like the other nations, iryou can set aside for our brothers and sisters from Mexico, then you should set aside for your own kids who are born now. and the ones who have not yet been born. The kids s?IH appreciate the leaders of the day and they will. have something to turn back to their culture If you take culture away then you have taken the children's pride away for living. Then you'll cause the kids to turn to drugs and alcohol This is a reminder to all church leaders Once you leave this pride out and kill the pride of a nation, what wouldyou put in the place of it? We can teach them that Jesus saves and he's a great leader to the fat Iter But once thekid has the pride of his own nation and realizes what Jesus Eridc toward his father and toward im and toward his nation is. then there comes a smile on his face Then the joy hay ust begun to his nation and the'Creator. Then he" realizes what something sacred is all about. Then he realizes the Spirit of Jesus, the Spirit of the Father and the Spirit of the Hol\ Ghost. Then he realizes that he is the fourth one. That makes the four winds of the spirits that come in harmony with the universe Then he is free and then he doesn't want i any of the worldly things that affect the mind ? There is a trip being planned to Tennessee in the near future. That is where names will be picked for certification for the approval of the Tuscarora people Submitted by the Eastern Carolina Tuscarora Nation Kever l.ockleur, Chief 1st Annual Rally for Christ in Support of Share - Life Foundation Where: North Carolina Indian Cultural Center When: Sept 5, 6, & 7, Admission: Donations List of Events Gospel Singing Preaching Food Vendors " Volunteers are needed For mora Information call Brdta Locklaar at 521-9850 or Mlka Cummlngs at 521-9850 '* 'r .' Fund Raiser planned for Rev. Eliassff Rogers, first Indian to serve\tfEMC board, now suffering from kidney failure by Connee Bray boy Friends and supporters of Rev. Elias Rogers arc sponsoring a fund raising event to help defray medical expenses he has incurred asa result ofkidncv failure. The event will be held on Friday October 4. 19% from 11 a.m. until at the Ml. Elim Baptist Church in the fellowship hall Platcsofbarbecuc and chicken will be a\ ai table for $5 00 Tickets arc now being sold and may be obtained from any of the following. Dave Barrington. former sheriff of HokeCounty: MadieRac Locklcar director of the Red Springs Neighborhood Service Center Connee Brayboy of the Carolina Indian Voice: and Joel Dial Jr More informationon the event and ticket purchases may be obtained by calling Mr Dial'al 843-3283 There arc other people with tickets available as well as supporters. Mr. Dial will direct you to she person closest to you who has tickets ""The Preacher." as he is affectionately know n, was the first Indian to serve on the LREMC Board ofDircctors and was allowed to do so only after a long hard legal battle when the all-white board refused to scat him. . A longtime advocate for Indian progress, the Preacher has worked tirelessly for the election oflndians to positions of authority both in his home county of Hoke and in Robeson. He is known for his support of political candidatcofall colors whom he fell would best serve the citizens at large. He has been given the lion's share of the candidate for single-handedly bring the former representative Danny DeVanc to the attention of the electorate The result was that DeVane became the first legislator from Hoke County to represent the larger Robeson and Scotland as well as Hoke County Throughout his distinction career as an ad\ ocalc for human rights. "The Preacher' has been an continues to make progressive contributions to his Indian community and Hoke and Robeson County in general.'. According to Dav c Harrington, one of the candidates who reaped the benefits of the Preacher's expcrtiscand political strategy: "It is time for sonic of us to try and repay the Preacher for some of the things he has done for us. Wcknow that meeting the expenses of medication, travel to and from medical facilities, etc can cause a hardship. It docs not matter how w ell offa person mighVbe. a major illness such as the one the Preacher has. causes a hardship We who arc .his friends siftiply want to alleviate some of the financial burden for him " "The Preacher has been a fighter for causes he believed in and we ha\c all helped him in olhcr bailies, said Barrington "This medical badle is quite different than other challenges the Preacher has faced so we who arc his friends and lo\c him want to help him." Rev Rogers is suffering from kidney failure associated with medical treatment he received in recent > cars prior to and after open heart surgery Dialysis, the method for removing position from the blood stream when the kidneys no longer perform that function, is required by the Preacher every night. Hedoes home dialysis and is . tconfined to his home during the evening hours because of his need for dialysis. He is 67-years-old and is a mcmbei of Ml. Elim Baptist Church. Since being ordained in f%4 Rev Rogers has preached as an evangelist and ministered in the homes of the elderly and ill as well as pastoring several churches w ith the Burnt Swamp Baptist Association Churches he has pastored include: Temple Baptist Sandhills Community. Ml. Moriah Baptist, and Union Light Baptist Church, as well as Mt, Elim Freewill Baptist in South Carolina. If you would like to make a contribution to this worthwhile effort, please call Joel Dial Jr at 910-843-3283. Or contributions mav be sent to Route 1. Red Springs. NC 28.377%ofJocl Dial Jr. Checks shouldbc made payable to the Elias Rogers Fund Locklear attended Conference on Drug Dependency Mclanic Locklear counselorai Southeastern Recovery Alternatives, was selected as one of only two delegates from N.C to the "Expanding the Circle''conference in San Diego. Locklear was nominated to attend this recant conference which focused on lite problem ofchcniical dependency in Native American populations by kern Bird or the N.C Commission of Indian AITairs Before joining SKA in May Locklear was director ol'lhe Palmer Drug Abuse program in Robeson County She earned Iver degree in 'criminal justice from UNCPcmbrokcnnd iscurrcnilv working toward a master s degree in agency counseling there Southeastern Recovery Alternatives affiliated with Southeastern Regional Medical Center, provides intensive outpatient care for persons recovering from alcoholism and other drug dependencies Luntbee Tribal Council Responds to Congressman Rose's Bill Congressman Charlie Rose's Bill. #3X10. introduced in July to federally recognize the Lumbcc Tribe stales that LRDA would be the interim tribal government until a Constitution is adopted and officials arc elected. ' The Lumbcc Tribal Government that was put in place by the people in 1994 certainly supports Lumbcc Recognition However, we do not support LRDA as being the government because the vote of the Lumbcc people chose their form of government. Congressman Rose is taking the Democratic process into his own hands when he goes as far as to name an entity as the head of government. Government is for the people by the people, not Congressman Rose The tribal council is bound by the Lumbcc Const itution to uphold the people w ho elected them into office This is the same way that any elected official is bound Congressman Rose has played the Lumbcc people long enough. We need to stand firm on what we voted for-which is the Lumbcc Constitution- and fight for recognition ofall Lumbcc people There is a place among the Lumbcc forl.RDA.Thal place is determined by Lumbcc people. not Congressman Rose or any other elected official. We appreciate all the supporl Congrcssnian Rose has given the Lumbcc people in the past, and we appreciate any support he can gi\ c us in the future We ask Congressman Rose and his successor to supporl Lumbcc people not an organization or any other entity over the people's wishes Tire Lumbcc people hav c v oiced what they want. We ask the successor to Congressman Rose to abide by the vote of the Lumbcc people and recognize the Lumbcc . Constitution as Our governing document. Submitted by l.umbee Tribal Council Lance Hardinf>. Speaker Activities from Pembroke Housing Authority Pembroke Housing Authority 's Helping Hands"' 4-H Club enjoyed a day cf fun at 4-H Family Day Family Day w as held at Luther Briti Park in Lumbcrton on Saturday August 17. I'J'Hi The day was Tilled with games, face painting singing and lots oTfood Ten of Pembroke Housing Authority s youth and parents attended iliis c\ cnl This was a day to bring together other 4-H Clubs in Robeson County On August 14 !')')() eight students' from the Youth Sports -Program were awarded a special picnic at l.uthcr Britt park and mo\ ic outing for their outstanding nellies cmcnt and posiliv c attitude These students. Labrcssa Burke. Christopher and Lonnie Jacobs Jason and Daniel Revels. Ryan Collins Tina Bell and Telishn Lewis, all showed role model at l itudes dnri rig I lie five week Y on t h Sports Program held at University of North Carolina at Pembroke During the ouling they also discussed issues concerning their community and ways tobetter their community. Pembroke Housing Authority was donated 50 tickets to attend the Faycttcv ilic (icncrals baseball game Three trips were made August nth nth and I'ilh. The .youth thoroughl\ enjoyed the games, although the (icncrals only won one oflhrcc games They out h were able to receive autographs from the players and manager Dwighl Lowry a great role model who is a native and long time sports figure from Pembroke On August 16 l')% Pembroke Housing Authority Youth had a Kids' Night Out Kids' Night Out was a back to school party to celebrate the end of summer and the beginning of school Thirtyfive youth participated in the activities. Youth enjoyed movies, v idco games, hot dogs, and bingo Retired Personnel To Meet I'ltc Robeson Counts Retired School Personnel meeting will be held on Tuesday September 17. 1 ?>?><? inihcO P Owen building al 10 0) a m All retired school personnel arc encouraged to attend state Rep, trances Cummings Endorsed by NCAE Ruleiffh, NC. The Honorable Frances Me Arthur Cuntntings has received lite political endorsement of the 70.()()t)>-nicnibcr NC Association of Educators. Ctintmings is the reigning Stale Representative and the third-term candidate seeking rc-clcction Tor the NC House of Representatives for Robeson. Hoke, and Scotland Counties?District K7. NCAF Stale President Cecil* Bank said."During the past four vears Rep Frances M Cuntntings hns become increasingly effective and gained political strength and support in her House Chambci and the State " Rep Cummings was designated as an "A* Legislator ' in 1993 Further "' Rep Cununings has for decades demonstrated outstanding leadership and unique expertise in the area of public education Teachers received the highest salary increase (14 9 percent) in the past .15 years during Frances Cummings' 1981-84 State Presidency. She has been and continues to be an essential rolemodel in education reform, "said President Banks. State Rep Cummings said. "The endorsement further solidifies my jong-standing. significant track record in education and related activities " Rep Cummings was a classroom teacher and Director of Vocational Education in tire Lumbcrton City and the Public Schools of Robeson County for three decades t)uring those years she served two years as NCAF. (classroom teachers) Stale President and President of the tenslate Southeastern Region Assoc of Classroom Teachers, among see oral other state offices Rep Cummings was also elected to the National Education Association's Bonrd of Directors for seven (7) years and was employed as the NCAE. Associate Executive Director for two years T have always been a viable voice for children andndult learners and their educational attainment, and forcducatorsandtheir teaching conditions and remuneration. As Chairperson of the Prc-School. Elementary , and Secondary House Committee and a member of the Appropriations Educntion and Education Committees. I have gained excellent results I am happy and blessed to have been chosen as NCAF's choice to continue speaking, writing, and revising State Laws in the best interest of enhanced education and teaching and learning conditions in Norlh Carolina. "Rep Cummings said Rogers Family Reunion The descendants of Buddy and Flora (Kcridi nc Rogers will obscrv c a family reunion at New Bethel Methodist Church on Saturday. September?. 1996 from ILOOa.ii) . until 4:00 p.m. Each family is asked to bring a covered dish Any questions may be referred to John Rogers Jr at 910-422-3010 Maynor family to host reunion The Steve and Magnolia Ma> nor family reunion will be held on Saturday. September 21. 1996 in the Pembroke Middle School cafeteria beginning at TOO p.m. For additional information, please call 521-4271 719-1487. 7181109 521-4666. or 521-4122 'f

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