1 E CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE iblished each Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NC VOLUME &THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1996 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS 0 ! sss==== ^ Ua. ??, ? Collins Goins Announces Bid for Seat on EMC Board o f Directors I Barbara Collins Goins. a native of Shannon, announces her bid for the at-largcposition on the Lumbce River EMC Board of Directors. The annual meeting, at which four directors will be elected, is i scheduled for Tuesday. October 1st. at the Performing Arts Center t on the campus of UNC at Pembroke Registration begins at 1 6 p.m. | During the past eight years. | Goins has been employed with the < Department of Defense, working . at Fort Bragg, NC. "1 have worked for the Contracting "office as a Purchasing Agcnl and The Directorate of Logistic as a Supply Technician I am presently a Special Emphasis Program Chairperson (SEPC) for Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) representing the Native Americans at Fort Bragg." Goins staled On November 7. 1995. Goins was honored with an award for her service at Equal Employment Opportunity She received her high school diploma from Fayettcvillc State University in 1979. and earned 63 quarter hours at Robeson Community College during 197980 , She received a certificate in Small BusinessContracting course in 1990 thru the University of Mary land. West Germany Goins lives w ith her husband. Donnic and thci r two sons. Donnic Jv and Elvis in Shannon. "I have a desire." Goins said, to be off assistance to my community I wish to be in a position to assist our elderly and handicapped consumers on the EMC Tnal is one of the reasons I have chosen to seek a scat on the EMC Board of Directors I know somcthingaboiu the hardships that our cldcrlv and handicapped consumers face each day As a woman. I know how difficult it is to manage a household w ork a full timejob. andbc a full time wife and mother I belicv c tluit I can enhance the program of our EMC and be an . asset to our consumers." Goinsconlinucd. "Withlhc 12mcmberboard of directors, there is only one woman serving, I believ e thai women should have more representation on that board because women arc more sensitive to issues, most of the time, than men. There is a need for sensitivity, for concern, and for dedication on the board. I offer these qualities of the member-consumers of EMC. A v ole for me isa v ote for you the consumer! I would appreciate your vote and support October 1 and promise, if elected, to represent consumers fairly and honestly " J1> I New Faculty and Staff at Swett High New Purnell Swett faculty and Staff are shown above. Back row, left to right, they are: Jim Tartia, Jerome Hunt, Jamie Palo, Wesley Revels (PrincipulO, Dorothy Henson, Laura Kelame, Tiffany Kerner, RichardArnow; front row, left to right: Maureen Hill, Maria Smith, Delnres Miller, Betsy Bailey, Mabelle Elk, Sarah McGirt, Janet Chavix. Not shown: Liz Puride and Melody Activities from Pembroke Housing Authority , - Harpers Ferry Baptist Church Family Mission will be sponsoring a YOUTH RALLY Thursday. ;F*riday and Saturday night at Strickland Heights in the Clinton Thomas Day Care Building at 7:00 p m. each night The featured speaker will be brother Charlie Revels The singers will be The Singing Cousins The Masters Quartet. Harpers Ferry Voung People's Choir and other singers and youth choirs. II vou have any questions, call Mitchell "Bosco" Locklcaral52l-IOT<L^^^^^^^ The Youth Cultural and Sports ; Program of the Pembroke Housing Authority along with Burger King Sponsored and outing to the 'CoharriePowwowinClinton. N.C. iEighi youth, from the various ; housing developments, attended ;thc powwow. The youth were Exposed to the various tribes ^throughout North Carolina. ; different Native American dances. ;and all the different arts, crafts, and food made by Native Americans. The youth also learned Idiffcrcnt dances performed at iRowwowsand ceremonies. such as ;-Tradilional and Fancy According ' to Brad Chavis. youth of Mavnor ' Manor. "This was one of the best '."trips I've ever taken. I've learned so much about Indians." The ; YouthCullural and Sports Program will be attending other ethnic events throughout North Carolina According to Richard C Jones, program coordinator. "Exposing our youth to different cultural aspects increases thcirsocial skills tremendously They will be able to interact with other people and respect their heritage " The Youth Cullurnl and Sports Program in conjunction with The Palmer Drug Abuse Program sponsors an anli drug support group every 1st. 2nd and lrd Wednesday and 2nd andJth Fridav at the May nor Manor V out it Center This support group is then followed by a potter, class every Wednesday and a dance refreshments on Friday Karl A hunt, local artist, dircctsthc pottery class and has done an outstanding job bringing out the talents of our youth. It gives the youth something to do while keeping it in a safe and drugfrcc environment. Sponsors andvoluntccrsarc needed for these events. The Youth Cultural and Spirts Program would like to (hank the busincsscsand volunteers for their help and sponsorship Them are other openings for sponsorships and volunteers. It is crucial that other sponsors and volunteers help in order to continue this program for our youth. If you or your companv would like todonatc sometime or be a sponsor of any event please contact Richard C Jones, program coordinator at 521-1010 We in the I(k;iI area hud a wake up call Thursday c\ cning from our Heavenly Father I hud just finished sa> ing my prayers and asked God to watch oyer me less than ten minutes later I heard a big thud sound and got up and looked out iii> kitchen window Lying diagonally from my house was a large pecan tree. It hit my utility building, but my house was spared. I thank the Lord for His mercy to me At 7 p.m. prayer was offered for the food The menu consisted of fried pork chops, fried chicken, potato and cheese casserole corn, biscuits, spice cake with banana sy rup lopping, ice ten and ice w ater Rci Smith lockleat blessed the food We had two dinner guests: Post Commander Jim Clark and will Post Chairman Mrs Jean ( link of Hope Mills VFW Post H: hi p m. the joint session was vailed to order Prayer was by Post < haplam ArchieONendinc Render to colors followed. A ceremony was presented by Mrs Clark on behalf of MI A-POW war men and women who never relumed home from all the wars the USA has fought in It was a very heart w arming ceremony I w ish all post members could have witnessed it She was applauded by everyone on upon completion of the ceremony As I previously staled last month. the post was supposed to be guests at Ml. Air Baptist Church the 8lh Due topow cr outages, t Ik ceremony was cancelled We asked if we can f;obc with them on October I hit f so Mr James l.ocklcar please call the Carolina Indian Voice and ask Ms ( ounce to please announce it either wav That was hopefully we will has c a large representation of our post members We urge all members to please attend 7:57 mcclingadjourncd Ladies retired to their meeting room 8:00 P M Post Commander Deese called the meeting to order A new member was presented to the post and accepted by all We welcome Ml James S Harrell to pur post Having been sworn in and pinned wilh the cross of Malta by Commander Deese Minutes of lasl meeting were read by Post Adjutant James Locklcar. Followed by a report from Post Quartermaster Ardcll Jacobs Expenditures and other items of importance wcrcdiscusscd. Service < Jfilccr Arl Shut) discussed several pieces of information, including the Agent Orange affecting Vietnam Veterans, urging everyone contaminated by it to contact the V A Hospital and set up an appointment to be tested Prostratccanecrisamongtheniany ailments caused by Agent Orange October 20th will be the next gospel sing at ihe VA Hospital That's Sunday at J p m. Hospital chairman Mr Locklcar would like more post members to attend to help lift the morale of Ihe patients Mr Lee A Mavnor urged all members to please pay their yearly dues now and not wail around to the end of the year so that we w ill have 100% members paid up Mr Clark advised the post that on October 9th there will be a ground breaking ceremony for a soldiers home on the grounds at the VA Hospital in Faycttcvillc. urging locals to trx and attend the ccrcmdm November 11 Mi. I')V?> Veterans Da> Parade and I lie Post #2X4 t Annual Chicken and Fish Fry will be held al Posl Headquarters from 11 a.m. until 6 .It) p.m. members arc selling tickets now They arc $5 00 each for chicken or fish We I ways serve good old spots, deep fried Please plan ahead and we ask for your support We have a great number of elderly people at home and in rest homes w ho would love for someone to come bv and just sav hello and let them know that llicy arc not forgotten Would you please be that person to shed a little hope in their liv es'' May our God bless von until next month Erwin Jacobs Post Surgeon News from Pembroke VFW Post . ' i (letting Charged Up For The Veterans Day Parade i The monihlv meet i ng convened at Post Headquarters Monday ' evening. September 9. 19% We had a very low turn out but there were very interesting topics I revealed and discussed with those in attendance The Post ( ommnndcr Rev Hilton Dccscand elected officers are doing their best to make the meetings worthwhile for our members to attend Jeff Moore appointed to County Morehead Scholarship Committee The John Motley Morehcad Foundation at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has appointed Attorney Jeff Moore as a member of the Robeson County Morehcad Scholarship Committee. Morehcad Scholarship Awards are given annually by the Morehcad "Foundation to'graduating high school seniors who have exhibited superior attributes of academic standing, moral force of character, leadership, and evidence of physical vigor Attorney Moore is a native of Pembroke and resides in the Prospect community Attorney Mixirc attended UN( -Pembroke for undergraduate shidics He receiv ed his law degree from IJN( -Chapel Hill. He currently is an Assistant District Attorney for Robeson County but will begin serv ing as a District Court Judge in January after a currently uncontested November General Election. He is married to Brenda Moore who works with Dr Sandra I ocklcar in Pembroke They arc the proud parents ol Iwo daughters HcislhcsonofDelores Moore ol" Prospect Dr Man Ann Masters of Lumbcrton is the chairperson of the Robeson Counts Committee: Other members arc Attorney T Diane Phillips, of Lumbcrton. Justin Oliv er, or Marietta, and Benjamin Bradv. of Lumbcrton and Fairmont. The Morchcad Scholarship Award designed to attract outstanding students to UNC. was established bv the late John Motley Morchcad in 1945 It is modeled after the Rhodes Scholarship program in Oxford. England. It is the only scholarship of its kind offered in America. Tnescholarship is based entirely on merit All secondary schools in North Carolina, public and private, arc eligible lp nominate students for tlic award. There have been at least ten winners of the Morchcad Scholarship Award from Robeson County since the program was established. 13 th Annual Indian Trail Pow Wow/Cultural Festival Mcirolma Native American Assoc a non-profit organization serving a ten county area known as Mclrolina w ill host our I .Ith Annual Indian Trail Pow-Wow at the Indian Trail School on September 27-29. 1996 This year's featured guesi w ill be Miss Indian North Carolina. Milliccnt Hunt and Miss Indian USA. Natasha Wagner In addition to o\cr twenty-five Native Artist and Tradcrsand ov er one hundred Dancers. Singers, and Drummers from all over the US and Canada will be performing throughout this event. The Povv-Wow opens September 27th at 11 am till 'J pm and September 2')th at 11 am till 6 pm. Admission will be frcc and open to the public All donations will be accepted and appreciated to help offset the cost of the event Thank you in advance for your support in our effort to inform the public. ]Say you read 1 it in Carolina Indian Voice. To subscribe call 521-2826 % Jf XHtizens to Elect Bonner to Host Reception >""ii(izcns to elect Donald A Bonner to the NC House will sponsor a reception at W H Knuckles Monlessori School on Friday. September 20. 1996 from 4.30 - 6:30 p.m. Gov Hunt speak between 5:00 -5 30 p.m. The Public is cordially invited New from Swett High With receiving a new principal and several faculty and staff members. Purnell Swett High school anticipated a new atmosphere of high expectations and change Wesley Revels. PSHS principal, stressed a sincere and positive approach to his new role as leader of the largest school in the country New faculty and staff included Jerome Hunt. Jim Tarzia. Dcloris Miller Dick Arnow.MaurlaHills. Dorothy Hcnson. Iris Locklear. Sara McGirt. Betsy Baily. Marie Smith. Carla Ringer. Jamie Palo. Amy Wyatt. Caura Kelanic. Mabel Elk. Tiffany Kerner. Janet Chavis. Robert Brayboy. Frankie Hall. Lizzie Purdie. Peggy McLean. Ann Jacobs. Melody Gill. Shannon Shargots. Deanna Oxendinc. Cry stal McDaniel. By: Steven Hunt Usually Purnell Swett receives exchange students from Spain or Mexico but the school is in a new era with a Portugal exchange student. Maria de Fatima Souto She is 16 years old and is staying w ith Mr Glen andColelc Locklear which she will be staying with until June Muria Souto came to America to learn more E nglish, to sec how the Americans li\ c and have new experiences She said that Portugal was a lot different from America Forexamplc. the schools arc in bad condition and they do not have gy ms like in the American schools do nor do thev have a lot of rules to abide by Maria likes the American schools but she said that there arc too many rules to abide by and too many people in the school. She said shb likes living in America but she is not use to living in the country She misses her family and friends. By: Erika Chavis Bradley Locklear. a 17 year old senior at Purnell Swett. was the first person from Robeson County to attend the North Carolina State Highway Patrol Student Trooper Program. The camp w as located in Raleigh. N.C and was held on June 21 -28 Brad was able to learn many skilled activities such as obscmng weapon safety first aid. and radar demonstrations. Brad encourages all juniors loallend the camp for an interesting and jcarning experience For information about the camp please contact Mr Dennis Watts Congratulation for your achievement Brad! By: Heather N. ('arter Attorney Ron Sutton Opens New Office in Pembroke Rep Ronnie Sutton, has now opened Ins Law Office for private practice at 2081 iniott Chapel Road Pembroke The new office is located next to the Pembroke Rescue Squad Rep Sutton was lormcrlv affiliated with the law lirni of l ocklear Jacobs. Sutton and Hunt Rep Sutton, in addition to his duties as Attorney at Law. represents the 85th Legislative District in the North Carolina General Assembly Rep Sutton will specialize in personal injury wrongful death and other traffic matters Hisofficc number is 521-4797

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