r ? C 7-; ' Tfl : CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE JR ? 'd each Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke s ^ VOLUME 23 NUMBE Pembroke oudor Serves Aboard High-Tech Navy Destroyer SAN DIEGO - While the size of the Navy's battle force is declining, its role in international operations is on the rise. Whether it's responding to missions in the Arabian Gulf, or supporting the nation's counter-narcotic agencies in the Caribbean sea, the naval service continues to do more with less. For this reason, the Navy places an emphasis on building its new ships with a high-tech, multimission capability. Navy Seaman Gussie L. Jones, the 20-year-old daughter of Joseph and Suzette Jones of Pembroke, is stationed on one of the Navy's newest multi-mission ships, the guidedmissile destroyer USSBenfold. Jones enjoys being assigned to one of the Navy's most advanced warships. "By knowing the background of the Benfold, I'm proud to say that just by being a member of its crew is rewarding enough," said Jones, a 1994 graduate ofPurnell Swett High School. As a seaman on the 500-foot long ship, Jones maintains and preserves the ship's surfaces and deck equip ment. Its powerful gas-turbine engines, state-of-the-art Aegis combat system and computer-operated commandand-control system make the 8,300ton Benfold one of the Navy's most formidable warships. "The Benfold's radar-absorbing materials and design makes it nearly undetectable to enemy radar. To the enemy's radar systems, our ship appears to be a small fishing vessel," said Jones, a two-year Navy veteran. Using a combination of missiles, torpedoes and rapid-fire guns,-the San Diego-based destroyer provides anti-submarine, anti-air and antisurface protection for battle groups, amphibious task forces, surface action groups, convoys and military and merchant shipping. It is also capable of search and rescue, counternarcotics and surveillance ope rations. The Benfold is named to honor the life and service of Petty Officer 3rd Class Edward C. Benfold. Benfold, a Navy hospital corpsman, was killed in action while serving with the First Marine Division in Korea in September 1952. Bcnfold was mortally wounded while killing two attackers and saving the lives of two of his comrades. Keeping ships like the Benfold up-to-date with the latest technology maintains a defense posture that is one step ahead of any potential aggressors, and Jones feels that's very important. "Designings building and deploying ships like the Benfold allows the Navy to maintain its superiority of the seas," said Jones. Deploying ships witfr< advanced technology around the world helps the Navy keep an eye on the global situation and ensures quick reaction to any hostile action. Although deployments keep Sailors away from home and theirfamilies for months at a time, Jones feels it's necessary for the Navy to maintain an overseas presence throughout the year. "In case a crisis erupts, the Navy can send the most mission-capable, fastest and technologically advanced ships to the area, like the Benfold," T said Jones. if Navy Seaman Gussie L. Jones v : Financial Aid Workshop Jan. 7 There will be a FINANCIAL AID WORKSHOP for students and parents in th&Purncll Swett High School Media Center on Tuesday, January 7, 1997, at 6:30 pm. The public is invited. Parentsofcurrent high school juniors and seniors are particularly encouraged to attend. Christmas Banquet and Concert A Christmas Banquet and Concert will be held at Lumbefton High School on Saturday, December 14 beginning at 5 p.m. (banquet) and the concert at 7 p.m. Theconcertwill feature Carla and Redemption from Lumberton. Also appearing will be Darrell Luster and Singing Sheppards. o Tickets arc $10 for the banquet and concert in advance and $ 12 at teh door. Prospect United Methodist Church, Route 3, Box 196, Moxton will be the site for the Christmas Musical - The Song. The Music Ministries of Prospect tfMC (Children, Youth and Adult Choirs) will combine to present the A lusical at Prospect United Methodist Church on Saturday night 0 December 14 and Sunday night - December 15 at 7:00 p.m. Then on Sunday Morning at 10:00 a.m. The musical is directed by Mr. HaroldD. Jacobs, and is narrated by Ms. Louisa Oxendine and Mr. John Deese. There will solos, small groups, ^ choirs, drama, creative movement, lightningeffectsandsoundtomakethis a very exciting and meaningful experience of Worship and Praise. The pastor, The Reverend Bill J. Locklear, invites you to this celebration of the birth ofJesus at Prospect United Methodist Church, 5 miles North West of Pembroke, 8 miles South of Red Springs and 8 miles North East ofMaxton, across the road from Prospect School on this Saturday and/or Sunday nights at 7:00p.m. Bring a Friend. Shown left to right are tecondplace winner, Juan Locklear; firstplace winner, Brandy Lambert; adn third place winner, Ronnie Boothe. ;i Jacobs Serves I as Grand \ Marshall ; The Pembroke Christmas parade - > recognized Mr. Josephys D. Jacobs - as this year's grand-Marshall, Dc^ cembcr 5,1996. Mr. Jacobs is a retired N.S. Army ; National Guard, a retired FHA Loan Officer and County supervisor in Robeson and Lee Counties and a :' retired Agri educator in the public schools of Robeson County. Say you read it in Carolina Indian Voice. Pembroke Housing t Authority Activities On December 18, 19% at 6:00 P.M. the 4-H "Helping Hands" Club will sponsor a Youth Rally at Strickland Heights in the park. The youth invites everyone to attend. , On November 26, 19% at Pembroke Housing Authority Youth Center was a special evening for the 4-H "Helping Hands" Club. The Club held its second 4-H Oratorical Contest (Public Speaking). The youth delivered speeches on drugs and other related Social problems that are effecting" tfic youfh and tomorrow's future. Winners of the contest were third place Ronnie Boo the, second place Juan Locklear, first place Brandy Lambert. Other contestants were Cynthia Locklear, Sharina Quevedo, Kristina Hunt, Charlcie Collins, Sofie Hunt, Labressa Burke, George Hammods and Yolanda Locklear. Pembroke Housing Authority would like to thank the following people for their help with making the contest a success. The judges for the contest were Mr. Robert Locklear, Ms. Pandora Strickland and Ms. Demtris Hunt. Ms. Dewan Locklear was the auditor for the contest. Mistress of Ceremonies was Ms. Nahir Hunt, the Robeson County 4-H AgenUJunior Miss Lumbee Morgan Hunt provided the group with entertainment for the evening. New Prospect Church Ladies provided refreshmenu. The Pembroke Housing Authority staff would again like to give> a special thanks to the children for giving their time. Even though the rains came it - didn't' stop the 4-H "Helping Hands^ Club from participating in the Pembroke Christinas Parade. The Youth Sports Program Bowling League met Thursday, December 4th at the UNCP Student Center with a competition between the Chavis Park King Pins and the Dial Terrace/ Maynor Manor Terrors with the undefeated King Pins edging out the Terrors. With the League half way through the season, the King Pins lead the league with a record of 2-0 and 3517 poinu, the Terrors are 1-1 with a score of 3306 poinU. The contestants are shown with Junior Miss Lumbee Morgan Hunt. Pembroke Kiwanis Report The Tuesday evening meeting was held at the Town and Country Restaurant with President Fumie Lambert presiding. Treasurer Albert Hunt reported over 200 diners attended our Spaghetti supper and Pancake Breakfast on Friday and Saturday with proceeds will over a thousand dollars. The money will be used for the needs of our Youth projects such as Little League baseball, Boy andfii rl Scouts, The Boy Scout Cabin, School requests and many other places in need of financial support. We arc also thankAil to Mrs. Fay Mitchell Cafeteria Supervisor for her help in putting on tne fund raiser witnout her help we could not do the job. Thank you Mrs. Mitchell. The School was its beautifUl self with Chi Idrensdrawings of Santa Clause posted on the bulletin boards and I noticed too the carpets in the Cafeteria and Hall-' ways have been replaced by hard surfaced flooring of either tile or congoleium flooring and it makes us ,proud of this. You, the schools arc manned by professionals and teachers are very dedicated and have gone to college for training in meetingthc needs' of students and this report just gives mc the chance to thank them for their work often over-looked, but our society would , be lost without our good teachers and principals. We can't get along without { them. Members of the Fayettevillc Kiwanis were visitors as was Bill Oxendinc's brother Jerry and Jim Hammonds from Atlanta. Earl Horan from thcFaycttcvilleClub sent Lt. Gov. Dick Fishers greetings and told us that Gov. Fisher is recovering from his heart attack. Earl Horan has been the Chairman of Inter-club Visits- | tions for 17 years of the Fayettevillc Club. They'mcct Fridays at 1:00 P.M. at | the Haymont Recreation Center. v Next weeks meeting will be our Annual Christmas Program Chaired by Ed Teets. Ladies are cordially invited. Our speaker was unable to attend but will be with us later. Invocation.- Vardell Swctt; Song leader.- Ed Teets; Reporter. - Ken Johnson. 1 News From Pembroke VFW VFW Post #2843 to host district 8 meeting Jan. 12, 1997, 1 p.m. Mon- ' day Dec. 9th the post held it's December monthly meeting at. Post Headquarters in Pembroke The meeting was rather long because there 1 was a lot on the agenda. There were 1 a good number of guests present for a free dinner. We had several guests from members of Post #6018 Fayetteville, also the Women's Auxiliary District President Ms. Paulett Jones from Spring Lake, Miss Lumbee Rebecca Revels who later spoke and sang "Oh Holy Night",to music. Special guest's included Mrs. Mary Jane Bryant from Mt. Airy Baptist rendered 2 songs accompanied by Pianist Mr. Monroe Chavis after we ate dinner. The food was blessed by Rev. Smith Locklear. The menu consisted of; baked turkey, dressing, rich gravy, col lard greens (real sweet and delicious), green beans, yams, cornbread patties, banana coconut cream pie for dessert, ice tea, hot coffee. The meal were enjoyed by all, approx., 65 were in attendance for dinner. At this present I wish to make a correction on our Veterans Day at Mt. Airy Pastor, James M. Locklear, should have^bcsh written in the article. Thank you we all make little mislakes. Also 1951 should have been written instead of 1957. The meeting was called toorder at 7:50 p.m. by Post Commander Rev. Hilton Deese. Prayer offcrcdby Chaplain Archie Oxendine. Then special music rendered by Mrs. Bryant after an introduction by Post Adjutant James B. Locklear. Shortly after Mr. Oxendine welcomed the 1st and 2nd place winners sponsored by VF W # 2843 Post. On the voice of Democracy. There were 2 local High Schools represented and a meeting was previously held the 1 st of December to choose and hear their essays. Afterintroducing South Robeson High from Rowland and Purncll Sweat High honor students, Mis Vivica Patterson and Miss Jessica Locklear Respectively. He announced the 1st and 2nd place winner: Miss Locklear placed 1st and Miss Patterson placed 2nd Both students read theiressays. They were rewarded a check each, gold pins to them and heir-parents which pinned them on. \nd the parents also got a gold pin. 1st place received a school bag, both students received a plaque also. Then followingapplauds fUiss Lumbee was introduced. She urged the girls to continue the- in aiion. She is a freshman at uNC-Pembroke. The ladies retired to 'heir meeting room after a brie'. nr.ission. Special guests were thanked as tliey departed for coming. Joint meeting closed 8:40 p.m. 8:50 closed meeting ofthe VFW men called to order. 4 applications read and approved. Mr Neal Jones, Mr. Al. W.Britt,Mr. Leroy B. Brown, Mr. Kenny Ray Hunt Mr. Britt and Mr. Hunt sworn in and welcomed after Commander Deese pinned the Cross ofMalta on them. The minutes of October meeting were read by Mr. James B. Locklear. No meeting was held November due to parade and fish and chicken fry. Thank everyone who supported us. We heard a lot of good reports on the food Quartermaster Ardell Jacobs gave a lengthy report of expenditures, etc. on our financial report. Mr. Locklear (Hospital Chaplain) said next Gospel Singling at the V.A. Hospital in Fay.etteville will be April 6th. The, post will host the 1997 District 8 meeting Jan. 12thatTpm-(Sunday). Jan 13 th Post monthly meeting. The Post Commander Urges members to come and support the district meeting and our monthly meeting. Other things were discussed, Budd> Poppys were purchased by r members to help the ladies Auxiliary. Mr. Ardell said this was our bes' plate sale yet as he can recall, lamhr noredtobcapartofthe ones who worked so faithful to accomplish it. 1 can't name all the ones who rolled up their sleeves and dedicated their time and talent but you!! Know who you are. 1 salute your fullest support and dedication. That is what makes this Post function. Wi-' :ig everyone a very heart fc1' and a blessed Christmas also a . cry prosperous new year. Visit someone who is shut in and let them know as a christian you love them and they arc not forgotten. As Christ said visit the sick and shut in. The widows, the orphans. Tell them the love of Jesus God Bless You Until Next Time. F.nvin Jacobs Post Surgeon Happy 7th Birthday *-? 1? ? ' Jamie Bell of Lumberton, NC celebrated bis 7th birthday November IS with a party at the Lumberton Bowling Alley. Many family members and friends were In attendance. Jamie Is a first grade student at Tanglewood Elementary School He If the son of Greg andBonlta Bell and the grandson of Rand and Christine Ballard and Baddy and Sarah Bell of Pembroke. He Is shown with his grandmother Sarah Bell

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