-? N Eye Witness to History b> Dexter Brooks, Senior Resident Superior Court Judye ' - ^ Following is my introduction to the court by my long time friend and Jormer law partner, Arnold l.ocklear, senior member of the Pembroke law firm; l.ocklear, Jacobs and Hunt. After his introduction on January 2 11V , the remarks I gave as I became Senior Resident Superior Court Judge are reprinted: Arnold l.ocklear: May h please the Court With great, great pleasure I sa\ to the Court that Judge Brooks comes to the legal profession the first of his family His mother is with him today. Ms Lcla Brooks She is a hoiticmaker and wasa public educator for many years His father was a teacher He taught public school and was a farmer for many many year, the late John Brooks And of course he comes from a Christian home He comes from a fa mils that has a history of scholars and hard working folks His background education includes being a graduate of the local schools He obtained his B S degree from North Carolina State in 1965 with honors and earned a double major in Electrical Engineering and Mathematics Afler that he served his country in the United Slates Arms. 1966 through 1968 He served in Vietnam in 1967-'68 with the First Calvary Division He obtained his masters degree in mathematics and worked on his PhD thereafter But for some compelling reason he came back to Robeson Countv and taught school at Southeastern Communitv College During this timeframe there was an issue on the campus of Pembroke Suite University. UNCP now. hav ing to do with the restoration of Old Main and Judge Brooks got involved in that Perhaps from that experience it led him to the University of North C arolma School ofLaw at Chapel Hill where he obtained his Juris Doctorate degree in 1976 and returned to Robeson Countv w here he became involved in the legal practice and in basic political and civil rights issues At that time, in 1976. the issue of double voting existed in Robeson County. as well as the issues of commissioners redistricting. school merger and judicial redistricting Judge Brooks was inv olved in these issues as llicv developed and his involvement was ongoingand lasted until the conclusion In civil litigation he was basically involved in major cases In Superior Court he has the distinction of not hav ing lost a single case At the time of the death ofJulian Pierce in the county. the Stale Legislature created a Superior Court Judgeship. And in January 1989 lie was appointed by the Gov ernor to fill that slot which he served in until this day and without opposition in 1996 in the primary general elections I would like to say to the Court that Judge Brooks has been fair He has a very good legal background and I present Judge Brooks to the Court Following this introduction Judge Hurley Mitchell administered the oath of office. Following a standing ovation from the audience, I made the following comments: Well, first of all I'd like to say that I'm really pleased and apprcciativ c of this crowd here. And I shouldn't use the word crowd, let nic use the word assembly of citizens here in this courtroom Apparcntlv we do not have enough seats for everyone And that I think is great.... It really makes me feel very honored As you probably know, we had some problems getting notice out about this event Apparently a lot of folks called their neighbors and this kind of thing and that is responsible for this assembly here today. Now. I'd like to say to the assembly that you're looking at a person who has been blessed. By that I mean that I was born to loving parents 1 grew up in a family where the children and the parents loved each other. And 1 was instructed from the earliest age in the Christian faith and I was instructed in the Golden Rule That Golden Rule being do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I can say that my parents were the most gentle of people I cannot recall a single time that my father ever laid a hand upon me. He instructed me in other manners as opposed to the use of the rod and 1 loved him for it. And I can say that I went on to be encouraged by my parents to always excel in academics And so during the course of my career, whatever school, whether it be Pembroke Graded School or whether it be Pembroke High School or North Carolina Stale, 1 always tried to please my parents. And in particular I remember my father would always want to see my report card And if 1 camc( home with anything less than straight A's. then he would register some concern and tell me that 1 was capable of better work and that 1 should apply myself accordingly in order to lift myself up in those categories (hat I was deficient. And so I had that kind of a home And aftcrfinishing front Pembroke High School, I went off to receive what I believe is the best education that the slate could offer, that being that I have a degree in engineering from North Carolina State University and 1 have a degree in law from UNC Chapel Hill And I'm very grateful io both of those institutions for the instruction 1 received and of the type of education that 1 received That education prepared nic for the trials that I confronted after 1 finished school. After spending those two years in the Army, and I see a number of veterans in the group And I'm most proud to say that 1 am a veteran of the United Stales Army and 1 spent 12 months in the Republic of Vietnam And I'm wearing the colors that as a veteran I'm entitled to wear by reason of the medals that were awarded to me because of that service But after my Army career. I came back after rccciv ing my law degree I came back to Robeson County for one purpose only And that purpose was that I wanted to address myself to the problems that I perceived in the county. And I wanted to be able to be a part of constructive solutions to those problems. Coming back not w ith the idea that 1 was going to be fighting any major battles, but with the idea that I was going to be able to sit down and reason with people with whom I had differences and try to resolve those differences So during the course of the 12 years that I practiced law. I'm happy to say that I had f> good relationship with all of my brother attorneys And 1 can say that prior to coining into the courtroom, i always made a genuine effort to sit down with the other side and to resolve the problems associated with any litigation we were involved in !"' i So I carried that kind of attitude onto the bench when I was appointed by Governor Martin in 1989 after the untimely death of Julian Pierce As a judge I can say that in the eight years that I've been one, I've traveled pretty well all over the state. I've held court in 44 counties. And as I've traveled around the state as a judge I tried to do these things: Number 1.1 tried to be fair And what I mean by that is regardless of who came before me, regardless of their race, thefr wealth, their political connections or whatever, I tried as best I could to be objective and to render the best decision under the circumstances. And Number 2. I tried to be courteous 1 believe that serious business is conducted in the courtrooms of the state. And I believe that all public servants and in particular judges should operate their courtrooms in a dignified manner and should be courteous to the citizens who come before them And thirdly, and probably in that order of importance. I tried to be a scholar of the law I tried to always be in a position where as far as the case that I was dealing with that I had done my homework And 1 wanted the attorneys to be able to feel as though I knew more about the case and the law than the attorneys And in that regard I had a very good school because here in Robeson County we have and arc blessed to have one of the greatest Superior Court judges of all time, that being the Honorable Henry McKinnon And I'm pleased to see Judge McKinnon here today I can say that lie's a man I greatly admire And Judge McKinnon. 1 always compared you?if you folks have seen the movie "To Kill a Mockingbird." there was an attorney in that movie from a small town by the name of Athens Finch And when I thought of Alliens Finch, the person who is the image of that man came to mind it was Judge McKinnon. And I can say that I've appeared in his courtroom on numerous occasions and he was fair, courteous and knowledgeable of the law And I don't mind telling anyone that 1 used him as a role model for myself as I've gone about the state But now, I'm shifting gears Now. wherein my earlier term of office I was a Resident Superior Court Judge and as 1 went around the state, I only had to answer for Dexter Brooks But now I'm shifting gears and my becoming the Senior Resident Superior Court Judge. I not only have to think about the way my own courtroom is conducted, but I am assuming new responsibilities towards the court system as a whole And I have to think more about the court system as a whole and the way it functions than I do as far as what I will be doing a as an individual judge And as I sec the role that I will play in that new. position of responsibility that has been thrust upon me. I see it thusly: I believe that I have an obligation to the citizens of this community and of this county to assure you that the courts of this county arc conducted fairly and efficiently I know that here in Robeson County in times past perhaps some |?coplc didn't feel kindly disposed towards the court systems in the county And if I might digress for a moment, I remember when I told my mom that I decided to go to law school and she looked at nic seriously and said "couldn't 1 find something better to be other dun a lawyer'" So at one time >ou know a lot ol people have had negative perceptions of lite court system Well, the perception of an individual is that individual's real its And 1 think as a part of my job I have to deal with that perception So, I can assure the citizens of this counts that I will do evers thing in mv power to assure that the system does operate fairly and efficiently And that people when thev come into the courts will have confidence in the business that is being transacted here And the way--one of the ways 1 intend to do that it just recently I was talking w uh Tom Jones, the president of the Robeson Counts Black Caucus And I told Tom that 1 wanted the Black Caucus to meet and to select a suitable portrait of the Reverend Dr Martin Luther King. Jr And once thc> selected the portrait if tliev would present it to ins self that 1 would sec that portrait was displayed in a prominent place somewhere in ihejudicial offices so that w hen anyone comes in to interface w ith the superior court judges they would see that portrait And by seeing that portrait, they would understand that the dream of Dr King is being carried out in Robeson Counts 1 also am going to display a portrait of one of my favorite historical personalities. Thontas Jefferson We all know Thomas Jefferson because he of course, penned the Declaration of Independence And he put pen to paper and expressed eloquently the basic underpinnings of our system of gos eminent and the fairness of that system And I want people who come into those judicial offices to sec that portrait and be reminded that this country through the sacrifices of Dr Martin Luther King has improved sonic He pricked the conscious of the country And he caused the country to look back at what had been penned by Thontas Jefferson and the other founders of this rcpublic. and it calls to our country's collective conscious to try to live up to the those great principles It caused the country to get on the road to treating all people the same, regardless of race or economic status The man that set us on the road in the modern era to me is exemplified by the Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jr And there's a further portrait that I'm going to have hung in a prominent place, and that is the portrait of Henry Berry Lowrie And I do it for the follow ing reason He is a local person who had a dream The dream that Henry Berry had was that thcjusticc system would be fair and would treat all people the same If y ou arc familiar with the story of Henry Berry. you will know that Henry Berry was fighting for the rights of all people and he of course was Native American But I think you should know that the members of his group or his followers included African Americans and included European Americans So he was not fighting a cause just for Indian people, but he was fighting a cause for individual rights in Robeson County. And Henry Berry didn't live to sec his dream fulfilled, although he gave it his best shot, so to speak. He was a man of great convictions and he was willing to give the criminal justice system a chance to treat him fairly. On 41 least two different occasions Henry Berry w illingly surrendered himself to the criminal authority ofthe day and said," I've been promised that I am going to be treated fairly by this system. You've not been able to capture me and you've not been able to kill me," even though federal troops were brought into the county for that purpose Each time he was disappointed and each time he then made spectacular escapes from the custody of supposedly impregnable jails at the time. But the reason and what set off the bloodiest fury in Robeson County's history was that during the Civil War the Confederate Home Guard came upon the home of Alan Lowrie Mr. Lowrie was an elder of the Indian community at that time, a well respected man. He was accused of crimes that he denied But he was denied a trial and he was shot by the Confederate Home Guard. Not only Mr Lowrie, but also his oldest son, William, without the benefit of ordinary due process or anything. This was why Henry Berry... one of the reasons w hy we had thcbloodicst times in Robeson County as they were described Well, Henry Berry was the brother of Sinclair Lowrie and both were the sons, as I said earlier, of Alan Lowrie, My grandfather. Sandy Brooks, was reared by Sinclair Lowrie I am related and the Brookscs are related to the Lowries in that respect. When Alan Lowrie and William Lowrie were killed by the Confederate Home Guard without a trial, the women and children were locked injj smoke house. Included in the people who were locked in the smoke house was a child about the age of eight whose name was Sandy Brooks. And Sandy Brooks was my grandfather. He was the man 1 said earlier was reared by the brother of Henry Berry. Well, my grandfather liv ed to sec me born, and I was named after him. 1 was named Sandy Brooks?really Sandy Dexter Brooks in his honor. So 1 think it is fitting that I should tell you this story because... what Henry Berry fought for was simply that people of color be treated equally by the criminal justice system. .1 say that has come to pass in Robeson County. If a person of color can rise to the level of the Chief District Court Judge of this county, that being Honorable Herbert Richardson and if a Native American, such as myself, can rise to the post of the Senior Resident Superior Court Judge. I would say that changes have occurred in Robeson County and those changes have been positive. They've been supported bv the majority of the people in the county. Although 1 was very active in the voting rights efforts that brought about this change, I can honestly say and believe that I've always had friends of all three races And I count among the people, my close associates, people I have tried to work with to bring about this change. For example, the first litigation brought under the Voting Rights Act in Robeson County was filed by myself It was filed to protect the voting rights of Black people in the town of Maxton. I did so with my good friend. Mr George Ziegler, who is here today Later on I can honestly say that when the issue of the school merger was being hotly debated, and of course the schools have been an issue in this county for a number of years . Fortunately, things now arc improving substantially But there were a number of people, Black, white and Indian who were interested in the improvement of education. It was along about that time that I met a person whom 1 admire very much and that's Eric Prevatte. Eric of course is of European descent and we're not related at all. I asked him that question when he appeared in one of my cases. He responded not to his knowledge. I think Eric is a man of his word so I'll assume we're not related to each other 1 However, Eric and I became the best of friends and we tackled a problem ' that a lot of people had tackled before. Through the help of ourselves, Dr. Joy Johnson, and many others, the schools of this county were merged. And I remember telling Eric one time that before I met him I had been told by a number of people that Eric was the worst of rednecks and that he hated Indians and Blacks with a passion. Then Eric had said well you know I was told the same thing about you. He said people told me that you hated every single white person you ever met So we had a good chuckle out of that. And w e proceeded to solve a problem that we fell confronted the county as a whole. I say all of that and say to everyone here that I pledge that I will use my best efforts to cooperate with all duly constituted authority, the district attorney, the sheriff, the public defender, the clerk of court, the county commissioners, the board of education. Any time the court system interfaces with any of those officials, scrupulously I'll observe and respect the prerogatives of thcirofficc and I will try to sit down and try to make the court system of this county a model that the whole state can be proud of Thank you very much Following my remarks, the lliyh Sheriff of Robeson County, Glenn Mavnor, closed the court. - Indian Voice.1 To subscribe \ f PUBLIC NOTICE The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Robeson County Board of Commissioners scheduled for April 7, 1997 has been cancelled A special meeting of the Robeson County Board of Commissioners will beheld Thursday, April 10, 1997 at 6:00 PM at the O P Owens Building (Cooperative Extension Service) located off NC Highway 72-West of Lumberton NC The purpose of the Special Meeting is the E-911 project for Robcsao-County and any other matters which may come before the Board l.intla A. Hedgpeth Clerk to the Hoard ^^^^^fiohesot^ount^loanhrfConwwM Maynor-Bowen To Wed u irauc tnuynor oj Shannon announces the engagement of her daughter, Delia May nor to Ronnie Bowen of Shannon. The groom-elect is the son of Florence Bowen of Shannon. Their wedding is planned for April 5 at South Hoke School (formerly) Hawkeye School. Hoke County Native Paw-Wow is 11 a.m. until 5p.m. Traditional Native American Wedding at 5 p.m. Everyone welcome. CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Mussolini, for one 5. Scorch 9. Done Xor (Ger.) 10. Cavities 12. Beetle 13. Conform 14. Misplaced 15. Mr. and ? 16. Land measure 17. Half an em 18. At a distance 20. Hawk parrot 21. Affected manners 22. Half a quart 23. It was signed at Runnymede 26. Frozen desserts 27. French river . 28 . River Valley 29. Let it stand (print.) 30. Bone (anat.) 32. Close to 33. Owns 34. Elllpltlcal 36. TV's George 38. Ascended 39. Harden (var.) 40. Crazy (slang) 41. Blunders 42. Malt beverages DOWN 1. Pythias' friend 2. Java tree 3. Draperies 4. Greek letter 5. Small-scale trout (var.) 6. Trays for bricks 7. Wing8. Recolor 9. Variety of cabbage * 11. Layers, as of rock 15. Good luck animals KJ Hi IX li 19. Friar's title 20. Employ 21. Matured 22. Rural 23. Desert phenom enon! 24. Any ketone 25. Hasten 29. Auctions 30. Malt kilns 31. Weaver's reed 33. Mister (Ger.) 35. Ballot 37. Rough envelope of chestnut 38. Arab garment Aaiwer lI "li r, PP----P---^P ? ~PP 5F~ ^ sr 1" " ^55 ~ E 1 1 ^ rtM PvciRCUS^H^AWMiRlSHBMIMBERSSr An Ivanlng Your Child Will Ntvf forgetl Under A Canvas Arena LARGER . K2 I^^^^Thar^Jootbal^leld^^vl^l IKV" ROBESON COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS ^ TUES. AND WEDS. I APR. 8TH APR. 9TH I SPONSORED BY; ROBESON CO, CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN RED CROSS TnrrrprwTTm i^l SHOWTIMES 4 30 & 7 30 DAILY RESERVED SEAT TICKETS I NOW ON SALE AT: s?*? (G#n Aorri?w(ij* I On Showdays. Tickets I i *wa.ts(*9? ij?ii Itioo 11000 I On Sale At The White I I "" Ticket Wagon On The I Notice of Sale of Xerographic Copier Machines Notice is hereby given that the Robeson County Board of Commissioners at a regular meeting held on March 17, 1997, at the Robeson County Administration Building, 701 North Elm Street, Lumbcrton, North Carolina, Accepted the Proposal submitted by C O M Inc. of Lumbcrton, North Carolina, to furnish xerographic copy service and to purchase 57 copy machines for the bid price of $34,475.00 These machines were offered under sealed proposals and opened on February 12,1997 at 2.00 PM And said sale shall be consummated by the Robeson County Manager no sooner than 10 days after publication of this advertisement V /

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