?? T!!U CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE * Wished each Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NC' 11 : VOLUME . THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1997 T N^gNTV-El VE CENTS _ The < Indian Voice to 1 Celeb Years of Publicatiom I ' Friends i f the Y Carolina Indian Voice will gather at Pembroke Middle School on Sati urday night, April 26, 1997 to celebrate 24 years of continuous pub1 lication of the Indian owned news; paper The celebration will include ; a banquet and special entertain mcnlbyCamellLocklear Theeveni " begins at 7:30 p.m. and tickets ai v. I available for $30 per couple and 1 $15 single Madic Rac Lccklcar. LREMC - Board member, ischairingthc event. I For more information and tickets. : please contact her at 843-5092 or - call the Carolina Indian Voice at - 521-2826 - The Carolina Indian Voice ic lndianow;ncd andopcraled and has the distinction of having the longest continuing publication of any .newspaper in the Lumbcc community. For a short time in the early Wsthe Pembroke Progressive was published in Pembroke. It was not Indian owned. The next Indian newspapcrattcmpt was in the 1960s ^yhen the Lumbee newspaper was published foraboul (wo years Neither newspaper was owned totally by Indians ' The Carolina Indian Voice began publication January 18. 1973. Bruce Barton was editor then and ?ici\cd until 1987 Conncc Brayboy associate editor, became editor then and has served in that capacity since Locklcar staled that she was looking forward to an evening of celebration. "There arc more than 40.000 Indians residing in and around Robeson County You can find an Indian competently performing in all areas, doctors, lawyers. teachers, judges, the High Sheriff. Clerk of Court, new spaper editor.. "1 think it is only right thafwfc take time to celebrate the 24 years of publication of our Indian newspaper It has been a w ay of recording our history through our own media. "I encourage friends and supporters to join me in this cclcbration." A 19&7 Indian Unity tConference Successful by John "Tall Bird" Marshall The 22nd "Annual North Carolina Indian Unity Conference" was held march 13th - 15th, 1997 at the Holiday inn Bordeaux in FayetteviJIc. North Carolina; sponsored by thCv. "United Tribes Of North Carolina". The "United Tribes Of North Carolina" is a non-profif corporation established to promote educational. religious, charitable, economic, cultural activities, and unity among the Indians of North (Carolina. The theme for.the conference was "10,000 Years And Our Stories Continue In Unity". The "United Tribes Of North Carolina" is made up of the following Indian Organizations: Coharic Intra-Tribal Council. Haliwa-Saponi Indian Tribe, Lumbce Regional Development Association, Mcherrin Indian Tribe, Waccamaw-Siouan Development Association, Cumberland County Association For Indian People, Metrolina Native American Association, Guilford Native American Association, North Carolina CommissionOf Indian Affairs, North Carolina Consortium On Indian Education, and Eastern Band Of Cherokee. This conference was dedicated to the memory of ChiefTom "Standing Deer" Carter, Betty Jo "Jo-Jo" Hunt (Lumbee), and Ludie Darlene Graham Jernigan (Waccamaw-Siouan) The format of this conferencgwas tightly scheduled with many meetings. workshops, and activities going on all at the same time. I observed several individuals almost in a run from one room to another Workshop topics included: "Indian EmpowcrSnenf. "Indian Education". "HeadStan"."Employment", "T raining". "Economic Development". "Alcohol And Drug Abuse".'"Housing", and the "General Assemblies". Other activities consisted of Student/Adult Art Exhibits. Native American Juried Fine Art Exhibit. Vendor Booths. North Carolina Indian Medicine Show. The 1997-1998 Miss Indian North Carolina pageant. AwardsAnd Recognition. Banquet. Youth / Adult Dance, Flute Music by Tony "Little Turtle", Pow Wow, and Title IX Indian Education Exhibits. There were so many group sessions and so many speakers that it wouldbc most difficult to mention all these in this article. In conclusion, if you've never attended the "Annual Indian Unity Conference". 1 highly recommend that you do, There is no charge to visit the Vendors' Area. Title IX Exhibits, or Art Displays. There is a fee, however, (normally $75.00) for participatingin the Workshops, General Assembly, and other Activities. In short, there is fun. fellowship, and learning to be had by everyone who attends I This Western Cedar Flute was handcrafted by l.umbee artist John Tall Bird Marshall. Proceeds from the sell of it will be donated to the /V.C. Indian Cultural Center Building Fund Upcoming Events at Lumber River Park Lumber River State Park will be offering the following programs to the public during the month of April \ April i2-Guidcd Canoe Trip. Canoe a section of the Lumber River with park staff. Floral abd fauna of the. river will be discussed. Participants must be at least 12 years old j All equipment will be provided. Rescrvationsarc required asspatc is limited. Call the Park at 910-428-9844 for information and reservations. ;' April 16-Nighthoke. Join the park staff for an adventure after dark. See and learr about the animals that arc oufat night. Dress for being outside Meet at tchpark at 8 p m. Call the park at 910-428-9844 for more information. April /9-Birdwalk Come take a walk along Griffin's Bluff at Lumber Rjiver State Park to see the interesting birds that inhabit thr 'ffand river & I Tips for identifying birds will be discussed. Call the park at 910-6289844 for more information Nile Hike. Join park stalT for an adventure after dark See and learn about the animals that arc out at night Dress for being outside MKcl at tch park office at 8 p nt Call the park at 910-628-9844 for more information. April 2./-Guided Canoe Trip Canoe a section of the lumber River with park staff Floral and fauna of the river will be discussed Ail equipment will be provided Participants must be at least 12 years old Call the park at 910-628-9844 for reservations and more information Aril 25-Wildflower Hike Join a ranger as we walk around Princess Ann to view some of the wild flowers in bloom al the park Wear comfortable walking shoes. Call the park at 910-62 809844 for more informal ion ^-firing Pottery-Shown left to right are some of the participants firing potteryat the Spiritual Gathering: PhilHewett (squatting atfire);first row: Muriel HewettandKayla Revels. Secorld row: Charles Brayboy and Nicole Locklear. Third row: Elsie Hunt, April Hunt, Patricia Maynor, Gabriel l.ocklear and Ronald Maynor. (Photo by Tall Bird) Other participating members of the Warriors' Society attending the Spiritual Gathering were: Nicole Locklear, Bruce Jonys, Frankie Oxendine,. Gabriel Locklear, Sophia Ghaffar, Staling Maynor, Kay la Revels, Bobby Jo Hunt, Haley Jacobs, Mariel Hewett, and leaders Karl Anthony Hunt and Phil Hewett. (Photo by Tall Bird) ^ Lumbee hlders Sponsor 1997 Spiritual Gathering at NC Indian Cultural Center The' 1997 SpringSpiritual Gathering" was held March 20th - 23rd at the "North Carolina Indian Cultural Center" in Pembroke. North Carolina It was a beautiful occasion. The sky was clear, as all seemed to enjoy the warmth of the sun. The cool brcc/c blowing through the pines was most enjoyable as its song added to the spirituality of the occasion There must have been over 200 participants I have never seen such participation and enthusiasm before at our "Spiritual Gatherings 1 believe the credit is due in part to those individuals who arc working with our youth. It was good to see so many youth participating in this event! Karl Hunt. Charles Brayboy. and Patricia Maynor arc to be commended for the giving of their time andskill&inworking with these young - people every week. This group of young people arc members of the "Seventh Generation Warriors Society" which is targeted toward boys and girls, ages 12 to 15. However, it is open to youth of all ages and there arc many younger members who attend This Society is funded through a grant from the "Kellogg Foundation" and is sponsored by the "North Carolina Indian Cultural Center" The group meets every Saturday, learning how to make pottery, pine needle baskets, dream catchers, and much more. They also learn of our heritage, culture, and traditional values. Average attendance has been approximately 20 youth each Saturday. If interested in learning how you can participate in the group, new members arc welcomed and encouraged to contact the "North Carolina Indian Cultural Center" for more information In conclusion, youmay remember my article last year and how concerned I was that our "Spiritual Gatherings" were poorly attended, and seemingly unimportant to an Indian Community as large as ours This year was tetter, but we still need more participation and support from all Indianpcoplc Wcnccdtocommit ourselves (o our children and the educating of all our people to our history of the past. We need to commit ourselves to our tribe, elders, community leaders, tribal leaders, and cultural center as well. If we 'I don't, all will be lost. Don't idle, thinking somebody else can do it Ask yourself, "What am I doing to help my children today?" and "What am I doing to help my people and my community?" Think about it and gel involved! You will meet many friendly and sincere people at these "Spiritual Gatherings". Some may believe thatour "Spiritual Gatherings" are associated with a specific religious sect, but this is not the case. There are many fine Christ ianpeoplewho attend the Gatherings, i.e., Baptist, Methodist, Holiness, and others. Yet. we all hold to the same common bond as being Indian Traditionalists, and being proud of who we a re today a nd of ou r history of the past Don't let your absence and silence become a declination of Indian Pride. The next "Spiritual Gathering" will be June 13th - 15Ui, 1997. Mark your calendar today and come camp out with a fine bunch of people. In conclusion. ChicfTom Carter's motto. "Worship The Creator And Serve The People" would do well for all of us. Think about it..... AHO!! . John "Tall Bird" Marshall Homecoming ami Revival Planned at Salem Baptist Stilem Missionary Baptist Church??? will observe their homecoming the on Sunday, April 27 at the church on the Red Hill Road. Maxton. Lunch will be served following the worship serv ice. Sunday school beginsat 9:45 a m with morning worship at 11 a.m. On Monday night. April 28, revival services'will begin Serv ices will continue through Thursdav night May 1. Conducting the revival will be Rev. Timmic Chavis, pastor of Ml Bethel Baptist Church in Hollisicr. NC and Rev. Jerry McNeill, pastor of Riverside Independent Baptist Church, Hwy 74, Lumberton Services will begin at 7:30 p.m with special music each night. The pastor^ Rev Don Bullard. and the congregation of Salem, extend acordial invitation to the public to attend. Haliwa-Saponi Tribe to Hold Annual Pow Wow The Haliwa-Saponi Trib^r will honor veterans of the tribe, living and deceased, at its 32nd Annual pow-Wow near Hollistcr The tribe identified over three hundred (300) men and women of the tribe that hav c served in the military The Haliwa-Saponi Tribe will sponsor its pow-Wow and festival on April 18-20. 1997 at Halivva School in Warren County. North Carolina The event will feature the best in American Indian foods (Navajo tacos. fry bread, pottery, etc ) The tribe will offer over $6,000.00 in pri/c nioncylodanccrsnnd drummers We expect at least five (5) drums and one hundred dancers. Over 25 Native American crafls people w ill visit and sell their crafts. County Democrats to Hold Annua! Convention April / 9 The Robeson County Democrat -Party will hold their annual Convention beginning at noon April 19 on the thi rd floor of t he Robeson Cou n I v Court House During the C omentum officers will be elected and parts business will bodisenssed Rcgi-.ua tion begins at 11 a in and all Democrats arc encouraged to attend For further information, contact Lee Helen Thompson. Chairperson of the Robeson County Democratic Party, at 910-628-6642 Benefit Singing Planned at Union Chapel Church A Benefit singing will be held on Saturday, April 12. at 7 30 p.m. at Union Chapel Holiness Methodist Church The event is sponsored by the Billiards and their guests will include the Liberty Trio. thc'Oxen(' ie Quartet, and the Union Chapel Y oung People There is no admission fee, but a love offering will be lifted Proceeds will be used for a mission tripplanncd bv the Bullards The public is cordially invited to attend Blue's S & G Farm Enrolls in National Angus Herd Records Program Randall Blue of Blues S & G Farm, Pembroke, North Carolina, has rcccnlly been enrolled in the Angus Herd Improvement Records program of the American Angus Association, reports Richard L "Dick" Spader, executive vice-president of the national breed registry organization in St. Joseph. Missouri Angus Herd Improvement Records (AHIR) is a comprehensive evaluation program used by registered Angus breeders to help them keep records of reproduction, and growth rate on individual animals Each year hundreds of Angus breeders use AHIR records to produce more profitable, efficient Angus sccdstock By weighing calves at 205 days of age and again at a year of age. breeders not only identify the cattle that grow the fastest and most efficiently, they also identify cows that regularly produce above average calves, and bulls that sire outstanding calves The American Angus Association in 1957 was the first beef breed organization to olTcr its members a production records program Since that date, the AHIR program has grown to the point that breeders report more than a half million birth, weaning and yearling weights each year This mountain of information is processed by the Association's modern computerized data processing systems Wilkins & Lowry Reunion to be held The dcsccndantsofSionand Sarah Wilkins, (I T (Sonnic) and Rosclla (Sis) Lovvcry will rcunit on May 24. 1997 between 4 and 9 PM at Harpers Ferry Baptist Church in Pembroke Donations: R F V P A SAP $7.00 min. per person Children under 10 $4.00. For more information contact Hazel Strickland at (910) 521- 3665 or contacr John Lovvcry at (501) 587-5454. Send Donations to Hazel Strickland Rl 2 Box 401 Pembroke. NC 28572 Waiting Patiently?Left to right: Mitchell Hunt, Aaron Hunt, Christopher Chavis and instructors Phil Hewett and Karl Anthony Hunt wait patiently while firing pottery at the Spring Spiritual (lathering. In the background is the beginning stages of a lodge which students were learning' to construct as our ancestors did hundreds of years ago. (Photo by tall Bird) Oh, Henry! The Magic and Music of a Legend Continues The Givens Performing Arts Center on the campus of The University of North Carolina at Pembroke will present the nationtourofOh. Henry! The Music of Henry Mancini on F riday. April 25 at 8 pni No single composer in the history of American film has had a greater impact than the legendary Henry Mancini whose scintillating ja/v brought "cool" to the Fifties, whose soaring ballads warmed the Sixties, and vvhosc incredible humor gave life to a baby elephant and a pink panther Now a company of 11 musicians and singers combine on stage to celebrate this magnificent legacy l-cd b\ acclaimed pianist Mac Franipton and Cecil Welch, who for two decades .accompanied Mr Mancini on his worldwide tours as solo trumpet player, the orchestra and singers recreate all the legendary songs: "Moon River". "The Days of Wine and Roses", "Charade", "Dear Heart". "The Pink Panther", "Baby Elephant Walk", "Peter Gunn' and many more "Oh Henry!" is indeed a return to the days when romantic melodies ruled the airwaves, but even more, it is a grant tribute to the genius of an American treasure Henry Mancini Tickets for this production arc $16, $14 and $6 for children and students For tickets or reservations, call the GPAC bos ofTicc at (910) 521 -6361 or l-800-)67-077K Telephone orders arc accepted by phone "Oh Henry!" is sponsored in-partby Pale's Supply Company

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