Editorial and Opinion Page Letters to the Editor A "Million Cheers" For Rep. Ron Sutton, District 85 To The Editor: A Musical Melody chimed in M> Heart when 1 read of Rep. Ronnie Sutton's Successful Legislative Achievements, as having an extension of day and year lor the NC Indian Cultural Center; also, the reduced amount of cash to be accumulated to establish the complete Cultural Center House District 85 Voters should be as Happy as 1 am Jiappv All people should endeavor to promote 'Fund-Raising' Events for the NC Indian Cultural Center Rep Ronnie Sutton. 1 now advise >ou to become 100% involved and sponsor Golf Tourna ments w ith olhc r means of Fund-Raising for the Cultural Center. This important Mission will place a Blessed Star upon your Crown of Success, and you will be cherished by All People. Rep Ron Sutton deserves to be Thanked for the two thousand plus (2.000+) Voters for Congressional District 7. "Thank You' Ron QUESTION Who will Benefit from the 2.000 Plus Votes'' ANSWER Either The Honorable Frances McArthur Cummings our Congressman Mike Mclnluc. or Someone Else 1 kccp 'Wondcring" when Donald Bonner will announce that he has made a step forward to have Robeson Counts African-American Cultural Center become the Fullness of the Dream of the late Rev Joseph Johnson whose Creative Idea established the African-American Cultural Center But Unfortunateh' for us. Rev. Jo> Johnson is prcsenll> lifeless Therefore, since Rev Johnson allowed Democrat Donald Bonner to be a Member of the Board of Directors for the Cultural Center. 1 do believe Bonner should prove how "Thankful" he is for the combined support he gained from Res Johnson and Mrs Omega Johnson Bonner should continue to keep Rev. Joy Johnson's Dream Alive b> having Robeson African-American Cultural Center be Worths of its Name Bonner needs to promote "Fund Raising" Events for the Center Bonner should try to accomplish a Good Deed' for his People, so he canbc remembered to be grateful for Kindness rendered to him and not to only be "Known and Remembered" for the LIES, LIES. LIES he pronounced form his "Lying Tongue" as Radio Ads and the Aches and Pains he caused many people to suffer. Ron. you continue to do your Utmost Best for the NC Indian Cultural Center. Peace He Unto You. AMEN. Yvonne Maria l.eon Congressman Says He Did Not Trade Indian Precincts for Fort Bragg To the Editor: The recent editorial in your newspaper about redisricting contained several factual errors and wrong assumptions. It has always been my desire for all of Robeson County to be united and placed in the Seventh Congressional District. At minimum. 1 wanted that portion of Robeson which has bain in the Seventh District in recent years to remain in this district, including Oxendinc and Prospect. I supported Rep. Sutton's amendment, and I am glad it passed. Many of my strongest supporters are from these two precincts and I was quite concerned that both the original Senate plan (proposed b> Sen. Cooper) and the original House plan (proposed by Rep. McMnhan) would have removed these precincts and several others front the Seventh District. 1 foaghtjto save these prefctrtcts: not removq them-as your editorial stated. I There was never any "trade off for Fort Bragg. Fort Bragg was already in the Seventh District, and it was a separate issue. Just as I wanted to retain what was in Robeson, so 1 also wanted to retain what was in Cumberland, especially because of my appointment to the National Security Committec-a position never held by a congressman from our dis- 1 trict: Even with Fort Bragg placed in thcEighth District. I will still bcablc to represent the interests^our premier strike force through my position on the National Security Committee Asa member of the newly-formed Native American Caucus in Congress and as one who historically has fought for fairness and positive human relations throughout my life. I am grateful for the support of the fine folks in Oxcndinc and Prospect as well as the other Indian precincts 1 appreciate the confidence g\ pressed by ouf eiti/.ehsas I work for our ardius concerns in Washington " Mike McIn tyre U.S. House of Representatives [ Reflections I by Alta Nye Oxendine ^ ^ He is risen! . He is risen indeed! This is the way earlier Christians used to; respond each Easter., One person would greet another by saying "He is risen!". . The second person would answer. "He is risen indeed!" We modern day Christians tend to take Jesus' death and resurrection for granted. And yet, what could be more important in our lives than a LOVE for your and me so great that provision has been made for ps.to have NEW, eternal life in spite Ofour sins of commission and Omission? Even though Jesus reportedly told the woman taken in adultery simply to "Go and sin no more" I believe we do need to ask for forgiveness. Religious TV Programs Didyou see the recent program on the Smbud of Turin? Lately CBS seems to be willing to have several shows dealing with religious faith ION obr family we appreciate Touched by an Angel and Promised Land. I don't believe in angles that look like hunian beings But the Christian producer. Martha Williamson, seems to be keeping accurate ideas about God as the bottom line in each episode, with help from sopic very dedicated, actors 1 was interested to learn that Delia Reese isjhc pastor of a church in real lie. v My "kids." Wanda Kay and Jeff enjoyed watching "Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman" so much that they named their son Byron for Dr Quinn's husband Byron Sully > Is. My Face Red? After critici/.ingand/or condemn ing others or us so called journalists for passingon misinformation unfair to the prisons involved. 1 did the very same tiling! In my March 20 column 1 referred to the "impeachment" of Richard Nixon. Shows how little attention I was paying to current events in the 70s.' And how much I've been influenced by so many people calling him. i n essence, a good-for-nothing-crook Nixon and his staff did a lot of things they should not have done But it took a question on the Jeopardy TV program to remind me thai h'c resigned as president before the impeachment process could take place There is a chance that he niighl NOT have been impeached If what 1 said was unfair to his memory and his family glad I didn't indict Richard Jewell. What happened lohim. mostly because of the media was horrible, as far as I am concerned Our Hyron Byron is growing up fast I've been wanting to do updates, but my time and column space have not permitted it latch For several years l'\c enjoyed using my iicw-lo-nic used computer to write ihis column When the printer conked out. I went back to hand writing As I started my column this time. Byron did sonic writing on my paper, as well as his He walks and runs, feeds himself, is learning more words and insists on using my big broom whenever things get spilled on the kitchen floor Hclakcsalotoflimc Bullies the joy of our lives. . J " ' > Tree Planting Helps Build Better Ties to Town of Pembroke, UNCP Students PEMBROKE - The University of North Carolina at Pembroke Student Government Association broke new ground March 26 and set new roots irt the community. Tree roots, that is The UNCP SGA has been working with PembrokcTown Manager McDuflic Cummings to help beautify Pembroke by planting trees along Jones Street Student Senator Channing Jones met with Cummingson several occasions to select prc-dctcrmincd sights on .?! Jones Street for the planting The town will provide the trees and peat moss and the SGA will supply the people. This project is the result of the SGA's abdication to improving relations between the University and Pembroke. A'l hope that this can serve as a model for future coopcrativccndcavorsbctwccn the SGA and thcTown ofPcmbrokc." SGA President Trc> Allen said. The SGA intends to plant additional trees at other sights in the coming weeks IV 1> i rl J]\i I yTjlfl 13 IbvDr. Stan KnicH. Director^ I For thousands of years Native Americans collected and used the hides and furs of animals for many things ? for clothing, shelter and various arts and crafts. Native people traded furs and-bides with members of other groups, depending on which animal species were locally available. Sometimes a person would make a trade in order to get a type of hide he didn't have, but sometimes hides of the same type were traded as a way of cementing alliances between individuals and groups. When Europeans came to the Americas, the fur trade changed dramatically. Much of Europe had been over-hunted for its furs and hides, and European fur traders saw the Americas as a new source of huge numbers of furs and hides. At first only the most unusual furs were sought by European traders, including mink, sable and otter. These were made into expensive coats and other garments for wealthy people across the Atlantic. But soon the fur trade expanded to include other animals ? especially deer and beaver, but also raccoon, muskrat, skunk, buffalo, elk, seal, whale, walrus and others. The beaver trade was aimed at the production of high-quality hats for the shops in Paris and London. In the beginning, trading furs and hides for things they wanted from the Europeans was an acceptable arrangement for Native Americans. The new "trade goods" made some jobs easier for Native people, as in the case of metal tools (knives, hatchets, awls, fishhooks). Other items such as rope, guns, blankets, cooking pots and glass beads had strong appeal as well. The groups who were among the first to be contacted by Europeans (mainly coastal, riverside and lakeside people) could always depend on their upland Native allies for a constant supply of furs and hides. Thus these first-contacted groups often became powerful middle-men in the new trading scheme. -?t ? But as European influence spread increasingly inland, some of these Native middle-men were gradually cut out of the exchange. European fur traders Could get better prices (more pelts) for their wares by direct trade inland, and also get first choice of the pelts. This elimination of Native middle-men had its consequences, however, beyond the realm of trading price and fur quality. Traditional alliances which had existed for generations between Native groups were interrupted, resulting in new competition and in I some cases outright warfare. The competition between colonizing countries (the English, French, Spanish and Dutch) further added to the troubles experienced by Native fur traders. For example, many Huron (who had been trading with the French) were killed by Five Nations Iroquois (who were trading with the English and Dutch) in what was called the "Iroquois Wars" of the middle 1600s. Alcohol also played an important role in the increasing fur trade. It was customary in many areas for the trading parties to have a drink of liquor together before beginning the actual trading. There can be little doubt that alcohol consumption influenced the equity (cm- lack thereof) in many trade arrangements. The history^ of European fur trade in America is inseparable from the expansion of European culture and technology among Native American people. In concert with the spread of epidemic diseases and Christianity, the fur trade would result in permanent changes in the lives of almost all Native people. For more information, visit the Native American Resource Center in historic Old Main Building, on the campus of The University of North Carolina at Pembroke. /? Cruise, Young People, Cruise by Dr. Reginald Oxendine There has been a lol of discussion about cruising in Pembroke by the town officials and the citizens of our great town. There has been several meetings by our town officials and the police have been instructed to write tickets on many occasions 1 say let our "younguns" alone and let them cruise. They are only keeping the long and proud tradition of our forefathers. Pembroke is the Capitol of our reservation and it only makes sense Ibr our youth to want to come to town Cruising has a long and proud history in our town. 1 was told by my elders that Mr Ang Bullard from Prospect was one of the first Indian men in our community to have an T Model Ford Car. 1 was told that he would come to Pembroke and the girls would run behind and beside the car. (This must have been about the 1930 s) It is my opinion that if cniising has been going on for more than five generations, we need to let the youth of today enjoy the favorite past time of our forefathers. The late and honorable Mr. Bernard Low cry told me that w hen he was a young boy in the early 191t)'s lhat the highlight of the week was to come to Pembroke He and hisbrolhcr (Mr. Jason Lowcry) would come to Pembroke on Saturday evening on the nuilc and wagon and sec all the pretty girls Thcv also talked and socialized with the bovs of the Pembroke Community. You see. they lived in the Hopewell community and they would drive lOmilcsonthcmulcand wagon to come to Pembroke Mr.' Bernard Lowerv told me that the most thrilling part ofcoming to towif was to go to the corner where the intersection of Pembroke Police Department is located today The ladies would cross from one side of the street to go to the other side. He said that all the girls and women wore dresses down to their feet at that time. However, as they stepped up on the sidewalk they would pull up their dress just a little and you could sec the ankles of their feet (not the legs but the ankles). This was a great thrill for young men who had only seen farm animals for weeks I am glad to sec our Indian youth and others come to Pembroke to socialize. recreate, patronizcand spend money in our great town: Cruising is a good, clean and wholesome activity for our youth It is far better for them to be in Pembroke than in a night club in South Carolina or a bar in Favcllcvillc It is better for them to be traveling down the streets of Pembroke than drag racing up and down our highways Thcv travel about SI 15 miles per hour; therefore, thev arc not going to hurt each other asthcv go about lookingand flirtingwilh the opposite sex You would be surprised if you knew the hundreds of thousands of gallonsof gasoline they bu\ with our Pembroke Merchants each year If I had a convenience store I would be at every Town Council Meeting protesting the harassment that the policemen and city council is exposing our youth to These young people have pockets full of money and our town would be better off encouraging them to visit our great town I know for a fact that every one of the Town Council Members "of Pembroke arc past and renowned Pembroke Cmisers. Mr Milton Hunt use to have a white 62 Chevy Impala and he "stayed in Pembroke riding and looking." Mr. Larry McNeil had a GTO Pontiac and he "kept the streets of Pembroke hot ." Mr. Larry Brooks use to have a fine Green 67 GTO Pontiac and he "helped the state pack streets of Pembroke." Mr. McDuffie Cummings (our town manager) had a new 1966 GTO and he and Mrs. Dclora (Revels) Cummings made a real fine couple as they "paraded down the streets of Pembroke" real slow so everyone could see them Mr. Harry Oxendinc(camc along before 1 had an opportunity to come to Pembroke v^ofleft but I would bet my last nickel thathcandMrs. Mablc Oxendine use to be avid cruisers. Rev. Steve Jones had the "finest ride in town" during this time. He had a brand new 1966 GTO Pontiac Convertible. The above people cruised through Pembroke at least 100 times a week I use to cruise in Pembroke when I was a young man and I loved it. Daddy had a red 1964 Chevrolet lmpala that he let mc drive one night a week. I would go to the river and wash it and clean it up. I would then spray some cherry air freshener in it and I thought it was bad 1 would come to Pembroke and pick up Ms Peggy and you could not tell mc anything. Only recently. I have been known to wash up my old Mercedes and ride through town to sec who is uptown. 1 enjoy seeing my old students, friends and relatives. They wave. It is alway s nice to sec a welcome and friendly face. One excuse that is used to slop cruising is that rescue vehicles cannot get through town fast enough Personally, I would like to sec the rescue vehicles go slower through Pembroke I have been looking for someone to be kit led as these vch iclcs fly through town. I realize that the rescue persons want to gel through town as quickly as possiblcbul everyone knows about the traffic in Pembroke on the week end They could make a slight detour and miss all the traffic. It might be that the rescue personnel want to cruise through Pembroke with their new fancy rescue trucks with their lights flashing to be seen. I know for a fact that many of them come through Pembroke when other routes would be shorter and safer . My daddy got sick on^and wc called the rescue squad He lived on the other side of Purncll Swctl High When wcgot to highway 711 and the Deep Branch Road, they came through Pembroke when it would have been faster, closer and safer to go down the Deep Branch Road to the hospital in Lumberton There is a law named "eminent domain" which says that the public good is more important that the individual good It is not fair to try to slop 10.000 young people from cruising on the week end because one or two rescue vehicles may or may not conic through low n Our young people arc alw tiys nice enough to pul I over to ihc side and let them through The operators of these vehicles might be better off if they used some forethought and dctoiircd the town on the week end I detour main street every morning when ihc college and school traffic is coming, every day at lunch w hen it is so busy and every evening when people arc getting off work Dclouring for our youth on the week end is a small price to pay if it brings so much joy. The eyes of my son, nieces and nephews light up when they talk about cruising. New YorkhasitBroadway. Myrtle Beach has its Boardwalk. Other cities have their parks and museums but Pembroke has its cruising. If our leaders would provide parks, amusement centers, museums and other recreational places for our youth they would not have to spend their time cruising: But since we do not have these facilities for them, many older people condemn and criticize our youth for riding around and having a good time. I think that it is great that they can amuse themselves in this harmless way. It docs not cost our citizensanythingbut a little inconvenience once in a while, iryou are in a hurry to go to Lumbcrton to spend Sour money on the week end. take a ack street and by pass the cruisers on main street. It may lake .10 seconds longer but isn't this a small price to pay in exchange for all the joy that cruising brings manv of our young people. When I was young boy. my daddy went to Red Springs many limes to buy our "rations" and other things 1 would go into the drug store on nia i n si reel to buy a "cone of crca m " f had to take my ice cream and go out in the streets to cat it They had nice booths with chairs and tables for whites to eat their ice cream but Indians and blacks had to go in the yard and streets to cat their food I (hank God thai those days arc gone. I also thank God that we have Pembroke. 1 have never experienced any kind of mistreatment in Pembroke and I always feel good when I come to town 1 think that we as businessmen and leaders of our town need to find ways to make ou r youth feel welcome and proud to come to Pembroke They have a large percentage of the buying power today and all of the buying power of tomorrow. We need to do all we can to instill a sense of welcome ncss when they think of Pembroke. Every lime they want to purchase any product, the first place they will think of is Pembroke Businesses If all of our town officials and businesses had an open arms policy like Mr Curt Locklcar. our town would grow and prosper We could then create more jobs for our children It is said thatadollarcirculnlcs seven times before it leaves a community. If this is true w hen a young person conies to Pembroke and buys a lank of gas. goes to Linda's Restaurant and cats supper with his girl friend, he may spend Sit), lflhis Sit) circulates seven fimcs it (urns into >210 When you multiply the above cxamplcby thousands ofyoulh spending money, it is very profitable for our tow n You sec it only makes good sense to treat these cruisers with the utmost respect and gratitude Every society (civilized and uncivilized) has a system called a rue of passage w here the young people arc presented to society In sonic cultures, the young men and women arc brought to town or the village center and all the voung available women and men arc lined up and presented to each other This lets the families and the youth know who is available for courtshipand marriage On our reservation and in Pembroke we do not have an official rite of passage However, cruising in Pembroke allows our youth an opportunity to meet with people from all over the county, state and nation. This is apart of the enculturation of our youth and to try to deny our young people something as important as this socialization process is inhumane. They love to do it and I am glad to see them having harmless fun and recreation. 1 say let them "younguns ride." Kids, ask your parents and grandparents if they ever cruised the streets of Pembroke. They may tdll you that they not'orriy cruised iff Pembroke- " but also to the Cosy Comer a nd to the Drive Inn in the Prospect Community. . . ." Pembroke Middle School Plans Annual Parents Night On Monday, April 21,1997, Pembroke Middle School will be sponsoring it's second annual Parent Night, from 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m., parents and their child(rcn) will be involved in activities that express skills and techniques used in the academic program. Parents may attend 3 of 60 sessions offered. Sessions include: Reading. Math. Science. Social Studies. Health and Fitness. Fine Arts, and Technology. At the end of the evening a bag supper and time for socializing will be provided Wc would like to invite all parents. guardians, and interested com- ' munily friends to come out and experience how our children arc "Soaring to Success" Kiwanis Report The weekly meeting was held Tuesday evening at the Town and Country Restaurant with President Furnic Lambert presiding. Program Chairman John Rimbcrg presented Dr Robert L. Jones, Coordinator for the new "Community in Schools Program." Dr. Jones cited the alarming statistics that 3.0(H) students drop out of school each day. 600,(HH) students drop out of school each year 85% of all court cases arc drop outs 82%ofallinmatcsarcdrop outs, and over 50% of our students will not graduate Children dropping out has become a national concern. Dr. Jones cited the impact of television on the drop out rate As television is the number one activity of students thev arc continually exposed to crime stories. sexual impact as schools have become birth control pill distributors. Corporate America must stop sponsoring TV shows which leach our children to be violent, sexually active, self-centered, anti-family and anti God "The Community in Schools Pror gram" has proposed a Chartered School controlled by the local board of education, final approval by the Slate Board of Education. The at risk student will be served by support and hopefully returned to regular classes to learn Many community groups will be involved to prevent the high drop out rate as a real help to our students in need of extra help Invocation-Albert Hunt. Song Icadcr-EdTccls. Reporter-Ken Johnson

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