T1 CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE hed each Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NC VOLUME 24 NV THURSDAY, APRIL 24,1997 TWENTY-FIST CENTS r?? > Patric yboy becomes first Native Amen irector of Red Cross Patricia Brayboy has been named Director of the Robeson County Chapter of the American Red Cross. She is the first Native American to serve in __ that position. Her position withf5 the Red Cross began several years ago when she became a volunteer with the organization She later became the first Native American employee of the organization. She has v\orked with the Red Cross for more than seven years. Prior to November she was Blood Services Director. In November she was 1 named Interim Directorandwas hired into the permanent position. cfTcctive April 1. according* to Cynthia Neloms, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Robeson Couut\ .. Chapter of the American Red'tToss Percy Shaw was named OITicc Administrator and Director of Blood Services at the same time Shaw is Black. s Brayboy is a graduate of PemN broke Senior High School and Robcy soivCommulTtty-College She has j-aucndc?L,workshops and courses l relative to her work with the Red " Cross This training has provided ^ her with additional skills in areas such as disaster relief and disaster assessment, as well as knowledge about services to military families She slated that she was happy to hpvc the opportunity to work as Di^Tcctor of the Red Cross "1 hav e enjoyed working with the Red Cross because 1 enjoy helpingpcople There is so much more to the Red Cross lhanjust blood serv ices Wcarcavailable to assist in disaster, like Hurricane Fran, which devastated our county in September." A civic minded person, Brayboy has served as Treasurer for the Share Life Foundation: President of Union Elementary PTA: member of the Parent Advisory Council of Union Elcmcntar> School For the past six years she has sencdjj?a Volunteer with Prowet-<jfadiia\ 1011 She has coacjiea Union Elemental? Tce^BaTl and continues to serve as a volunteer for the Public Schools of Robeson County A talented crafts person, she is especially proud of her apprenticeship to the Lumbcc Elders Council In this capacity, she has the opportunity of learning from the elders and attending ceremonies a. pow wows and other functions whero-the Native American Tradition and Culture is practiced "Isccniy position with the Red Cross as just a continuation and expansion of the things that 1 really love doing Giving assistance to others Working with the Red Cross is one of the things that a person really needs to have a love for. otherwise, it could be very stressful I am happy to be a part of the great scrv ice organization that is the American Red Cross " Brayboy said She lives at Route 1. Rowland with her husband. Charles Brayboy and their twochildrcn. Allison and Heath who are students at I Union Elementary School J Rep. Sutton Appointed Whip for Demo Caucus Representative Ronnie Stilton of Pembroke has been named a vv hip for thoN.C. House Democratic Caucus Sutton's duties wilt include kccpi ng House Dcmocntl s informed about upcoming votes, dev eloping strategy and shaping legislation He also will make sure that the Robeson and Hoke County area will have a voice in the House Democratic leadership "1 look forward to hay ing Rep Sutton as a part of the leadership team." House Minority Leader Jim Black. a Dcmocral from Mecklenburg County. saidaflcr makinglhcappoinUnent "Ronnic'sbackground as a lawyer and military retiree vv ill provide valuable insights to House Democrats during this session of the General Assembly This appointment brings with it the recognition ofboth Rep Sutton's seniority and ability to positively interact with his peers His position as the senior legislator front his region should also enhance his effectiveness among both the Democrats and Republicans and that is essential in order to get Democratic Party legislation through the House This appointment means that in addition to his own legislative agenda. Rep Sutton will be working with other Democrats to assist in getting their bills through Committees and the House Rep Sutton said It is indeed an honor lobe appointed a Democratic Caucus Whip to assist the House Democratic Party Leader in the performance of his duties" Rep Sutton is serving his third term 111 the State House His district includes parts of Robeson and Hoke counties Baseball League to be Organized in County There is a desire to create a Baseball League for thoseyoungstersages 13 and 14 of Robeson County who would like to play baseball in the Dixie Boys program. This program is in the middle school concept in terms of the base running and pitching distance This gives the 13 year oldabctlcr chance locompctc. to feel good about the play ing field and the company of the i4 year old The Dixie Boys Baseball program will not rcplaccany existing baseball prograin: however il docs provide an opportunity for more youngsters to be involved in organized sports If you arc interested and want to learn more about this program, then you arc invited to an organizational meeting on Saturday - April 26. I9')7 at 3:00 p m on the Baseball Field of . . . ? Prospccl School, located 5 miles of Pembroke. 7 miles South or Red Springs and 6 miles NE of Maxton. This invitation is to all 15 & 14 years old and their parents. IT you will be It before July I and not 15 before August I. you arc to come If you have a leant or want (o organize a team of Di\ic Boys then come to this important meeting f or more information and/or concerns (such as you can not come on Saturday but you want tonarlicipale) sou mas call (910) 521-Xfa.o after II) (M) p'nt or (910) 521-9400 This will be a fun afternoon of baseball There may not be peanuts and cracker jacks but we will have hot dogs with the trimmings Bring your glove and a willingness to play baseball on Saturday. April. 2(> at TOO p m on the Prospect field Democratic Party Holds Convention Pembroke Mayor Named Chairman Mayor Milton Hunt The Robeson County Democratic Party Conxcnlion was held in the Robeson County Courthouse at noon on Saturday April 19. 1997 The conxcntion was allied to order by Ms Lee Helen Thompson of Fairmont xxho xsas the outgoing chairperson Mayor Ray Pennington xxclcomcs the group to the conxcnlion Delegates from the county's 41 precincts were present along with many elected officials Congressman Mike Mel nttyegax e a legislatixc update on Washington activities and invited delegates to attend the 7th District comcnlton on May 31. 1007 in Brunsvv ick County Representatives Ron Sutton. Doug Yonguc and Donald Bonner as well as Senator David Wei nsicin gave updates on legislatixe events and issues in Raleigh The newly elected Democratic Party Chariinan Milton R Hum Mayor of Pembroke, conducted the remainder of the meeting In addition to Chairman Milton Hunl'sclcction the following individuals were elected as indicated Frances Godwin Chavis. First Vice Chairperson Betty Balchclor. Second Vice Chairperson. James Mclnlyrc. Third Vice Chairperson Judy Mishuc.Treasurer. Susan Cumntings. Secretary Elected as State Executive Cojnnuttee Wade Carson Hunt. Vickie l.ocklear. WilliamCummings. I.iljic McKoy R W Wilkins. Bill Wester Elected Alternates to Stale Executive Committee James Edward Thomas Wade Scaly. Wyatl Johnson Dr L B Turner made a motion to commend the cut ire Robeson Couiily Delegation in Washington and Raleigh for the fine job they are doing forthcCounlv and area His motion passed unnnimousi) A resolution read by Rcpresentati\ c Ron Sutton honoring the life and memory of llic following deceased individuals for their contributions to the Robeson Democratic Part> Mr Aug Bullard. Prospect Community MV-Ola Lee Burns. Back Swamp Community Mr Bobby Chavis. Pembroke Communis. Mr Joe Cha\ is. Philadclphus Community Mr LynxxoodChavis.Philadclphus Community Rex Rufus Graham. MaxtonCommunity. Mr Robert Hunt. PcnibrokcConimunity Ms C onslancc Huntley. Lumbcrton Community. Dr Joy J Johnson.Fairmont Community. Ms. LaRucTay lor Jones. Fairmont Community. Mr Osbom "Obic" Lee. Jr Lumbcrton Community. Mr Carmel L.ocklcar. Prospect Community. Mr Bernard l.owry. Pembroke Community. Ms I illic Mae McCrax Red Springs Community. Mr Lee Nex el. Pembroke Community. Mr Conrad Oxendinc.Oxcndinc Community. Ms loua Ransom. Philadclphus Community Chairman Hunt thanked ex cry one for attending and expressed the need toconlinucorgani/.ingllie(4l) Precincts He stressed the need for unilx and a great xotcr turnout in 19'JX Ms. I >een a Revels is shown presented plaque of appreciation to Ms. I ernie Chavis at Ten Mile < enter Haptist t hurch recently as part of the I 'ernie ('havis Day sponosred hy the church. Ten Mile Times A vcrv special dav titled "Venue ChavisDav wasrcccnllv held at Ten Mile Center Baptist Cluireh Mrs Vernic C'havis was given quite a surprise w hen her church gav c her a surprise special da> Ms . Chavis retired from her special role of teaching for sislv-fivevears continuous!) at Ten Mile Center Baptist Church Tlteclassslic retired from in September of I Wo w as the preschoolers 1 he preschool class sang some ol liei favorite sons and presented hci with ado/en red roses Mr Bill Hall presented hei with .1 lovelv corsage s. Rev Karoo Hammonds. Church ^Pastor in presenting her tolhe church Thinilv spoke of her dedication loves, and sislv-fivc veais of faithful service Ms Decna Hunt Revels presented Ms Chavis with a plaque from the church I lie plaque contained her lav orile script lire passages and commendations lor Christian set vice unsellisli devotion and loving concern loi len Mile Cciilei Baptist Rev I ecii.nd (nlibs ol Nll.inla (>'\ loriuei pasioi was tin guest s|ieaker loi the momentous occasion Ms Decna Revels read inspirational poems that described Ms Vernic I lie special occasion coiilm ued with u entered lunch honoring Ms Vcrnic in the fellowship build"'I? Alter lunch several persons spoke their sentiments about Ms Vcrnic M,in> humorous, (ear-filled and sen (imcnial stories were shared Mr Anthoii) Blanks did a gicat job as Master of Ceremonies for the afternoon of lo\ ing fun Maiw special guests Irani out ol town and near b> came to share this |o>ousoccasion Ms Vcriiicwas presented a\et\ s|)ecial three-liei cake cooked and decorated b\ Ms Bar bara llanimoiids and Ms Wanda Hammonds I he cake also depicted ' her March hirlhd.w E ach Stiud.w school class presented Ms Vcrnic with man) useful gills She also receded cards from all Siinda) school classes, approximated) fills in numbei I lie sjiecial Nerinc Chavis Da\ ended with ilu eiijo)menl ol cake collet* coke and cherished memo lies ol past and present leu MiK < elitei Baptist ( liiirch da\s A cjk ci.ll thanks t?> Mis Dons Hall c hailing this s|>ccinl ex cut I en MiU < enter liaptist Church tanks Ms Venue t has is lor the lliaiw Iocs she has touched with Iter Cluisiiiiii lo\i and dec ol ion Lumbee Bank To Purchase Progressive in Fairmont .Stib|ccl to regulators approval Progressive Sax nigs iiiui I oait I id ;iik! I .limbec (iuaranlx Hank have readied ail agieeiiitnl xxhcrcbx I uni bccGuarantx Hank will purchase ilk Progressive branch assets in I aniiioiiI. N ( and assume the deposit liabilities ol this branch l.nrrx P Chaxis. President oi l aim hceCitiaranlx Hank noted I hat I uinIke Hank had been looking lor ilk opporliimtx to enter the I nirmoni market lot some lime I his agreement will allow the bank to enter the market with an existing customci base V\c le delii'hled to be on 0111 wax Poland I (In Picsideiil ol Pioeiessix v said I he niator bank literal last vcai mom market ami I lie second iinnoiinccd loi this \c;u linxe ncccss.li il\ altered the bank s loctts relative loilshiisincssopporin littles mi its esistiii>; markets \\?. believe these ><|>|h>rliliiities have .k cclci.itcd as a icsiiIi ol tlie nnaniiei paled second nierpci In ordei to piopcilv man.iue these opporlnm ties koneenli.it ion of el toil would Ik neecssarv laiiinonl is a line coin iniimlv which like 0111 olhci in.ii kels oll'eis considerable ainoiint ol this bankinp opportune As | um Ive Hank was niieiesleil in this in.ii kel it seemed a nalmal solution lo both banks ddcminas while main l.iminp a bank i lie pieseiive loi tlie I an nioni eomiiinnilv St. Pauls Student Wins National Academic Award | Merlin Jolls ol Si Pauls N( has been named a United Slates National Award Winner in liouoi Roll Thisaw ard is a prestigious honor \cr\ few students can ever hope to attain In fact the Aeadeim recogni/es fewer than 10" >ol"all American lugh school students Joll\ who attends St PaulsMiddle was iioiiuuated for the national awaid h\ Roseniarx lleniiiigwav a coifHseloi at the school JoVhwill ap|>ear hi the United Stales^thievenieni Aeadenix Olli cial Yearbook which is published national!) "Recognizing and supporting our youth is more important than c\cr before in America's history Certainly. United States Achievement Academy winners should be congratulated and appreciated for their dedieat ion lo c xccHcnec and aehicv cmeni." said Dr George Stevens. Executive Director of the Academy The Academy selects US A A w in1 tiers upon the exclusive recommendation of teachers, coaches, counselors. and other qualified sponsors and upon the Standards of Selection set forth by the Acadeniv The criteria for selection area student's academic achieve performances, interest and aptitude,icadcrshipqualilics. responsibility. enthusiasm, motivation 10 learn and improve, citi/cnship altitude and cooperative spirit dependability, and iccoimiicudalioii from a (eacliei or director Jollx is the daughter of William and Mechelle Jolly of St Pauls The grandparents are Cleve and Ruby C'liav isorSt Pan Is and Mildred lolly of St Pauls Great grandparents arc Irene Jolly ol High Point and Maggie I Hell of Pembroke AISLES Announces Way to Support Indian Communities Through Art AISES - I he Aiucriciin ndian Science and Engineering Nociclv proudlv announces lite availabihtv of an exciting new was to support Aiuciicau Indian communities through ari Out auction which fcalures auiheniic American Indian Ari will he made available on (lie worldvv ide-web beginning April 15. IW7 Profile from llus auction will be an on-going effort loprov ide opportunities for .both Indian students and Indian communities Otilv American Indian Artists will he featured including several with national reputation such as Sam i nglish and Al Qovawav ma The mleinel address ie lillp / www Colorado e.!.. 'AINI 5/juction Poveilv amoi . Indiaiie hae aelu: 11 v n en din ing (tie pact dcvadv ol the gaming boom Now mole than half ol all reeervalion Indiaiie live below the poveilv level moie than four limes the national average It is our hope that line auction vvill aeeiel AISES in oiii continued ellorls to improve coiKiitione through eduealibu I :,e American Indian Science and Engineering Sociclv in Moulder. CO ie a non-profit organization detli >.aled ti pun idiiu'educ.ilional c>. Iiol arslups and program assistance to dcscrv ing American Indian students Self-reliance through education is the foundation upon which AlSt Sis built Our v ision is that traiue^fuofessiniinls. will return to thiCTicoiurffnmliN4t4>cci)iik le.utej^iml spear head efforts to improve conditions for their people Proceeds from this auction will be used to support programs and scholarships for these sin dents wishes to attend tribal and mainstream colleges and universities It also provides Ameriean Indian artists a new forum to sell their work thus supporting then ell'oilsas llicv seek to become moie sell-reli ant I lie initial auction will present ovei 4n pieces of art Among these items hnvcrswilllindjewelrv fiamcd line .irl Irail111onaI tugs and wcovings pollers and cullutal 'an such as a flute blessed bv tribal cideis and made lw I dvvard Hejrl Itos Si tRedl'le) I Iderol lhe Southern t'le tribe Most art objects tire made with traditional methods and materials New pieces will be piesciilcd each S weeks when the cvclc changes "01 I tons of the purchase prices should he Ins deductible and epnsidcicda charitable cotilribuliou Sa> \oii Read il in the Carolina Indian Voice. To stihscrihc call 521-2826 FIRST AMERICAN PUBLICATIONS , ^ The Carolina Indian Voice Mewspaper Connee Braytoov PQ Ho* o/s Pembroke NT .'HT,' (919>S?1 ?'8?6 9i9i V 4HM Offic?? Homp I

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