WHO WILL BE ROBESON COl'YH SHERIFK--1999? the retl un ok kokmeu sherikf til bert stone ok the re-election ok the preseni sheriff gl.en mavnor? I ii The Editor: ? I 4111 extremcl) anxious to lie of the knowledge "Who will lie Robeson Count) Sheriff-1 too. " \\ (|| ,| |)r ,(,t. Kortner Sheriff I luhert Stone or the Present Sheriff Glen Mas nor .' Recently. I was reminded lis a "Croup of Voters" about |l| 1004, when 'Gun Rullets" were 'Fired' at the Home of The Honorable Frances McArthur ( 'uni tilings. (2) When the Candidate for Sheriff, Glen Maynor, was interviewed by the Media regarding the 'shooting of the home', Candidate Glen Maynor replied, "NO COMMENT." I said, "I, too, read his reply in The Robesonian. Yet, I ant not angry with Sheriff Maynor, as I only 'Suspect' who did the shooting. Nevertheless, I Pray that the Person becomes a Christian." (J) I was told Glen Maynor and others had known who "Fired the Bullet." I said, "Should it be TRUE that our Sheriff knew who did the shooting ofa W underfill Woman's Home and did not arrest the person after being Elected as Robeson County Sheriff, then, "lie is an accomplice to the Crime." I also said. "I personally cannot believe the man who I predicted to be Robeson ( ountv Sheriff will ever be involved in a Criminal Act against his Friend Frances Ciimntiitgs. 4) I was asked if I had extended an Invitation to Sheriff Glen Maynor to attend the 1995 "Happy Hearts Celebration" at Bill Sapp on behalf of The Honorable Frances McArthur Cummings and sponsored by McKcithan .lones of Rowland, when Speaker of the House Harold llrubaker was the "Kevnole Speaker." I replied. "YES." Another questiuu asked of me: "Did Sheriff Maynor attend the Happy Hearts Celebration?" I said. "NO. I do believe he had other commitments." The Group's speaker said, "the sheriff supported Donald Bonner." I said, "also many others who did not know the TRUTH about Donald Bonner and did not realize tlrat being a Member of the Democrat Political Party or the Republican Party cannot guarantee your Wisdom to Revise and Write State Laws nor give to you the utterance of speech to speak "Wisely" on behalf of AI.L Peuplc. I was told Sheriff Maynor made many promises but did not fulfill them. 1 said, "if I promise you an apple and the tree did not bear apples, can I give you an apple? They all decided that they are going to Campaign against our Robeson County Sheriff Glen Maynor because they all "Shaded the OVAL" next to Frances M. Cummings' name, and the Sheriff should hope Donald Bonner campaigns for hitn. I said. "Donald Bonner 'knows not' how many voters elected him. He was "Hauled and Dragged in" by the Democrat Straight-Ticket Voting." He "was not" Elected by Voters choosing his name. Primary Election 1998, the Name of a Candidate will lie chosen for Robeson County Sheriff. I was again asked, "Did Hubert Stone ever attend a program on behalf of Frances Cummings?" I said, "YES." Then the Group said. "Whoever supported Frances Cummings, we will support that Candidate inspitc of Race, : V- ' V C'rcetl or Color." ? . au-v. ' w * : ~'i .>' > * ** I said to the Group, "Please listen attentively to my speech." I said, "Please Do Not Be Against (>ur Sheriff Glen Maynor for being/himself and Please Do Not Try to Take Away the "Power to Choose" from him. Almighty God gave to each of us "Free Will" and "Free Choice." Worry no longer about the 1996 General Elections. The ResulLs, I am sure have given Voters an experience , which I hope they Will Not Repeat." 1 ask each of you to answer questions from yourself about Sheriff Glen Mayno and Hubert Stone. Former Sheriff of Robeson County, "lias the Present Sin-riff (.li'ii M.ivitm given more Security Jeuiiul f'riinc Ihin hornier Sheriff Hubert Slime oho retired 1004'' \n>wer more questions from yourself and then make oiur "Final Decision." I'leasc Do Notlluld Malice \gainst Sheriff Glen May nor or any person who did not accept aiKlnvnation from I-ranees M. Cummings. T he reason is "Best Known to the person. Do Not He \gainst Notcrs who were "MISLED" by the L> 1 rik 1 ungues" of "So-Called" Leaders and Pastors who Had Known the I Rl 111 hut concealed the I Rl III. I hey all "Sheltered Under the Democrat Political Party s Name" instead of the Holy Word (TRUTH). t ould you imagine, uting for the Name of the Democrat Political Party instead of the Name of .1 \\ ISE Member of the Republican Party" Has Caused Robeson. Hoke, and Scotland Counties?District 87, I'o He W ithout the l oiilinuatiou of People's Progressive Prosperity." 9Elections I9'>8. 'Provide N our Own Transportation and lie Happy." v I he Slavery Mentality. I hope, will not he in Active Motion?1998 Elections, lie True to N nurself. DO NOT ACCEPT MONEY VND BE AGAINST ^ Ol R C ONSt IF.Nf E. General Elections I9d6. many people "Murdered their < onseience" for Money and Encouraged the "Unqualified, Registered \ oters" who 'Know Not How to Vote' to Marf^their Ballot for "Straight Democrat I icket" instead of "Shading the OVAL" of a Wise Member of the Republican Party. Since the Democrat Party and the Republican Party have "WISE and UNWISE" Members. "Vote and Elect" the Name of tlrt Candidate During the Primary and the General Elections. Primary Elections 1998. Voters will have to "Vole and Elect" the Name of the Candidate for Robeson County SherifT. Remember My Friends: The Honorable Frances McArthur Cummings Successful Legislative Achievements, Democrat Donald Bonner "Can Never, Ever Surpass" during his Life-Period on Earth. Please Keep Frances M. Cummings' Name from the Sheriffs Elections C ampaign. Let Your Conscience Be Your Voice and Guide. Thanking You for Your Cooperation. Peace Be Unto You. AMEN. *nvvx-<- /v/c/jCx/ury Yvonne Maria Leow April 21. 1997 Say You Read it in the Carolina Indian Voice. To subscribe call 521-2826 v> =^ N PEMBROKE HOUSING A UTHORITY 606 Lumbee Street, Pembroke, /VC Hurry Pun't Wait, If you are looking for a new place to live or are in need of housing come by our office and complete your application today. t Pembroke Housing Offers: * Subsidized Rent * Located in Town Close to Shopping Centers * Youth Center for After-school and Summer Activities * No Water A Sewer Hills * Tow Heating Cost Application Hours: Monday - Friday [Sew Prospect Church to Perform Drama New Prospcel Holiness M el hod i si C hutch located on llw\ 'lo will piescni a second show I lip oil I iv diama I'hc Book of Rex clai ions' on April 2~ |W7;,I(. hi pin I lie COIIUfCU.Ilioii in\ lies the public loailend I hex also welcome all xouili groups IE A to Hold Pore tit Committee Elections April 28 I he Indian liducalion Projecl of I he Public Schools df Robeson Counts will hold p.ireni tfouiniiliccelections Mondu). April 2S ;rt 1 (HI p m ;il all Robeson Counts Hi|>li Schools All are encouraged lo attend , ? Marlsiret II Clinsis. Dircctoi Indian I'diieation Your Winning Team Grady Hunt & Brian Brooks Let us help you with all your claims for automobile or work related injuries. Locklear, Jacobs & Hunt Attorneys at Law ^ 203 S. Vance St., Pembroke, INC 28372 (910) 521-343 Lumbee Guaranty Bank Common Stock Offering Lumbee (iuurunty Hunk hereby announces the availability of 230,770 shares of Lumbee (iuurunty Hank Common Stock at $13 per share. For more information, contact Lumbee (iuaranty Hank Transfer Department at 205 West Third Street, Pembroke, by phone at 910-521-9707, or the nearest branch office of Lumbee (iuaranty Hank. This offering expires September30, 1997-or when all available shares are sold j Larry R. Chavis, President/CEO I In Toutforrt/) Yoir 1^ LUMBEE UGUARANTY Mi BANK FDIC PEMBROKE LUMBERTON SI PAULS V HOKE MILLS MAXTON ROWLAHO RED SPRINGS J MVThat'sMfeff-" it , , Is Equity Buy Line From LCB. All ilic pieces hill inio place \\ nil an Lqutty Buyl.inc from Ut IV Willi Hquitx Bux Line. the money's there xvhenexei you neeil it. lor whatever x oil need - home / improvement, tuition, a special occasion. or any major expense AikI you-pax interest onlx on i the amount xou use. Anil I because t his credit line is M secureilhx thcequitx inxoui home, the interest max he B tax-ileiluctihlc. \ Bx establishing I i B I quitx lUixl inenoxx.xou > an lake .ulx .intake ol inn special introiluciorx ollci - an APR equal to Prune and no i losing costs xx hen xou horroxx sVOOO or more at closing! lo Inul out how Lquiix Buyl.inc can help you complete your linancial picture, stop by anx UC B ol lice or call B71 - MOO. UNITED CAROLINA BANK ' PIiMm* * t >t 1*^1111 .1 l.i \ .itl\ imM ic^.ihIiiii; i lie ?l> ill it i il *illl \ ??l nil* it s| t Mit i >nl?|r. i i.? .. i.?In -*| *| *i *% .il .in* I ,i> .nl.iM* i*? \t 9t? .?|?|?!\ l?t M.ix ?0 I*'*'. Nnnii.il I Vt? ritl.iiy M.ilt \PK iim\ v.nt IiiimhIih inn \PM i?|ii.|I iii Piiiih N.ili .1* t|iim? .1 in Ilit W.ill Mh 11 Jnmit.il i* .i\.til.ilt|? ilu.*iit!lt?N*n? tiilm It* l?h? NI K Im i , Imu.im ?T I***' w.is> .'i*. I ll*? 11\? IV.ttnUi I p*>7 \PK will t'?|iial Plitm pills I*;.. i il i til . Im mill.I w. i. ih i II.. i *>?1 I ? lim.iix V phi i|? \|'K \\ .hiI.I <.iii.iI " '?. M.imiiiihii \PK i- Is ihiiiiiimimi NPK ?- .h- . I i I'. *\ ill u in. t l?s|s wllfll |hUIM%IVI l.lkfs .III llllllll'tll.lll .111 \ .It I* ? ill > MNN'.M IIILM .Il It ?Slllv tMll*lttt. I*.*|t.*\\.l I. ?! ? Ml-ll >1. I.it - Il?l- lllll. Il llfl. till I III'.'* Il.'ll. N 'iN' III'** llh1 Pinpt lit iiimimih ? it t|imi <1 i?? phi, I nihil ( .it?>l?it.i ll.ink | i \k iiiu i i l>l< i fWDfR I'lfilsc \ Isll Us .11 I >111 11 lit'| III | \N < |> silt .11 III 111 //www lit h 11. Ill It ? t *11? Revival at West Saddletree Baptist Church Begins Rev i\ ill ser\ tcessx ill begin ;ii West Saddletree Baptist Church on April I'W? ;nid lasl through Max 2iul Stnidax night serx ice begins at (> in p in and xxceknighl services begin ai 7 lit p in (inesl speaker \\ ill Ik Rex J mi Duller, pastor of Redeemed Asseniblx of Ciod The past of West Saddlelice. Rex I ed Brooks audllic eongregalion extend a cordial inx nation to the public to attend Robeson County Retired School Personnel to Meet The Robeson Counts Retired School Personnel Spring I uticheon xx ill be held at the Pine Crest Connlrx ('lub in l.uinbcrlon on Max 20. I*>')7 at 11 10 a in Lorraine Soles. President of North Carolina Retired School Personnel will be the guest speaker ' I here xx ill be a tubule to the deceased members Reserxatioiis should be made bx Max |l I'W7 The cost ol the luncheon is Ml oo Make xour check pax able to RoIksoii Counts Retired School Personnel (RCRSP) and send ii to Sll Stockton PO Bos XXX I iiinlxertou NC 2X t V) Spring Revival Planned at Mision Church I lie public is cordiallx lux iter) to attend Spring Rex is ill serx ices at the Mission Cluirch on Union Chapel Road in Pembroke Rex WillieScoll pastor of Ness Prospect Church. Rex I xerotic Woods and Rex Patrick Cmmiiiiigs xsill be- the guest speakcis Serx ice xxill begin at 7 (to p m oiiShihIiix. April 27iiudal 7 to pin Apiil 2X-Max 2 I lie pastor Rex ( i lies (Kciidinc and the eongregalion extend a cordiallx iiix nation to the public to attend

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