According to Scripture Sponsored bv Pembroke Seventh Dav Adventist Church Faiih and Grace continued We c have seen that faith is not mcrel\ a f passive acceptance, not just a mental assent to receive God's grace for our 1 sins that are past Romans3;25 Faith 1 plays an active part in a lifcchanging 1 response to what Jesus has done for ! us and more than that, it also appro- ' priates the promises of God in the 1 Bible to give us the strength to cease from sin This comes as a result of our acceptance of the grace (unmerited forgiveness of God) that God desires to give to each one that desires Jesus to be their personal Savior. As a faith response to this grace, we begin to seek our and obey His will in our lives This obedience comes only through becoming a partaker of the divine nature 11 Peter 1"4. This is accomplished by allowing the Holy Spirit to enter our heart (mind) for indeed vvc arc to become a temple for the Holy Spirit 1 Corinthians 3 16. Then as vvc learn of Jesus' will and sec His promises i n the Bible, we can by faith believe that w hat He has promised He is able to perform in our 1 ivcs Romans 4 21 Read Matthew 25 31-46 We see in these verses-thai there-arc l\vo groups of people, the righteous hav c done many things that God has desired them to do. the wicked have not. In light of this text, let's examine Matthew 7:13-28 Wc sec thai the w ay that leads to eternal lie is narrow and that few find it. Inverse 21 it says that not everyone who says Lord Lord shall enter into heaven And further that those who do make it will have the fruit of faith (works of kindness and obedience ) There will those who proclaim that they know God and that they have fed the hungry . Clothed the naked, etc. but God says to them: "Depart from mcyc that work iniquity." One can see the portrayal between the two groups in Matthew 25. One group docs what God asks while the other group docs not. In Matthew7oncanscca further distinction between those w ho both are doing wonderful works (at least to the outside observer), but Jesus says that there arc those who claim Him as their Lord, doing many wonderful works, but he says to them "depart ye that work iniquity. What I is the difrcrence here? While the fruit or faith may be there, it matters nothing iflhc proper motive is not present This motive is love because it matter not if we feed the hungry , clothe the naked, even keep thccommandmcnts tc if we arc noi motivated b> love or God and our fellow man 1 Corinthians 13 1-13 Salvation s b> the grace of God through faith Romans 5 2 This grace is a free gift ephesians 2 8 T his faith, though small at first will grow in our hearts itid produce fruits of obedience Romans 16 26 Thisobcdicncc will have the proper nioliveofloveforGodand man 1 Corinthians 13 Onccanhavc a very small amount of faith vei cull receive the grace of God for the remission of sins that arc pari Romans 3 25 But God expects us to grow in faith and knowledge and to search out His will in the Bible Then by the strength that we receive from Him and our effort trough faith, we can claim the promises of God 1 Corinthians 10 13 There arc some who claim that there is no elTorl on our part in salv alion They are wrong One has to have earnest remorse for theirsins 11 Corinthians7:9-10 One has to struggle against temptation 1 Thcssalonians 3:5 Hebrews 11 37. James I 12. II Peers 29. Revelation 3.10 One should not be overcome with evil but should overcome evil with the strength of God Romans 12:21. 11 Peters 2:19-20. I John 4:4 and 1 John 5:4. Revelation 3:5-12. 21. Revelation 13:7, Revelation 21:7. Let's compare temptation toa huge boulder that we can not even move a fraction ofan inch. It is immovable in our strength. Yet when we put forth a struggle against it. even though our faith maybe as small as a mustard seed, but using our faith we lay hold of the power of Jesus through the Holy Spirit Our effort rests in Jesus' promises in the Bible 11 Corinthians 7 :1 and aswesay our weak and small feeble no to the temptations of Satan, we connect to the throne of grace and power above Ephesians 3:20/ Jesus sends us the strength to resist and overcome James 4 7.1 Peter 5:8-10. Psalms IX 30-32 We as mere mortal humanity arc not expected to overcome inourow n strength But we arc given a measure of faith Romans 12"3 and we are expected to show it Ephesians 4 13 We show it by bcconimg utoic like Christ 1 Coriiilhians'2 16 Phihppians 2 5 I Pelcr4 I and walktngas Jesus walked Romniiso 4 RoniansX 1 Ephesians 2 Hi Colossiuus 2.6 I John I 7 I John 2 3-<i Jesus has given us a free pardon lor all ol oursins that arc past Romans 3:25 This pardon is called grace which can be received by true repentance Jesus asks us to show our I.nib in Him bv living according lo His will revealed in llie Bible Matlhew 12 5(? Romans 12 12 Say you read it in Carolina Indian Voice. S300-S500 Weekly! Full/p;iri lime processing US Gov crnmcntFHAmortgagerefunds Call 8 am - 9 pmcst (504) 429-9233 Ext 5503 D 17 Gov ernnicni Foreclosed homes from pennies on $ I Delinquent Tax Repos Your Area Toll Free (1) 800-218-9000 Ext H-7950 Tor current listings Sci/cd Cars from $175 Porches. Cadillacs. Chevys. BMW's. Corvettes Also Jeeps. 4WD s Your Area Toll Free 1 -800-218-9000 Ext A- 7950 for current listings llonnie Lee ChavLs Hunt vs. Sonny lioy Hunt Notice of Service of Process by Publication To Sonny Boy Hunt, the above named defendant Take Notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action The nature of the relief being sought isas follows Absolute Divorce You arc required to make defense to such pleadings not later than the 3rd day of J unc. 1997. said date being 40 days front this publication of this notice, or from the date complaint is required to be filed, whichever is later, and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for relief sought This the loth day of April. 1997 Jeffrey Hynn Attorney for Plaintiff Honnie Lee Chavis Hunt P() llox 2IJ2 Lumberton. NC 28359 Telephone: (910) 7JH-5530 5-1 News from Pembroke VFW Post # 28 Mondav evening. April 14th. the monthlv Post meeting was held at Post Headquarters on Union Chapel Road. Pembroke. NC There was a vers small attendance 27 men. and a good showing of the Ladies Auxiluirv _Thc evening dinner was prepared bv mcmbcis Mr Daniel Jones, and Mr Jinutiv Jones Pravcr was offered at approximate!) 7 05 p m The dinner looked good but I had alrcadv eaten, so 1 helped serve the food Deep fried chicken, rich cooked nee in chicken broth rolls straw bcrrv short cake w till shipped cream for desert iced tea and hot coffee for bev cragcs Post Commander Rev Hilton Deese asked the past Post Commander Mr Earl Hunt, if he would conduct the meeting doc to his knee opcmlionprcvcntinghim from standing to do so There was no joint meeting after dinner so the ladies retired tothcir meeting room and the closed meeting was called to order approximate!) 7:15 p m Opening pravcr was bv Chaplain Archie Oxendme Rendering honors to the" American Flag followed pravcr Mr Art Sluill filled the position of Post Adjutant as Mr Jaiucs B Lock lea r was absent He read the minutes of the last meeting, followed bv a report from Post Quartermaster Mr Ardell Jacobs concerning the monies and disbursements made last month Service officer Mr Art Shull gave a report of his services rendered. Hospital Chaplain Mr George Locklcar gave a report about the singing at the VA Hospital in Fay cttev illc and said that the chapel has been completed and the singing will be held in it now. It is located on litefir si floor The next gospel singing will be Sunday June I si at 1pm Heurges all that can participate to please come and lift the spirits of those less fortunate who arc confined in the hospital Pravcr for the Children* National Home followed bv our Chaplain Archie Oxcndmc. For the good of the post and all veterans alike Mr Art Shull urgee us to contact our local rcprcscnta tivcs concerning the co-payment: made when veterans arc treated a: our Congressmen and Senators go our v oicsbui tlicv are trv inglo rcncgi on the promises that were made li veterans, people on Social Secnritv retires from govcrnmcnljobs, etc He also spoke' on ihe lack of our appointed leaders acting on the desecration and burning of our United Slates Flag cuing incidents he has witnessed and nothing being done about tit To all post members and Ladies Auxiliary. please note the following The Post has been asked and accepted the following dales at these churches in our area for worship services on Veterans Sunday. IW7 Bcrca Baptist Church in Pembroke, opposite UNCP. lWX-Hokc County Holiness Church (sorry I am not sure of its true location). The pastors of the churches ha\c extended an invitation so please try to keep these dates in mind and your presence w ill be appreciated The prayer in closing was ofTcrcd by Chaplain Archie Oxcndinc ?> .The meeting adjourned at X 15 put ...... _ Members, your presence and input is greatly needed at these meetings We hasc things in the future to ' plan ahead for and your voice needs to be heard by your appointed olTie ers So please make and elTon 10 ailcnd as man> of the meetings as >our can so >ou will know what is going on al our Posi I lake Ihis lime 10 wish Commander Deese a speeds recovers I probablv will wind up the same was so I'm asking vour pravcrs as I am having difficult) gelling around on niv left leg and knee We have main of our members noi able 10 alleud so irv and contact them if voii know anv bv"V^fme and lei ihcm know we nusf and arc praving for them Mav t lis love and Grace ofGod keep vou until next time Emin Jacobs Post Surgeon Looking for a Horse? Why Not Adopt a Mustang Call I-800-417-9647 for details. SA.LE Wallcovering ~ i ****** a1 *'- SJIOO. Rolls tSfiu/iiep/i' Kynfetioia Union chapel Road, P.o. Box 1497 pembroke, nc 28372 SALE Mattresses in stock -f/' / Pa ^otz&netn, t_Jn/euoi6 t ? Union chapel Road, P.O. Box 1497 Pembroke, NC 28372 4j1>gg Latex Flat 13 Gal House Paint <|P|QQ Latex Gloss 13 Gal House Paint ^|^L99 Latex Gai Primer 999 Gal interior/ Exterior Primer Sealer Stain Killer iO99 Latex Semi Gloss Wall & I Trim 17* Latex Flat Wall or Ceiling Paint 'Daapar colors may cost mora All products may not ba available In V OC rastrictad araas |Your Choice 14*? 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'Trophien ' Gift* far Bunry nccnttinn' Scarlett Brown Owner Dreamakers Mini Mall Union Chapel Road Pembroke, NC 28372 (910) 521-0225 Pembroke Drug and Home Health Across from the Pembroke Town Park Odum and W. 3rd Street 321-9797pharmacy services/ 521-1329 home care services and equipment H e gladly accept Medicaid patients at our pharmacy!!! Oive us a chance and compare our service. Our pharmacists want to talk to you about your drug please ask if you have concerns. We will monitor your blood pressure and your blood sugar in our pharmacy (nominal fee charged). ^ We can provide all types of home medical equipment or ^ devices (ex. asthma machines, oxygen, cencontrators, blood sugur machines, peak flow meters, tvalking aids, bathroom aids.) H e. too, mil bill Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurance (mthteh proper documentation). Request folks wo have cared ^^for^yoiufor^yearsja^embroke^^ Your hometown pharmacy offering mroe than medicines?We care for your total health Servinv Pembroke and Robeson C vuntv since 1966. ^ 1 h CKTT (NaalnMT MM The Law Office of RONNIE SUTTON 208 Union Chapel Road In I'em broke Will remain OPEN Monday - Friday 8:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. While the General Assembly is in session M\ I cyal Assistant and I stand read\ to assist with >oui and other matters. Do you have injuries Irom a ear wreck or slip ?.Vi fall'.' fall (*>10) 521-4797 lor an appointment No cost lor initial interview.

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