% THfi AROLINA INDIAN VOICE Pu each Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NC V OLUME 24 NUMBER 2* THURSDAY, \1A\ 29, 1997 TVYf.H l"i I IVL t-Ll JIL. Lumbee G ty Bank Declares Cusn dividend ^ . ? ruMiiiii/At, /VC- Lasl nighlThc Board of Directors declared a $ 11 t cash dividendper share to all stockholdcrsof record asof June 11.1907 The Dividends will be paid on June 23. 1997. "Thisdividend will be the bank's largest cash dividend pay out in its 25 year history ", said the Prcsir dcnlofLumbcc Guarantybank. Larry R.. Chavis. While the stock has done well throughout the bank's history. 1997 has proved to be an especially good year for shareholders thus far Earlier this year, shareholders received a 100% slock dividend, paid in the form of a 2 for 1 stock split The Bank is currently offering slock lo Ihc public for only llic Hftb lime in ihc bank s 25 year history The bank is offering $5 million or ils slock lo the public, two-thirds of which has already been sold President Chavis said, "potential and current sha rcholdc rs that pu rchasc slock before the record dale of June 11. 1997 will receive the recently declared cash dividend" With over $75 million in assets. Lumbcc Guaranty Bank is dedicated to serving the people of Robeson. Cumberland, and surroundingcountics. The bank will be opening its new three story corporate and branch office in Pembroke later this summer Spring Festival of Dance to be Presented The SpringFcslival of Dance 1997 will be presented by the Charlolic Blume School of Dance in Lumberton on Sunday, June 1 at 4:00 P.M. at the Robeson County Library. Students of the School will perform a variety of Ballet. Tap. and Gymnastic dances. Students range in age from Prc-Schoo! to Teens. Solo performers arc Fonda Jones in "Music Box Dancer". Heather Sanger in "Oklahoma", and Kclli Rogers in "1 Believe I Can Fly". Michelle Aldridgc will perform the "Nightingale" from Rcsphigi's'Thc Birds'*. Ms. Aldridgc is principal danceru ith the North Carolina Stale Ballet A Martial Arts Demonstration will be presented by Roman Locklcar Mr. Locklcar is a Black Belt w ith 4 years or teaching and competitive experience He currently teaches in Pembroke. Mr Locklcar will ofTcr martial Arts classes for children and Adults at the Blumc Studio starting in June. The public is invited There is no admission charge. For further information call (910) 4X4-2736 MBA Graduate Mr. John Nelson Oxendine, 32, graduated from Fayetteville State University with a Master of Business Administration. After attending VNC-Chapel Hill, Maryland, and Chicago on academic and military scholarships, he received his Bachelor's degree from UNC-Pembroke. He is the son of Mr. & Mrs. I.arce and Trudy Lee Oxendine of Pembroke (Union Chape!) and grandson of Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Duckery oxendine and Mr. & Mrs. Dewey Lee Oxendine. He has dedicated his pursuit of higher education and zestfor life to his late lovely baby sister - (iertrude Oxendine Lockleur! She never gave up and neither will he! Sunday at the Fellowship Church The signbearing the church name , and lime of service goes out front on ( Friday morning. That's because the church meets in a private home on a residential block at 506 N. Jones St., behind Bo's Supermarket in Pembroke. It started when Rev. Edmond Locklcar. Jr. wound up with two living room suites and could not sell one. He visited other churches and the pastors did not seem to need any help so he started a church in his home. You arc welcomed at the door by Rev. Locklcar You step inside a living room w ith just a bit of difference There are the usual pictures on the wall, bookcases with what-nots and an old piano loaded with family pictures Carpel is on the floor. The difference is that around the room there arc placards with various messages: "Mistreat your wife and your prayers will bchindcrcd". "Fornication A adultery will destroy your body & soul" "Men & women, take lime om for your children". Etc Next you notice the coffee table It has several kinds of coffee, cups and spoons But likely, you notice the large platter of fruit. Banana halves, apple and orange quarters, grapes and strawberries, small boxes of raisins. and alt of that decorated with sprinklings of white, red. green and orange gumdrops. gold-wrapped Hcrshcy s kisses, and all that topped with white large niarshntaltows. Next, you will notice a small plate of sausage biscuits set off with crcmctopped oatmeal cookies. Children go for the fruit plate You sit down on either of two sofas, or two arm chairs or a love scat and make a cup of coffee and try one of the sausage biscuits. Al so on the coffee table a re si ips of paper telling where the Sunday school Icssonstarts. listingsuggcslcd hymns, listing confession and the minister's text and topic for the worship service. You take one and you revievfcit and you know what is going to happen You look around On an end table to one of the sofas is a display of Rev. Locklcar's books There is the Bible Q&A book he published in 1984 and in which he said Lady Diana would not find happiness in her marriage (she is divorced) and Russia would break apart (happened in 1992). At the other end of the sofa in a picture frame you see two $1 bills. Beneath them is the sloiy of how Rev Locklcar was led by the Spirit in .1990 to find those dollar bills He thinks it sa message thai one day the Lord is going to bless him. Meanwhile. Rev Locklcar is welcoming everyone and directing attention to the first hymn. You might see something on the fruit platter you would love to nibble The group rises , for the first hymn It is followed by I prayer You sit and while you hit the fruit platter again, maybe trying a box of the raisins. Rev. Locklcar is opening the Sunday school session Rev Locklcar was reading through the Bible and was to Luke in early Feb runry when the church started So. the church started at the first chapter of Luke. You're now in the 5th chapter and the slip of paper gives you the references. Everyone finds the place easily. There arc extra Bibles and the group reads through the lesson Then Rev. Locklcar guides the group through the lesson with questions Everyone can participate. As he moves from verse to verse, he asks key questions and stimulates conversation and discussion He pauses to permit anyone to ask a question or make a point. This procedure may come from his 54 years of teaching in the public schools. At the end of Sunday school. Rc\ Locklcar asks if there arc any questions. If not. he asks the group to lake a few minutcsbrcak. You might want to hit the fruit platter again. Maybe you still have some of your coffee There might be a sausage biscuit left Following the break. Rc\ Locklcar gathers the attention of c\ cryonc and the group stands for confession. singing of the second hymn and prayer. By referring to the slip of paper, you can follow and know what is going to happen You might like the flowers printed at the bottom of the paper. You might notice one of the children rcmovinglhc gold w rapper from a Hcrshcy *s kiss and pressing the chocolate drop into the lop of a large niarshmallow and popping it in his mouth. Everyone is seated Rev Locklcar announces lite references for his sermon. but the references arc on the slip of paper so most everyone has found the place already. Youarckcptalcrl by Rc\ Locklcar pausing at times in his message and asking questions. He might call your name and ask you >our opinion on some question or issue Ifyou want to make a comment, you motion with your hand and Rev Locklcar will pause for >011 to speak An altar call is made After the worship sen ice. \ou arc gi\cn another opportunity to w itncssor tclI any tlii ngon> our haul. The group rises lor thcclosing pray cr for the needs of each person present You may put in a request forpra>cr for someone The groqp joins hands and prays The slip of paper tells where next Sunday lesson is located so >ou slip that in your 3iblc t here's a small tag of grapes left on the fruit platter they arc cool, fresh and sweet As the group leaves the living room, there is fellowship Rev. Locklcar says every one is welcome to come back next Sunday morning at 10 AM He says if there is no preaching planned at your church next Sunday. slip away and visit usat The Fellowship Church. He is hoping to gel a building to house his church But. w ith only $1 in the treasury at this time, he says lie can only pray and ask God to make a way On the second Sunday. he has 4 persons attending. On the third Sunday . 2 persons at tended On the fourth Sunday. 5 persons attended Eight new volunteers have recently completed Hospice of Robeson's training program. They are)from left): Jeannie Wilcox, Helen Haggard, day Watts, Connie l.ocklear, Jan Pulliam, Jeannie l.ashley, Byron Lashley and Martha Hood. Eight Volunteers Complete Hospice Training Eight volunteers from across Robeson County have completed an eight-week course designed to prepare them to help terminally ill patients and their families. From Lumbcrton arc Helen Haggard. Martha Hood, Jane Pulliam and Jeannic Wilcox. New Red Springs volunteers arc Bryon and Jeannic Lashlcy and Fay Watts. Connie Locklcar is the newest hospice volunteer front Pembroke "We arc happy to welcome these new volunteers to our hospice family." said Anne Crain. Hospice Volunteer coordinator "They have worked hard during their training course, and we arc looking forward to placing each one where they can be effective in helping our patients and their families. They will be paired with an experienced volunteeras they begin their first assignment \\i\jt Hospice of Robeson." In April. Hospice volunteers were honored at a dinner held in the cafeteria of Southeastern Regional Medical Center Among those recognized from the Fairmont area were Robert and Burncll Moore and Mary Grcyard of McDonald Volunteers honored front Lumbcrton were 11-year veteran Ruth Bryan Vicky Hasty. Rosa Jacobs who received a five-year pin. Dan Jones who received a five-year pin; Stanley Locklcar; Ruth Prcvaltc; Armatha Robinson; Mattic Whiltcd; and Dorothy Wilkinson. honored from the Pembroke area were Willie Rcc Chaviswho received a five-year pin; Charles Green; Cynthia Locklcar; Bobbie Ann Oxcndinc; Connie Oxcndinc who received a five-year pin and Eva Sampson. Hospice volunteers from St. Pauls arc Cheryl Baker; O'Neal Hickman; Marian jackson. Lois Lowcry who received a five-year pin; and Armilcc McGrcachv who received a ten-year pin. Red Springs volunteers for hospice honored that evening were: Martha Bullock. Frances Collins. Elsie Egan. Betty Prathcr. Mary Lou Shcrrill, and Gail Woodeox Hospice of Robeson was established in 1985 and its services arc available without regard to age-sex. race religion, national origin, handicap or ability to pay if the individual meets the admissions criteria. Hospice staff members and volunteers arc available to speak to church and civic groups For more information about services or to schedule a speaker, call the Hospice of Robeson office at 738-1905. LRDA fs JTPA Building Robbed During Memoria Day Weekend by Vtnilu Clark Pembroke NC: Durning Ihc Memorial Day Weekend the LDRA'S JTPA Building was broken into The robber,' was discovered bv a local neighbor who was "walking his dog" around 7:30a.m. The neighbor slated "I was walking my dog and noticed a cardboard box. I was wondering how come nobody took it to the dumpstcr 1 went over to look in it and found a bunch of office supplies and a Polaroid camera that I could even use Then I looked up at the building and saw where one of the back doors looked like it had been kicked and the other back door was wide open, so I called the police" The Pembroke Policeman w ho responded was Mickcs Strickland Another LRDA neighbor went and notified Kenneth Maynor who is a member of the LRDA Board of Dircctora. He then notified Mr. William Locklcar who is the director of the JTPA Program Both of them came to the crime scene, consulted w ilh thcofficcrand entered the building A rcprt was filed and the officer placed the cardboard box in his patrol car and lefi the scene It was apparent there was no Security System in this building "because no one heard anything" Residents w ho reside around the LRDA building were rather Surprised by this incident The Carolina Indian Voice will be follow ing these events and will keep it's reader's informed What Happened to the Shakori? by John "tall liird" Marshall Upon their arrival, the white man was confronted with the learning of many Indian names and words As the American Indians had no written language, the spelling of their names and other words were left to the imagination and "liberty of the Colonist Thus, one name or word could have been spelled in numerous manners and still considered to be right. Such may be the case of the word "SHOCCO . The "Shocco Township" and "Shocco Creek" is located in Historic Bute County (what is now Warren and Franklin County) approximately seven miles south of Warrcnlon. North Carolina The name "Shocco Creek" is believed to have been the European's shortened version of the "Shakori". "Shocorrcc". "Shakorcc". "Shacorcc". or Chicora" Indian Tribc that lived in the general area of present-day "Shocco Township". The "Shakori Tribe" traded with other Indians and Colonists along the "Colonial Trading Path" that ran from Petersburg, Virginia through their homeland down to the "Catawba" and"Waxhaw" Indians ncarthc SouthCarolina -NonhCaro lina Border The "Shnkori" were farmers and hunters They planted cropsofbcans. corn, gourds, pumpkin, sunflower, and tobacco They hunted the deer, fox. beaver, bear, raccoon, rabbit, squirrel, duck, and turkey They also fished the "Shocco Creek" It is recorded that buffalo were killed along the "Shocco Creek" as late as mn Very little is know n of their history. yet. thev wcrccloscly associated with thc"F.NO" in historical times The "Shnkori" may have been the "Chicora" mentioned b\ Spanish Explorers in 1521 The "Shnkori" were of "Siouan Linguistic Family" and the name translates to "House Down There" The "Shnkori befriended the encroaching Colonist and served as guides lite "Shnkori" were attacked by the "Tuscarora" for their refusal to join in the "Tuscarora War" against the white settlers To escape the terror of attacks, the "Shakori" migrated Southwest tot he protection of their "Eno" relatives A few "Shakori" remained behind and reportedly fought with the "Continental Army" during 1X12 I "Shakori's" were also observed I living on the "Haw River" in I Alamance Counlv. 14 miles from Eno in 1672 In 1701. John I .aw son reported "Shakori" and "Eno" liv ing together in a village called ? "Adshushccr" in Orange County, near present-day Hillsboro North i Carolina | Population of the Tribe is not I exactly known as they were counted I in with their relatives, the "Eno". < The estimated population oTthccom- < billed "Eno - Shakori" in 1600 was I set at 15(H) persons In 1714. the "Eno". "Shakori". "Ttilclo". i "Saponi". "Oecanccchi". and "Keyauwee" totaled 750. and there was noothcr record oC'Eno" population during (his historic time The "Shakori Tribe" seemingly disappeared Yet. it is possible that there arc still descendants of the "Shakori" living among us today, perhaps inter-married with other Tribes or the early settlers In an effort to re-discover the history of the "Shakori" and the "ShoccoTownship", a newly formed historical Native American Organization. "Shocco Historical and In cr-Tribal Native American Society Inc." (SHIN AS) has been organized slew members are welcome from the Algonqnian", "Iroquoian". and Siouan" affiliations. Non-Native \nicricans "may also join with rcilrielions the purposcand intent of'Shmas" is that of honoring and emulating a jeoplc of compassion, courage. Iionor. and pride, to promote peaceful harmony amongall Native American Tribes and Organizations, and to show respect to the Creator and Mother Earth "Shinas" is actively seeking property in the historic "Shocco Township" area on which to build an olTicc and qraft shop We also plan to construct a "Village Of Yesteryear", as well as. conduct annual "Pow Wows' and "Spiritual Gatherings" We arc also seeking assistance in the development and limning of a drum leant" If you know of additional history of the "Shakori" or the "Shocco Township" and/or interested in joining us or learning more about "Shinas". contact Ms Sandi Frick at (919) 269-62 lOor John Marshall. Chairman, at (919) 9K5-0455 Misty L. Locklear Recognized for Academic Excellence On April 12, 1997, Misty I.. I.ocklear ivas recognized for her academic achievement. During a special program, Miss. I.ocklear was presented an award for Freshman Academic Excellence by the Student Counselor's office^ VNCChapel Hill. She is the daughter of Robert and l.anette I.ocklear, of the Prospect Community andthegranddaughter of Mr. A Mrs. Wilson C'havis, Mr. A Mrs. Zeh I.ocklear and the late Dora /.. C'havis. Congressional Mobile Office to be In Pembroke The mobile olTicc of 7lh district Rep Mike Mclnlyrc will be at the PcmbrokcTow n Hall. Tuesday. June 1. from 9:00-11:00 a.m. A member of Rep Mclntyrc's staff will be available to assist people who have problems with federal matters such as veterans affairs, social security, internal revenue, disability etc Comments on pending legislation arc also welcome. The mobile olTict is a service to people of the 7th district and makes sc\cral stops in Robeson Counts during the scar Say you read it in Carolina Indian Voice. Pembroke Kiwanis Report The moot lit) business meeting was held Tnesda) escning ;il llic Town and C'ounlrv Rcsiauranl Willi President Pumic Lambert presiding The high light or I lie evening was the beautiful ondisplo) of the I*>7K Cauiaro Z.2X aboard the four w heel t railerow ned b\ and donated b> Prcsidenl-emeritusBobl.owfs astlic IW7 K iw anis f und-raiser Tickets arc $5. (Itcdrnwing lobe Jul) 5thal I .limbec Homecoming at the Pembroke Park at 4 pm Nou do not base to be present to win Hob and Ra> l.owrs liad the ear on displa) ill hist week's Drag lar Races ticket sales were \cr\ good I lekcls can Ik obtained from am Kiwaniau The IW7-UX new officers were elected 't he) arc President Brian Brooks. PiCsident elect George Kenworth). I reasiirer-Alberl Hunt. Sccrclar) - I odd Jones President Lambert will be attendingtltc International tecls, ReporterKen Johnson