THE tftOUNA IN^^VoiCE Publis 7i Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke,~NC VOLUME 24 NUMBER 23 THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1997 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ~ " ? r V West Lumbertoi mtary j Elects PTA, nt ! Shown above are Principal Larry T. Brooks and Tonwlita B. i Howington, PTA President. Mrs. Howington was elected Presi- | dent of West l.umberton Elementary School PTA for the 1997-9H school year. She is employed at Shining Stars Preschool as a Diagnostician. She and her husband, Darryl, reside in the West \ l.umberton community. They are the parents of three children, \ Matthew, II, Morgan, 6 and Michael, 4. She is the duaghter of Mrs. I.olita Blanks and the late O. Tom Blanks. Celebrates 80th Birthday Shown above are Mr. and Mrs. Herdman Revels of St. Pauls. Mrs. Maudie /.. Revels celebrated her 80th birthday May 31, 1997 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ray l.owry of Pembroke. Mrs., Revels was born in l.umberton on June 3,1917. She is the mother offour children: Ronald Revels, Jr. of St. Pauls; Mrs. Hillie Jean l.owry of l.umberton; Mrs. Regina Hell of Charlotte; and Mrs. Pamela Hrambie of (irays Creek; one foster daughter, Mrs. Margaret Treat; six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. The birthday celebration was hosted by her grandson, Victor Ray l.owry and his family. Invocation was given by Rev. John 1.. I.ocklear. The honoree had a money tree and many other nice gifts were received. There were more than fifty guests in attendance who Wished her many happy returns of the day. The Master's Quartet sang many songs for the honoree. . She is a faithful member of Ten Mile Center Huptist Church. She teas a homemaker and worked for ten years with Agri Extension Services. (Photo and text by Tech. Sgt. IVilliam P. Revels.) f _ n i^aria & Keaem Anniversary Sing Carlo A Redemption's Sixth Anniversary Sing tvill he held Saturday, June Nat 7 PM at l.umherton High School Auditorium, l.umherton, Ni'. Also appearing will he the Singing Shenpards who sing "He Won 7 let Me Down;" and Quinton Mills who sings '7 Found the Lily In My Valley." There will also he a pre-show at 6:30 PM with the anointed singing of the Saddletree CDC Children's Choir and the Youth In Christ. Tickets are M< in advance or 57 at the door. Kids 12 and under are admitted free. Food will he sold in the auditorium. For more information, call 010-739-4446 or 910-321-1239. 4 Pembroke BPW Club Installs New Officers by Yvonne Barnes Dial The Pembroke Business and Professional Women's organization held its annual installation of officers Ma\ . 5th at the James B Cha\ is Center on the UNCP campus EKcra Locklcar conducted the installation with the following with I he fol low i ng members to lake on the positions as officers: Lillian Fayc Locklcar as president; Annette Strickland as president elect. Dorolln Blue as treasurer and Mary Roberts as secretary Past president. Yvonne Barnes Dial. ga\c her farewell speech and expressed her gratitude for lite members' support and presented each member a BPW pin and a thank sou card Heather Locklcar of Red Springs High School received a $200 scholarship in honor of the late Mrs Grace Epps front the organization Within the past >car the club had held various programs centered around women issues Various programs and presenters included Women and Finances and Investments presented bv Frank Daughfrv of First Union National Bank. Women and Self Defense pre pre scnicd bv Johnnie Woodcll. martini arts instructor Women and Asscrtiv eness presented bv Dr Ruth Dial W oods, professor at Favcllcville State Universilv. Depression presented b> Carol> n Coronado. Public Schools of Robeson Count) psveh ologist and Controlling Stress calm Down. Slim Down, presented bv Dr Sandra Cross, professor at UNCP The organization invites women to join w ho arc interested in the goals and objective of improv ing the lives of women and children For more information please contact Lillian Fav e Lock lea r at 521 -41I U.S. Achievement Society Honors Amy Chavis The United Stales Achievement Academy announced today that Ann Cind> Chavis from Pembroke. NC. has been named a United Slates National Award Winner in Honor Roll This award is a prestigious honor very few students can ever hope to attain. In fact, the Academy recognizes fewer than 10% of all American high school students Ann Cindy Chavis. who attends Purncll Swell, was nominated for this national award by Dennis Watts, a counselor at the school Ann Cindy Chavis. will appear in l he United Stales Achievement Acad cniy Official yearbook. which is published nationally "Recognizing and supportingour youth is marc important than c\cr before in America's history Certainly. United States Achievement Academy winners should be congratulated and appreciated for their dedication tocxccllcncc and achicv cmcnt." said Dr George Stevens. Executive Director of the United Stales Achievement Academy The Academy selects US A A w inncrs upon the exclusive recommendation of teachers, coaches, counselors. and other qualified sponsors and upon llic Standards of Selection set forth bv the Acadcnn Tltc criteria for select ion arc a student's academic performance, interest and aptitude leadership qualities, responsibility enthusiasm. moli\ learn and improve, citizenship, attitude and coopcrat i\ c spi rit. dependability. and recommendation from a teacher or di rector Ann Ctndv Cha\ is is the daughter of Man and Wilson Chaxis from Fairmont. NC The grandparents are Audia M Chavis of Fairmont. NC. and Late Mr and Mrs ida C Hunt of Fairmont NC Pembroke Author Seeks Funding For New Book: "Just In Case Someone Wants To Slip Out" Pembroke Native American minister and author. Edmond Locklcar. Jr. is seeking funding^) publish his latest book He is the author of two novels, a Bible Q & A book and an O.J book He hopes this book will be different and will sell more copies. His latest cITorl it tilled "Just In Case Someone Wants To Slip Out" It illustrates what wrongscxis. where it is and how close it is to slinging all of us. He sayssince most people will not even read the Bible, he has designed a special TV ads to gel them to read this self-help book. Rev Locklcar wants to make a sales test on television by starting a controversy among husbands and w ives. The advertisement w ill show the book and feature the voices of husband and wife in a washercllc The vv ifc say s she is going to read this book The husband savs no If she needs to know anything, ask him. She says she already know s about the birds and the bees She's the mother of his three kids This book tells about wrong sex and she wants to know about it The husbands says none of his friends arc letting their wives read this book The wife says she is going to read it The husband says if she keeps this up. she's going to get hurt She tells him to let's go outside because she is going to read the book, and when he rises up to hurl her. they arc going to need more room than what's in the washcrcllc They may need the whole out of doors. Rev. Locklcar is hoping b> bombarding husbands and wives with this situation, wives and husbands will start taking sides He is hoping husbands w ill boast by say ing. if I tell my wife not to do something, she belter not do it He's hoping wives w ill sav. niv husband has no business telling me what 1 can read and what I can't read. Talk and controversy sell books Lock lea r is hoping wives will gel upset enough to call and order the book and charge it to their credit cards. Following the ad campaign. Locklcar hopes to feature 16 year old sav ing they know about the birds and the bees already and it is time they are allowed to read this book: There's the question Arc 16ycaroldso(dcnough to start learning about staving away from gay sex. fornication, adultery and teenage pregnancy? Locklcar hopes to bring teenagers into reading the book He issccking three loans of$5(K)(l each to help publish the book and make the televisions ales test. He is offering !X% interest IF the sales test fails to sell the book, the loans will be paid back at $ 100 a month and will earn (he loancr $411121 in interest. "This is a high risk \calurc Bin >ou only make money on liigli risk ventures." said Rc\ Locklcar "We have a repayment plan to reduce (he risk Repay nieni starts the first month aficr a loan is accepted " If the sales lest is successful. Locklcar sa>s book stores will come in to help sell the book The loans willbcrcpaid in less than a year The interest gain will be less but still a nice reward for a person making the loan Locklcar has prepared a packet of information about this book publishing and will send it to anyone interested in helping > "Another distinction about "Just In Case Someone Wants To Slip Out." said Locklcar. "is the reader can interact with the book by laying a game of word building Materials for doing that arc furnished with the book " If would be wonderful Locklcar agrees, if people who do not have $5000 to loan would call him at 910521-0119 or write to WFCP Press. Box 51X7. Pembroke., NC 2X572. and order a pre publication, autographed copy of the book He say s the book w ill sell for $9.99 plus $5.47 packaging and shipping. The cost can be charged to a credit card He says pcoplcordcringa copy would be a special blessingnnd just as good as loaning money William Oxendine Successfully Completes State Electrical Exam On March 21 William James Oxendine of Pembroke successfully completed the unlimited Electrical Qualifying Examination given in Raleigh, NC. Oxendine gives the /. ordth e praise for passing th e state exam. Oxendine attended school at Union Chapel, Ashpole, Fairgrove High and Robeson Community College. He also completed a code class under l.loydMaynardat Ernin, NC. Oxendine is employed with the Public Schools of Robeson County. He is very interested in assisting others people who want to know more about the National Electrical Code. He Ls willing to help others, prepare for the state exam. He gives thanks to his father, the late John H. Oxendine, and his mother, \riola dandy of Pembroke and the rest of hisfamily andfriends for their support and encouragement. . He is shown above with his Ovyj children: Tracy Oxendine and William Eddie Oxendine. Benefit Gospel Sing at Sandy Plains June 15 There will be benefit gospel sing at Sand> Plains Unilcd Methodist Church on June 15al6:30 P.M. The singing will be held to raise funds for the Mission Building Project for the Bolivian Work Team. For more information on the singing or to make donations, you may call 521-86(H) "Apocalypsys " In Concert June 7 "Apocalypsys" will appear in concert at Pembroke Seventh-day Advcntist Church. Jet. 710 & 711, Pembroke. NC on June 7 at 11 AM. For more information call 521 -0432. Rowland Norment Cafetria News On May 6th Cafeteria staff honored the faculty anil staff of Rowland" Nor men t by fixing breakfast for them. The cafeteria thanks staff faculty and principalfor their support in making School Food Service Employees feel they have a part in the nutritional education of students. The Rowland Norment ( afeteriu staff has earned certification certificates in " Food Safety and Sanitation "for completing ten hoars of training in recipes for safety. Shown left to right are Hetty Johnson, Elizabeth tiriffin, Sheila Alverez. Wanda Hammonds, Delois l.ocklear, Margaret Stephens and Ann Oxendine. Rowland Norment ('afeteriu staff also won a Hlue Ribbon for the "Awards of Excellence" for the year IVV6-V7, awarded by North ( arolinu State SFS. For "Notional Hreakfast week" at Rowland Nor men! School, each student who ate breakfast every morning that iveek put their name in a howl. Three names were drawn. First prize was a shirt with a logo that says " Open your eyes to school breakfast" printed on front. Kimherly McKenzie, third grader, won the shirt. John Austin, first grader, won the kite. Third prize went to Melody Robinson, second grader. She won a camera that dispenses canity. Shown left to right: Margaret Stephens, Ann (Ixendine, Delois l ock/ear, Elizabeth (iriffin, Hetty Johnson. Not shown Sheila Alverez. (? . ? . -x Say Vou Read it in the Carolina Indian Voice. To subscribe call 521-2826 Government Golf Tournament Planned 1 lole in one will win ;i CiM Truck Mt? for ts fl pull-Moo $10 for 10 fi pull-Mo Ptovcrs nuisi register Iw June 7 You max register ;ii Riverside Ciolf Course or cull Rulli I ocklenr nl 521 W)") or Rev lettv McNeill ;rl 5214X1 tor XI 1-4XX7 I here will lie free refreshments I.umbcc Tribal Government Annual Tournament. Super Ball, will be held June 14. brginning at 9 a.m. Willi a Sliol Gun Start al Riverside Golf Course A.B.C. I) players lo each team, Inch leant must havca handicap of at least 4S Price $160a team. $40 per person Pri/cs for each hole

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