T : CAROLINA MRAI VOICE Hshed each Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NC VOLUME 24 THURSDA Y, JUNE 19f 1997 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Jacobs is Emory Ut\ Graduate Robin K Jacot received a certific; Emory University ii gia at its 152nd com cmony on May 12 UNC-G Dean's List Jcnncfcr L. Brewer of Lumbcrton was among the students who made the Dean's List at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Students who earn a grade poi nt average o 3 .5 or better and who have no grade below B- for the semester arc placed on tch Dean's Lislifthcy ahvc completed at least 15 credit hours at ) UNCG t Mr. & Mrs. Harold B. Locklear to | Host Reception Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Locklear request the honor ofyour presence at a reception celebrating the graduation of Second Lieutenant Art Thomas Locklear and (he marriage of Second Lieutenant and Mrs Art ii Thomas on Saturday, the twentyi eighth of June nineteen hundred and * ninety-seven at five o'clock in the ; afternoon. At Bcrca Baptist Church r on Odum Street in Pembroke, North t Carolina. Please respond to (910) 521-9538 by June 21. 1997. BereaBaptist Church Honors Pastor & Wife Berea Baptist Church honored their pastor, Rev. James Bruce Swett, and his wife, Ms. Peggv Swett, May 25, 1997. Ms. Swett was presented a corsage by Ms. Rhonda Bellinger and Dr. Linda Oxendine-Conner, members of the Pastoral Committee. Rev. Swett was presented a plaque and a love offer from the church by Mr. Ken Maynor and Mr. Rarto Clark. Scripture as it relates to the pastor was read by Mr. James Brewingto'n. The inscription on the plaque of appreciation reads: "In honor and appreciation of rev. James Bruce Swett for exemplary service and leadership beyond pastoral duties during the construction of the church sanctuary. Presented by Berea Baptist Church, Pembroke, NC May 25, 1997." Recognized for Service to Indian Education Al a meeting of the Title IX Indian Education Committee on Monday. May 12. Agnes H Chavis. a retired cduealorinlhcPublic Schools of Robeson County, was rccogni/cd for 20 years of service as a member of the Indian Education Parent Committee. Ms. Chavis was elected to the committee in 1977 She (sUb longer eligible for membership due to her retirement and the upcoming graduation of her daughter. Mia. from South Robeson High School in June Ms. Cliavis has long been active in the local, stale and national activ itics of the National Education Association where she remains a member of numerous committccsasa lifetime member While serving on the Title IX Indian Education Committee. Ms Chnvis active!) participated in state and national leadership roles She w as a founding member of the North Carolina State Advisors Committee on Indian Education for the Public Schools ofNorlh Carolina: as Chairperson df the North Carolina Slate . Cousortiunion Indian Eiducalion. she was a charter member of UNITY, a member statewide organization of Indian agencies and organizations: was rccogni/cd b\ the National Indian Education Association as Indian Educator of the Year in 19X2. and was appointed b\ President Clinton to lite National Ad\isor> Council on Indian Education in 1994. a presidential!) appointed council on which she current!) series (y v Steven Moore Has Outstanding Baseball Season at Prospect School Slcvcn Moorcfimslicdlhcbnscball season al Prospect School with the following record: Short Stop-Lcad-Off Hitler. Playing 14 games. Moore had 20 times at bat: 12 hits: 30 runs; 12 rbi's; and 24 walks He had 1 strike out: 62 steals: 2 [doubles; and 2 triples He had one home run; 1 error; and a Batting Average of.6tM). His On Base Percentage was .818. He reached base 36 times in 44 plate approaches and scored 30 of the 36 times. Prc-Scason for More was 1 win. 0 losses; Record Conference was 12 winsandt) losses; County Championship was 0 wins and 1 loss. Conference was 12 wins 0 losses and over all he had 13 wins and 1 loss. Brian Evinglon. Steve Moore's Baseball coach made the following statement "Steven was a pleasure to coach. 1 would love to have 9 players that went to play and give their 110% like Steven docs. He was definitely the Most Valuable Player rat Prospect this year If he will keep working hard he can have a real successful future in baseball." Y Raleigh, N.C., June 6, 1997-Ronnie F.. Hunt, General Manager of l.umbee River Electric ntembfrship Corporation, was cited recently for his 20 years of service to the electric cooperative, the meritorious service award was presented May 29 at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation, the generation and transmission cooperative that serves North Carolina's electric cooperatives, l.umbee River EMC, with home offices In Red Springs, is one ofthe2H electric cooperatives in North Carolina, and serves 38,000 members in a four county area including parts of Cumberland, Scotland, Hoke and Robeson counties. The co-op is member-owned, notfor-profit and overseen by a board of directors elected by the membership. Potential Candidate for Indian Commission Protests LRDA fs Application and Oath o f Office Two members of the Lunibce Tribal Council ha\c filed for a scat on the North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs. The election of a member to this position is overseen by Lumbcc Regional Development Association. Garth Locklcar and Henry Brewer has expressed an interesting in being elected tothc Commission. Mr. Brewer has filed an objection to the application procedure for this position with Mr. James Hardin. LRDA's Executive Director and Mr. William Locklcar, the Elections Coordinator with LRDA The application form required by LRDA to become a candidate for the Indian Commission Board stales: "By filing this declaration of candidacy for the Lunibce Tribc/Lumbce Regional Development Association Board of Dircctors/N.C. Commission of Indian Affairs, 1 hereby affirm my intent lobe a candidate for the ... scat for thb ... which includes "I also affirm that I live in said district, am eighteen years old and am an enrolled member of the Lumbcc Tribe and 1 support the Lumbcc Tribe's mandate to LRDA to strengthen the Lumbcc Tribe's sovereignty and to seek federal recogni lion. I will abide by all election rules of the LumbccTribe/LRDA and will support the LumbccTribc/LRDA in representing the tribe on the N.C. Commission oflndian Affairs Board As a candidate I will work with the election site Chairperson to help maintain order and I understand il is my responsibility to be aware of rule governing election polling site procedures, and to report any potential problems to the polling Chairperson immediately on site. "I fully understand and have . read the Oath of Office that I will lake upon being elected. 1 certify that 1 shall take the Oath of Office when elected. I also understand that if I fail to take the oath of office that 1 relinquish any rights to be certified for election I also understand that if elected that should I move from the District that I was elected to represent that I would relinquish my scat and LRDA under its procedures may elect or appoint my replacement on the North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs Board of Director" Mr. Brewer protested the application form itself and made modifications to it before signing. He then hand delivered a letter to LRDA that explains his complaint His letter slates: "I seek election to the NC Indian Commission because I wish to represent the Lumbcc people before that body As I understand the NC General Statute. G.S 141B-407 representation on the NC Indian Commission is given to the Lumbcc people, other Indian tribes and grounds (Guilford Native American Association. Cumberland County Association for Indian People and Mclrolina Indian Organization). In specific these statue docs not name LRDA for purpose of representation on the NC Commission of Indian Affairs, only the Lumbcc people arc so named." The elect ions committee ofl.R D A will meet and decide whether Mr. Brewer will be a candidate for the Indian Commission scat. LRDA has recently re-districted the district for representation on the Indian Commission This redistricting opened up a new seal, which is the scat to be filled this summer. Mr. Brew er asked that his letter be included as a part of his application. And he has al?o filed his complaint with the North Carolina Attorney General. Dr. Barry Harding, Associate Superintendent, is shown presenting a shadowbox to Ms. Agnes H. Chavis, Title IX Parent Committee Member, which represents service as a mother, a teacher, a peacemaker, a spiritual leader, and a woman of the gathering basket surrounding a medicine wheel. Saddletree Educational Scholarship Presented in Memory of Harold B. Wynn i Kalhcrinc Janinc Locklcar. daughter of reverend Jackson and Sheila Locklcar graduated Junc6.1997 from Lumbcrton Senior High School She was a member of the Lumbcrton Marching Pirates Band from 199 V 97. a member of the National Beta 1 rr Club from 1994-97, and a member of the yearbook staff during her senior year. She and her family attend Saddletree Church of God where she is an active participant in the teen talent competitions. In 19% the Teen Talent Instrumental Ensemble advanced to the national Teen Talent level competitions which were held in Indianapolis. Indiana. Katie plans to enroll at Robeson Community College (his fall in the College Transfer program and upon graduation, enroll at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke for a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communicative Arts Her fat Ik r isan asphalt crew leader with Public Works Commission of FaycllcvtUc and her mother. Sheila is Registrar of Faycltcv iUc Community College - V Saddletree President Tim Morgan, left, recognizes Katharine l.ockleur us the IVV7 Sadeeltree Sholarship recipient. They ure shown with her purents. {'resident Morton encourages anyone to he u part oj this project. Meetings are held the first Thursday oj each month at 7:.10 p.m. ut the Saddletree ( ommunity ('enter. Parent or puardian or the student must he un ' active member in order for their child to qualify us a recipient. Any contribution is welcome. Make chekspayable to Saddletree Scholarship Fund or call VIO-6IH-II027, 7.1V-JV7.1 or 7 .IH-KK2V for further injormation. \ Amber Woods Recognized as Most Outstanding Girl in Townsend's Seventh Grade Amber Woods i vas recogn izal as the "Most Outstanding Girls" in the Seventh Grade at ^Townsend^tiddliftM Maxton.' She was recognized for her outstanding communication ?, skill*,She finished the seventh J grade on the B Honor Roll She was a member of the NH TS organization and a member of the Tot en send School band in which she plays the clarinet As a clarinet player, A mber wonfirst place In the District Talent Finals for her home church, Mr. Olive Pentecostal Holiness in Pembroke. She is the granddaughter of Noah Woods of Pembroke and. I.ucille Locklcar Woods of Maxton. Her great-gran dmoth er is Annie S. Hell of Maxton. Kenny Rujjuloe, left, is shown at the Karate tournament in Moscow, Russia with former Japanese Karate fhampion K. Fujiwana. Roth Ruff aloe am! Fujiwana were judges at the tournament. Kenny Buff aloe Served as U.S. Delegate to World Karate Tourament in Russia Kcnnv" BufTaloc" Woods, the North Carolina representative of Kvoktishin-Kai Karate, recently visited Moscow. Russia as an official delegate to the World KyokushinKai Karate Tournament He is the first known l.umbcc to participate in such an event BufTaloc participated in the officiating at this tournament and was pleased w ith the high standard of competition The tournament last two days and featured the Kyokushin-Kai style of full, contact, bare knuckle knockdown fighting with no protective equipment of weight dixisions The match ends wltcn one fighter is knocked out. or knocked down twice by a well focused attack BufTaloc who is originally from Pembroke was thankful for ihc opportunity to be a pari of such a monumental event He is looking forward to sharing his skills and knowledge of Kyokushin-Kai Karate with load people in Robeson County He is interested in beginning a bi-niontldy training class for men. women, teens andehildrenand is currently looking for a suitable location in the area Kenny carries the name or DiifTaloc rn honor of his adoptive parents Ikrlh Kenny and his sister were given up for adoption at a very young age His birth motlicr's last name is Wood^ his father last name is Locklcar and is from the Union Chapel area of Pembroke. Kenny will be in live area for the l.umbce homecoming and vvoiild like to meet his relatives For more information about k>oki4hin-kai karate I raining, vv rite to kanv Ihiflaloc P <1 Hon (> I * Seaboard NC 27X7(. I.

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