. 'HE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE Published each Thursday by First American Publications, NC JUMBER 27 THURSDAY. JULY 3, 1997 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Twenty Swett High Teachers & Counselors Learning New Skills in Computer Lab at UNCP Pembroke - "Comparing the knowledge 1 had coming in Mth the knowledge 1 have now, it's outstanding." said Purncll Swell High School teacher Boss Locklcar. Before participating in a tw o-w eek Internet workshop sponsored by the physical science department at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke. Mr Locklcar had never seen the world wide web. Today, he is building his own "home page" on the Internet w ith links to a world of information which he can use in teaching Vocational Education courses The project, which includes funds for wiring Mr. Locklcar's classroom to the Internet, is funded through UNCP by a $.10,000 federal EiscnhowcrGrant coordinated by the North Carolina Science and Math Institute twenty Purncll Swell High School teachers and counselors were in a computer lab at UNCP for tw o weeks of basic Internet instruction from June 16-27. Besides learning about e-mail, surfing the net and building a home page, the grant will give teachers practical ideas for using the world w idc web of information in the classroom Project director for the grant is Dr. Jose DArruda. chairofthc physical science department "The Eisenhower Grant is going to pay off well for the teachers." Dr. D" Arruda said "Most knew little or nothing about the Internet, but every time I go down there they have made progress" The Internet project consists of six workshops, but classroom instruction is only the beginning. Dr. D"Arruda said Six UNCP professors will go to the high school as onc-ononc mentors for the teachers. "The Internet is like a library in the classroom." Dr. D'Arruda said. "But the onlywav to learn any kind of computing is to do what they arc doing by sitting down and getting their hands on it with expert instruction backing them up. "We at UNCP need to do more with thehighschools." hesaid. "I've been here for 24 years and can remember workingWith a NSF (National Science Foundation)grant with the schools on Apple lie computers " D Arruda's pioneering efforts continue to pay dividends as he ushers another generation of teachers through another technological frontier of computing. While Boss Locklcar looked through an Internet site on house construction plans. French teacher Melody Gill toured France. A recent college graduate. Gill is computer trained but found new uses for the I nlcrnel in the classroom at the workshop "I am looking for links to put on my home page so that my students will be able to see and hear French language and culture." she said "I cannot leach then) all the things that the French can. I'm also looking for (e-mail) pen pals " Although she was familiar with the resources oflhc Internet. Gill has learned some new applications "I have learned mam things I did not knowshe said "We went to a' net meeting where we actually saw the people we were talking to Our computers had video cameras, so thc\ saw us too " The computer skillsofsocial studies teacher Jerry Jones and physical education teacher Nancy Ow en (bot h UNCP graduates) fall somewhere between Locklcar and Gill, Both arc new to the Internet and fascinated by there sources available to them "I teach a minority studies class and I'm looking for Nalixc American and African American sites that I can link them to m> home page." Jones said "The key is if the school can gel on line and gel us a computer then this will be \aluablc " Owen was scanning siteson plwsical rehabilitation of sports injuries for a class she is teaching on sports medicine "There are not a lot of classroom malcrialsavailnblcforthiscoursc. so lvc done searches in physical thcrap> and rehab." Owen said. "I've ordered a catalogue and some other free materials including one from an anatomical supply company "1 think the Internet will be very ? useful." she said "This is good for me because there have been a lot of changes in computing since I was at Pembroke in the 1980s." Dr Lcs/ck Pialkicwic/. assistant professor of mathematics and computer science taught the Internet workshop He was impressed with his pupils' progress "They arcdoingjusi fine. Teachers make good students ." he said " About halfhavc been on the I ntcrnct before, but wcalwayshavc people on different levels." Dr Pialkicwic/ noted several applications he was working on during the workshop including creating a home page for each teacher located on a computer server at UNCP "I want them to create a home page for their students to hnv ca^wfes to in the classroom " lie said "They may create links to any other site on the Internet for the students to use in doing research "We have also worked with network news (chat rooms) so they c-an discuss am subject with anyone in the world." lie said Whether its French or carpentry, the .Internet is a link tot eh world for teachers. Dr Pialkicwic/. believes. And UNCP is the teacher's Hnk to the Internet .' For more information on the Fiscnltowcr Grant program, vou mav call Dr D'Arruda at 521-6423. Miss Lumbee Says Farewell Rcbckah Revels. Miss Lumbcc. wilj relinquish her crown July 4. 1997 but she will continue to honor the Lumbec people with dignity, grace and love, Rebekah has traveled over 24,000 miles to 16 slates and Washington.D.C. duringhcr reign totouch the lives of thousands of people with the story of the Lumbcc people and how important it is to respect our elders and learn about our culture Rcbckah has sung, spoke and danced her way into thousands of hearts in making more than 165 appearances^ and performing this past year. Although Rcbckah is the most traveled Miss Lumbcc. she stresses quality not quantity in appearances. Most of the pow wows she attended last 2-4 days and she averaged 10-12 hours per day each pow wow day "People appreciate you spendi ng li nic at their function, not just showing up to be seen, but talking, relaxing and cnjoyingthcircompanv and the functions they worked hard to make a success." Rcbckah said "I loved spending hours as Miss Lumbcc." She continued "The Miss L.unibcc title and crown one of great importance that should be honored at all times with dignity, honesty and respect. Miss Lumbcc represents all of the 47.0OO+ Lumbcc all of the time." Rcbckah dedicated her reign to the memory of her cousin. Loric Strickland, daughter of Daniel and Cherry Strickland, who died with cancer in 1995. Lorie was well known for smiling regardless of what blows life dealt to her and Rebekah's smile has also brought happiness to many. Rebekah feels that Loric would smile upon her reign and be v ers proud of her Love for Miss Lumbcc was cxidcnccd at the Lumbcc Queens Farewell Tea o Sunday as he was honored by contestants friends, family, and her church. Many came forthlo attest to Rebekah's helpfulness, love for the Lumbcc people honesty, smiles, know ledge and dignity She w as presented many beautiful gifts. HcraunL Cherry Strickland presented Rebekah with a coverlet, a family heirloom, made by her grandmother. Mrs. Lulu Carter Hunt Rebekah's -J grandmother died w ith cancer before she was born Ten Mile Maplist Church presented Rebekah with a surprise portrait ofMiss Lumbcc by artist Karl A Hunt, which was painted from photographs Rebekah's little sisters. Junior Miss Morgan Hunt and Little Miss Angelica Chavis arc precious and dear to her hear. The families have traxclcd extensively (his past year and many memories arc heart stored As Rebekah dedicated friendsand friends forever to her little sister, the tears flowed as she honored them As a last tribute, as Miss l.tinibcc. Rebekah Rex els honors her ( reator. parents. l.RDA. family, church, friends, lox cd ones and ex cry person xxho has touched hci life this past year in a posilixc wax Representing the Lumbcc people with dignity and pride Rebekah's last xvords to lis as Miss Lumbcc arc: "HEART GIFTS" It's not the things that can be bought that arc life's richest treasure,,.,. ? It's just the little "heart gifts" w that money cannot measure..; A cheerful smile, a friendly word, a sympathetic nod Are priceless little treasures from the storehouse of our God... They are the things that can't be bought with silver or with gold, For thoughtfulncss and kindness and love arc never sold... They are the priceless things in life for which no one can pay. And the giver linds rich recompense in g/r/'ttg them auuty. Rehekah was honored hy her family and church, Jen Mile center Itaptist Church on June 22, 19V 7 with u surprise Farewell Social in the church fellowship huildinp. i, (ilenda Revels, Sunday school'teacher, Eurnie Hammonds, Castor; Miss l.umhee, Rehekah Revels, R ondo Hammonds, Castor's wife, Joyce l.mvry, Sunday school toucher shown left to ripht. Pastor Hammonds made warm and wonderful comments about Rehek ah as he announced the surprise social. Many dear friends ami family members including Junior Miss l.umhee Morgan Hunt and her mother, Hemetrice Hunt, joined Rehekah for the social. Ten Mite Center Huptist ( hurch us f>iven outstanding support to Miss I nmbee this year H e love you, Rehekah Mclntyre Co-Sponsors Recognition Bill to Help Lumbee Recognition Efforts Washington, D.C. - Seventh District Congressman Mike Mclnlyre announced today that he hasco-sponsored legislation in tbo-lkS. Houseot Representatives that would create an independent commission that would help the LunibeC Indians achieve federal recognition Mclnlyre is calling on Congress to pass HR 1154. the Indian Federal Recognition Administration Procedures Act of 1997, This bill would create an independent commission to evaluate Native American applications for recognition. The Commission would be made up of three presidential appointees (no more than two from the same political party and no more than one from the same American Indian tribe). The commission would review applications, make grants for application research (e.g.. research thc_ genealogy of a tribe), hold hearing's and grant tribal recognition Once the commission recognizes a tribe, the tribe would be eligible to participate in Federal programs. including the specific land treaties with the Federal government Congressman Mclnlyre continued. "This bill, if enacted, would remove the politics from the l-umbcc Federal recognition process and give us a much better and fairer opportunity to get recognition. As everyone knows, neither the Congress nor the bureau of Indian Affairs have yet granted recognition The Lumbcc mm ? - ? ? - people have been working for many years for Federal recognition through this current process, and it is now clear thai a new approach is needed ' Be assured 1 will be working feverishly lo push for enactment of HR 1154." Congressman Mclntyrc staled "Since January I have been researching and evaluating every possible option to pursue the long sought Federal recognition for the Liimbcc people In fact, our ofTicc has documented and studied every singlccongressional bill, from 1888 to 1996 that would grant this recognition After extensive discussions with Native American leaders, we have concluded that the congressional and federal proccdurcscurrcnlly in place have not been working, and a new approach is needed to give the Lumbcc people their much deserved Fed cral recognition " HR 1154 is supported by both the Lumbcc Regional Development Association and the Lumbcc Tribal Council . ; Mclntyrc further added that his o(Ticc is still "exploring the feasibility of enacting a separate bill by which Congress would grant the Lumbccs Federal recognition However. such a bill has never succeeded in the past, and the prospects continue to look unfavorable That is why it is rnv hope that this new approach .will be the long-soughlahcr success needed " mmberly Hunt is a graduate of Northfield Mount Hernton School Northficld Mass -- Kimbvrlx Hunl. the daughter ofEric D Hum of PembrokeVNe. and Karnicl Brooksy also of Pembroke is a l')')7gradnn||C *of Northficld Moumllcrnion School n Massachusclls independent colIcgc-prcpnratorx boarding school She has completed a IW7 Apprcnliccshipprogrnmintcrnslnpxxiih the Garbcr Talent Agency in Nexx York She has performed in the I'Wi Theatre Program production of Much Ado About Nothing" and has served on the Class Steering Committee and as a campus lour guide A member of the NMH Dance Company, she has volunteered through the Outreach Program xx ilh a Martin Luther K ing Jr Workshop a Bosnia Relief Fund Project, the school's National Serxicc Dax a Peace Pagoda Project, and as a teacher of a Children's Interest Group in dance. A member of the junior basketball team and manager of the boys' varsity swimming and football teams, she has participated in the American Indian Student Association andattendedthe I9')4 American Indian Science and Engineering Society Conference She has studied Advanced Placement U S History and attended the NMH Advanced Summer Studies program A member of "Who's Who Among American High School Students, she has earned the "I Dare You' Leadership Award A Better Chance. Community and Dr Rosa Mmoka Hill Fund Scholar, she also is the recipient of vrlie Charles Curtis Scholarship Fund f Award She Iras taken part in the Broadway Dance Center and Steps on Broadway program A member of Association in the Interest of a Multicultural School Circle of Sisters and the Robeson County 4-H she assisted in the PRISM Orientation Workshop She also Iras earned academic honors for the IW7 spring term She will .attend the University of Southern California, rnajoring iit theater and foreign studies Northficld Mount Hcrmon. established in 1X7*). is located on twin campuses along the Connecticut River in rural Northficld and Gill. Mass The class of I9?)7 included ^y) seniors aird postgraduates \ Celebrates 96th Birthday Mrs. Eunice Sampson of Pembroke, NC celectrated her 96th birthday recently. Family and friends gathered at Linda's Restaurant to honor the great grandmother. The dinner was given by her son and daughter-in-law, James and Linda Smapson and her daughter and son-in-law, Sarah and Buddy Belt Honored guests were her brother, Mr. Ancil Sanderson, andher sister, Mrs. Elizabeth McGirt. Mrs Sampson has one other brother, Mr. John ? Sanderson ivho lives in Cocoa Beach. Flordia. Left to ripht: Murphy Strickland. the honoree \v brother, Jackie Strickland, (son), Mr. Robert Stricklaml, am! Robert l ee Strickland (son). Celebrates 90th Birthday! Mr Robert Strickland celebrated his Wilt birthday Saturday. June 21st at Deep Branch Church Fellowship Hall Mr Strickland is the son of the late Arleandl.nla Strickland oCl. umbcrton. NC Htcisprobabls one of the oldest lis ing StricklaiuK in Robeson Count) When asked what he attributed his long life to. he said "I alsvass honored andobesed nw parents Mr. Robert married Dollie l.oeklear (now deceased) in l')V> During World War II. the) ntoscd to Wilmington. NC looking for work in the ship sard While there both were trained to be welders Thex worked on L.ibcrl\ Cargo Ships At the close of World War II Mi Strickland came back to Robeson Counts and made his home in the Deep Branch conimmiil) lie continued in his occupation as a welder while lus wife and children farmed He retired form Wcslpoinl Pcppcrcll as Lead Welder in the Maintenance Department in I *>7 V Hisbcloved wife. Dollic. shared 60 years w illi him She departed this life November 22. I'Wft. Mr Robert lives with is daughter, l-stellc Hodges. 2 miles below Deep Branch Clmreh. where he attends c\ crv Sunday During the prist 45 years of his members, he has served in several different capacities. For 24 years of his membership. Ik has been a Deacon }lc attributes his health, keen mind and willy sense of honor to obedience to God first and his parents, second He and Ms Dollie s children arc Robert I.. Strickland Jr . Lucille F.mery. I slcllc Hodges. Jackie Strickland.Bobby R Strickland and Jerlene Hunt The children arc so thankful and blessed to have had a falhei and mother with such a spiritual impact upon their lives