Ttti AEOLIMA INDIAN VOICE Pu each Thursday by First American NC VOLUME24 NUMBER 29 THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1997 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Dr. L. -rayboy Returns Home to Work at UNCP\ by Scot1 Ktgetow Pembroke? Dr. L. Ray Brayboy will return to the University of North Carolina at Pembroke as Director of School and Program Services, according to an announcement today by Chancellor Joseph B. Ckcndinc. A 1969 UNCP graduate and member of the athletic Hall of Fame. Dr. Brayboy will join the University in August. He will alsotcach a graduate level course in the educational leadership program. Chancellor O.xcndinc called Dr. Brayboy a great addition to the campus. "1 am thrilled that we have been able to persuade Dr Brav boy to join our stafT at UNC Pembroke," Dr. Oxendincsaid. "His background includes experience at all levels of public education: teacher, principal and superintendent in a variety of settings. This coupled with his dynamic approach in addressing education issues will provide us our best ever opportunity to work with public school personnel throughout the region. "Dr. Brayboy's energy level and zeal for public education is obvious." Dr. Oxcndinc said "Our graduate and undergraduate students in education will benefit greatly from his teaching. "Consequently, he is a great addition to UNC Pembroke and to public education in this region." he said Dr. Brayboy will report to Dr. Kathryn M. Suilivan. dcanofGraduatc Studies and Teacher Education. "We're very excited about having Ray at UNCP." Dr. Sullivan said. "His energy and experience will be good for our programs." As director of school andprogram services. Dr. Brayboy will direct several programs including outreach to the public schools, the studcnt-tcachingprogram. recruitment into teacher education programs and the joint' UNCP-East Carolina university Educational Leadership Program. Dr. Brayboy resigned July 7 as superintendent of Wayne County public schools where he served since 1994. He was superintendent of Bladen County schools from 199094 before movingtoGoldsboro. North Carolina., North Carolina.. Returning to UNCP bring Dr Brayboy back to home and family. He is a 1965 graduate of Pembroke High School and began his career in education with the Robeson County Schools as a teacher and coach. "1 am really excited about using the skills I've accumulated over the years and translate them into quality programs at the University. Dr. Brayboy said. "This is an opportunity to give something back to the University and to work for people whom 1 admire." The veteran educator \ iews the new position as an opportunity for professional career growth. "I gave this very careful thought, but this is where I want to be ." he said. "1 am happy to come home and help move forward the mission of this University ." Dr. Brayboy praised both the leadership of Chancellor Oxcndinc and the UNCP faculty and administration. "I am especially excited about working under Chancellor Oxcndinc's leadership, and this seemed like by best chance." he said "1 look forward to working with Dr. Sullivan and my new colleagues in the education department "I have confidence that I can contribute to the fine programs already inplaceatUNCP," Dr Braybov said. "1 look forward to being a good team player on a high quality staff" After receiving a bachelor of science degree from UNCP. Dr Brayboy earned a Master of Public Health degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1975 and in 1981 was awarded a Doctor of Education degree from Pennsylvania Slate University. At the University level. Dr. Brayboy served as director for UNCPs Upward Bound Program, instructor of Social Work Research at UNCChapcl Hill and adjunct assistant professor orcducalion at St. Andrews Presbyterian College in Laurinburg With the public schools Dr. Brayboy serv ed as assistant principal for Maxlon city schools principal and assistant superintendent for Scotland County schools and assistant superintendent for Moore County schools before being hired as superintendent for Bladen and Wayne County schools Way lie County schools serv es 19.200 students Dr Braybov isdcscribcdasahard working educational activist and reformed In a July 7 article, the Goldsboro News-Argus described hint as "a leader who was not afraid lo change the status quo He lived up to that reputation." In Bladen County. Dr. Brayboy created an alternative high school, a magnet school for academically gifted middle school students a Tech Prep vocational education program and closed one small high school along with instituting mapv other new programs. At Wayne County, he was charged with the task ofhcaling recently merged city and county school systems. He was also responsible for upgrading the school's facilities and programs to meet the challenges of the future. The chairman of the Wayne County school board expressed sadness over Dr. Brayboy's departure. "I know he did a lot for the boys and girls of Way ne Couphg: schools. WayncQ^tW^^^^-^ the Ncw'S-^K^rluaddcnTmc lo see such Wlkanl man^l In Dr. Br\v&y\uN'CPis gcb, ting an aclivdlO&K^suife deal of han^^yp Sullivan said, *TVc cxpccthim lo energize these programs." A Native American Youth Day Camp The North Carolina Indian Cul(ural Center will be conduct inga Day Camp on August 4 through August 8 from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. daily. The cost of the camp is S5 (X) for the week. All Native American Youth ages 12-15 arc encouraged to come out and learn more about thcmsclvcsand their culture Activities will include cultural awareness programs, life skills and personal development classcs. cultural arts and crafts; and recreation (Lacrosse, swimming, etc.) workshops conducted by Community role models, mentors, and tribal elders. For more information call 5212441. Indian Education Highlights ~~~~ Trie Indian Education Programof ?-4hc Public Schools of Robeson County ?Sponsored 0fty(50)studcnlslo AISES (American Indian Science and Enginrcring Society) summer camps. 1 TwentyVtwo (22) of these students attended Chapel Hill and eighteen p^|j8) traveled to New York, Wiscon. sin. Iowa! and Colorado. These stu"dents were selected on teacher recommendations. test scores, and math/ science problem solving skills. Students attended the AISES camps for ? 3 and 4 w eek periods. Students were involved in high level thinking skills in math and science Marion. Elizabeth James, The New Miss Lumbee 1997 On A New Path by Vinita Clark "Folks were beating down the doors" to the 1997 Miss Lumbcc Pageant held July 4. 1997 at the Givens Performing Arts Center at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. The Pageant Committee fortunately had already made "sold out" signs due to the overcrowding at the Little Miss & Junior Miss Lumbcc Pageants. The lone of the pageant was set by the opening ceremony performed by Ray Lilllcturlc who asked the audience to stand up straight and tall, because Indians were not meant to kneel on their knees while paying hommagc to the Great Creator who was with them when they discovered Columbus over 500 years ago. Ms. Dcanna Lowry. member of the Board of Di rectors of the Ln mbcc Regional Dcvclopcmcnl Association welcomed the audience and recalled how in 1968 the first Miss Lumbcc Pageant was held at the Riverside Country Club Pool and was only a swimsuit competition. And " how far we have come since then". The Pageant theme was Miss Lumbcc on Wide World Tour" How ever. the tone of the pageant had already been set for the evening. Mr. James Hardin. Executive Director of the Lumbcc Regional Development Association presented Natasha Wagner. Miss Indian USA with a portail of herself f. in her formal regalia which was painted by Karl Anthony Hunt. A painting also of Miss Lumbcc Rebekah Revels wason display in the lobby. After the opening number and the introductions of Miss Lumbcc 197-1 Rebecca Malcom and Mr. Hcrbic Qxcndinc as the Master and Mistress of Ceremonies, some very special promises made ' many moons ago" were honored. The First Miss Lumbcc Cheryl Ransom. 1968 and also MissLumbcc 1969Janice Jones never rccicvcd their crowns that they had "been promised" They were given a feather and a headband when they won the competition. They both rccicvcd thcircrownsand made their long awaited official "walk". Mr Monroe .Chavis of Tribal Enrollcmcnl was the person who thought of this idea Mr. Chavisalso called up the contestants from the very first Miss Lumbcc Pageant and presented them with a trophy that contained their photograph from the very first pageant. MissLumbcc 1974 Rebecca Malcom was honored for being the first Miss Lumbcc to participate in the Miss North Carolina Pageant with a trophy that contained her picture from the slate pageant. Miss Wanda Kay Locklcar was rcconizcd as the first Miss Lumbcc. America Pageant. One of the memories that Mr. Chavis couldn't help but mention was the fact that when they asked her to wear her Native American Regalia she told them that she could not because the Lumbcc women arc "bare-breasted". Mr. Chavis talked about Wanda being chosen "Miss North Carolina Blueberry Queen" btit he forgot about her appearance on " The Dating Game". Thclalcnlportionofthccompction included vocal numbers, monolgucs. classical dance numbers and clogging.. In the evening gown competition each contestant was given the opportunity to speak to the audience.. While the votes were being tailed by the auditors the audience was citlcraincd by Cody Godwin and his band who were re-introduced later as Stone-Feather On her farewell walk. Miss Lumbcc Rebekah Revels rccicvcd hugs, roses, balloons and gifts of almost evejy kind as she walk through the audience for her last time wearing ih crown of Miss Lumbcc. It was truly evident to everyone that this Miss Lumbcc had dcfinatcly "won the respect of her people". Accompanied to the stage w ith her father "J.D" she presented a slide presentation of her past year as Miss Lumbcc At the conclusion of the pageant Marion Elizabeth James was announced as Miss Lumbcc 1997, You could see Miss James raise her arms in "victory " We wish her the best as she scrv cs as our Miss Lumbcc Marian Elizabeth James Parents: Linda Jacobs James Sponsors are: Family & Friends Jeffrey Wynn, Attorney at Law Jacobs Engineers & Surveyors R. Craig Davis at Fabtex, Inc. Cheryl Revels Stoney Freeman Tony Thompson Truman Lowery Burnt Swamp Baptist Association Anniversary Sing -The Anniversary singing of the Burnt Swamp Baptist Association w ill be held Sufiday. July 20.1997 at 3 p.m at Harpers Ferry Baptist Church All singing groups arc encouraged to attend and participate J\lr Comes to UNCP Pembroke? C itizens whoare concerned with problems and issues racing the community and nation have the opportunity to let their voices be heard. The University of North Carolina at Pembroke will be sponsoring their fifth Public Policy Institute sponsored by the National Issues Fonim from July 23-25. ' NIF is a nonpartisan, nationwide network of forum and study circles that allow citizens to discuss issues they face within their communities and the nation. Begun in 1982. NIF is rooted in the belief that people need to come together to talk about and deliberate common problems. NIF believes democracy requires citizens to have ongoing deliberative dialogue The Institute offers citizens the chance to discuss issues concerning the environment, civil justice and how to govern the nation. The program helps those who participate make crucial decisions, name and frame the problem, deliberate over the options for action, act together in a"Ocmplcmcnlary way and judge the results of their action. Everyone who participates has a voice in the forum. The program al lows people to experience different viewpoints aboutcommon problems. Ifyou arc interested in taking part in JoanneZukowski. director of the UNCP's Regional Center, at (910) 521 -6188. The cost of the Institute is $145. Scholarships and sponsorships arc available The Carolina Civic Center Presents "Into the Woods" Julv 31-Auaust 3 The Carolina Civic Center presents "Into the Woods" at 8:00 p.m on July 31-August 2, and 2:30 p.m on August 3 at the Center, 315 N. Chestnut St., in downtown Lumberton. Tickets are $8.00 adults/seniors and $5.00 for students/ children. "Into the Woods," with music and lyrics by. Stephen Sondhcim and book by James Lapinc. interweaves a hilarious mix of Cinderella. Little Red riding Hood. The Baker's Wife. Jack and inc Beanstalk and Rapun/cl (with camco appearances by Sleeping Beauty and Snow White). The ? o mulli-laycrcd plot ends happily in act one. but then explores happily ever after" in act two as previous actions come home to roost?with a vengeance. With wit, melody and sentiment. "Into the Woods' celebrates choices, companionship and a magical company of special characters. as appealing to adults as to children " I nlo the Woods" is sponsored by Carolina Complete rehabilitation Center with Lunibcrton Children's Clinic. For more information call 910-738-4339. eastern music festival AND The Guilford Native American Association meson the Fifth Annual First Americans Week July 21-25, 1997 Monday, July 21 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Guilford Native American An Gallery Greensboro Cultural Center Meet-tKe-Artliu Reception hondrini First Americans Week Artists Floyd Red Crow Westoman. Brent Michael Davids, Karl Anthony Hunt, and other Native American Artists Tuesday, July 22 1000 em . 3 00 pm Greensboro Cultural Center 200 North Davie Street Cultural Eachange/A Young People's Workshop (Ages 5-14) faatiatng Floyd Red CruwWesrerman and Willie Lowry 6:45 pm - 7:45 pm Dana Auditorium Guilford College Musical Preludes! Pre-concert lecture by Native American Composer Brent Michael Davids 800 pm Dana Auditorium - Guilford College Eastern Chamber Players Recital including a performance of Brent Michael Davids' Eknr and TV Stnfmg Woods Tickets: 315 adults/31) students St seniors Wednesdav, July 23 9:00 am 12 Noon Oreenshom Cultural Center - 200 North Davie Street Teacher Workshop! Walking in Two Worlds with Native American Folk Singer/Actor, Floyd Red CrowWesterman Native American Educator/Consultant. Rosa Winftee Native American Singer/Actor, Scott Blanks ' ' f ' ... 8:00pm Dana Auditorium - Guilford College Performance by Native American Artiata featuring Floyd Red Crow Westerman. Native American Folk Singer and Actor sponsored by American Express Tickets: $5.00 general admission (free to American Express employees and their families with proper I.?.). Thursday, July 24 12:00 Noon - 1:00pm Carolina CcAee Roasting Company 5701W. Friendly Ave. t Musique et Sandwich Performance by Floyd Red Crow Westerman. Native American Folk Singer/Actor Friday, July 25 9 00 am 2:00 pm Greensboro Cultural Center - 200 North Davie Street Actor's Workshop hosted by Floyd Red Crow Westerman and Scott Blanks Fee: $20.00 (pre-registration required) 4:00 5:30 pm St ember get Auditorium Guilford College Master Class presented by Native American Composer. Brent Michael Davids Tickets: $5.00 General Admission All events are free to the public unless otherwise noted First Americans Week is Sponsored by gjjg Cards For Additional Information! Ea.trrn Featival 9l0/m.7450 Guilford Native American Ataociation - 910/2734666 i Pembroke High School Class of Meets at Old High School for Dinner by Erwin Jacobs, Classmate For those who came to dinner at our old high school Saturday evening, we had a good lime and a very good bulTct dinner. There were Virginia baked hams, fried chicken, potato salad, green beans, candied yams, rolls, iced tea and pics for dessert.' There was a social hour from 6 p.m. until 7 p.m. Cheese spread and different crackers, mils and a variety of punch adorned the table as we entered the front doors, flic tables were decorated with white linen table cloths, linen napkins, vases of (lowers from various members' yards The vases were a rich green color Mr Cliff Sampson. Ms Sara J Oxcndinc. Ms Mablc Doris Revels. Ms. Annette- l.ocklcar and several others done the decorations and we had two meetings in June planning and mailing out the announcements. Mr and Mrs Earl Jacobs came from Baltimore. MD. Ms. Lucy Dial came from Sarasota, Florida Mr Jack Lowry flew in from Lebanon, TN on a Icar jet. He buzzed us twice at the parade and Kenneth Maynor met him at the Lumbcrton Air Port I had not seen him since 1952 when 1 left home for the U S. Navy Also. Ms. Dcloris Barton. Ms. Marilyn Revels and Ms. Sally Lowry were there. Ms Anna Locklcar is getting more beautiful aswenge Ms Gennett Barton gave us one of her yodcling songs after dinner. Ms. Carolyn Sanderson welcomed every one and Cliff had made a banner with nftmcs of our deceased class males (19) and candles w ere burning in their honor. Ms. Sanderson asked for one minute of silent prayer for them. She asked Mr Roscoe Jones to bless the food before we ate He rendered two songs for usafterdmneras different ones approached the podium for a short speech Jack thanked Cliff Sampson. Kenny Ray and Stanford Lowry for causing him (o almost miss graduating with all or their pranks while we were in high school. Rev. Dnlton Brooks hit on a few things (we were a rowdy class) but all of it was in fun. nothing dangerous. I could feel the presence of Mr. F..T. (Elmer) Lowry. our principal, walchingovcr us as he did when we were kids. Also, as I looked tow ard the stage I could hear the Rc\ Venus Brooks speaking to us in Chapclaswc looked forward to it in the auditorium. Cliff reminded us that through the efforts of some class mates and others, the high school ison the Historic Registry. The document is hanging opposite Mr. E.T.'s office as you enter lite front. We will be planning'a 4th class reunion mentioned by Mr. Lycurous I .ow n for the year of IW8. if God should tarry If you were a part of our class, anytime from the Kill through the 12th grades, we want you to be there Gel in touch with someone and give them your current address so we can send voti a notice Mother <? Daughter Graduates Margaret H Chnvis. Director of the Indian Education Program for the Pub! ic Schoolsof Robeson County. gradnntcdon May'). I')")7 from South Carolina State College in Orangeburg. South Carolina with an Kd S. Degree in administration. She plans to pursue a doctoralc degree also in administration at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her daughter. Shcrrill Kathleen Chavis. graduated from the Univcr sily ol North Carotin;) at Chapel Mill on Ma> 10. IW7. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science She plans to pursue a degree in law at UNC Chapel Hill in the fall

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