Editorial and Opinion Page I Poetry by Purnell Swett High Students of Yvonne Barnes Dial Unquestionable Beauty As 1 gaze into the deep blue sk> 1 sit and wonder, why do the thick white clouds have to be disturbed w ith thunder'' As 1 stare into the ocean deep it has always been mysterious to me. why do the waves come to and fro in beautiful harmony continuously? As I look into the bright sunset. 1 think of a silly question, why docs it change from day to night with such a steady connection? As I study a variety of animals and creatures that roam the earth, 1 am constantly reminded of the importance of their wild and untamed birth As I stare upon the stars in the sky and their appealing beauty I start to wonder if they arc as parents wailing to watch over and guide me As I look up to the tall trees that stand just beyond my door. 1 begin to stop and have a crazy thought, why can't anyone naturally reach the top without having to worry about a dangerous and tragic drop. As I walk upon the beautiful green grass it's always amazing to me. how beautiful it just grows and grows w ith such constant dignity, people steadily walk over it with all their might, but it is not a bit frightened, it just grows far beyond their sight As 1 watch the four seasons change continuously I am grateful and start to think, how wonderful it is for the weather to change, without our four seasons everyday would be the same So as 1 review all of these amazing things it is a constant reminder of nature, and 1 will alway s appreciate all of the earth's pure beauty and all of the creations By: Jasmin Ih'll "/ Come From A people..." I come from a people who have roamed the Earth free for generations. My people were one with nature. mother earth, and father sky. We had one God. the Great Spirit We traveled on foot until the hprsc came, which helped us lolravcl faster. Soon our world came crashing dow n, and now we arc one no more. We forgot mother earth and father sky. and therefore we forgot me. By: Marri Brooks \Death As 1 lie in a field of sunflowers. I gaze, up at the beautiful blue sk\ and I begin to wonder what it will be like when I leavclhisallbchind Will it be like a dream that never ceased to end? Or an on going journct without a friend. If 1 should happen to lake this journey all by myself. I know that in my heart I will notbcalonc. for I have a God who has forgiven mcofall my sins and promised to alway s accompany ntc until the very end By: Ashlfifflt Johnson Life A fter Death No one understands how you feel inside. It's so dark and dismal. Life feels like a bumpy ride. It never slops to let you off. You have to slick it through. Even though most of the time you're feeling sad and blue nothingevcr goes right Instead it all goes wrong. You're life simply feels like a sad. depressing song. Docs the tunc get brighter as lime passes by? Even if it docs still Ell never-understand why my dad had to die. .By: Natasha Lo\vry ,. "ALONE" Alone in the sombcrncss of the night. I lie awake longing foryou and your warm embrace. Memories of you flooding my mind, taking me back to another place, another lime. Back to a time when we walked joyously hand in hand, you whispering softly in my ear, that you'll forcVcr be my man. Now those whisperings no longer linger: you left me alone with the snapping of her finger. Nev er again will I feel the innocence of your touch, the gentleness of your-lips. 1 yearn for so much. My feelings for you 1 often resent: I try to ignorcUhc reality: your, not heaven sent. But no longer can 1 ignore, as I sec ybur feelings i Defeasing for her more and more. Suddenly I feel Ipsl and full of pain, rcali/.ingthal w ilhouly ou. alone is how I'll'forever remain. Hy: Adrienne Chavis r* a . itr w ' 'a My People I love my people. They arc the gentle, the kind, the loving. 1 love my people They are the brave, the courageous. the strong 1 love my people They arc the smart, the wise, the allknowing. 1 love my people. For they arc a partof me. They have made me what I ant. They have made me w hat I will be . When 1 see them. 1 see myself I see the dark, flowing hair. 1 see the deep, mysterious eyes. Isocthc tanned skin, the smooth silhouette But w hen I look in their ey es I see more. 1 see the hardships they endured. the struggles they overcame, and the obstacles they bared. Still yet. I see the blue crystal waters of the island, the fresh greenery. the tall lowering palms, lite bright, hot sun. the clear blue skies, the tropical chirping birds, the swimming fish, the warm sands of the beaches, the cold fresh rain, beating steady 6n the rocks. I love my people. 1 am them, they arc me Ity: Reynicu Casanova "Life After Death " "No one understands how y ou feel inside to lose someone you love; it's hard todcscribc. I t'sasifyour world has fallen apart, and no one can mend the pain inyourhcart. Nothing ever goes right, instead, it all goes wrong. Life simply feels like a sad depressing song. Will the tunc ever slopandgoaway orwillilgclbrighlcr day? The answer to this question 1 may never know , but I must ask this, grandpa why did you hn\c to go? By: Crystal Strickland Whyy -Pl What makes ntc miss Iter so. Maybe it's the way she smiled w hen she said hello. It could have been the smell of her sweet desserts. That makes ntc love her so. 1 miss the way we used to talk. When she'd say I could do anything if I just got up to walk Sometimes I wish I had her back, anddrcam that she isjust somewhere taking a nap Then 1 think of the words she'd sometimes say. "Time does pass thee like a breeze, how swift it's moments fly " In honor of my grcal-grand'mothcr. By: Christina Bullard All Mixed Up I know who I am but I do not know our heritage. The bloodlines flowing inside of me arc as mixed upas what is in a can of spam. By: Nicole Mcduire tm ?*. ? DEAR AUN7 Dedicated to Janice Dine ( It avis Every night that 1 see a star 1 wish on it near and far I hope that it will see that the vv ish I wish is not for nic It is for my Aunt that is up above looking down on me with much love 1 know I do wrong and I know 1 am bad but 1 hope that you arc not mad The wish I wish has not conic true but when it docs I will end up finding you 1 know you can hear me even though you arc gone But nty heart still beats for our love is strong I never got the chance to tell you how I feel so this one is for von Aunt Jan I L.OVF. YOU still!!!! ' Dy: Melissa Dlue Dedicated to: (ierta Hunt Death What color is death? Whom docs it fear? Why must it come and take those so dear? Why docs it leave others behind'.' Some claim that it's just not their time. But whv must death haunt us ' It has no color, it fears no one It lakes the old. and even the young When it comes to lake your loved one away. It's only because the Great Spirit, decided they couldn't stay. Why must w e question? Why must we fear? Someday we II meet the ones once held so dear. Dy: Tamaru Oxen dine What is Love? Love is an undy ing emotion lingering forever like a slow, soft song that is incessant. L.ovc is a heart-felt feeling which holds no boundaries and firmly embraces every beings soul. Love allows a person to go beyond the limitations of life and be one with another being. Love is like a rose blooming from a bud into a mature flower because of the grow lit of a person's love. Lov e is in words the best feeling a human-would ev er experience. Dy: Ala t.ocklear What is Heritage? Is it a mountain, a trcd. or just another species? Oh what can it be. my eyes arc so blind to see All this time I was wondering, it was right in front of my eyes. It has no taste, it has nocolor Itispridc.joy.honor.knowledge: it is all the things you want it to be For me I am all the things I want to be. 1 am an American. I am a Lumbcc It was passed down from my ancestors to me. How I thank them for all the goodness they have brought to me * Dy: Jaintee I.. Chavis There's a Part There's a part of you that is fearful There's a part Of you that is insecure. There's a part of you that thinks loo much. And there's a part of you that's brave and courageous. Or that's what you think. Maybe you're not the person you think you arc. You could be ifyou only believed in yourself and always hope for the best in you life Then the person you would want to be will shine through you _ Dy: Richard Oxendine My True Love From the break of dawn to the setting of the moon, my mind rests on only you. For I blessed the stars and the heaven above for having you for my true love. For God gave me two great things in life, one was life and the other was you by mv side Dy: Troy M. Revels /> y Along the Robeson Trail by Dr. Stanley Knick < ^ Director, UNCP Native American Resource Center ^J,\ Lasi week we began discussion of i die Luinbec in context, 'llie purpose ; of this discussion is to move in the ! direction of a more full understanding i of the Luinbec in the broadest possible i context. But what docs it mean to say: i "the Luinbec in context?" The i Lnglish noun "context" originates from the Latin verb coniexere, which means "to weave together." Nowadays die word is taken to mean the background and environment of a particular thing ? everything dial surrounds and dius may help to define a tiling. In language studies we may speak, for example, of llie context of a sentence ? the parts immediately next to or near a specific word which help to determine dial word's exact meaning. Take the written word which is spelled 1-c-a-d. Is diis die word which means "a soft gray metal element," or is it the word which means "to show the way by going before?" When the word stands alone, its meaning may be unclear. But when we see the word in context by surrounding and connecting it toother words and ideas, the meaning becomes more apparent (as in the sentence: "Joe was chosen as the one who will lGad us into town to buy lead pencils.") So it is with human beings and their cultures. We may know something about die Scots, but we will have a belter chance of understanding diem by seeing them in the broader context of die Irish, the Norsemen, the English and the French. We may know somcdiing about nineiccndi century events, but we will better understand them by seeing diem in the context of eighteenth and twentieth century events. An attempt to situate the Luinbec within a broad context requires patience, jus(..as.,wcaving requires patience. 11 necessitates sifting tlupugli: ilrunds of evidence and interpretation, searching for patterns in the weave. Such a process should address several questions relating to: die nature of evidence and interpretation as means to understanding; the possible . consolidating role of an anthropological or holistic view; die specific evidence available froin various sources relating to the Lutnbee; and die interpretations which can be drawn from the existing evidence. But what is evidence? An elder gentleman from a farming community walks into a museum with a shoe box. From it he draws an object wrapped in newspaper and says; "I was poking around in my back yard and I found an ancient artifact. It's like nothing I've cvcrscen.soitmustbevcryold. It was made by Indians long ago. Sec, it has arrows carved in it!" The museum curator looks at the object and instantly recognizes a recent machine-made ceramic bowl. 1 i" V ,. It is one of many Uiousands just like it made in I long Kong or Singapore, available in many tourist shops. I le tells the gentleman that the bowl is actually modern,^ despite its partial covering of soil and its arrows around the rim. The elder doesn't believe iL He says: "You must be mistaken. How could it have been out there in.the dirt in my garden if it were something new? It must be ycry old. And scc these arrows, who else but Indians would put arrows on a bowl?" The curator explains that the method of manufacture is revealed by (he mold-lines on the vessel He points out llial other people besides Indians use arrows, and have done so for many centuries. He shows the elder some i examples of authentic pre-Columnar ; ceramics from die rcgiop,- and talks aboul llic differences in inciliod of construction, surface treatment, color and texture of llic clay. ' But the elder goes away believing that lite curator simply doesn't know^ his subject. The bowl goes on the; elder's mantel and he tells his kinfolk that this ancient-artifact is proof that Indians lived in his back yard sometime long ago. The word spreads. , The local newspaper hears about the artifact. Anxious for human interest stories, they run a story aboul lite elder and his priz.c. The text tells of llic exciting discovery of the bowl and gives the elder's account of the bowl's ancient origin. A reader of llic newspaper sees the photograph and the story and tells his family about it over supper. Years later a student doing late-night library research about the community comes across the newspaper story in microfilm, and the "ancient artifact" becomes an element in licrpapcrabout the origins of the community. In effect, the bowl has been entered into the record. It has beep seen by persons who accept it on face v. value and who draw their owji*', conclusions from it. It has been Uikci't-V as something which rcveal^^ something which tends to prove or provide grounds for a certain belief, hi some sense, and to some people, it htjs become the truth. It has bccontc evidence. I Butwhatjscvidcncc.rcally? What constitutes evidence in scientific anil historical inquiry? In other words, what can we accept as evidence? J In the next segment, we wijl ; continue discussion of the Lumbcc (n i context. For more information, vitdt 1 the Native American Resource Center : in historic Old Main Building, on ilk i campus of The University of North Death Da> aflcr day Death is always at the dock of the bay It follows us everywhere we go. It just doesn't understand the word. "No." It is haunting us in the da\. It'slcrrifving us in the night Death is always having us in its sights One day y on" re here, the next day y ou re gone Only God know that you will live for so long. Your first words could be your last, and that w ill leave your family and friends with nothing but memories of the past So be careful with what won do. because death is always surrounding you By: Brandon Emanuel Who I am I am a Lumbcc Indian. Mvlribc is made up of many proud men and women. Seeing' discriminatioh against us makes us sad Back in the old days it could hardly be controlled it was so bad. We fought for our right to do as we please and vote. The whites did not see this happening, but we still sat back without a care and on our homemade wooden cols w ilh our smoke pipes, wcjust mcrrilv smoke By: Jessica Bell Say Vou Read it in the Carolina Indian Voice. To subscribe call 521-2826 J) Pediatric Pointers I By JOSEPH T. BELL, MD 1 y ,r y; ( | One of the things that commonly frighten us as pafcnls is choking episodes in our children. 1 am seated to death of balloons and rarely over let my daughter play with one. The following arc some suggestions to help prevent choking in youngkids: 1. Do not allow young child to play with small objects. Toys for children younger than 3 years old should be a minimum of I 1/4 inches in diameter. 2. Whcnthcchild is about 2ycars old. teach them not to hold objects in their mouths. 3. A child's chewing skills develop about the age of 4 years. Until then, avoid giving them chcwablc tablets or foods that arc hard and smooth or round and'smddth that require chewing. Common foods to avoid include hard pieces of fruits and vegetables, such as raw carrots, pcmuits. popcorn, grapes, ad hot dogs. If the child is younger than 3 years old V6u or anolhcT'hdult should supervise them while they cat 4 Do not give young children coins as rewards or plav items 5. Help children to a\oid putting large pieces of food in their mouths. Cut or break the food into bile size pieces and encourage them to chew their food thoroughly. 6. Encourage children to sit without lalkingwhilccatingfoodor candy. Excitement or activity can predispose a child to choking episodes. 7. Keep safety pins closed and away from children. 8. Be awa re of s mal I objects around the house that children can choke on./ These include small toys, bolls, screws, nails, earrings, and above all. rubber balloons. Do not allow yourchildtoblowupaballoon unless .you or another adult is supervising him/her. Once a balloon is popped, discard it immediately. 9. Purchase only age appropriate toys. The label on the ten s package should help you determine if a particular toy is safe for your child. : Next week we will talk a litile bit on how to treat a chokingchild if that episode were looccur. Take care and we will talk again next week Spirit Voices of Bones:Poetry by MariJo Moore A i " :* 1 . One pf the words l}ial immcdireading a pk^di.'Qr^lixf'bJ 'Mjiruo Moore is leoffcrstous in heir fittest coIlcclion"Spiril V6iccs Of Bones" is jusi that: Satisfying! This talented poetess has prepared a feast for the soul, and one. can not come away from ?hc table feeling anything less than spiritually and emotionally full. Although Moore is an American Indian (Eastern Cherokee and a native of AshcviHp? NC) writer, this is not necessarily a book of ethnic poetry. As VincDcloriaJr: states on the cover notes: "The crisp, clear and evocative poetry of MariJo Moore is leading the way in raising American Indian poetry from merely ethnic; reflections to a universal form of emotional expression." I heartily agree. When I first opened this book, the poem "She Trembles" offered its deep wisdom and sharp realism Coincidcntally. I had the pleasure of hearing Moore read this particular poem at an American Inaian Writers' Conference in Greensboro, NC this Spring where she and I were tcachi ng creative writing workshops I remember how moved I was when r. ' J . I heard her read: - ShclrchiblcS and the trees growl '( yCdtacOmbcd mystery-lined inrtards . > " "daritig machinery lo bite al her memories . You shall be punished Tor this! She trembles and the oceans roll with wet-tasting morsels sweetened with thick oily poisons Leave her be! You've marked her eves lorn hpr flesh, ale her intentions and streaked her thighs It's not only loo late - it's loo demanding. Scattering her memories once ^ honored now disgraced by progress ' Milking h'cr breasts with pumps of steel smearing her face with hardening make-up building mounting erecting her belly with toys she with someday destroy. You silly foolish ones Who desire to capture the future in signs. There is no future for you save retribution and in-kind contributions from those you represent She trembles nnd we nil (nil dow n As I listened lot he sound of my own voice rending this poem aloud (and I do recommend her poetry be read aloud to receive the healing the words olTcr). I myself could not keep frdm trembling. This experience of relation isjust one of many I encountered while reading this book of deeply-moving, visceral, image-ridden creations And although each poem was satisfying. I could not help wanting more The i lit i macy of Moore' s poet ry is delivered in such a way that identifying with much of it is easy There arc poems dealing with the digging up of ancestral bones, the horrors of Vietnam. fetal alcohol syndrome, the necessity of continuing ceremonies the importance of listening to animals and birds, and the determination of celebrating the wonders nnd burdensofbeing American Indian in a modern world that wants to stereotype us to death. Many of these words have been spoken throughout the ages. It is the way Spirit has chosen to speak through Moore that is so refreshing This isa book that pleads to be heard, while demanding to be listened to at the same time Included with the poem/prayer "Solidarity in The Night" arc twelve different American Indian translations. giv ing credence to the beauty' of native languages that still exist lod:i> and as an expression of kinship it is wonderful to see such words of healing and lov e w ritten in (lie languages of Nations such as Eastern Cherokee. Saponi/Yesha. Lakota. Navajo, and even Hawaiian and Yup'ik Eskimo Andlhc"Nolcs" section not only makes this book a great teaching tool, it also offers insight to Moore's inspirational pro-| cess of creating poetry which is woven from intuition, dreams, visions." and the voices of the old ones I came away from rending "Spirit Voices Of Hones" realizing it will always be with me. and wnntingolhcrs to hear the words as I had It is.j with great pleasure that I invite soil to listen j Robert Humphrey, of Western Cherokee descent, is the author of "Remembrances Of Walking The Trail Of Tears Becoming Buffalo Snake", and resides in Commerce. Texas. "Spirit Voices OfBoncs" isavailablc at Books-A-Million in Faycttcvillc. NC. or can be ordered from publisher by calling 704*643-2959, VINYL , TOO Starling at 3.9" Kitchen & Bath UNION CHAPEL ROAD, P.O. BOX 1497 PEMBROKE, NC 28372 j Kick-Off Rally Sheriff Glenn Maynor at Pembroke Middle School Friday, July 1 BBQ or Chicken (Chicken Bog also) Contributions $5.00 or more 11:00 a. m. until 7:30 p. m. You may pay at the door ?a??i????1

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