; TH CAROLINA INDIA! J ed each Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NC K VOLUME 24 NUMIIEI IHL/RSI) \), JL'I.) 24, /9V7 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Prospect All Stars fain District Chamvionshiv The Prospect Dixie Youth. 9 and 10 year olds. All Star Baseball team, managed by Mr. Dwaync Jones is on the road, not again but for the first time. They will travel toTro>. NC on Saturday to participate in the 1997 Dixie Youth Stale Tournament It i was on to an easy road to get onto, but with team effort and each one doing his part, this Prospect team has made ! history Prospect w ill face Kanapolis for its first game on Sa(iirda\ at 2 (to PM To gel onto this road to the Stale Championship. Prospect faced the Pcmbrokc9 and lOycarold All Stars for the Sub District Championship at Pembroke. After winning that game Prospect had to play, a best of three game series against Eli/abcthtown All Stars at Red Springs for the District Championship. 1 n the first game against Eli/abcthtown on Monday night pitchers Edmund Loeklear. Scan Loeklear and Dav id Emanuel III led Prospect to a 17-5 \ iclory with Brandon Loeklear baiting 1 for V One of the best defensive plays came at the bottom of the 5th inning when Kyle Loeklear at short stop. Yarnell Loeklear at first bJtse and David Emanuel 111 at third base turnccft (>3-5 double play to give the prospect All Stars the boast they needed to win the first of the three game series With this win. Prospect came to the second game 011 Tuesday night with momentum Mow ever, in the first inning Eli/abethtow 11 scored 8 runs and led the ball game until the top of the ^rd inning when Cameron Clark pla\ ing second base made the best plays of his life to turn his ball team around. gi\ ing them the" Wanllo-w in" dri\ e that was needed to win j the second game Pitchers Thorite Lock lea r Scan l.ocklcar and David | Emanuel III got the '>-12 \ielory and Prospect I () y ear old All Slarsarc District ( hainpions "This is Prospect's first year in the Dixie Youth Baseball League They have plated well and are excited about their road trip said Coach Jones The 1'ioMhxLftll Star Team (ages ?> 7 101 is sponsored bv the Diet Clinic with locations in l.unibcrton Eayeilevillo and Raleigh owned by Di Fcrri> l.ocklcar a supporter of Youth Sports and father of team member Yarncll l.ocklcar PSHS Football Physicals July 29 Physical exams for foolball and other sports at Purncll Swell High School will be given at the school * * Jul} 20 and 30 p.nt I lie cost is $10. Interested plaxcrs arc urged to attend and get their phvcial exams for Swell High Sports / Prospect All Stars are shown above. Top-bottom left to riffht are cpaches: Ihvayne Jones, Charles Billiard antl Blaine Jones' Dust in Eubanks; Edmund l.ocklear; David Emanuel, Kyle l.ocklear and Hen Dial; Andre Ballard; Thome l.ocklear; Hrnmion l.ocklear; Yarnell l.ocklear; Sean l.ocklear; Cameron Clark; Bryan ('havis; and I uke More. WWW TTTV ? W W a uu nas unobligaJunds ' *'r ' ^ , byJ?hn "Tall Bird" Marshall As most people know. HUD is uhder the gun b> many politicians rhcrc arc those whose endeavor is to eradicate HUD and with the follow mg news, there is no wonder Recently HUDVPublic and Indian Housing Affairs hasbccnbbsicd for the rcccnf diWvcTC>>r their sitSinn '?P?raS5/,Ibi,lio" dollars !') Section X Hinds. while Housing Aufhoriticsacrossthc nation knew notliing of (he available funds so desperalcly needed for rcpairsand modernization In addition, some $2.3 billion dollars appropriated to Public Housfnu Authorities (HAs) through the Comprehensive Grant Program's budget through 1995 remains unobligated Furthermore, the Senate Select Committee on Indian AfTairs in investigating allegations of fraud and other wrong doings in the Indian Housing Program Such publicized news of procrastination and poor management unjustly instills negative overtones upon all PH As. IHAs and Fed cral Agencies. However, conversely there arc Housing Authorities and Federal agencies that do. in fact, implement InCtr programs and obligate their funding as they should vyiihin the designated time frames Asa result or the aforementioned unobligated Hinds. HUD has mandated that all tQmprchcnsivc Grant Project Funds approved in FY 1995 and prior years 'lnn?lliatCduno la,cr,hi'n June 30th. :X Furth"morc. rather than a fii^i VCar P?r,od 10 implement a ^fiscal year Comprehensive Grant urogram (beginning with FY 19970 HUD is now only allowing 18 months ?o implement obligate, expend, and ^ b,Ud/CI >car Th'S ?'? SiiSto 1 ma"> Ho,,si,"! 10 ?>c new time frames. Sn r" m;,s considcr additional a?P 8 f5.rcv,s"ngstafT. hircaddiiSc u ?r "^'n'^tWrvices with sassrnsk. how docs (his affect -an individual or family living in pub- ' 3ic housing' It means-contact your SOS Summer .Camp Planned at Pembroke Middle ; The Robeson County SOS pro;gfam is offering a onc-w cck summer -camp at Pembroke Middle School -July 28-August I from 9 am until I ;pffi-Students who will be in grades imj^and 8 arc eligible to attend - - Registration will begin at 8 (Hiani on Monday. July 28 in the school cafeteria. Campers will participate in (he follow ingactivilics computer writing, arts and crafts. and rccrcjflion Breakfast and lunch are served under the summer feeding program ^ S5 registration fee is required - Jhc SOS program is sponsored by "Ro&son County Communities in Schools The number tocall for more information is 521-(M)71 local Housing Aulhoritx Ascertain as to whether the} haxc a Resident Council If not. form one form residents li\ ing in Public Housing, elect oflKcis and liuld monlhlx meetings to address xour concerns ttnd'or needs ln\ ite the Authoritx's Department Heads to atlend and proxidc input Inquire atxntrcurrcnt gfatils rcceived bx the Aulhnrit} and their implementation status As residents, sou max form a "Partnership Process" xxith xour local Housing officials Become inxolxcd and knowledgeable a to the grants xour Aulhorit.x has rcccixcd "Your voice and cooperation can help shape the future activities, repairs, and modernization needs in xour own communities You haxc a voice in the planning of repairs and modernization activities. In regards for the "$4 7 million dollars proposed Tor Lumbcc Housing bx HUD." this is great news' However, it is just that- a proposal In mx south. I can still remember tux grandmother telling tunnx .scars ago. "don't count} xourchickcnsimtil all xour eggs are hatched " In sax ing th:il. vvcnuistgunrdoursclvcsagainsi fiilsc hopes The S>4 1 million dollars sounds great, bui remember the stigma over shadowing Public Mousing mentioned earlier above and to Congress' efforts to balance the National Debt through the elimination of manv funded programs as well as the reduction of kiant amounts al- v rcadv Ravingbecifapprovcd lOtrulv do hope the Ltmfbcc will receive a large portion of this proposed $4 6 million dollars: as decent affordable hoin low income housing i. ?.o dospcralelv needed in out surrounded communities You can make a difference in regards to the end result ol this $4 7 million dollar proposal ( all write, oi forward petitions to vutir loca' rcprcscutativ esand( ongressit inn eli dorsing their efforts and support for the approval of the Hill) proposed funding for our Lumbcc people You do and will make a difference our representatives must licarwmi voices in order for our communities to be cfficicntiv represented and be successful in receiving these proposed funds Pnrnell Swett Hifjh School Senior Eric Freeman is shown signing with Pitt ('ommunity t 'ollege to play hasehall. Shown left to ri^lif are: Alhletii Director Royce McNeill, Principal M esley Revels, < 'ouch Jerome Hunt and Pitt Community College Coach Monte l ittle. Seated are (ierahl Ransom, Eric Freeman and Jeunette Freeman. A9 1 Pictured Ji-iwi left to right Rep. Ron K .iiton, h'm. Jim Hunt, Miss (i err en A laynor. Miss Natalie Hrayhoy, Miss Ueruly Harrell. SOS Students Attend Blue Ribbon Awards Ceremony in Raleigh The Support our Students program at Pembroke middle recently sent a delegation to the SOS Blue Ribbon Awards in Raleigh During this event, one outstanding student, ^volunteer, and business sponsor arc rccogni/cd from each county for exemplars performance Miss Gcrreii Mas nor. a sev enth grader at PMS ssas selected as Outislanding Student miss Natalie Brasbos. a student at UNCP. ssas honored as Exceptional Volunteer and Bo's Supermarket ssas recognized as Out standing Business Sponsor from lite Robeson Count) SOS Program. The SOS programs (hrougltoul lite slaic arc an initiati\c bv Gov ernor Hunl to keep middle school sludents active and involved in both school and their comnmnitv Communities in Schools of Robeson Count) is the parent ngencv of the local program which is housed at Pembroke middle School and serv es students at the school in grades o-X If von would like more information on the SOS Program please call >210071. Local Poet Recently Published Hal H Locklcar of Ma.xton. NC reached the semi finals in a National Poetry Contest sponsored by the Poetry Guild and his poem was selected to be published The Poetry Guild chooses poems for publication tat exhibit considerable merit and offers a Grand Pri/c of $ I.(MM) per poetry contest. His poem, entitled The Life I've Lived" has been published in the Poetry Guild's latest anthology entitled "By the Light of the Moon"^ It is on page 122 Locklcar prefers writing poems from inspiration abut life's experiences and he has enjoyed writing poetry for over 20 years. His hobbies include walking, visiting the sick and he isan avid sweepstakes participant. The contest Locklcar entered is open to both published and nonpublished poets The Poetry Guild olTcrs contests on a regular basis Susan Butler. Spokesperson for the Poetry Guild said. "There will be over $20.(MK) awarded annually to the poems judged the best " Poets inspired to write and enter for the cash grand pri/Care inv lied to send an original poem, written any styc.andonany subject Thcrcarcno fees to enter and authors retain all ' rights to their work Poets may submit their entry to the Poetry Guild 2840 Broadway # 145. New York. New York KM)?* Native American Youth Day Camp The North Carolina Indian Cultural Center w illbc conduct inga Day Camp on August 4 through August 8 from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. daily The cost of the camp is $5.00. for the week. All Native American Youth ages 12-15 arc encouraged to conx; out and learn more about themselvcsand their culture. Activities will include cultural awareness programs; life skills and personal development classes; cultural arts and crafts: and recreation (Lacrosse, swimming, etc k workshops conducted by Community role models, mentors, and tribal elders For more information call 521 244.1. Cong. M duty re's Mobile Office to Visit Robeson The mobile office of 7th district Rep Mike Mclnlyrc will be in Robeson County Tuesday. July 2'>lh. and will be located at the Fairmont town hall from 10:00 am - 12 (Ml A mcmbcrofRep Mclntyrc'sslafT will be available to assist people who have problems with federal matters such as veterans affairs, social svjgu- ' rily. internal revenue, disability etc Commcnls on pending legislation are also welcome. The mobile office is a service to people of the 7th district and makes numerous slops in Robeson County during the year Business - ' Turtlet power: Creating dolls and dreams in Stormville by Teres* M. Jennings * Jacqueline and Larry Brewer recently moved io the area from Wappingcix Falls. Doth are originally from the south and their home exudes the charm and hospitality of the region. Jacqueline's large collection of Native Ami can dolls greets you at the door of their Slori.ivillc home. The interest in dolls made it easy to see where the idea for the Turtle! originated. According to Jacqueline it began as a brain storm in an airport in El Paso. Texas, while returning to their Carlsbad. New Mexico home in 1990. At the lime, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were near the height of their , popularity. The Brewers said the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were designed to target boys, and Jacqueline thought a similar product for girls would he just as popular The B.cwers placed an ad in.an area newspaper to locate an artist who could transform the ideas in Jacqueline's head to a believable figure on paper The artist that responded to the ad was a local art teacher and the results were drawings of beautiful dolls with shells instead of clothes and "skull caps" Instead of hair. The artist brought the charcoal and pastel drawings to school for her students to review. The TUrtlel artwork received positive reviews from both male and female students.' The Brewers let the idea lay until Mqrch 1996 when then took it to the South Carolina-based company National Invention Services, Inc. (NISI) who gave them the backing they needed. Since the Brewers had never attempted to'market a product before they went with NISI. Among the products that NISI is responsible for backing are theChipClips. a common household item. When the Brewers met with NISI, they were told they had a marketable idea. The Brew crs were told by a NISI employee that this product was, "the most unique doll she had ever seen." With a hacker in hand.Ihcy began the patent learch Their perterverince paid off, and by Chriitma* time of that year they had aigned the paperwork giving them a patent pending product The neat Mep in the production of the Turtlel will be the creation of .the prototype, which iaacheduled to be created in the near future. The prototype it uted to ell llll v||, || I 111 ! Ilk l>f lilt I I ll.l I |11 Hlllll I IV ll|* III I llic m,inul.it luit i. IlicWti s.iiil l lic Hit-wt'fv N.iiil llu y ;ttc c\clit'il nbouf the ii|u Htiiinp pi mint linn .mil li.i nlc.iv I'mi cv|Mml|tif! llic line In -ntlinl. cloth my .mil iimvit'v in ilit* Inline hit llrcw civ ?lic;if}iv .ire l.iiyc .mil tlieii cupcchi 111 l|l V .lit' It .ill vl |? \-> I .lll\ Mlt ttfl v.ilil I ii'kllll' ''.It k t\t . .in v.it hex we tteic .i p.iii ! lli.il =========== ? _ _ A TURTLET IS BORN: Jacqueline Brewer holds the di vltjn for Ihc Tiirltcl uclion figure her iiml her husband. I