T I CAROLINA-iNDIAl fflCE dished each Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NC Celebrates ninetysecond birthdav *r - Lonnie Revels of Pembroke celebrates his ninety-second birthday, tuesday, August 5,1997, at his home. The event was hosted by his family. Mr. Revels is the proudfather ofsix children,five of whom are living: Mrs. Florence V. Ransom ofPembroke; Mrs. Delia M. Hart is of Matthew; Mrs. Rosa M. Winfree of Charlotte; Mrs Thresa ofLumberton; Connie Revels, Jr. of Greensboro; and a foster son, Donald Godwin of Pembroke. The honoree was born Aug. 5,1905 in Saddletree, Lumberton Area on a 25 acre farm. Mr. Revels was married to the late Dimple Godwin who worked hard and ivas one of the best cooks in Pembroke. The Honoree -worked hard and also educated his children and was faithful to his church. He has 14 grandchildren A 14 great-great grandchildren. Mr. Revels received many gifts A delicious dinner was served. (Photo and text by: T/S Gt. William P. Revels) Filing Opens for Tribal Council Seats The Lumbee Tribal Elections Board announces the following seats on the Lumbee Tribal Council are up for election this year. Those seats arc: District 3 (incumbent: Joel Dial Jr.), District 6 (incumbent. Henry B. Brewer). District 9 (incumbent: Garth Locklear), District 12 (incumbent, Dclton Oxendine), District 15 (incumbent, Mr. Clarence Woods). District 18 (incumbent. Doreen Sampson), and 21 (incumbent. Lance Harding Jr.) In addition, elections will be held in three other districts to fill vacancies. Those persons elected in these districts will serve out the remainder or the term for these seals. These Districts arc: District 4 (Cumberland County and North and South St Pauls), District l()(North Pembroke). District 11 (Deep Branch area). . Filing will open on August 11, 1997 and close at 5:00 p.m. on August 22, 1997. The election will be neld October 25.1997. However, no election will be held for any district scat where a candidate is unopposed There is a non-returnable fee of $50.00 for candidates. If you arc filing for tribal council, please call 521-9999 for an appointment. Qualifications for Lumbce Tribal Council members arc "Except as otherwise provided, members of the council shall serve three year terms and no council member can serve more than two consecutive terms. The privilege to run for election to the tribal council shall be limited to those members of the Lumbce Tribe who at the commencement of the term of ofTicc for which the member stands for election: (a) arc over the age of twenty-one (21); b) have maintained their principal place of resident in the particular council district for which the members stand for election no less than the preceding six months', c) arc not incarcerated upon conviction for any offense or have completed a sentence for a felony conviction less than seven years before. with the term sentence as used herein to include any period of restriction on civil rights, and d) hold hb other publicly elected government officeor noolhcr appointcdor elected tribal office at the time of taking office Association of American Indian Physicians Hold Conference The Association of American Indian Physicians held its 26th Annual Meeting July 26-29, 1997 in Seattle, Washington Attending this year's conference were Dr. Joseph T. Bell and family, from UNC-CH School of Medicine: Christina Hardin (Lumbcc), James West (Lumbcc), Kristy Woods (Lumbce), Tracy Bullard (Lumbcc). Janet Harris (Lumbce), Andrew Haputa (Western Band Cherokee), and from ECU School of Medicine. Katie Lowcry (Lumbcc) and Willie Richardson (Lumbcc). The theme of this year's meeting was "Indian Health Issues in the Next Ccntuiy: The Role of the Indian Physician." This year's conference addressed the role of the Indian Physician in 1) approaching major health problems affecting Native American communities. 2) recognizing the many changes taking place in the Indian health arena, 3) addressing the lack >f Indians cntcringthc health profesiions. 4) balancing traditional Indian medicine and modern western medicine and facilitating the Indian patients who seek a traditional approach to their health care, and 5) computer and medical software training Thccducational seminars ranged from "Research Opportunities in NIH for American Indian Health Professionals" to "Addiction Problems in the American Indian Family" and "Detecting Cancer Genes in American Indians" to "Medical and Surgical Management of the Diabetic Foot." Luncheons Were sponsored by the NW Portland Area Indian Health Board Recruitment Proiect. the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Academy of Family Physicians. In addition to the senitnars, a number of cultural events were held, including in this year's conference was a wonderful opportunity to take a boat ride to the surrounding Blake Island to Tillicum Village where the Native tribe performed and a salmon dinner was served The Seattle Waterfront was absolutely beautiful The Association of Nativb American Medical Students also held its annual meeting at this conference, where Willie Richardson was selected to be the Southeast Region Representative of ANAMS Congratulations to Dr. Joseph Bell for being elected as next President-Elect for AA1P. The conference was a rewarding experience for all who attended The students from UNC-CH and ECU Schools of Medicine would like to thank all who made it possible for them to attend this year's national conference. Entertaining Concert Presentation Brings Positive Message to 1,600 9th Through 12th Graders Attending Public Schools in Robeson County Lauren Stalncckcr. the high-energy musician featured in Food Lion television commercials is bringing a very serious message to 1.600 ninth through twelfth graders attending public schools in Robeson County. On Thursday. September 4. Lauren w ill perform hisnalional lour production to students at Purncll Swett High School. 1339 Rural Road Red Banks Rd in Pembroke. Performance times will run from 8 a.m. untif9 a.m The high-energy sound, light and interactive music video program involves the students in a production that communicates an anti-drug, antiviolence message through a fun, upbeat and positive presentation Lauren a muUi-talcnted musician, composer and producer will perform the one hour shows called "Lauren Vision." The event is sponsored by Food Lion Inc and the Robeson County Health Department. Lauren blends high-impact original music, MTV type music videos, live interactive digital video production. computer controlled moving laser lights, dance and straight talk to present a concert experience designed to inspire public school students throughout the nation. Students are bused to concert halls, civic center and convention arenas by the thousands toriew his dynamic, hightech concers Lauren's production knowledge and performance ability comes from a lifetime of sot' song writing, recording and concert tours performing his positive pop message. His w ork on the anti-drug campaign began in 1988 when he was asked by the mayor of Jacksonville, FL to write a theme song for a city rally. As a result, the Fraternal Order of Police associates asked him to become the WW T ? /K ? national spokesperson for their "Just Say No to Drugs" campaign In 1991, Lauren's concert in Salisbury, NC was attended by Tom Smith, President of Food Lion Inc. They shred a vision to reach the youth of our country in a unique and effective way. Food Lion immediately became involved and sponsored the first year of touring in 1992. The overwhelming success of the first 42 city tour and each year thereafter, has established a continual commitment on the part of Food Lion to reach America's youth. With the support of Food Lion, the tour has reached more than a million youth in 200 communities. Lauren's tours have received rave reviews from school and community leaders who have experienced his message and concern about drugs, alcohol and violence in their school systems He is committed to America's youth by helping students in hundreds of cities across American say "no" to drugs and violence. Lauren proclaims that young people are the most resource our country has "Young people are the future of our country and without them we have no future. When I ask kids whether they know they're valuable, half of them raise their hands and half of them do not. When kids know their personal value, they can make decisions of excellence " Lauren stated Since 1991, Lauren's independently produced music videos have won tow Addy Awards and several top music video and film awards from U S competitions. Recent TV appearances include NBC Nightlv News. ABC, CBS. PBS, America's Talking. Satellite Network )CNBC) the Children's MiracleNetvvork Telethon, FOX and affiliate news and magazine shows. The 1997-98 tourwillbccnhanced by his current movie video entitled LAUREN. This movie is currently available for free rental in all Blockbuster Video stores. Lauren is currently producing his second music movie video for Blockbuster called Lauren Vision." The one hour program will feature seven music videos, interviews and live in concert footage. Release of Lauren Vision is scheduled for late 1997. and will be available as a free community service rental for all Blockbuster Video stores nationwide. The website address is www.laurenvision com Native Peoples Magazine to feature listing of Native American events Native Peoples Magazine will once again feature an event listing for the third Annual Travel/Destination issue to be released January 25, 1998. This is a call to Indian communities and organizations to submit their calendar of events such aspow wows, rodeos, feasts, sport games, exhibitions, and special gatherings open to the public. The chronological even listing begins March l;! 998 and runsthroUgh February 28,1999 The even must be Native American focused, and coordinated,tlbd in existencefor a mini mum oftvVoyears. A correct phone number is required with consent to publish with the listing. The information must be submitted in writing only, on sponsoring organization letterhead. This is a free listing and subject to sppce within the Travel/Destination issue therefore, there is no guarantee of placement. Qualifying events not ablcto bcpublished will bcplaced with our website calendar. Please send your detailed information to Janell Sixkiller. Communications/ Museum Relations Manger, at Native Peoples Magazine, 5333 N. 7th Street, Suite C-224, Phoenix, AZ 85014, or fact to (602) 265-3111 no later than November 15, 1997. Notice of LIHEAP Review The preliminary drafi of the 199798 Low Income Home Energy Assistance plan will be available for inspection August 18-22. 1997 Your written comments and suggestions arc welcome and will be considered m dcvclopingthc final LIHEAP plan The Lumbcc Regional Development Association. Inc. proposes to use the LIHEAP in Robeson. Hoke, and Scotland Counties to. 1) Assist eligible Indian families in paying their heating cost. 2) Assist families w ith heating or cooling in crisis situations, 3) Outreach and referrals to tancc>Pr,n,C 0r8aniza,ions for assisAugust ffS .007 * a.Vailablc on ?3" V 8'22 .' "7- m the following offices for rev iew: The Administra ind SC,VTrA ofTlcc in Pembroke, and the Low Income Energy Office '"Luniberion The plan will also S available at the Hawk eye Sands Com Thursday August EIcctrirKa11 .f, JhcLumbccR" er S CJ^Cmbcrsh'P Corporation in ScotHand County. FridayTugus?"? ' Clarence woods files for Position of Mayor of Maxton Maxton, JVC?Clarence Woods has announced his candidacy for the position of Mayor of the Town of Maxton, NC. Woods. 62. said. "I feci compelled to seek the Mayoral Office of the town (county ) in which 1 was born, disciplined and educated." He is a graduate of Prospect High' School and received his B A and BS degrees from the recently named UNC-Pcmbroke before and after serving his country in the U.S. Army. "This is a time of my life when 1 can fullyshafts with the people of this progressive city my knowledge and administrative experiences I gained as an administrator of twenty-three and one-half (23 1/2) years at Kelly Springfield Tire Company in Fay ettcville and as a successful Maxton businessman, said Woods. Mr. Woods said that he has always financially supported his community and programs for children and the elderly, and says he believes in planning, organizing, andaecomplishing goals. Currently Mrwoods serves on the Maxton Housing Authority and the Christmas Parade Committee. "My goals as. Mayor o? Maxton are to provide harmonious leadership and the necessary fortitude to accomplish the desires of the Commissioners and the people," said Mr. Woods. He continued, "I will personally work to 1) Establish an Improved Downtown Rcvitalization and Continued Historic Preservation; 2) Expand and Create Industry and Environmental Access for Increased Jobs; 3; Support Law Enforcement for Crime-Free Neighborhoods; 4) Support Community Schools; and 5) Maintain Economic and Budgetary Stability for our city. "I will be a full-time Mayor with Truth of Loyalty and am confident the necessary improvements forMaxton will be accomplished as I listen and work -With our Commissioners, the States Agehcies, and the peoples," Woods safe!. Woods'and his wife, Virginia, have five children and arc members of the Trinity Pentecostal Holiness Church. (JIMCF and East Carolinu in master's degree partnership PEMBROKE -- The next generation of school principals will agjin be trained at The University of North Carolina at Pembrokeas it joins forces with East Carolina University to offer an educational leadership program this fall, according to Dr. Kathryn M. Sullivan, dean of graduate studies and director of teacher education. Two information sessions for the Master of School Administration program will be held at Thursday, Aug 14 and Monday, Aug 18 at 6:30 p.m. in room212 of the Education Center 'Candidates should attend one of the meetings and may apply for admission at that time Although the two-year program is a joint effort of UNCP and ECU. classes will be held on the UNCP campus The degree will be conferred by ECU, which is one of seven UNC member institutions offering thcMSA. Distance Icarningtcchnology will be used to deliver classes from ECU via the information high way for 20 credit hours. UNCP Chancellor Joseph B. Oxendine said the program serves the career advancement needs of educators in this region. "UNC Pembroke is very pleased to join with East Carolina in this program to prepare school administrators throughout this region," Oxendine said. The combined teaching resources of the two universities off a program of study which is supcriortoany that either institution could offer" "With the majority of courses offered on the UNC-Rsampus. the program is convenient for those insouthcastern North Carolina who aspire to become school principals or superintendents." he said. "Dr. Ray Brayboy. who has served as superintendent and principal in several southeastern North Ca roli na cou nt ics. wi 11 be a key player in this new venture " Dr Brayboy will coordinate the program for UNCP. He will also M. 0 teach a class in school based management this fall, Dr. Sullivan said. "Thisprogram will qualify graduates to be licensed administrators in North Carolina." she said. "The faculty at UNCP and ECU are very enthusiastic about this collaborative effort, which has been in the planning a nd development stages for several years." ' Dr. Sullivan said the program would be much more difficult to offer without distance learning technology .-A* "With the current emphasis on technology in the schools, this is an exciting way to study," she said "What better way to get future principals excited about the valucof technology than to get first hand experience with it? Successful applicants will take two courses pcrsemesterandduringcach summer session. For more information, contact the UNCP Office of Graduate Studies at _ 910-521-6271. _ Lumbee River EMC Introduces EC Home Program Red Springs, /VC-Demonstrating its community service philosophy and . commitment. Lumbec River EMC recently announced the introduction of a new program called EC Home(tm). Through EC Home (tm). with just one simple toll-free phone call, consumers can access a full menu of home mortgage products and related real estate services for new home construction, purchase of an existing home, refinancing or home equity purposes When consumers call toll-tree at t -888-ECHOME1 (1-8H8-3 24 -66!)1) they Can learn about the many EC Home benefits including the following: Free (within 24 hours) prcqualificd, prc-approval and personal mortgage counseling Totally paper-free, verbal application Access to more than 50 types of mortgage products including no money down and guaranteed rural housing loans New home, refinancing, and home equity loan opportunities Affordable, preferred EC Home interest rates Opportunities for Cash Back bonuses, Assistance from their own personal move coordinator in buying and selling a home Discounts on moving van. self move rentals and related services Guaranteed service satisfaction EC Home is a tailor-made fit between Lumbce River EMC and its consumers. "Over the years many people in our community have become comfortable working with us We've developed a trusting relationship with our consumers and they know we have our community's best interest at hearts," said Larry Jacobs, l.umbcc River EMC's Manager of Finance and Administration and the coordinator for the new program "We feel this program brings a much needed service to our area " Other rural electric cooperative leaders and rural housing expert* agree that such a program is sorely needed in many rural communities In a national survey conducted by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, a service organization for nearly 1,000 consumer-owned electric cooperatives in 46 states, nearly half of the cooperative leaders responding reported a lack of affordable housing in their areas, and 44 percent said housing problems pinch theireffortstoboost their local ccono. mics. "The bottom line is that there arc growing gaps in mortgage financing options in rural areas." continued Jacobs "Our EM Home program will expand those options, through the time tested alliance of people and their electric cooperative We believe this innovative approach will make the dream of home ownership a reality for more people in our community i For more information on Lumbcc River EMC's EC Home program, contact larry Jacobs at 843-4111. ( Extension 223 f . "X Carolina Indian Voice is published every Thursday by First American Publications 304 Normal St.-Collcge Plaza P.O Box 1075 Pembroke, North Carolina 28372 Phone: (910) 521-2826 Fax (910) 521-1975 CoMnee Bray boy. Editor One Year In NC $20 Oiit of State $25 Second Class Postage Paid at Pembroke, NC

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