Til CAROLINA INDlAPf^SlfcE v; , r' I ed each Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NC VOLUME24 NUMBEt THURSDAY, AUOUSAl 21, /9V TWENTY-FIVE CENTS > Robeson i Attend 4-1 Three Robeson couni were among 1874-H'ersfromacross North Carolina selected toattend the 50lh Annual Stale 4-H Electric Congress held at UNC-Charloltc for their achievement in 4-H Electric projects. I' Carolina Power provided the trip and hclpcdsponsor thcElcctric Congress. According to Aggie Rogers. 4-H program associate with the Robeson J Countv Center of the North Carol in;l Cooperative Extension Service. Dcidra Locklcar. New Generations 4-H CluJf member: Frctral McRac. Kcwanda Merrill. William Druid. Young Leaders 4-H Club members, were selected as Carolina Power territorial winners. In addition to the 4-H delegates. Kenneth Bcthca. volunteer leader f with Young Leaders 4-H Club, and Aggie Rogers also attended the Electric Congress along with more than | 87 other adult leaders. Extension agents, and power representatives Electric Congress activities included presentations, project and recruiting reports, a dav trip to Carovvinds Theme Park, and other recreational 4-H'ers ric Congress vities. The 50lh Anniversary Slate 4-H Congress was sponsored by the stale's four pow er companies and the North Carolina Cooperative Extension service The Robeson County 4-H Youth i Development Program is a learningbv-doing educational program of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service for boy sand girlsagcs 519 In addition toprov idingcxccllcnt opportunities to young people, the 4H program isalso structured to allow adults an opportunity to share leadership skills and to learn and develop additional skills, united Way funds provide 4-H with money for pro"gramming costs. For more information about the Robeson County 4-H Youth Development program and the many opportunities olTcrcd. contact Tcri Ball/cgar. Extension agent. 4-H. w ith the Cooperative Extension Service, at 671-4276. Employment and program opportunilicsarcavailablc to all people regardless of race, color, national origin, sex. age or disability. if?r Sc"00!, Held \ 4-0 ' Sess>? ? \ frfli"'"8 A *' vjvcr mi aucrscnooi coordinators jr. with the elementary schools throughout the Public Schools of Robeson County recently attended a 4-H After School Training from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. on Wednesday August 6. the training was conducted by Nahir Hunt, 4H program associate with the Robcson County Centerof the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. > According to Hunt, the primary focus of the training was to give the dftcr school coordinators an overView of 4-H and the Robeson Count} Center of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service programming. Presentations throughout the training were made bv James Cochran. Extension livestock agent: Charlie Lowcry. Extension horticult|.'| ttiral agent. Tcri BalUcgar. Exicn1.1 sjon agent. 4-H: and Aggie Rogers. > J 4-H program associate The after school coordinators '?: learned how to implement hands-on learning techniques in arcasof plants ? and insects. They also learned key .; concepts to motivate and build selfesteem and leant building skills to help thcirchildrcn u ith problem solv ing in their school sites Among those who attended the workshoparclistcd as follows: Brandi Barton (Deep Branch Elementary): Mariana Jacobs. Kalhlcnc Lockcc. Dcmctriss Locklcar. Karen Oxendine (East Robeson Elementary): Momica Hood-Dickens (Green Grove Elementary): Bobbie Chavis (Janic c Hargrove Elementary) Marcic Ncaly, ArniltaFloyd(W. H. Knuckles Elementary); "Veronica Regan (Magnolia Elementary). Linda Locklcar (Parkton Elementary): U rsulla Kerns. Odal is Lovvry. Pal ncia Maynor, Jennifer Rowc (Pembroke Elementary); Lucy Dial (Peterson Elementary); Brenda Hunt (Prospect Elementary): Margaret Pillntan. Doris Richardson (Roscnvvald Elcmcnlary); Lucille Lewis. Gail Quarlcs (St. Pauls Elementary); May noma McMillian (Tanglcwood Elementary); Cathie Locklcar(Union Cluipcl Elementary): and Deborah Jones (Union Elementary) The Robeson County 4-H Youth Development Program is a Icarningby-doing educational program of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service for boy sand girlsagcs 519. In addition toprovidingexcellent opportunities to young people. the 4H program is also si met tired to allow adults an opportunity to share leadership skills and to learn and develop additional skills. United Way funds provide 4-H with money for programming costs For more information about the Robeson County 4-H. 'Youth Development Program and the many opportunities offered, contact Tcri Balt/cgar. Extension agent. 4-H. with the Cooperative Extension Service, at 671-3276. Employment and program opportunities arc available to all people regardless of race color, national origin, sex. age. or disability An upett Letter rrom Joel Garth Locklear As you arc aware, i have been * elected, and 1 have taken the oath, to serve as the Lumbcc Tribe's District ill Representative to the Board of Dircctorsoflhc North Carolina Commission ot Indian Affairs. In accordance with provisions of the Council's governing document. I hereby resign as the District IX Representative to the Council. 1 plan to continue to serve all Lumbcc people (especially the folks in District 111) in a fair, consistent and equitable manner to the best of my skills and ability. 1 welcome being a part of the new challenges and opportunities that await the Lumbcc Tribe at the local, state and national icvcls and for other Indians as well - I will continue efforts to increase Indian Elder participation in (Ik Honors Program and I shall Work with the Honors Program Board to spread the Honors Program concept to other Indians in North Carolina Additionally. I will devote time, energy. and resources to the Lunibcc efforts to obtain Federal Recognition for the Lurnbee Tribe and for unity Unity among the LumbccTribc is the best foundation that we can lay in developing greater things and opportunities for our people and a road map for our young We must alway s prepare for the Seventh Generation to preserve our heritage, culture religions. values and community as we know it We must be ready for the new century and events impacting us as a Tribe In my remaining vestrs and time of service to the Lurnbee people, these arc priorities and goals I will seek to put in place and motion Joi'l (iurth l.tn-klt'iir | Pembroke Kiwanis Report The weekly meeting was held Tuesday evening at the Town and Country Restaurant with President Furnic Lambert presiding Program Chairman Todd Jones presented winning Coaches. Gloria Plunt, Head Coach, and Assistant Coach. Roxannc Maynor Both coaches spoke gloriously of the winning season the Kiwanis sponsored Girls Little League Softball Team had. The team played in the County Recreation Department sponsored program Coach Gloria Hunt presented President Lambert the winning plaque the "Queen of Dia monds" successfully won It is great that Little League includes sports for girls and Kiwanis is proud to sponsor them , Kiwaninn of the Year will be i ! elected next week kiwanis of Pembroke is helping to sponsor the Dwighl l^owrv Memorial GolfTournament to be held Saturday. August 30th at (he Riverside Golf Course. Tee off lime is 9 a.m. Entry fee is $40.00 per player Final registration is August 28th. Donations may be made to the Dvvight Lowrv Trust Fund. Lumbcc Bank. P.O Bon 908. Pembroke. NC 28372 Chairman Ron Chavis may be reached at 738-2854 at home or 671 6000 or Riverside Golf Course at 52108433. Coach Hunt announced the Queen ofDiamonds Softball Team will hold their banquet on Saturday at 3p m at the pi//a Hut. Invocation-Albert Hunt. Song leader- Ray l,ovvry Reporter- Ken Johnson The Youth of Prospect United Methodist Church will lead the Worship services on Sunday, August 24, I497 at 10:00 a.m. Under the leadership of Mr. and Mrs. Leon (Connie) Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell (Rhonda) l.oekleur and Mr. Harold Jacobs, these young people will sing, read scripture and proclaim the (iood News. The pastor, the Reverend Hill James l.oekleur invites you to worship with the Prospect UMYF on Sunday morning. DWKqHTLOWRf MEMORIAL (qOLE TOURNAMENT. RIVERSIDE GOLF COURSE AUGUST 30. 1997 - - 9 00 A M Captain's Choice - S40 00 Entry Fee ^ Prizes on every hole!!!! Trophies for pop 3 places"" Food will bt ptwiM!!!! I Fina/ Registration will tot August 2G>. For more information Ronnie Chavis 738-2854 home : 671-6000 .work Riverside Golf Course 521-8433 i Donations may be made to the : Dwight Lowry Trust Fund f Lumbee Bank P O Box 908, Pembroke. NC 28372 | AUCTION FOR SPORTS MEMORABILIA AFTER TOURMAMENT DW1GHT LOWRY MEMORIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT REGISTRATION FORM | NAME PHONE NUMBER _ " | Handicap or Average score for 18 holes News From Pembroke VFW Post #2843 August II. 1997 the monthly meeting was held at Post Headquarters on Union Chapel Road in Pentbroke. NC The Rev, Smith Locklcar blessed the food. Following dinner, meeting of joint session called to order by post Commander Prayer followed by Past Chaplain. Rendered Honorto U.S. Colors led by Sergeant at Arms. Pst adjucant rcadminutcsof July meeting, followed by report from post Quartermaster. The post will worship with Bcrca Baptist Church Sunday September 14th at II a nt. services. Chaplain Archie Oxcndinc asked that lite post members gather in front of sanctuary at 10:50 a.m. to march in for the service. Guest speaker will be N.C Slate Chaplain V F.W.. Parker Please join the members who agreed to attend at this meeting (X-l 1-97) There were only 2.1 VFW members at August meeting. The ladies auxiliary guilt w ill be rallied offal lite next meeting to be held Sept 15th at the Post IJndrapi ng and draping of Post charter was held to honor our 2(two) latest deceased post members. Mr Carter and Mr V Ransom Hospital Chaplain Mr George Locklcar announced next gospel singing at the V A Hospital in Faycllcv tllconNov 2nd at 1 p m Tickets can be purchased from Post members for our annual chicken :md fish fry to be held ;il Post Home November (lib from II (HI a m lo 6:<M) p m. The parade will be held downtown as usual in observ ance of veterans day I have received my yearly renewal notice. I'm sure you have too unless you arc a life time member. This year we have to mail them to Kansas. So don't forget to mail it as soon as you can so the post will get it's due credit of membership I urge you as a member lo please attend the meetings There isso much you need to know at what your post has going on If you know someone who is eligible lo be a member contact the post or yet bring them lo a meeting. The meeting were closed at X to p m bv post commander All members attending services at Bcrea Baptist Church Sept 14th at 11 am and plan to cat lunch at The University Cafeteria, please call Quartermaster Ardell Jacobs at 521 2313 or Mrs l.oes Chavis at 521 2IXX and verify how many will be eating so they can make rcserv aliens for your, meal ai VVtxt each Tins Informal ion is very urgent So the staff w ill have enough food ('repaired lo accommodate l ivery oik. Thank You f.rtrin Jacobs, I'oxt Surgeon | Fair grove Classes of 1956-59 to hold I Reunion Dec. 27 Reunion to be held for the j Fairgrovc Chisses of 1956-1959 The reunion will be held on Saturday. December 27. 1997. from 5:00 ( p m - until It will be held at the Play crs Conecrt Club on 34 59 Lackey Street Outlet Plaza in Lumbcrlon. NC (locatedolT 1-95 Exit 20. turn left, onto the service road). The dress is casual to semi-formal The cost is $20.00 per person and $40.00 per couple, rcscrv at ions arc required and no refunds will be given Registration deadline is December 13. 1997. * Make check of nionc> order payablc to I Lena H. Oxentline 205 Sunnydale Drive Wilmington, NC 2H-II2 For more information call: (910) 739-0160 or (910) 521-4222 14th Annual Indian Trail Pow wow/ Cultural Festival Sept. 26-28 Mctrolina Native American Assoc Non-profit (3C) Organization. serving 10 counties in the Mctrolina Area, proudly presents the 14th Annual IndianTrail Pow-Wow . September 26-28.1997. at the Indian Trail School, in the IndianTrail. NC. Over tvventy-ftve Artist and Tradcrs. Dancers. Singcrsand Drummers from all over the US and Canada will be pcrforminglhroughoulthccvcnt. the Pow -Wow opens Friday. Sept. 26 from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Saturday wcwill openat 11 a.m. and close at 9 p. ill. On Sunday, open at 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Donation's at the gale will be appreciated Thank You in advance for your support in the effort to inform the public Registration to be held for Bible College August 25 Native American Bible College fall Registration w ill be held August 25. 1997 for Day and evening class. For more information write P.O. Box 248. 355 Albert Curric Road. Shannon. NC28386 or call 9I0-X43-5304 or 843-5417 Carolina Indian l-'oice is published every Thursday by First American Publications 404 Normal Si.-College Pla/a P.O Box 1075 Pembroke. North Carolina 28472 Phone: (910) 521-2826 Fax (910)521-1.975 ( ounce ttray hoy. Editor One Year In NC $20 Out of State $25 Second C 'lass Postage Paid at Pembroke, NC WOOERS PRtDEit ULrm**t t> a c by J.I. rUtM. Traln*<1 by r*VCt LLOTO, ?l??b? by UML Brntn.Uk. I ?/? Mil* tn ! ? .? ft . Mil or ?ABU1ID WOUfVITT It*. I.an 1.00 1.1) M?vr>R^^H|UT Hit Chaplain Julius Itryant has recently returned from Detroit, Michigan tit his native Pembroke, I try ant has been busy at the racetrack in Detroit, lie is shown third from left. Robeson Printing Extends Their Services to Include Fit?.-AH Fasteners Robeson Printing Ins extended lltcir services lo include llic additon of ;t new business. I-U/-AII Fasteners The new addition lo Robeson Priming, located ;il College Pla/a neross from lite llni\ersil> of North Carolina at Pembroke, features collated fasteners, interchangeable nails staples and brads Thc> also sell air guns, both gas and electric air compressors The new operation, managed b\ Chcrrv McMilhan will spe ciali/c111 collated fasteners need In contractors builders, roofers, cabinet inaincrs. mobile home rcpairiucnl and furniture unbolslcrics Ms McMillian staled that she would be able loscllcollalcd fasteners and other supplies at affordable prices and is looking forward to doing business with the mans construe tion people in the area I or more information, contactChern McMillian at ?>|0-52MK?2n

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