THHi ;AR0L1NA INDIAN VOICE ^ J >. ? ??> Pi - i each Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NC I Ol.UME 24 NUMRER 41 THURSDAY, (H'TORER 2, IV97 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS 57th Annual Meeting of the Members of Lumbee River EMC set for October 7 Red Springs, NC?The 57th Annual Meeting of the Members of the Lumbee River Electric Membership Corporation will be held at UNC-Pembroke's Performing Arts Center on Tuesday, October 7. The meeting will include reports of officers, directors and committees, as well as the election of four directors of the cooperative. Eights candidates will compete for four seats on Lumbee River EMC's Board of Directors. The candidates in each race are: District 1: Pearlie Bethea, Route I, Maxton; and Robert Locklear, 175 L & D Drive, Maxton. The incumbent, James H. Dial, was renominated, but died in a car accident on August 22, 1997. District 5: Ambrose Locklear, Jr. incumbent, 3672 NC 211 Hwy W; and Ronald Hammonds, 1218 Hammonds Road, Lumberton. District 6: Proctor Locklear, Jr, incumbent. Mr. Locklear is running unopposed. At-Large: Lacy L. Cummings, incumbent, 75 Gene's Road, Pembroke; Collie Brown, 1177 Persommon Road, Rowland; and Clester Locklear, 5055 Oak Grove Church Road, Lumberton. Registration and voting begins at 6 p.m. The official business meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. members must have registered to vote, or must be in line to do so, by 8:00 p.m. in order to be eligible to vote. Along with the presentation of reports and voting for board of directors, the meeting will include entertainment by the Mt. Airy Mixed Choirand Comedian Frank Hayes. Door prizes will also be awarded, including a television and credits on electric bills. Lumbee River EMC is a memberowned, not-for-profit, electric cooperative, overseen by a board of directors elected by the membership, serving 390000 customers in Robeson, Cumberland, Hoke and Scotland counties. ??S Will N?' seal Se?k Co I.umherton, N( ?Former Stale Rep. Frances Me ArtnurCunimings served four vcars in the NC House of Representatives where sire was privileged to Score more Ratified Legislation, which arc recorded in the General Statutes, than many Lawmakers. Cunimings said. "House District 87 cili/cns are v en proud of the Successful Financial Legislative Achicvcmcntsobtnincd during ni\ tenure " "I was in the 1995-% NC General Assembly as the ONLY Voice in the Republican Majority Leadership for Robeson. Hokc.and Sootland Counties-District 87" Cummings said - Cunimings has made Ircr decision that she will not seek election for the Congressional " District 7 Scat and is giving Rep Mclnlyrc an opportunity to be reelected for a second term Cum mings said, "1 am sure Congressional District 7 Voters and Voters of House District 87 who were appealing to me to seek Election for Congressional District 7 or for Robeson. Hoke, and Scotland Counties?District 87. will be deeply disappointed that I have decided to withdraw from the IW8 General Elections" "There arc Groups of Voters throughout Congressional District ~7 and House District 87 who arc having telephone commitments from members of the Democrat Political Party, the Republican Partv. and Independents for my candidacy."Cummings said Cummings said Iter decision will allow Mike Mel illy re to spend less money from his Campaign Funds and she said "I hope Mike succeeds to have hisplans for ( ongrcssional District 7 as Blooming Roses in a Garden I support Mike's candidacy and ha\econfidence lie will tic able to leant speedily through the "Power of the Holy Spirit " Cummings said hcrnamc needs no more introduction to \olcrs in Congressional District 7 She said, "my people who arc loyal support* crs made it possible for me to be known and be accepted to be their Congrcsswoman." Cummings said "hope Mike Mclntyrc will not fail to continue to cast his \otcs in Congress with the thought of a Republican when the legislation introduced will be favorable for all people " i News from Peterson Elementary School On Monday, September 8th, Peterson Elementary School Cafeteria honored grandparents on Grandparents Day. There were 126 grandparents who came out and ate lunch at the school. The children enjoyed their visit with their grandparents. The bulletin board and serving line were decorated with grandmas and grandpas. Grandparents pre loving, helpful, understanding, fund and they have wisdom and time. It was a great day with visiting with grandparents. Cookie crumbs scattered on the floor, sticky handprints on the screen. I never thought I'd put up with this, until grandkids came on the scene. by Rachel Oxendlne Peterson Elementary School in Red Springs will be among the thousands of schools across the country who shine their spotlight on school lunch during National School Lunch Week October 1317,1997. School food service professionals, teachers and administrators across the nation arc "cooking up" a variety of special meals and activities in celebration of National School Lunch Week. National School Lunch Week is an annual event designed to use fun and exciting classroom and cafeteria activities to educate students and parents about the importance of good nutrition in all aspects of life. This year's National School Lunch Week theme is "School Lunch: A World of Taste." It reflects the face of school food service today-fun and nutritious meals that represent delicious delicacies from around the globe. NSLW was established in 1963 by a proclamation from President John F. Kennedy who wrote "I call upon the people of the United States of Observe...National School Lunch Week, with ceremonies and activities designed to increase public understanding of the school lunch program, to the child, to the home, to the farm, to industry, and totheNation." Today,theNational School Lunch program feeds more than 26 million children each day in over 93,000 schools...most of which celebrate National School Lunch Week. 1 Say you read it in the Carolina Indian j Voice-to subscribe call 521-2826 A Chord of Three. Left to right: Julia, Michelle and marie Locklear perform at Pembroke Day. Michelle and Marie are UNCP students. Julia is at Purnell Swett High. (Hobby Ayers photo) Purnell Snvtt High School Rum ('hoir. The choir has performed at all eight Pembroke Days held on the campus of UNt 'P. ?^ m mm m Recent Pembroke Day at UNCP Considered Successful Event PEMBROKE- By 1 p.m. Evelyn Maynor already served more* than i.5(H) meals and was still counting A Mariott Food Services employee. Ms. Maynor helped Wednesday with Pembroke Day festiv ilics on the campus or The University students meet, greet and cat Pembroke Day . in its 8th year, continues to grow said Ernestine Chavis-Bulifant. President of the Pembroke Area Chamber of commerce which sponsors the event along w ith the Tow n of Pembroke and UNCP. "I've come every year, and every year its keeps growing." Ms Uulifnm said "We've.,"had a real good turnout .and lolsol businesses donated pri/cs " Ms Bulifani was busy as she split her time between awarding pri/csand staffing the Chainbcrof Commerce and N.CV Indian Cultural Center booths In all. there were 38 business booths. 28 student clubs and organization booths and 24 universitysponsored booths, accordingto Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Diane O. Jones, who was a coordinator of the event "There was a real good crowd, and wchad more participation with booths than ever before." Dr Jones said "I'd like totiiankour Phy sical Plant Department for their cooperation and hard work " Students andbusi ncssmcn alike enjoyed the opportunity to interact Buddy Oxcndinc. owner of Ace Hardware store, said it was a good opportunity to get the word out about his new business. "So far we've popped 250 bags of popcorn and we're still going." Oxcndinc said. "Every bag nasour name on it. We'll be here every year." For Sonya Morris of Zcta Phi Beta sororiiy and Felix Boggan of Phi Beta Sigma fraternity. Pembroke Day was a raffle opportunity to raise nioncy for w orthy projects. "It goes to different charitable projects." Mr. Boggan said "It helps pay the cost when we travel to local schools for tutoring " for Sally Slaughter of the UNC'P Science Education C'lub money raised at Pembroke Dilvwjll help club members dc\ clop student leadership "It gives uslhcmoncv needed to participate in the North Carolina Science Teachers Association annual meeting." Slaughter said "This is how we can participate in the professional side of teaching while we arc students." For Greg Cummings and Dr James B. Chavis. twoof Pembroke Day's co-founders, it is a day to watch a dream conic true "The first year, we had to cancel it for lack of money." Cummings said "This has been one of our dreams for many years, and it has worked out just fi ne " Dr. Chavis said the idea for Pembroke Day began as a student idea and the Town and Chamber liked the idea enough to co-sponsor it "I believe it has served its purpose of getting students and the community closer together." Dr. Chavis said. "Since we've been doing this, the students have gotten to meet business people and community leaders and realize that these arc good, committed people The students feel good about it" PcntbroV.9 Mayor Milton Hunt led a large contingent of local oflicialsincludingShcrifTGIcnn May nor. stale Reps Douglas Yongue and Donald Bonner. County Commissioner Noah Woodsand Register of Deeds Vickie Locklcar Dr Chavis said Pembroke Day is also a showcase for local talent Entertainment included Miss UNCP Lisa Mitchell. Miss FayctlcvillcLorna McNeill. Miss Lumbcc Marion Elizabeth James Junior Miss Lunibcc Charley Low r>. the Purncll Swell Singing Rams, the UNCP Band. Concert Choir, the Chamber Singers. UNCP talent show winner Robert Williams and entertainer Bill Fry. Revival piannea at New Bethel Revival services will be held al New Bethel Holiness Methodist Church October 12-17. Sunday night service begins at 7 Week night services begin at 7:30 pm Thcchurch is located on lonn Church Road between Rowland and Fairmont Evangelists will be Neil Locklcar. Willie Jacobs. Jr.. Larry D Freeman. Eugene Bry ant. Ti ntothy Woods.and Jimmy F. Locklcar. There wil I be special music each night that you inspire you. The public is encouraged to attend by the congregation and the pastor. James H Woods. Congressman Mike Mctntyre's Mobile Office to be in Pembroke A member of 7th District Rep. Mike Mclntyre's staff will visit the Pembroke Town Hall on Tuesday October 7th. from 10:00 a m to 12:00 noon, to meet w ith residents or the 7th District w ho have problems that involve agencies of the federal gov ernment. Commcnlsor opinions on pending legislation in The United Stales Congress arc also welcome No appointments arc necessary. The mobile office of Congressman Mclhtyrc is a service to lire pcoplcofthc 7th District and makes several visits 10 Robeson County throughout the year. Yard Sale Saturday A yard sale will be held on Saturday. October 4. 1997 al Pine Lake Park. Pembroke from 7 a.m. until. For additional information call 521 -026.3 School Psychologist Speaks to Pembroke HPW The Pembroke Business and Professional Women's Organization held its monthlv meeting September 8th at the James B. Chavis center at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. As guest speaker. Whitevillc BPW past president and school psychologist. Dr Lyn Weaver, shared with Pembroke BPW members various ways to control stress and how to make their lives healthier. To face the reality of one being captivated with stress Dr Weaver stressed that a person should consider what is causing the stress, become aware of (lie stress, notice how the body reacts to stress, and pursue realistic goals Various ways to control stress, according to Mrs Weaver including reduce caffeine, breathe deep when interrupted reduce inlcnsitv of your emotional reactions, giv e yourself time out. learn to sav no. build physical reserves, talk problems out. think about what you think, be kind to yourself, learn to cope with stress and do not over burden yourself, do not think negatively. and laugh Mclntyre Annnounces Re-election Bid for Congress in 7th District I.umherton, NC-- Seventh District Congressman Mike Mclnly re will make his announcement Tor re-election to the U S House of Representatives on Thursday October 2. The announcement, in conjunction with a district-wide rally for the Congressman, will take place at the National Guard Armors inUumbcrt0iial6 (M)p m Congressman Mclnlyrc staled "Two years ago when I first announced for this office. I promised the cili/cns of southeastern North Carolina that they would have a strong voice in Washington for their families. Cher the past year. I have sought to honor that commitment by fighting for our families. farmers, \ctcrans. senior citizens. and our small businessmen and women 1 have also worked tirelessly on important projects to help our area, such as beach rcnourishmcnt. highway improvements. in i I itary bases and economic development in our communities As our great country approaches the dawn of a new century. I am excited about the opportunities within our grasp to help southeastern North Carolina continue moving forwiird successfully " Mel nty re scr\cs on the House Agriculture and National Security Commitlccsand isco-chairman of the Democratic Coalition Task Force on Fducalion Undcrthc new rcdislricli ng plnn recently approved by the federal court, virtually all or southeastern North Carolina will be included in the Seventh Congressional District Duplin and Sampson counties have recently been added to the district for the 1998elections. Cili- f /ens from these counties arc expected tojoinothcrsupportcrs from Bladen. Brunswick. Columbus. Cumberland. New Hanover. Onslow. Pender and Robeson Counties at the rally. Mclntyrc's official announcement to kick off his 1998 campaign will beat (heNational Guard Armory located on Faycltcvillc Road near Lumbcrton Senior High School Festivities will begin at 6:00 p ni and will includca barbecue dinner and entertainment Tickets for the cnciii arc $5.00 each: children under 10 will be admitted free To purchase tickets call <9|0) 739-VOTK <868t> Revival Services Planned at Salem Revival services will be held at Salem Missionary Baptist Church beginning October 13 and running through October 17. Guest speakers will be Rev, Jerry Thompson, pastor of Zion Hill Baptist Church and Rev. Mickey Lowry of Union Baptist Church. Services will begin at 7:30 p.m. week nights and at 6 p.m. on Sunday evening. There will be special singing each night. The public is cordially invited to attend by the pastor, Rev. Donald Bullard, and the congregation. Salem is located on the Red Hill Road, Maxton. Indian Voice. Mclntyre announces Town of Pembroke to receive $489,000 Washington, D.C. -Seventh District Congressman Mike Mclntyre announced recently that the Town of Pembroke, North Carolina will receive nearly half a milliom dollars from the U.S. Economic Development Admimistration. Congressman Mclntyre stated, "With this infusion of funds, the Town of Pembroke will not only save existing jobs, but create new ones. This project is a good example of local, state, and federal officials working together to support our local businesses. I applaud the efforts of Mayor Milton Hunt andTownManagcrMcDuflieCummings for their instrumental part of this successful application." The $489,000 grant will be used for water improvements in the Town to drill two new wells and construct a treatment facility torcmovc iron from the waterto save 128 jobs and create 15 new jobs. Fleetwood Homes of North Carolina, Inc. will save 445 jobs and the Town of Pembroke anticipates adding two new employees. Congrcssmanm Mclntyre is a strong supporter of MR 1430, This legislation will fcauthorizethe federally-funded Economic Development Administration, which provides effective and efficient economic deve'opmentprograms to America's rural communities.