The Sunday chool Lesson John Brayboy, Salem Missionary Baptist Church The True Vute (John 15:1-170 I Bearing Fruit (John 15 1-3) il Beanng Much Fruit (John 15 48) III. Beanng Lasting Fruit (John 15 9-17) I. Bearing Fruit (John 15:1-3) Every Chnstian was saved for Chnst's sake and for the purpose of beanng fruit. In this lesson Jesus tells us how we can bear fruit Since Israel failed to be the vine to bnng the good news of the gospel. Jesus became the true vine We see Jesus as the true, (genuine) vine and the Father (God) as the gardener In order for the branches to grow they must be a part of the vine Jesus said those branches that did not bear fruit. He would cut off On the other hand, those tiiat bear fruit would be purged to bnng more fruit we Ought not to get discouraged when tnals come out way. It may be that the Lord is prepanng us to bnng forth more fruit. Therefore, we ought to count it a blessing when tnals come our way Jesus was helping His disciples to understand how they could be fruit bearing Christians. The word of God had made them clean, therefore, they would bear fruit. 11. Bearing Much Fruit (John 15.-1-8) In verse 4 Jesus tells His disciples to abide in Him and Him in them. In other words simply put. we must get into the word and let the word get into us. to be a spint filled Christian, we must have the word of God. If a child of God is going to bear fruit, he must be m the vine (Jesus) and t he vine must be in him. No one can bear fruit apart from Jesus Jesus goes on (o say that if we arc not branches of the vine, we cannot produce If we are in the vine, the we can produce much fruit. Many Christians have the attitude that I'm saved nd going to heaven, so I am not going . worry.Jesussaidthosekindofpeople were withered branches and they would be cut off the vine and be burned. I. Corinthians 3:11-15 tells of the judge- 1 ment of the saints and the testing of 'heir works. Gold, silver, wood, hay ' and stubble all will be tested in the fire If a man s works arc burned, then he will be saved as by fire Christians will lose rewards at the judgement seat of Chnst because of not bearing fruit Many may have gone to an early grave because of not abiding in the vine Verses 7 and X giv e us the beauty of abiding in Jesus and Him in us If we submit completely 10 the will of God { when we make our request to Him. then He will hear and supply our every i need Wouldn I it be great to be in God's divine will and know that when you pray that God will hear and answer your petition' Well, you and I have that opportunity to have that access to the father If we get into the word and let the word of God get into us. then we will be cleansed, and a vessel fit for Jesus to use In order for God to get glory out of our lives, we must be spirit filled so that we can walk in the spirit That takes studying i the word of God and allowing it to convict us of our sins and cleanse us Remember, we are saved, not vet per- fected. but we ought to be striving for perfection It is time for us to gel off of the stool of do nothing and get into the word of God and see what god wants to do with our lives. ///. Bearing Lasting Fruit (John 15:9-17) Jesus tells us how we are loved, it is a divine love that comes from the Father through Jesus to us. No one knows true divine love until they have accepted the love of Jesus we ought to continue in that love If your love for Jesus is growing cold then you need to draw close to Him and He will draw close to you. We don't ever need to be warming by the fires of the devil. How do we keep that love from growing cold? Stay in the word and keep the word in us. If we meditate upon God's word, we will have that abiding love flowing in and through us. Jesus tells us that we will have joy and that our joy will be full, if we abide in Him and Htm in us. What we need to do is let Jesus have all of us. When we do that we will love one another. When the love of God flows in our heart, then we will be obedient to the Lord. There is joy in our heans when \ye know that we have pleased Jesus Agape love (God love) is sacrificial and self giving. That is the kind of love that Jesus wants us to have. Jesus calls His disciples friends and not servants. Servants do what they are told. Friends share what they know with each other. Jesus has shared with us through His word everyt hing we need to know to be His disciples. What the Father has shared with Jesus. He has shared with 11s. Jesus reminds us that we did not choose Him, but we were chosen of Hun We had nothing to do with our salvation, it is the gift of God So we are to bear fruit and if we ask anything of the Father in Jesus name, we can receive Jesus commands us to love one another Let the world see the lose of God in us God bless sou Prav for us Cookie fs Corner ' Inifti Miiynnr ('lurk Rookie's ( onici li i1- not out job to conloiiii to socictv li our pi.icc to live our hie in respect to God and not to man We should not Itvebx man iliiuks. because" what man tliinksw ill not gel >ou into heaven" God gave man the right to rule ovct the animals and not o\er hie fellow man That is win God gives us "free will" It is our choice whether or not to conform to "society" If we do not conform folks think that we arc "cra/v". But. the truth is the "one's that don't think that thcx have the problems, are indeed the one's that need the help". There are loo main people in this world that tell us "what we should do and what we are suppose to do": In other words" You can't soar like an eagle when \ou are around a BUNCH OF TIJRKBYS!". When there arc too main leaders a id not enough Indians "You cannot gel am thing accomplished or go" . Youcanalw ayssav " Mv name is Beimel and I ain't in it" People have a mind I just wish that I hex would use it Has anvohc told vou that "lliev love vou lod.iv" ' well I do Looking for a Horse? Why Not Adopt One? Call for details jM 1-800-417-9647 A public service ol this publication Cong. Mclntyre Announces $400,000 HUD Grant for Fayetteville State University M'ashinffhw, />.('. ? Seventh District Congressman Mike Mel ills re announced todav that ("ascites i lie Slate U ins crsitv (FSL 'twill receive a $400.(M>(> grant from the U S Department of Housing and Urban Development Congressman Melius re. who joined FSU Chancellor Willie Mel.eod at the announcement ecrcnionv in Washington, said "I ascites ille Slate is an outstanding school that provides inauv opportunities for the students it serves These funds will allow FSU to promote coniinunitv economic development b> creating and financing localls-owned and operated small businesses With this infusion of capital. FSU can leverage other private and public resources to provide job opportunities and the res itali/ation of FSU neighborhoods I applaud the elToiis ol Chancellor Mel.eod and others at FSU in their work on this grant In add11 ion I stand reads to continue working w ill) ihcm lo ttnprov c not onl> onr educational ssstein but also the neighborhoods to wlneh their students miisi look for jobs and opportunities " S|>eeifieall\ the I SI1 grant will locus on job cieuliou b\ pros iding skill training to south and other tesidents of the commuutlv. condiieliug a nuero-enterprisc feasibility siud\. sponsoring anddev eloping a small business inetibalor. creating a coniniuuilv based cconotnie development non-proru organization lo own and manage the' incubator, and creating a program of small hiis'itessconsulling. seminars. and micro-enterprise technical and financial support for the users of the incubator and the residents of the Murcliison Road-FSIJ ( orridor President Clinton lias designated this week as National Histoncall.v Mlack Colleges and Universities Week to recognize the school'long rccordof achievement ?". 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Pembroke hi nan is 1.1 (ion (Jv'Orge' 1 loldctl ( I.ins ol ll>7oat L \CI' iiisi.illv.t1 ills' new ollicersoflhe Pembroke kiwaius ( Iub for ilievearol IW7-W Tltev .lie President-Brian Brooks, vicepresident or presidentelect < icorge kciiworlliv. secret.u\ I odd Jones ;iikI treasurer- Albert Hunt who b is served <i remarkable vcars It Gov Holden is the Regional I onsiili.ini lor the Depl ol Health ;nul II ii n i.i ii Ser\ iecs working with the Youth Division Me tiled Hie world wide Iodine program tocraditale the Iodine deficicncv in so ruaiiv children Lt Gov Holden lias been the President of the Favcilevilie kivvanis Club ibis past vear He plaved baseball for the Braves under Coach Pennington and majored in phvsical cducaIioii I can recall him m iiiv gvmnasiie classes and oilier classes (iollv dial was 27 vears ago We haveenjoved lu.liiv veaisol being seived lite licsl meals under Mrs l.olu Rev els and thanked her Willi a gill ol appiccinlion and Mrs Sharon I rick lea r our waitress We will miss them Mrs Revels' health has not Ken up to paras of laic We now will bo meeting at the Jade Gardens a splendid Chinese Restaurant on Third Street Kgiu ning nc\l Tuesdav at 7 p m Ray Lowrv was voted I lie Oui. standing Kiwanian of the Year. I k dida fine job its fund raising chairman fot the 1 Wf>-97 scat Progtain-Furuie l-ainbcrt. Song leader-lid leels.Invocation-Garth I ocklear re|voiler-Kcn Johnson Alcohol KlIlS! Choose a Better Path CHOOSE TRADITION , HOT ADDICTION" |\ Know IhtconMaiMncM lot 11 1 WWW WllfV^WIIVVV VI 1U cicotol OKI drug cbuW;&;, THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE | ...ADD TOTHE ROLLS OF THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE READERSHIP The Carolina Indian Voice newspaper I is growing and we want to share our I exciting spurt with you?our readership! I JUST MAIL THE COUPON BELOW TO: FIRST AMERICAN PUBLICATIONS P.O. BOX 1075 PEMBROKE, NC 28372 . 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