THE';!; ^ROLIIA INDIAN VOICE Pub!s 5 jc/i Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NC VOLUME 24 NUMBER 42 ? ^ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1997 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS . Local Ban ne Feather, to open for Eddie Money at Crown Coliseum in Fayetteville " Lumbee Indians are known as a proud people. They are proud to be Indian and take pride in their rich culture and heritage. This pride and belief that any goal can be achieved is passed from one generation to the next Out of this culture steeped in tradition, heritage and pride comes four young men who are dedicated to their musical goals and have a belief in themselves and their own abilities to reach the top in their profession. These four Lumbee young men are known as Stone Feather. They have performed together for quite some time and are single-minded in their purpose and future goals. On October 25, 1997 Stone Feather will be the opening act for Eddie Money at the Crown Coliseum in Fayetteville. They are excited about this opportunity, yet confident that they will do a good job. Stone Feather is a local band which has performed locally and is expecting to gain wider recognition. They are talented and articulate. The band is comprised of: Cody Eagle Horse Godwin, the son, of Harvey and Sheila Godwin of Pembroke; Jason Deese. son of Robert and Carolyn Deese of the Prospect Community; Brian Locklear. son of Ronaldand Debbie Locklearofthe Union Chapel Community; and Chad Scott, son of Bobby and Bonnie Scott of the Union Chapel Community. Godwin. Deese and Locklear are students at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke while Scott attends Robeson Community College. Godwin is lead vocalist*;' Deese serves as drummer. Locklear [ilavs bass; while Scott serves as ead guitarist. "The music business." Godwin said is a bout risk. But first of all you must have a passion for music. But I believe we should be passionate about whatever we're doing." While Stone Feather incorporates their heritage into their music, their heritage isnot something that they exploit. "There is no way for us not to be visibly Indian, that's what we are." Godwin safd. ;"Our music is based on our experiences in our home community. For instance. our favorite songs is 'Fly the Fire' which I wrote about my grandfather. Harvey Godwin Sr. Everything that we do is a reflection of the generations that came before us and will be a reflection on the generations that follow us." Godwin said. The group has been together for more than four years and were students together "at Pumell Swett H??h School. Because of their age. some people tend not to take the energetic group seriously. But serious they arc. They arc planning a career in music and their appearance at the Crown Coliseum in Fayettevillc October 25 isonc small step on their way to accomplishing their goal There arc many others, however. who do take Stone Feather's goals seriously and they have been very supportive. Ken Cole and Chris Locklcar of Triple R Music in Pembroke have helped t hem with demos and exhibits and have been . supportive and encouraging. The group has played at local clubs and parties, the Miss Lumbee Pageant as well as the Native American Medicine Show. They work as a unit and write both the lyrics and the music together. They feel that they have broken some of the racial boundaries with their music in that they have found that they reach a general audience and their demand is not just among their own people. Godwinstatcs that their uniqueness can be attributed to the closeness of their band members. While they all have different tastes, somehow they always manage to comprise and are able to work and write music together. Their unique sty le is based on the roots of rock-n-roll and they are happiest when they are performing. The group is managed bv West Eagle Job Net and appointments and further information made by obtained by calling 739-9182. oreast cancer Survivor attributes healing to faith in God and the medical profession ' October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For those who have had Breast Cancer, and survived it is a time for reflection. It is also a time to encourage women . to take control of their health and seek a yearly mammogram and do a self examination on a regular basis. For Madie Rae Lockkar. a breast cancer survivor, this month is a time when she remembers the sheer terror and panic of having a doctor tell you that "you have cancer." It is also a time for reflection on the miracle that God performed in her life through the medical profession. "Nobody knows what it feels like to have a diagnoses of cancer pronounced on you, unlcssypu have had cancer." Ms. Locklear said. "Neither does anvone who has not experienced it know the initial panic and terror. After the initial shock, though you begin to call on your own inner strength and faith in God." Locklear recalls very clearly on February 3, 1995 when she was in the office of Dr. Kenneth Locklear of Robeson Family Practice in Red Springs. She had recently had a mammogram and it showed nothing. She had found a lump in her own self-examination. Dr. Locklear she recalls, diagnosed her breast cancer and told her that he was pretty sure it was cancer. He sent her to Lumberton Surgical Clinic for a biopsy. While there she had a biopsy and a sonnogram. She remembers how lpng the week seemed as she waited for the results of the biopsy and the sonnogram. When she came in for the results, she was informed that she had a tumor in her right breast the size of a lemon. After consultation with the doctor and her husband. William Locklear. Jr. and two daughters. Selena Drakos and Sophia Oxendine. Locklear decided to go to Duke University Medical Center for further tests and treatment. While at Duke. Dr. George Ade ordered another biopsy and sonnogram. This time the diagnoses was worse. There were three tumors the size of lemons. On the 12th of February. (he surgical team at Duke removed the three tumors and seventeen Ivmpnodes. Following a consultation with the chemotherapy department of Duke, ifwfcs decided that the cancer was so wide spread that chemotherapy without a mascctomv would not be advisable. Following a mascctomv March 3. 1995 the doctors were still npt optimistic. They told Locklcar and her family that she probably would not live longer than three months, even with chemotherapy . Nevertheless. Locklcar came home and began a vigilant and fervent request for prayer. "I prayed and requested prayer from everyone I came into contact with. I visited local churches and asked to be anointed with oil and prayed for...I am so thankful for the many people who prayed for me and am indebted to the churches in the Burnt Swamp Baptist Association as well as those in my own conference. the Lumber River Holiness Methodist Conference." In addition to prayer. Locklear continued a program of chemotherapy each week for nine months Sometimes, she said, she felt that the treatment was worse than the cure. But she continued. She is now in her third year since being r -4 diagnosed with breast cancer and is considered to be "cancer free." "I am a cancer survivor." Lock] ear said, "first of all because of the mercy and grace of God. Secondly. I am a survivor because of the love and support 1 received from so many people. They were constantly visiting me and praying for me. And God extended mercy. I am so thankful. "1 remember one morning as I was getting ready to go to Duke for Chemotherapy. 1 was despondent and depressed. Suddenly I heard singing in the house. God had sent a host of Angels to sing for me. I knew then that I would be alright." Ms. Locklear encourages women to do regular self examination and to get an annual mammogram. Early detection is one of the best means of prevention of breast cancer. NCSSM Recruits Local Students Durham- Sheila Carmichacl. a recruiter for The North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, will beat: Lumbcrton Senior High School on Monday, October 20 at 7:00 p.m. She will conduct an information session about the public high school for students academically motivated in science and mathematics. "There are some surprising misconcept ions about the school which 1 will be addressing." says Carmichacl. "Many people don't realize that there is no chargo for tuition, room or board. They also believe that students have to be labeled as academically gifted' to applv. All 10th grade students who are driven by academic excellence, a love of math and science, and a desire to be challenged intellectually should apply." The presentations arc open to the public, but 10th grade students and their parents in particular arc invited. NCSSM students arc sc lcctcd during their sophomore \ car Tor admission the following Fall Applications for admissions in the Fall of 1998 arc due Januar\ 15. 1998 NCSSM. a statewide, residential public high school for students with high aptitude and interest in science and mathematics, is located on a 27-acrc campus in Durham, the heart of the Research Triangle. Thccocducational school enrolls 550 students, serving all of North Carolina's 100 counties For more information, contact Sandra Jackson. NCSSM AdmissionsOfTice. at 919/286-1166. c\t 607. Additional information is available from local science and mathematics teachers, principals and headmasters or guidance counselors. Applications and information booklets may be obtained by writing to the NCSSM AdmissionsOfficc. P O Box 2418. Durham. NC 27715 Miss Christmas Spirit _ * Beauty Pageant to he held CGS Productions is now accepting applications for the 1997 Miss Christmas Spirit Beauty Pageant to be held December 6. 1997 at the St. Pauls Middle School Auditorium in St. Pauls. Ages 6 months and up for females and 6 months through 6 years for males arc eligible to compete Awards includes cash, tiaras, crowns, sashes, trophies, and gift bags Deadline for application is November I. 1997 Proceeds to benefit the Falcon Children's Home For applications call (910) 865-5794 The Kingston Trio's 40th Anniversary Tour The 40th Anniversary Tour of The Kingston Trio will be presented on Monday, November 3 at 8:00 p m. at the Givens Performing Arts Center on the campus of The University of North Carolina at Pembroke. Tickets arc $ 16, $ 14 and $6 for children and students For reservations or information call the GP AC Box Office at (910) 921 6361 or 1-800-367-0778 Peterson Elementary Cafeteria will be serving some new items in the cafeteria this year. One of these items was offered at breakfast in September. Tfie item offered was yogurt. The picture is of Christina Locklear out ofMrs. Tyler's class. She was trying to decide if she liked the new product. We had a time with the tasting party. Scenes from Lumbee Pow The Veterans were honored at the Lumbee Pow Wow held this past weekend at the North Carolina Indian Cultural Center. Dancers of all ages, as well as male andfemale participated In the pow wow. : % ... v%... . . Cynthia L. Hunt and her grandfather, John W. Oxendlne enjoyed the pow wow at the A'C Indian Cultural Center. PHOTOS B y FRANCINE CHA VIS Say you read it in the Carolina Indian Voice-to subscribe call 521-2826

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