thoughts From The Desk Of Derek Lowry I f ? - i^vair tailor. Just when you thought it was safe to sit down and read the Carolina Indian Voice. I'm bach again You m'ght want to fix yourself a cup of coffee and take your shoes off. no this is not going tobca longone 1 just like for people to feel comfortable when I talk to them and during this season everyone is in a hurry to gel somewhere for w hat reason is only clear to them. Have you noticed that when days get shorter people do loo. no this is not a short people attack. I'm talking about attitudes and tempers You would think this being the season of "Joy and Good Cheer" people could show a little bit of it. but then again that may be asking to much of people But as always. 1 say all this to gel my point of writing. 1 don't gel to read the Carolina Indian Voice often, but w hen I do it's dishearten w hen it's negative This person is writing to blame that person, or that person doesn't agree with this person and I know I'm talking about niysclt As I like to say "Sometimes the best sermons we preach, arc the ones we need to listen . to ourselves " As sonic of you know my favorite hobby is people watching, especially when they think no one is watching them. 1 was visiting a school one day and one student pushed, his classmates. which the Teacher witnessed She call the student Coward and asked him to apologize, which he said lie would not not and that she couldn't make hint 1 was surprised at what I heard nc.\l< " "Well young man you just earn sonic time out" . 1 wanted to scream " NO< NO< NO<" he just won a free ticket to Altitude Change USA. you remember, or sonic of us do. The belt, the switch, the hickory slick, the shaving strap, the board of education, now you what I'm talking about, that's what this young man needed. 1 know there're some of you w ho arc say ing ' J' " "You should never beat a cluld " Guess wh;ii vou arc right if vou can talk lo thai elud and show iheiti the error of their Wilis, then show them the short cut to the wood shed I Icre is another thing I want lobriiigupfor us to think about what happen to respect I'll share with vou what I think, have >ou noticed kids calling adults by then first naiuc. no sir or miss, and why is this, is it because wcadulls don't want "to be si red because it makes us feel old Guess whv that is it's because we are allow inga forcigh culture inloours. to the Native people age is thought of more highly that youth In othci words wisdom a nd experience is highlv valued over youthful looks, which often hicks either wisdom or experience 't'ou only need to cut on a TV lo see kids selling us soft drinks, cars and everything else If we adults cam till the money , why would we need some kid telling us what tobuy'.' It's just not in a child's nature to show respect unless they have been taught to do so Now this may sound like a small sound like small stuff, but it takes small stones to make bricks and it lakes ;ilol of bricks to make a house And a house without respect will not stand, this is why that young mail fell he could tell his teacher what lie was and was not going lo do After I IttftHokftli couple of Legends I noticed the child in timeout, he still had that look ou his face thai hewas right and the world was wrong In my nest legend I told the children how at one time all the animals could communicate, until one day a-fight started that caused the Creator to end communication among the animals I asked the class how would they like it if the Teacher told them to never speak to each otchr for the rest of the yucar 1 told the class if they wanted others to speak kindly tothcin. maybe they needed lo .speak kindly to others first Well the student-who had been given time out dropped Ins head and went o\er and whispered something to the Teacher, as I was leasing Now I would like to think that child apologized but I am not sure he did. besides that is not what important it's the moral of the stor> I line out is oid> good w lien wcarcgiven something to think about while we arc having time out I even beamed something- that dav. it is haredand it lakes a lot of time to teach respect, but we belter get started because we don't have much time left So to all of >ou who have been kicking and point at other people mavbc vou need some time out to think, whv am I doing this Can't I sit down and reason with these people if not is there someone w ho can. or does both sides of the issue just need lime out Herc'sa little something for those who have been kicking someone who isalrcadv down, stop True it is easier to kick someone who is down than to help them up and I know it's the hardest thing to do. but think where would we be if Jesus had taken the casv wav out Anvwav before vou become short orsav something (lit vou niav never be able to take back think Just send vourscIF to lime out and think before vou react and remcnibei the old saving "You gel more fliest with honcv that the other stuff" If vou can't sav anvthink nice do like me. walk avvav bciorcvou havclosav something ugh This is the season of jov and good cheer, sliaca little with someone, jus: a kind work goes a long wav. who knows it might find it's.wav back to >ou May the Creator's blessings continue to find their wav lo> our doorstep and bring you jo> for the da> s to conic I'll leave vou with the hope that I've gave you something to think about, and >ou can put >our shoes back on In the True Wa>. Derek Lovvr> \ Cookie's Corner \1ni1u May nor Clark "Loving at a Distance " It is Christmas Day 1997 but I know that there are alot of you out there just like me. Because there are alot of my relatives that "I have to love them at distance." In their life they really "don't want you around". They live in their "own little world" Wearing a set of "rose colored glasses". They don't want anything to do with you unless it is to their advantage or they receive some kind of satisfaction. They have their nose stuck up so high that it can "get sunburned easily". I once had a cousin who wanted me to sell him my house and go in debt for 30 years on a mobile home. He said that he would give me some antique furniture wherever 1 live. I decided not to sell the house and I have yet to - see the furniture. He'll go and see my other cousins but to him "I do not exist" because it is not to his advantage. But, you know what? God's got places for people like that! Just because they are " turkeys" and you are an" Eagle" that soars on the wings of Godnomatterwhatthesituation. They tr^to^ben^mi^reakyoifjbu^h^ doesn't break you... only makes you stronger. And when they can't get to you, because God protects you from ignorant people, you are suppose to love people in spite of their ignorance...not because of their ignorance . These are the kind of people that never come around you, never try to help you, but you still love them and you do it at a distance. God know that you love this person and that is really what counts. Pa always said" As long as you know the truth and God knows the truth, don't worry about what man thinks, because they have their own problems. God bless them if they come and God bless them i f they don't come " That's what Pa always said! . Today is Christmas, why^yj give them a call? If they hang up.on'you. You can say" at least Lord I tried". Go and knock on their door. If they are there and you know that they are there and they know that you know and they still do not open the door and greet you with the love of Christ. You can . say" Lord, I tried". When there are people like this in the world, and you try, God knows about it. After all he knows every hair that is on your head. The moment you were born and the moment that you arc going to leave this world. Trying is what makes the difference. Because, if you do not try then you will never know, and sometimes people can change. *-? Look for changes this holiday season. Because our God is a great God. He made th? blind man see and the cripple man walk. He can change hard hearts of a man or woman. Has anyone told you that they love you this Christmas Day? I know that God loves you and I do too! Say You Read It In The Carolina Indian Voice. To Subscihc Call (910) 521-2826. Deer lose their antlers each winter and grow new ones during spring and summer. PE0P1E ARE SWEET ON IDE FRESH TASTE OF HONEYBEE. honeybee 1W11T AMiSSr ^ WIOM T NOW MHASIK CANS. '"^wafmwov f tmsmoowcA I is Ml A Uf I J v allimaiivf ! / \u?imy = V *- ? . nr. ; ~ - ~ Injured At No Fault Of Your Own? Immediate Help Is Available Your Winning Team Locklear, Jacobs & Hunt is only a Phone Call Way! ATTORNEYS COMMITTED TO YOUR INTERESTS \ , 203 South Vance Street-Pembroke, NC I 521-3413 / Along the Robeson Trail I by Dr. Stanley Snick ^ Director, UNCPNative American Resource Center J -4' ' In thfr last few weeks we have been trying to understand the village life of the Luinbee ancestors in Woodland times. The reader has been asked to imagine living in a village, living the life of pim&daziwin. The life of pim&daziwin is a life of balance and harmony and beauty not only among the human beings of your village, but also between the human beings and the"mvironment in which you live. Every part of the environment is important Every part has a spirit which distinguishes it from other parts. The spirit of otter is different from the spirit of bullfrog, though both live in the stream near the village. The spirit of winter wind is different from the spirit of summer wind, though both bend the branches of the trees. The spirit of sun is different from the spirit of moon, though both are high and far away. The spirit of stone arrowhead is different from the spirit of grinding stone, though both produce food for the people. The spirit of sassafras is different from the spirit of willow, though both make a healing tea. The spirit of hummingbird is different from the spirit of redtail hawk, though both have a lesson to teach. And every spirit is respected, given honor for doing its part in Creation. And somehow combined ? somewhere beyond and yet within everything in the universe ? there is the one spirit of all things, the Great Spirit. And the people of lite different villages call that Spirit by different "fiames, each in their own language. But everyone knows that there is only one, and everyone connects to that Great Spirit in a good way For many generations, probably more than a hundred, this Woodland way of life has worked. The environmenthasgivenevcrything that has been needed ? crops and other foods; materials for housing,TcIothing and tools; medicines; stories. And although the Woodland population naturally has grown, it has never done so out of proportion to what lite environment could sustain. It has not been necessary to change the course of rivers. It has not been necessary to eliminate whole forests. It has not been necessary to generate more energy than the people ,y)uld wisely use. The ancestors learned - 11. , A how, to live in a balance with Mother . fliarth. and taught their children to do the same ? to cajryo/i the tradition of thanksgiving and respect for every natural spirit, to continue the ceremonial ways which preserve the spiritual balance. In our reconstruction of the past, puwidiiziwin may look to us here in the late twentieth century like a noun. But in the real time of living, it was also a verb. It was something you did, something you believed, something you maintained. Was it a life without sorrow or pain, without disappointment or frustration, without war? Certainly not. Butitwas a life of balance, There was danger in the "forest, but at least there was understanding. There was suffering, but there was also faith. In the next segment, we will begin to look at what happened in the villages along the Lumbee when piumdaziwin met its greatest challenge ? the time when the world changed. Tor more information, visit the Native American Resource Center in historic Old Main Building, on the campus qf Hie University of North Carolina at Pembroke. Say You Read It In The * Carolina Indian Voice. To t Subscibe Call (910) 521-2826. / ; a Carolina Indian Voice is published every Thursday by First American Publications 304 Normal St.-Collcgc Plaza P.O Box 1075 Pembroke. Norlh CaroLuua 28372 " Phone (910)521-2826 Fax (010) 521-1975 Con nee Urayboy, Editor One Year In NC $20 Out of State $25 Second Class Postage Paid at Pembroke, NC Alcohol Kills! Choose a Better Path CHOOSE TRADITION NOT ADDICTION Know the consequences ol alcohol and dtug abuse , A message from United National Indian Tribal Youth B^ft > ^^BF^^BL T t^mptr^?$50 Rebate Coupon. M Plus, the new PriineFinder remote. No Dish lb HuvPRIMES11^' * 7N D,1-n0 '910! sy 3103 ^ ,J" '""1 "" B cij4 S tl. "Os/p^p^'no ! J* "*" Ijiimnl i.m?..ii,t \m r 1V\- II T W o w K Pembroke NC 28372 . TT^ rrr^ : ,- . ,. 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