Thus Saith God's Word by Rav. Tad Brooks, Pastor, Wast Saddletree Baptist Church Personal Accountability "I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, said the Lord God; wherefore turn yourselves, and live." Ezekiel 18:32 Each person must decide to accept or reject God's way of salvation. There is much said efChristian love but very little is told of faithfulness to the word of God. Not many today can De recognized as to where they stand in Christ. Not many will use the topic of saved or deceived. I have read some what of Dr. W.B. Riley who was the pastor of the First Baptist Church-in Minneapolis and the founder of the Northwestern Schools. In his Christian calling he took up the battle to fight off the liberals. In doing so, he became distressed and gave up the fight, hoping to find a unified movement outside his convention which he might join. He found none and he stayed in the Northwestern Baptist Convention. But before his death, he was so greatly convicted that he felt that he could not and would not die in a convention which had left the planned way of' salvation set by God. Brother Rile)' sent an article to the Sword of the Lord and mimeographed copies ofthis article widespread announcing that he was leaving the Northern Baptist Convention and that he dare not die in it. He said he must not have his influence on he side of the ecumenical movement. And so Dr. Riley came out and died as an independent. We are now, my friend, faced with this ecumenical (inclusive program of supporting whatever movement, just so they speak about Christian love, but faithfulness to God is not mentioned.) Brother Ezekiel said "But if a man be just and do that which is lawful and right." In Genesis the 25th Chapter the story is told of two boys who grew and as they did, one became a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacobs was a plain man. Their father Isaac loved Esau, because he did eat of his venison. But Rebekah loved Jacob. ; Jacob was a good cook and Esau a man who spent his life plotting and planning. He came in from the field and Esau said to Jacob," feed me. I am faint." And Jacob said, "Sell me your birthright." Esau said, "Well here I am at the point of death and this birthright can't do me any good." And he sold it for a mess of pottage. And Esau eat and scripture says he went away and despised his birthright. 1 know some folks today who have sold their birth right. They went back into the field of the world, but like Esau, you will have to come in and you will give account ofyour stewardship. Personal accountability. "In the place where the tree falleth,. there shall it be." Eccl. 11:3. Wise Solomon said ifthe tree falls toward the south or the north, in the place where the tree falls, let it be. Ifyou die in your sins, Jesus said himself, you cannot come. John 8:21. Jesus said ye cannot. IfJesus says that you cannot, then you cannot. Dr. Riley got out of a convention that did not preach accountability. Dr. Riley did not believe all who said that they were saved were saved. Dr. Riley knew that a tree which fell to the north was north, but there is a group in our midst with an emotional excitement, a mingling of the true with the false, that it is well if adopted to mislead. i Yet none of us need be deceived. In the light of God's word if is not difficult to determine the nature of these movements.-Wherever man neglects the testimony of the Bible, turning away from those plain, soul testing truths which require self denial and renunciation of the words, there we may be sure that God's blessing is not bestowed. And by the rule which Christ himself has given, ye shall know them by their fruits. Matthew 7:16. It is evident that these movements are not of God. Oh, my friend, God has given us a revelation of himself and to all who accept them they are a shield against the deception of Satan. It is the neglect of these truths that has opened the door to evils which are now becoming so wide spread in the religious world. The iaw of God and this is importance, the law of God has been, to a great extent, lost sight of. A wrong conception of the character, the perpetuity and the obligation of the divine law has led to error in relation to conversion and sanctification, and has resulted in lowering the standard of piety in the church. Here, my friend, is to be found the secret to the lack of the spirit and power of God in the revivals of our time. We for years speak of Jesus, how he loved everybody and he does, but he also demands accountability. There seems to be a lost sermon preached on the danger to enforce the divine law, in the days of the past the pulpit was an echo of the voice of conscience. The ministers gave a wonderful majesty to their calling by being examples of the master and giving prominence to the law, its precepts and its threatenings. They reported the two great maxims, that the law is a transcript of divine perfection and that a man who does not love the law does not love the I ? " ^ gospel; for the law as well as the gospel is a mirror reflecting the tmc character of God. Personal accountability. Every man, said Brother Paul, works will pass in review before God and is registered to faithfulness or unfaithfulness. The tree, my friend, can't lie north and south. You cannot be saved and lost at the same time. You are in or out. Saved or deceived. Going up or down. The law of God is the standard by which the characters and the lives of men will be tested in judgment. Says the wise man, "Fear God and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment/' Eccl. 12:13-14. Those in the judgment counted worthy will have a part in the resurrection of the just. Jesus said, "They which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead...are equal unto the angels and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection." Luke 20:35-26. And again he declares that they that have done good "shall come forth unto the resurrection of life." John 5:27. Dr. W.B. Riley felt that he must not die in the Northern Baptist Convention. I am not advocating anyone to jump board or leave their denomination, but do you love a convention more than God's law? Remember the law was spoken by God himself and written with his own finger on the table of stone. The Pentateuch was an unerring transcript. Those who hold to this understanding were led to see the sacred, unchanging character of the divine law. Those who saw and understand as never before heard the Saviour's words "Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law." Matthew 5:18. The law of God, being a revelation of His will, a transcript of His character, must forever endure, as a faithful witness in heaven." Not one command has been annulled; not a jot or tittle has been changed. Says the Psalmist: "Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven." All his commandments are sure, they stand fast for ever and ever. Psalms 119:89-111:7-8. Let me say this before I close on personal accountability. There is nothing suits the devil more than men who would retain the form of religion, but the spirit of vital godliness is lacking. When the Jews rejected the gospel, they continued zealously to maintain their ancient rites. They rigorously preserve their national exclusiveness while they themselves could not but admit that the presence of God was no longer manifest among them. When Daniel pointed to the coming of the Messiah and so directly pointed to the death of us, many were discouraged to study and a curse of the rabbi's pronounced upon the people. When these causes exist, the same result will follow. He who deliberately stifles his conviction of duty because it interferes with his inclinations will finally lose the power to distinguish between truth and error. The understanding becomes darkened, the conscience callous, the heart hardened, and the soul's separated from God. Where the messages of divine truth is spumed or slighted, there the church will be enshrouded in darkness; faith and love grow cold. My friend, Dr. Riley refused to walk in the counsel of the ungodly. His delight was the law of the Lord. Psalms 1:1-3. Now, let me say this on personal accountability. "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good and what the Lord requires of thee, but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with God." Micah 6:8. Individual responsibility, penalty of sin. When we try to shift ouf responsibility and because we have shifted our responsibility, Ezekiel said in verse two "The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children's teeth are set on the edge." Paul would now say, "Consider what I say and the Lord give the understanding in all things." II Timothy 2:7. A preacher must be blameless, one that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection, with all gravity, for it a man know now how to rule his own house, how shall be take care of the church of God. I Timothy 3:15. Let me ask you a question. When was the last time you have read your Conference minutes and noted the character of the men whom you have chosen to lead your church? When Dr. Riley read his, he cried out, "Let me not die in this convention." He saw men who spoke of Christ and his love but faithfulness was not their goal. Ezekjel in the 18th chapter, launched out into analysis that showed his audience precisely where individual responsibility lies. God will hold you accountability for your selection of Deacon and preacher, even those who are in the choir loft and siting at the piano. Ezekiel said, "The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children's teeth are set on edge." Look around you. The song books our forefathers sang from have been replaced by new songs. The book you read has been replaced. The time we use to gather has been changed. Look at your minutes, pulpit, pastor, board. Children's teeth on edge. Paul gives us precise directions on Deacons and pastors, but we have 1 gotten into the church and nothing is going to tell us what we can and cannot do. But God said "1 have shewed thee what is good." Gold holds people I responsible for their own action. <* Ezekiel made sure his message was understood how the law of God was not missed. To be continued... Next week Personal accountability. i Buffaloe attends special training seminar with Karate masters Kenny BuJTaloe, N.C. ReprcsentativeofKyokushin-Kai Karate, recentl> attended a special training seminar with Japanese Karate masters in New York City. Kancho Shokei Matsui, the man personally selected by Grand Master Mas. Oyama as his successor, lead the 5 hour seminar Kancho Matsui is the leader and director of the International Kyokushin- Kai Karate Organization headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Matsui is a two-time All Japan Karate Champion In 1987. to prepare himself for the 4th World Karate Tournament, he completed the infamous "100-ManKumite" (fighting 100 men in succession full-contact without loss). It is a test that few men have ever dared, lasting over four hours of continuous fighting. That same year, Kancho Matsui rose to become the undeniable Champion of the World in 1987. Kenny Buflaloc received special onc-on-onc training personally from Kancho Matsui andscveral other Japanese Masters in attendance BufTaloc feels it is important for him to constantly strive to improve himself by I 1 training with top caliber karate instructors at every opportunity. That way, he can stay abreast of the latest developments and offer the best to his * " own students. Kancho Matsui congratulated BufTaloc on the job he is doing here in North Carolina teaching and demonstrating Kyokushin-Kai Karate. He also invited BufTaloc to attend the "7th World Kyokushin-Kai Karate ChampionshipTournamcnt "in Tokyo. Japan in 1999. . For more information on training classes anddcmonslralions. call: 5894281 - : Kenny BufTaloc is planning to do a Karate Demonstration & Seminar at Robeson Community College in the spring of 1999 More details arc forthcoming. Kenny BufTaloc (on right). N.C Kyokushin-Kai Representative, with Kancho S Matsui, Director of the > International Kyokushin-Kai Karate Organization from Tokyo. Japan BufTaloc recently received special training from Matsui at the New York Headquarters School i 1 Hand " Surgery What should I do if I accidentally cut off my hand or finger? Glen D. Suhin. M.D. of MidSoulh Orthopaedic in Pinehurst. is hoard certified in orthopaedic sundry and hand sweety Dr Subill earned his medical decree at Downs/ate Medical Center of the Slate Unltirsity of New York I le served an'orthopaedic surgery rvsideiicy at A Nile York University Method Center A and a fellowship in hand nr^en, at Duke University Medical Center Amputated limbs can be reattached by microsurgical teams at hospitals with special operating room equipment. Often, function can be restored and good cosmetic results can be achieved. If a limb or finger is severed, the bleeding can usually be controlled by applying pressure. The next critical step is proper.handling and transportation of the amputated part: one should loosely wrap the severed part in moist gauze or cloth and place it in a plastic bag then seal the bag and place it in ice. Never place the amputated part directly on ice, because if it freeze# it cannot be reattached. The injured person and severed part should be taken immediately to a hospital with reattachment capabilities, such as Firstf lealth Moore Regional. Hospital' personnel trained in trauma care can stabilize the patient while the amputated part is prepared for surgery. The surgical team will then systematically reconnect arteries, nerves, veins and tendons.The bones arc stabilized with pins or screws. Reattachment surgery is most successful when it occurs within six hours of amputation. Outcome also depends on the age of the patient, the exact nature of the injury and other factors. To learn more about orthopaedic and hand surgery, call 910-215-1478. FsrstHealth MOORE REGIONAL HOSPITAL Carolina Indian Vgicc is published every Thursday by First American Publications 304 Normal St - College Plaza Post Office Box 1075 \ Pembroke. North Carolina 28372 Phone (910) 521-2826 Fax (910) 521-1975 Conncc Brayboy. Editor Subscriptions One year in NC. $20.00 Out of State, $25.00 Second Class Postage Paid at Pembroke. NC "By George! 11 works!" user crows. Little-known 'vitamin' makes love grand McKinney, 7"X-Little did Dr Phillip Handler know back In 1941 lhal his new ly discovered nument "Viiamin 15" would one day have men and women all over the country smiling quietly to themselves Today. N.N-Dimcthyglycine (DMO) is no longer classified as a vitamin. Bui il has changed the lives of thousands of men and their mates A naturally occurring nutnent sold under the brand name NutnSurge (but more olten called simply "The Love Pill"). DMO works by increasing energy, improving metabolism, enhancing the (low of blood to key areas ol the anatomy. 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