Ci mmating Out25th Year of Publicati w * ^ I ^ ? ? ? - Tllfl r CAROLINA I1DIA1 VOICE IJ f.j fed each Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NC VOLUME 25 NUMncn to" THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26,1998 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Opening reception for Roger Willie Planned at GNAA Art Gallery Greensboro?Guilford Native American Art Gallery and Gift Shop announces the Opening Reception of 1 WANT TO TELL Y OU MY HEART, visual artwork by Navajo artist Roger Willie. The reception will be held Sunday, December 6,1998 from 2:00 - 6:00 pm at the Greensboro Cultural Center, 200 N. Davie Street. Willie, a full blood Navajo and a member of the Wateredge Clan will present an artist talk during the reception. He peoeives his inspiration and strenght for living and creating art from God. his 'parents and reminiscing of his childhood growi ng up between the four sacred mountains on the Navajo reservations. Leaving his homeland and loved ones in order to continue his education was only the beginning of his journey in life. In 1988, he graduated with a BA in Art from Fort Lewis College in Diirango, Colorado. In 1990, he enlisted into the United States Army where he spent four years stationed with the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. In 1995 he completed his secondary degree'in American Indian Studies at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke in Pembroke, North Carolina. He hopes to enter a Masters program ( in the same field in the near future. , His native language, heritage, and his outlook on life as a sacred journey 1 strenghtens his art. The music he listens to and the people he meets also play a major part in his creations. "When I create an art piece, it comes from the people. j the land, and most importanUy, it comes from the heart "states Willie. Though he has worked with oil, aery lie, and experimented with pastel, his main medium is Pen and Ink. Since childhood, a writing pen and paper of some form was always " available for sketching. In high school, Susan Hall (his art teacher) introduced him to the old method (dip & draw) of pen and ink. Today, Willie continues to work with this medium by using more advanced technical pens. Someday he would like to take the art of pen and ink to a new level. In addition to the reception on Sunday, December 6, the Greensboro Cultural Center tenants will be sponsoring the annual Holiday Open House from 2:00 6:00 pm. The Open House will host international entertainment with performances many a locasl cultural groups and other activities for children and adults. The First Young Americans Dance Company and the 1998 Miss Indian World, April Whittemore will also be performing. AH performances are free and open to the public. "I WANT TO TELL YOU MY HEART" will be <5H exhibit at the Guilford Native American Art Gallery from Decmber 6, 1998 - February 28,1999. Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling coming to Pembroke Middle School December 5th ^ "TATANKA RETURNS" Mid-AtlanticChanipionship Wrestling returns aflcr an eleven ycarabscncc" with a "Huge Wrestling" c\cni at Pembroke Middle School. December 5th I with a bell time set for K:!5 p.m. "Native Son" Tatankn returns in the main event for a rugged match against 7"4 inches. 560 pounds. Giant Reese formcrlv of Raven s Flock Also Tull\ Blanchard "The Original Horseman" takes on Nature Boy" Buddy l.andcll and Buddy promises to pose the question again "Tnlly you and me Horseman 2000. What do vousav?" Alsoonlhccardarc two big lag team matches featuring Two Time NWA Champs The Border Patrol and Triple X. There will also be a ladies match featuring the "Sensational Strawberry". Other matches include "The Chairman" MaddMaxx. Coll Steele. "Boom Boom" Cannon and Rikki Nelson. Come early for the Wrestlers Autograph Party at 7:00 p.m. and call 704-529-2912 for details on our hotline On December 5th is N.W.A. Day at ShclTs Seafood Restaurant at 5 p.m. till 5 p.m. Come and sec your favorite star's from thcN W.A.. W C W and W.W.F. Please note that this event is in novvav connected with the earlier show done this summer in Lumbcrlon This event will be television taped also The proceeds will be going to Purncll Swell High School Band !!!!! FAN'S OF WRESTLING COME OUT AND SEE US AND GET AN AIJIOGRAPH. WERE LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU!!! N.W.A is an Native American owned and operated organization Dav id Baucomthcowncrisoriginally from Fairmont Dav id Brvant is the coordinator for this up-coming event - 4? % Dear Mr. Jesus to be presented The! nicBclic\ersPra>crBHndof Lunibcrton N.C., under the direction of Evangelist Ellie Baker, will present the gospel play . "Dear Mr. Jesus" on Saturday. December 5. 1998 at the Lumbcrlon Junior High School Auditorium , located in Marion Road in Lunibcrton N.C. The production will begin al 7:00 p in tickets for the play are $5 MI'ilMI t??roMBTOTOBrgiwigy: Lumberton ROTC passes In review. ' + ,w: 1 ! ! ^ - - Rep. Ronnie Sutton Introduces the guest speaker Fernle Lambert. Littlefield Class of 1973 to hold Class Reunion Littlefield High School's Class of 1973 will hold their 25th year class reunion on November 28th. For morein format ion call Tom Taylor at 910-739-5692. s Pembroke High Class of 1958 to hold class reunion Pembroke High School Class of 1958 Members from 1954-58 arc included The reunion w ill be held al Pembroke Elementary School on December 26th, at 6:(M)pm. Cost is $20.00 per person Pavmcnt deadline ^ is Dee. 15th .Mail check to Joan '' Lowry. P O. Box 52. Pembroke. N.C. 28372 For additional information, call Arnold l.ocklcai 521 -291X oi VcrdvsChavis. 52I-286I. i Rebekah Revels named new Miss UNCP Pembroke - Rebekah Chantay Rc\ els of Si.Pauls was crowned "Miss LTNCP 1998" Thursday evening during the annual scholarship pageant The 19 -yearold former Miss 1.limbec and Junior Miss Lumbcc rcceiv ed thunderous applause when Mistress of Ceremonies Susan (jriflm Fisher. MissNorth Carolina 1974 announced Revel's selection Miss UNCP 1997 Hi lea RosarioCasadogavc her farewell performance before a crow d of 1.30<>during the two and one-half hour pageant in the Gi\ ens Performing Arts Centci The opening number. "Beauty Around the World." featured the sc\ en contestants and Miss UNCP 1997 wearing costumes representing foreign nations. They were joined in the routine by the Karen Gibson Dancers of Laurinburg. Revels is a junior majoring in English education. First iiiuiici-up was 18-year old Pamela Lynn Willis -a freshman from Wagrani: Second ruhncr-up was Amber Jhaniue Richards 18. a freshman sociology major from Fayetleville Rachel Lyndon, a 19year old freshman art major from Durham was selected Miss Congeniality ? Melissa Anne Hum. 2d a junior from Laurinburg majoring in social work. Swctc Viiiodbhai Patel 19. a sophomore from Greensboro majoring in psychology, and Amy Leigh Queen. IS. n Ireshmau from Fa>cltcvillc majoring in music also participated in the pageant Ms Florence Ransom directed Iter tenth Miss UNCI'pageant "Aftcrtcn sears. it's still going strong." she said "There's a lot of talent, and it continues to gel belter The contestants and the audience showed a lorof enthusiasm " Ms Karen Gibson Jenkins, a former Miss Pembroke Slate Uni\ ersits. < lioreographed the pageant It was her tenth Miss UNCP pageant as well Dr Diane Jones was the pageant manager and chapcronc. and Raymond Cumniings sen ed as pageant coordinator Chief Judge Gars T Shcrrill said this sear's pageant was scrs good compared to the other Miss UNCP Pageants he has judged. "1 was especially pleased with the inters iewsand the contestants did so ssell" UNCP Chancellor Joseph B Oxendine welcomed the enthusiastic audience Student Cos eminent Assoeiaiion President Ben Gcrsli also greeted I lie crowd and promised them an enjoy ableandcntcrtainingcs cning Dr James B Chits1 is. Vice chancclloi for Student AtTairs. introduced the Mistress of Ceremonies Special entertainment ssas pres ided bs UNCP Talent Contest ssinners "Disersily." Corn Chavis and Darlys Garcia Also entertaining the audience sscrc The Untoja Dancers and Tlic Shochecl Creek Cloggcrs ChapeI Hill, NC: John Brett Sampson of Pembroke, NC played in the Blue-White Basketball game at the Dean Dome on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on November 7, 1998. Sampson is the son ofJohnny and Wanda Sampson of Pembroke, NC and is a graduate of Purnell Swett High School. The Blue-White game is an exhibition game where the Tar Heels are divided into two teams coached by the assistant coaches, Phil Ford and Dave Hanners. The highlight of the gamefor Sampson was hitting a three pointer. The photo shows Sampson (14) warming up before the game. - i . . ft ? ! t 7 . v<;?r Pembroke, NC-Randall Shawn Ballard of Pembroke, NC celebrated his birthday with a party at the Pizza Hut In Pembroke, NCon November 9, 1999. Shawn Is the son of Ramona Lowry of Pembroke, NC and Randall Bullardof Red Springs, NC. Shown In the photo Is Shawn (left) with his Harley Davidson Birthday Cake. *. * ' . .' * V ' ..f'