Mary Livermorbibrar; PembrokWC 2837 2 THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE Published each Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NC VOLUME 26 NUMBER 1 THURSDAY, JANUARY 7,1999 .! TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Pastor and Wife Appreciation Day Held a First Baptist Church Pembroke, NC.: First Baptist Church held a Pastor and Wife Appreciation Day recently. An appreciation service and dinner ira.t conducted by the church members on the church grounds located on the Union Chapel Road in Pembroke, North Carolina. Pastor Ken Chuvis and his wife Doris heard statements ofthanks and praise from several members and guest in attendance. Members also presented gifts of thanks to the Pastor and his wife. Afterwards, the ladies ofthe church served a lavish meat J or ull in attendance. Photo: Pastor Ken Chuvis, his wife Doris Locklear Chavis and their three children, Courtney, Briannu and Morgan Chavis. Through Native Eyes ( The Henry Berry Lowrie Story) PEMBROKE, NC:- Wednesday January 6.1999 on the historical slcps of Old Main at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke which is a symbol of thcLumbee people. Men. women and children in Native American Regalia decorated the steps of the school that their parents attended. As it was announced today that a movie was going to be made about the legendary Ltimbcc Hero/ Outlaw Henry Berrie Lowerie. Entitled" Through Native Eyes The Henry Berry Lowerie Story in attendance were many of the former "Strike At The Wind!" cast members in costume, along with board members of the Robeson Historical Drama Association. Also in attendance were members oftlie Tuscarura Tribe of North Carolinu. According to the Director/ Writer of the movie Van Coleman the script is not written on a theatrical basis as the former outdoor drama "Strike at the Wind!'. But the script is based on actual accounts " passed dow n through the Lowerie family and actual cjocmnentation. The movie is scheduled to be filmed on the banks of the Lumber River and on the home land of the Lowerie family. Indians will be playing Indians and other races w ill be playing their roles as history and the script dictate. Auditions for roles w ill be held on January 16 - 17 at Moore Hall at i lie University of North Carolina at Pembroke. The auditions will begin at x> am and run until completion. Those wishing to audition arc asked to bring a snap shot or picture and a resume. "Anyone .that wants to participate is welcome, and all former SATW cast members arc encouraged to attend The finished product will be shown on national television and w ill be available to others, such as being filed in the Library of Congress as a piece of documented history. This is totally non profit as no salaries will be paid by Vinita Muynur-Clark One Choice Computer Services Becomes Rapidsit^ Authorized Dealer Today one choice Computer Services of Pembroke announced t ha t it has joined the Rapidsite network of Internet presence providers, as an Authorized dealers This gives One choice access to powerful web hosting servers and high band width Internet connections, resulting in increased performance for its Web site customers The Rapidsite web hosting sei vices add to One Choice Compute Services' already popular liitcrifli serv ices include web site design and programming, consulting, and tndiv actual customer service." We've buiii our reputation on prov iding our customers with the finest Internet scrvicesavailable." said Lisa Oxcndinc general managerofOne Choice Computer Services " Now. as a Rapidsite Authorized Dealer, we can also provide high-performance web hosting at an affordable cost This gives our customers a complete solution for their web sites" The Rapidsite solution prov ides . the best combination of high performance. high reliability, v alue-added Web services, with technology nnd services that include multiple, high bandwidth T.3 Internet connections on separate backbones Fully redundant. high performance Silicon Graphic servers. Uninterruptible power supplies for all servers and equipment Cisco 7500 series routers with 1(H) VIB'S interlace into Cisco 1 2 GB/sw itches Daily backup of customer data Full 6u.(i(M) watt generator backup support To inquire about One Choice Computer Sen ice's complete range of services, including their new Rapidsitc web hosting plan contact One Choice at (910) 521-1080. or v isit thei r web site at (ww w.occs. com.) Rapidsitc pro\ ides web site hosting services through US world wide network of rcscllors consisting of Premier Partners and Authorized Dealers i n Major countries world w ide The Rapidsitc brand name assures complete virtual domain hosting w it h the fastest network and server technology . and the most reliable scrv ices available Rapidsitc is headquartered in Boca Raton. Florida Carolina Indian Voice is published every Thursday by First American Publications 304 Normal St. - College Plaza Post OfTicc Box 1075 Pembroke. North Carolina 28372 Phone(910)521-2826 Fax(910) 521-1975 Conncc Brayboy. Editor Subscriptions One year in NC, $20.00 Out of State, $25 00 Second Class Postage Paid at Pembroke, NC Financial Aid Workshop to be held at Swett High January 11 A financial aid workshop will be held at Purncll Swett High School on January l l at 6:30 prn in the school Media Center, information about different kinds of financial aid will be shared and instructions on how to fill out the 1999-2000 financial aid forms will be given. All seniors and parents arc encouraged to attend this important meeting. LRDA Distributes Over 3500 Baskets during Christmas By I "nita Maynor-Clurk On December 22. 1998 ihc Limibec Regional Development Association ga\ c away 3.500 Christinas Baskets to the Lumbcc Indians of Robeson and surrounding counties. Long lines were forming even before the scheduled 8 am. opening of the LRDA Food Pantry. Many of the participants were greeted by Ms Patricia Locklear w ho instructed each person w here to go Volunteers stood by to assist those who were elderly or handicapped with the carrying of their Christmas Baskets to their cars. Phis event brought to an end the past two weeks of hard work in w hich the LRDA staff members and Volunteers from all over came and packed the baskets with various items This event was not a mandatory action but it was just something that the LRDA wanted todo fortltc people. Noonc. no matter their race was turned away. " I just want to make sure tliat everyone gets something for Christmas Dinner." slated Mr Monroe CIuims. Director of Tribal Enrollment Prior to the event LRD A Board Members and stalT look Christmas Baskets to the sick, shut-ins and those that (hey knew could not conic to pick thcir's up Standing 111 line was similar to the Lunibee Homecoming Many people saw friends that they had not seen in a very long tunc and many friendships were renewed There were many embracing old friends and catching up on each other's lives w hile wailing forthcir turn in line "This is a good thing that they arc doing" I heard one woman say " I know thai my children are going to have a good Christmas Dinner with all of the livings" a young father that had been out of w ork said. " I went to Social Sei vices and asked them for some food and they (old me that they couldn't help me because I was an Indian i applied for Food Stamps but I don I know when I will get them" lie went on 10 sav " I believe thai the LRDA has just been misunderstood I don't sec anvonc else giv ing us stuITfor the holidavs" Main folks sanding in line nodded in agreement with this lather's statement The give auav lasted until late in ihc afternoon when those that did not find their name on the register, or received a letter returned to get their Christmas Baskets It was fniallv dcela red ov er vv hen there w as no one left standing in line to be served You could look at the faces of the LRDA staff and the volunteers and sec the exhaustion. But. thc> were all smiling because no one was uiriicd awav and no. one that came left cmptv handed. Those >.500 baskets were alot to pack. But when vou think ol ail of ihe families that sat down to a nice Christmas Dinner that otherwise would not have had one. it makes the long hours in that cold warehouse packing those baskets worth it all Long lines uj participants waiting to see if their name was on the register to receive a Christmas Basket. | I LRDA Staff Member Patricia l.ackiear. Christmas Basket Participant. Belinda Jacobs and Vinita Maynor-C lark. Vidunteers Pembroke BPW reflects on past year By Yvonne Barnes Dial The Pembroke Business and Professional Women's Organization reflected on the past year and its accomplishments with the security of women and children as a major focus. Prom the National Conference. Flora Ransom and Dorothy Blue helped to set ground for the club's goals. To work on improving membership, health issues involving women, financial matters and political issues concerning woman constituted as top issues for the organization. District mccti ngs and training wi thi n the years were also part of the organization's policy to continually meet goals and objective. President Annette Strickland and Yvonne Dial attended the district meeting in August to share ideas with their own LO. National Business Woman's Week was celebrated on October 19-23 as they attended Mt. Olive Pentecostal Church, hclda monthly meeting with District V Director Joan Bocgcr. as program speaker, and served icecream and cake to senior citizens Yoga and relaxation instructor Barbara Dullard demonstrated and shared stress release techniques and health issues for the club's November meeting. In December, a Christmas dance was scheduled to bring the holiday spirit. Member have worked diligently to provide scholarships for woman who arc pursuing a college degree. The following recipients received scholarships : Lacola Hunt. Milliccnt Tubbsand Robin Locklcar The club also promotes and submits funds at the state, national, and local levels to assist women and children. The club encourages anyone interested in promoting women to join Pleas contact Annette Strickland at 521-1)46. numr n?n Mclntyre Co Chairman of Social Security Summit Washington, D.C. -- U.S. Representative Mike Mclntyre announced today that he has been named as CoChairman of a statewide Citizen Forum on Social Security to be held on Friday, January 8, 1999, in Charlotte Representative Sue Myrick is Chairwomen and host for this event. Representative Mclntyre stated, "Social Security is a contract between the American people and the American government. It reflects the duties and values we share as' Americans. We owe it to our grandparents; our parents, ourselves ana as importanciy - our children to ensure vitality. As Congress, looks to strengthen the Social Security piogram in the !06th Congress,'it. is critical that we gather public input and support. I encourage all to attend this important event." The Citizen Forum on Social Security will be held at the Sheraton Airport Plaza in Charlotte from 9:00 a.m. -1:30 p.m. on the 8th. The forum will be a half day event, combining short overviews, a panel discussion, significant audience interaction, electronic polling, and other discussion styles created to -maximize communication among all participants. Thc forum will be free and open to cne public. Expected speakers incluae Carolyn Lukensmeyer, Executive Pirector of Americans Discuss Social > Security: Ron Gebhardtsbauer, Senior Pension Fellow for the American Academy of Actuaries; and Johnathan Ortmar.s, President of the Public Forum Institute. -??For additional information on this event, please call The Public Forum Institute at 202-467-2774. hold officers training day The Rockingham District of the United Methodist Church will hold a District OfficcrsTraining Day on January 16, 1999 at St. Luke United Methodist Church in Laurinburg. N.C Registration begins at 9:00 a.m. And the event will last until 12:00 noon. Classes in the following areas nill be taught: President. Vice President. Secretary. Treasurer. Program Resources. Spiritual Growth. Social Action. Education and Interpretation Membership Nurture and Outreach Communications. Histrorian 39 and Under and Sub-District Leaders Officers in all local church units in lire Rockingham District arc expected lobe present. Roberta Scipio is District President of the United Methodist Women and Rev J Edward Morrison is District Superintendent of the Ruekiugham District Pembroke Observes Centennial of VFW The town of Pembroke has recognized the 100th anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and encourages each business and individual in the Town of Pembroke to acknowledte this anniversary. The Town issued the following Proclamation: In the matter of proclaiming the 100th Anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Warsof the United States of } Town of Pembroke Proclamation 1999 Whereas. Born in the fires of a revolution and tempered by civil war and foreign conflicts, the United States of America today embodies the highest ideals of freedom and democracy, and Whereas, For over two hundred years millions of Americans have answered our nation's call tc defend our freedoms and our democratic form of government against all enemies, and Whereas, Such service has required sacrifice, hardship, en durance, dedication, bravery, courage and the highest level of patriotism; those who served our country deserve special attention now Therefore, I Milton R Hunt. Mayor of the Town of Pembroke, do hereby call upon all my fellow citizens to recognize the 100th Anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. Founded in 1899 by veterans of the Spanish-American War. the VFW is dedicated to serving all of America's veteransand their families. Further. I urge all individuals, schools, businesses, churches, and civic organizations to proudly display the Flag of the United States of America and participate in programs honoring the VFW * and all of America's 26 million veterans. Freedom isn't free, and these are the men and women who paid for the freedom all of us enjoy today. Mayor Milton R. Hunt

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