THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE * Published each Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NC VOLUME 26 NUMBER 3 THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1999 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS | Y S3?! '?' : "Tnrough Native Eyes" Draws Hundreds For Auditions By Vinita Maynor-Clark Pembroke, NC: Through the corridors of the Adolph L Dial Building on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Pembroke several hundred people both young and old came to audition for roles in the movie "Through Native Eyes" the story of Henry Berry Lowrie. on Saturday and Sunday. All shapes and sizes, all races and creeds came to be a part of th'c forgotten history of the Native Americans of Robeson County and the story of a great man. "When you think about it. it is only fitting and proper this building is being used for the auditions" stated several of the former Strike at the Wind cast members. The late Dr Adolph L. Dial was the founding father of the former outdoor drama And many former cast members who were present felt he would have been proud, if he could have been here with us. Some of the former SATW member on hand for these auditions were Robert Locklear (who is going to play Henry). Janet Graham. Margaret Freeman. Cookie. MychalcncDcese. Camcll Locklear, Stephen Pate. Marcus Locklear. Willie Lowcry.ChrisHardison. Slim Harris. Robert Bryant. Doloris Stccn and a host of others. Several people auditioned that were recently in the movie "Patch Adams" with Robin Williams Many others who were there had also been in movies like Roanoke. Ernest Goes to Camp and several othes But. some of the most precious sights at the audition along w ith the small children and scnioi citizens were the direct dccscndants of the Legendary hero, including the Rev. Welton Lowry. a nephew of Henry Berry Low rie who is over the age of seventy. Rev. Low ry stood on the stage and read his part w ith the pride of knowing that his uncle's story was going to be told Rev. Lay mou Lockcarand Mr. Archie Lockcar who arc direct dccscndants along with several others cantc to be a part of the movie. " 1 ant glad that Henry 's story is flnallx being told the way that it really happened " Archie said with pride "It will indeed be an honor to have litem in this productions" stated Mr. Van Coleman, the dircclorof the movie. Anothcryoung lady w ho was79 years old came from Greensboro to read for a part. There were counttessuiumbcrs of those who did not want a speaking part but just wanted lobe in the movie. In talking to many of them, they said they w anted to show their support for the movie and especially the people who raised the funds to bringthis dream to life." 1 never though that this was ever going to happfcrt in my lifetime "one elderly lady said " This will work! This w ill work!" said fornicr SATW cast member Randy Fields "I'm here because of the pride I have for my people" another person stated 1 believe that there w ere many who wanted to be a part but could not make the audition for some reason or another. It was apparent to every one that since the closing of the outdoor drama that the talent in this area has nearly tripled. The lecture room where the auditions were held stayed filled until late in the evening on both days: People lined the hallw ays of the building and there w as not an ciupiy scat to be found. The staff from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro worked long and hard for many hours with the dedication that is definitely going to make this movie a success. Several rooms were set up w here they filmed actors on v ideo, applied makeup to their faces and even placed some of the actors in wardrobe. With the assets of the video the final cast selection will be made within the next week " There is no one who has been cast in the movie except for Robert Locklear who is going to play the role of Henry "' clearly stated the director who went on to say " We will be contacting all of those who auditioned in the next several weeks with the filming beginning in February We have not turned any one down or told them to go home" The technical crew of the movie arc : Van Coleman - Director, Jennifer Spcciale- Costume Designer. Dawn Shamburger- Hair & Makeup. John Shamburger- Matte Painter, Bemd Rienhart- Director of Photography, Tom, Monroe Sound Designer, Jamie Cuthrell- Art Director, Camera AssistantsJesse Knight and David Jay, Caressa Ottelin, Casting Director, Jennifer Rogers- Assistant to Casting Director, Disha Coffey- Screen Writer, Sara Westmoreland, Production Unit Manager, Milissa Russo, Assistant to Production Manager, Youseff SanSour-PrdductionAssistant,Tri Star-Screen Writer. Security was handled by the members The Tuscarora Nation of the Kautonoh. Warrior Society These warriors aided the production team by escorting Ihcm to locations and provided security for the building These members arc Carncll Locklear Chris Hardison. Ray Locklear. Charles Locklear. HdHcss Smith; Robert Locklear. Timothy Jacobs. Ronnie Dial Kenneth CKendinr AdnnvfKondinc and Donald Ray Oxcndinc. upgrades MRI Equipment Scotland Memorial Hospital's mission is-to provide high-quality, cost-effective customerfocused health care services. As part of that mission the hospital is now in the process of upgrading its current magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment The equipment upgrade will take approximately two months to complete The current equipment, a Philips T5-I1 MRI Scanner, will be upgraded to a 1.5 MRI system This upgrade will result in a significant increase in technology and a decrease in the amount of time it takes to perform a MRI The new system will scan patients in thirty (TO) minutes or less, a significant dccrcascovcrthchourmost MRI scans lake to complete on the current equipment Because patients are not allowed to moveduringa MRI this decrease in lime will positively impact patient comfort and satisfaction. In addition, more patients can be scheduled also decreasing the wail ing time for the next available appointment. The Radiologists at Scotland Memorial Hospital have been cxtcnsivcl> involved in the planning arid arc vers supportive of the MRI upgrade Dr Joseph Burke, chief radiologist, commented. "This new equipment is the best you can get Most hospitals our size have equipment the size of, our current MRI scanner. We arc upgrading Jo a 1.5 system, which most of the bigger medical centers now have. This puts us on the same equipment level as Duke University Medical |Ccnter " Completion of the upgrade to the new MRI equipment is scheduled for March 15. |During the construction .process MRI patients will be scheduled in the mobile MRI unit, which will be located adjacent to the physician parking lot For more information concerning Scotland Memorial Hospital MRI upgrade, contact Andre Benjamin. Director of Imaging, at 910X291-7733 Pembroke Kiwanis by Dr. Ken Johnson The weekly meeting was held Tucsday evening at the Jade Garden Restaurant with President George Kenworthy presiding. Program Chairman Ray Lowry presented Miss Peggy Hunt, Manager of the North Carolina Travelers and Visitors Center, located on 1-95 in Rowland. Miss Hunt has worked there for 25 years. "We really go all out to help visitors when they come to North Carolina." she said "Wegiveout road maps We make hotel and motel reservations We make telephone calls. We help find shelters in hurricane seasons. We have over a million visitors a year. We give brochures and booklets describing the many tourist attractions all over the State of North Carolina and the many fine eating places across the State. We meet all kinds of people from all walks of lift and in 25 years of working at tin Welcome Center. I have never had i single problem " Miss Hunt make: one very proud of North Carolina. Representative Ronnie Sutton an nounccd that he is looking for slat house pages They must have goot high school grades. The term is 31 days They get paid and their school excused them to work in the Stat House Students interested shoul contact Rep. Sutton's office. The First Annual Kiwanis Dinnc Dance will be held Easter Friday April 2nd Tickets will be $50 pc couple Tickets may be acquired fror any Kiwanis member. Furnic Lam bcil is chairman of the fund raiser Invocation-Albert Hunt. So leader- Ray Lowry. Rcportcr-Kc Johnson , The direct descendants oj Henry Berry Lowerie came out to show their support and auditioned for the movie. Left to right are shown: Rev. Layman Lockeor, I inita A (aynor-Clark and Mr. Archie l.ockear: Robert l.ockleur has already been cast as Henry Rcrry I.onrie in the movie, "Through Native Eyes." He is shown in costume. Recollections of Artifacts From the Family Farm Having grown up on the family farm in Robeson County during the first half of the 20th century. I have retained possession of A FEW ITEMS USED TO KEEPTHE OPERATION UNDERWAY. A small acreage could maintain a large family if managed properly, I could stand in our backyard and see all or part of farm lands supporting 4 families or sit on our front porch and see 4 more homcsteads with families relying on the farm for their sustenance. My Dad was raised by his aunt Fanny Dial because of existing circumstances, and he inherited her possessions including her house. At the beginning ofthe 1930's he decided to have a new house built on the site occupied by aunt's old house. The contractor tore down the front half of the old house, but rolled the back half off the site to serve as our living quarters-while the ?new house was being constructed After we mov ed into the new house, the back half of the old house was used as a packhousc to store tobacco and cotton until ready for market. Some of the siding on the old house w as made from the heartwood of the southern long leaf pine trees. This ty pe wood will last a long lime and resist deterioration by the weather Along with artifact? I transported lroin the farm in Virginia. 1 included sonic of the heartwood siding and some burlap cotton sheets we used to ijold the cotton we picked. License Office's new hours announced Effective February 1. 1999 lie Satellite Drivers License Office w ill be opened onlv on the following days: Pembroke-Tuesday. FairmontWednesday. Red Springs-Thursday. Statewide Spay/ Neuter Program } Fuquay - Varina, NC - January , 14.1999 - The North Carolina Vctcri- ' nary Medicine Association (NC VMA) today announced that many of its members would be participating in a statew ide program to offer discounted spay/neuter surgery duringthe month ofFcbruaiy. Danny T. Allen. DVM. president of the association, said that, "this voluntary program is one way for NCVMA members who want to bo proactive about helping clients improve their pets health and to participate in a statewide effort to reduce cat and dog overpopulation " * Dr. Allen pointed out that the pet ' health benefits of spay/neuter arc I many. First, it significantly low ers the 5 risk of uterine and mammary cancer infcmalccatsanddogs Italsosignificantlylowersthcriskofccrtaintumors. } hernias and prostate problems that * male cats and dogs have Spaying/ neutering quite oflcn improves your ? pet's social behavior by lowering agCj grcssivcncss. A final important benefit is that spay/neuter will help to reduce r the number of cats and dogs who die ' each year because they do not have x homes. II Pet ow ners w ho would like to have i- a pet spayed or neutered as part of this special program can call their local n veterinarians to find out if and when n they arc participating in the program When one of my daughters was a pre-schooler . her maternal great grandmother would conic \isit on occassions and help keep this \cr> active toddler occupied. She did not exhibit am of the tranquil charactci islics of her Dad. Her mother was \ci> appreciate e of these visits . because she would have some time to undertak^some activities without interruptions. One of the projects m> daughter and her great grandmother completed was the depiction of a rooster 011 a piece of the burlap cotton sheet nailed to some plywood Thc> used a variety of colored corn and bca n seeds with different shapes glued to a diagram of a rooster drawn on the burlap, A picture iranic was made front some of the hcartw ood siding to hold the barnyard rooster Recently ni\ granddaughter was told the Story behind the picture of the rooster hanging on the wall at her granpa's liou>e by her mother. One item which remained m iny Dad's inventon from his aunt's possessions is the homemade cornshuek scouring broom She used tins broom io scrub the wood floors 111 her home using hot soapy water. The cornshuek broom was never used to scrub flOors in our home but we did make use of another one of her possessions The cast iron kettle was used by my family to heat water m front Of the fireplace for our Saturday night baths. This same iron kettle sits on the hearth of riiy fireplace today . and usually contains a \ aricty of niits w hich 1 munch on from lime to time The broom was crudely constructed of hardwood for the handle. and two 2.\4 pieces w ith slots hew n out to hold the cornshucks held together by 2 bolts. Even though w c never used the cornshuek broom . I have retained ow nership of it along with the milk churn . 2-man crosscut saw . and oilier artifacts which we used c\stciisivcly on the farm to help sustain us. RunuUl H. / .oiyry . : : 1 Janice Wardlaw showing her five year old daughterKyndall the Barnyard Rooster picture she helped her maternal great grandmother create in the early 1960s. The Home made corn shuck scouring broom with remnants of the last refill of corn shucks used by my dad's aunt Fannie Dial to scrub her wood floors in the early part of the 20th century. Local Ladies join Breeders* International (hinffsvilli', Texas) It is;i pleasure to announce that Dcanna Brooks . Christin Brooks and Angela Brooks all of Pembroke, North Carolina has become a member of Santa Gcrtrudis Breeders International. |Santa Gcrtrudis cattle were developed in Kingsvillc. Texas, on the King Ranch The Santa Gcrtrudisisa 3/8 Brahman and 5/8 Shorthorn cross |Dcveloped to thrive, prosper and gain weight in the South Texas brush countrv. these cattle have proven their worth to far more places than South Texas . In 1940 the USDA recognized Santa Gcrtrudis cattle as a pure breed Eycn today Santa Gcrtrudis are rc fcrrcd to as "America's first beef breed " From a modest beginning on the King Ranch, the Santa Gcrtrudis breed has advanced in leaps and bounds Todav there arc breeders located throughout thc^nilcd States and in all major beef producing countries throughout the United States and in all major beef producing countries throughout the world SGB1 prov ides association services for all new members including registration, transferring, performance data and breed representation. For more information on jSanta Gcrtrudis cattle or the association please contact Santa Gcrtrudis Breeders International at PO Box 1257 Kingsvillc. Texas 78363 or (512)592-9357. Funds Approved to Construct Turn Lanes atSwett High The North Carolina Board of Transportation at its December meeting approved an additional $100,000.00 toconstruct turn lanes at Purnell Swett High School. These turn lanes were requested by Rep. Ron Sutton following input from Principal of Swett High, Wesley Revels. outlining a specific need. Sutton's initial request was made last year following numerous accidents near the school OutgoingSpcakcrHarold Brubakcr prov ided some contingency fundsand also recommended the project to the Department of Transportation Board Actual construction time is not known but should be sometime this year. Rep. Sutton emphasizes that the turn lanes will improve traffic flow and increase safety for students, faculty. parents and guests entering and lcaving the PurnclI Swclt High School campus. Pembroke Area Chamber of Commerce to host Annual Dinner Pembroke -- The Pembroke Area Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual banquet and awards dinner on Saturday. Jan 23 in the Chavis University Center on the campusof UNCP North Carolina Attorney Gcncrai Mike Easley is the guest speaker. The chamber's Business of the Year will be recognized and the new officers will be installed Individual tickets arc $20.00 and corporate tables arc $120. The reception begins at 6:30 p.nt Followed by dinner at 7. Reserved corporate tables are $120. Indiv idual tickets are $20 and may be purchased from one of the banquet committee members Ernestine Bulifant, 5212433; Diane Jones. 521-6226; Ken Freeman. 521-9707: Bryan May nor. 521-4206. Frank Daughtrcy. 5219776; Ron Brown. 521-4244.