y : ' hfary IHil CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE Published each Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NC VOLUME 26 NUMBER 29 , ""^^MTHURSDAY, JULY 29, Island Grove Founder's Day Celebration Honors Elders Who Are Charter Members Island Gro\c Baptisi Church will hold its Annual Founder's Dav. Sundas . August 1. I'W9 It's lime to look back to our beginning and its struggles being mindful of Gods presence It is a time to look at their present and giv ing thanks for what the l ord has blessed li is also a time to look forward into the future and its uncertainlies as wc embark on a new decade, new cenlurv and into the ne\t millennium, but the accomplishments blessings and spiritual growth is our guide for the future and what we will continue to accomplish in our Lord's name Founders Dav is a time to look at the structure oflsland Grove It's stud that no home is better than Us foundation This is true of Island Grove We lodav are appreciative of our foundation of the ones who went before us. building a church in the name of our Father. Wc welcome back former member and loved ones We dedicate our program To Charter the Charter members each year The program will be dedicated to Sister Suzanna Oxcndinc. \vhois91 years oldand the oldest female. Charter member, and her husband Brother Rudolph Oxendine We vvilt also be honoring Rc\ Isaiah Locklcar. our first pastor, and he will be 100 scars old August 6 He was saved from a life of sin at the age of 14. in August. 1913. His father sang the first song "Blest Be 1 he Tic That Binds" This history that will never be repeated but a landmark that's not forgotten in the liv es of the of the Charter Members and others of Island Grove This is one of the annual events that Island Grove looks forward to each year The Rev. Larry Locklcar pastor and the congregation welcomes you to be with us for this special event "Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially they who labour in preaching and teaching." 1 Timothy 5:17 Sister Suzanna Oxendine, yho is 91 yearS old and the oldest Female Charter Member, and her husband. Brother Rudolph Oxendine.. Congratulations and many Blessings. $ The Rev. Isaiah l.ocklear, founding pastor, null he 100years old on A ugust 6th Attorney James Gregory Bell Sponsors Team Of Golfers For The Carolina Family Classic Attorney James Bell of l.umberton, NC recently sponsored a team of golfers in the Carolina Family Classic held June Id, 1999 at Prestonwood Country Club in Cary, NC, The event includes former Carolina athletes, coaches and others playing in teams with the participants. This year's event included Dean Smith, Woody Durham and Eric Montross. In addition, Joe Theisman, former Washington Redskin quarterback and current ESPN announcer played in the event. Attorney Bell has sponsored a team in the eventfor the past 5 years. Shown in the photo are the members of this year's team (left to right) Matt Adam's, Bill Maynor and John Scott. Hunt Brothers Graduate from ITT William Daniel (Bilk) Hunt and Steven C Hunt formerly of5X5 Whistling Rufus Road. Pembroke. NC graduated June 3. Spring Quarter Commencement. ITT Technical Institute. Norfolk. VA Both brothers earned Applied Associate Degrees in Electronics Engineering Technology. William and Steven, ages 24 and 20. for the past two years have shared an apartment in Chesapeake, took classes together at ITT. and worked part-time with Smart Beep in Norfolk programming and repairing pagers Presently Billy and Steven arc working full-time with Smart Beep as Supervisors. After taking a break from studies, both brothers arc planning to continue their education in the fall. William is a graduate of Purncll Swell High and Steven is a 1997 graduate of Purncll Swell High Billy and Steven arc the sons of James Harold Hunt of Luinbcrton. and Ma.vinc M Hunt of Pembroke. Rep. Sutton Votes For Billion Dollar Bond Packaqe For University I Raleigh - Rep Ron Sutton of Pembroke voted for af$1.2 billion bond propose for construction and repairs at state universities and community colleges Voters would decide whether to issue tire bonds during a referendum in May 2()()<). "This will givc.'thc university system and community collcgdsa chance to begin catching up on maintenance and construction needs. "Rep Sutton said "I am confident that voters will see these needs and approve the bonds." If approved by the voters, the 16enmpus university system would receive $1 billion Community colleges would gel $200 million The University of North Carolina at Pembroke will receive about $28 million and Robeson Community College $5 million The Senate passed a $3 billion pond proposal - $2.7 billion for the |inivcrsiticsand$300 million for com vanity colleges - without a referendum. A majority of the House thought that package was too large , especially without a voteofthc people "When asked to almost double the debt of the State. I feel strongly the people should have a direct say." Rep. Sutton said The records show that Rep Sutton has a history of opposing any efforts to reduce or lakfc away the right of the citi/cns to vole on strategic issues C ..... The bond bills grew out of a stud> showingthal university campuses arc behind in meeting their building needs. Almost 800 buildings, many of them science classrooms and labs, need major repairs antj renovations. In addition. 48.000 additional students arc expected to enroll at UNC campuses over the next 10 years, according to the study. The measure with a referendum won final House approval on a 108-2 vote. Negotiators from the House anc Senate were expected to try to worl out differences between the two bilk in the closing days of the session. / Harris Re-Elected As Chairman of County Board of Elections i? mmmm. 1 . Pembroke - Lemark Harris has been unanimously re-elected to the post as Chairman of the Robeson Cpunty Board of Elections. This marks the beginning of his second full term serv ing on the Board. At the completion of this term, he will have served for five and one half years with four of those years being at the head of the Board of Elections Lemark's political start came one day when he was approached to serve as a Judge for the County at the Philadelphus precinct He graciously accepted that challenge not knowing that he would be charged with running the polls on Election Day. The Chief Judge at hat time resigned to seek elective office. He served as Chief Judge at that time he was approached to fill the unexpired term of Mitchell (Bosco) Locklear, Secretary to the Board of Elections Mr. Locklear resigned to seek elect ive office on Boa rd of Elections Mr Locklear resigned to seek elective office on Board of Education Since that time, he has actively pursued his goal of maintaining fair, consistent, and above all impartial elections on behalf of the citizens of Robeson County. "It hasn't alwaysbeen hat easy", he replied when asked about the nature of the job. "There have been times when I asked myself why I agreed to be where I'm at. But when the dust is settled and all results are tallied and the vast majority of our electorate seem satisfied, the answer to this question is at hand." "I take my job serious. I have been told that for years the political process in this county was controlled by unfair practices in and around the County's Board of Election Offices. Oftentimes these practices wercairncd" at minoiitics or poorly educated, but hard working people of this county. Along with Richard and Hubert, 1 have been able to inquire of anything that has a "smell to it". Oftentimes we use the old adage "what people perceive is what they believe" when settlingan issue before our Board This seems to have w orked thus far. except for scattered few that could never be satisfied . Lcmark is married to the former Billic Jo Hunt of Pembroke. Together they have one daughter - Kclscy. He is employed by the Pembroke Housing Authority as the Executive Director. Should you hav e any questions or concerns with respect to the elections process. Lemark encourages you to contact him directly for assistance Revival begins at Youth of Christ Revival services will begin at the Youth of Christ Holiness Church August 1-6. Sunday night services will begin at 6:00 p.m. Week night services will begin at 7:30 p.m. Guest Speakers: Evg. Laurc Barton, Rev. Everctte Woods Pastor Odell Wilkinsand Congregation invites you to attend. Revival begins at St. Pauls Holiness Revival services will be held at St Pauls Holiness Church August 2227 Sunday Night services begin at 6:00 p.m. Week night services will begin at 7:30 p.m. Guest Speaker: Evg. Keith Speed Pastor Rodney Nichols and Congregation invites you to attend South Robeson schedules available South Robeson High School students can pick up schedules for the 1999-2000 school year on August 4, 1999 from 1:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m Parents will get an bpportunity to meet with teachers and other faculty members. We would appreciate a good turn ' out. Visit/Our web page at i One Choic? Computer Services* ! Connee Brayboy, Editor I One year in NC $20.00 v Out of State $25.00 s Second Class Postage Paid at Pembroke NC. Prospect Wild Cats On A Winning Streak The Prospect 11 and 12 year old Little League AH Stars toon the district Championship in Pembroke last Thursday. They will play in the Staff Tournament in Leland, N.C. Starting on July 31 at 4:00 p.m. In the first row from left, is Trey Harris, Cameron Clark, Brian Chavis, Sean Locklear and Kyle l.ocklear. In the second row is Stephen Chavis, Trey l.owry, Brandon Locklear, Yarnell Locklear and Thomas Locklear. Coach Dean Tipton, Cdach Harvey l.owry Jr. David Emanuel, Josh Locklear, Edmund Locklear and Coach Ptentis Harris Jr. comprise the third row. Best of Luck this weekend in Leland N.C.

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