THE CAROLINA INDIAN^fOICE Published each Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NC ^^^UME_26_NUMBERj8 THURSDAY^OCTOBER__7,_1999 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Burnice Blanks seeks District 3 seat on EMC Board of Directors on October 19 Burnice Blanks ofthe Magnolia Community announces his bid for a position on the Board of Directors of the Lumbee River Electric Membership Cooperation (EMC), representing District 3. Blanks believes that his past experiences and accomplishments make him a strong candidate and more than qualified for the position at hand. B lanks is the son ofNorman and Jennie BlanksoftheMagnoliacommunity. He is a graduate of Magnolia High School and attended three years of school at Robeson Technical Institute (now Robeson Community College). His wife is Bonnie Locklear of Lumberton. They own and operate Blanks' Produce on Chicken Road in the rural area of Lumberton, NC. Blanks has been a part of the farming community in P.obeson County all of his life. For the past twenty years he has been a major produce farmer. In addition, Blanks serves on the Committee Board of the Farmers' Market, a position he hasheldforthepasteightyears. He has been affiliated with A & T University in Greensboro, NC for the past five years where he participates in experimental farming projects. In addition to his rural fanning activities, Blanks has served in the United States Army for seven years. While there his ranking/classification was Headquarters-Headquarters Battery and Third Core Artillery, serving in Ft. Smith, Arkansas, Ft. Hood, Oklahoma, Ft. Jackson, SC. and Ft. Gordon, GA. Blanks' varied experience includes fourteen years as an employee with Burlington Mills in St. Pauls, NC. His civic and community activities include coaching little league baseball for ten years. Blanks attends Ten Mile Baptist Church where he is actively involved in the church community. For the past two yegrs, Blanks has sold tractors for Danny Pait of Evergreen, NC and has volunteered three years of 1,000 hours toward the local 4-H club and the Blue Ribbon Sweet Potato Contest in Tabor City. Blanks feels very strongly about serving on the EMC Board of Directors and has a burning desire to do the best possible job for the EMC members. His contributions will definitely make him an asset to the EMC Board of Directors as well as its members and their communities. Being a native of Robeson County, Blanks believes he has demonstrated a life of commitment and dedication to those around him and has always tried to extend a helping hand when a need arose. Most recently, following Hurricane Floyd, Blanks was busy helping members of the EMC and reaching the needs of the elderly and invalids in the area. Blanks learned early in life that a leader must lead by example. This is one of the things that he has prided himself in doing through out his life. The greatest fulfillment one can have. Blanks believes, is to see a need and meet it. During his life time Blanks has established an impeccable track record of being a friend, neighbor and a community leader. His desire to serve on the EMC board, he stated, isan opportunity which will allow him to now move to another level of responsibility which he knows will entail greater decision making, management skills and ability. These are attributes that he has acquired throughout his life time by his vast experiences, both professionally and personally. These are the attributes Blanks says he will bring to the EMC board of directors. "My main focus and priority," Blanks said, "if elected to the EMC Board of Directors will be continued dedication and devotion to the community and the members who are served by the EMC." Four members of the Board of Directors will be elected on October 19,1999 at the annual meeting of the LREMC at the UNCP Givens Performing Arts Center beginning at 6 P:M.. Blanks asks that the members of the EMC make a special effort to attend. "Please make Burn ice Blanks one of the people you vote for," Blanks concluded. Robeson-Health Care Corporation Celebrates Community Health Center Week in October Robeson Health Care Corporation (RHCC) operates four (4) Community Health Cepters in Robeson County1. Julian T. Pierce Health Center in Pembroke, Maxton Medical Centciftin Maxton. South Robeson Medical Cctitcr in Fairmont and L.umbertonflcalth Center In Lumberton Ms Jiinnie Lowcry, Presidcnt/CEO of RHCC, states that RHCC operates the on? Community Health Centers in Robgson County. We are 4 of 981 health-centers serving over 10 million children and adults in every state, the District of Columbia. Puerto Rico. Guam and the U S Virgin Islands We are.'a private. nonprofit, community owned and operated organization governed by a \ oluntcer board of directors Health Centers serve pa-ticnts who arc insured Medicaid. Medicare as well as low-income and medically uuderscrvcd urban and rural communities thai experience geographic, finacials, or other barriers to accessing health carc and preventive services. RHCC is proud to be a part of this network ofComnuinity Health Centers RHCC was founded in 12985 as a consortium of family medical practices in Robeson County, principally in response to an effort by the U.S. Public Health Service to consolidate several non-profit cli nicsand i mprovc their functional efficiency This consolidation involved four sites and resulted in the merger of twocompcting sites in the tow n of Pembroke Pern Woke Health Care and Lumbcc Medical Center. The staff, equipment and supplies of Lumbec Medical Center were simply moved into the larger Pembroke Health Care facility Ms! Lowery stated that Mr Julian T. Pierce was Chairman of the Lumbee Medical Centcrboard of directors when the merger negotiations began and that he w as instrumental in what is now known as Robeson Health Care Corporation. She also stated that Mr. Julian T. Pierce served on the Robeson Health Care Board of Directors until the lime of his death in 1988 And as a mater of fact, he was Chairman of the Robeson Health Care Board of Directors until the time of his death . In June of 1988 the remaining members of the Board voted to rename Pembroke Health Center to Julian T. Pierce Health C enter "in honor of Julian and the contributions he made to the community " Ms Lowery added that the NC Primary Care Association also voted to name Julian the Outstanding Volunteer of the Year At that times thcNC Primary Health Care association donated monies to the Julian T. Pierce Memorial Fund The Memorial consists of RHCC. Legal Services. Strike at the Wind. NC Indian Cultural Center and Julian's family. RHCC has continued to grow and lias added a new medical facility to the original three Lumbcrton Health Center In addition. RHCC operates 2 halfway houses for women in rccov ery and thi^r babies; a substance abuse program and numerous other programs. Another nonprofit Corporation. First Image, has been founded under RHCC's umbrella This has resulted in the building of "Grace Court "This isa 24apartment-complc.\ for women who have successfully completed a recovery program and all their children. Grace Court is the first of it's kind in the State of NC and 1 of only 5 in the CI S> This became a reality after all the hard work of RHCC and several agencies Ms Lowery stated that this isariothcrexainpleof RHCC's commitment to the community and hard pressed determination to meet our communities'* needs RHCC is excited about educating our communities about Community Health Centers and celebrating with other centers across the nation. Proclamations have been signed by Congressman Mike Mclnlyre. Senator David Weinstcin Representative Ronnie Sutton Representative Donald Bonner. Representative Douglas Yonguc. the Robeson County Board of Commissioners. Pembroke Mayor Milton Hunt Maxton Mayor Lillic Mckoy. Fairmont Mayor Jeff Lewis and Luinbcrton Mayor. Raymond Pennington, proclaiming October 4-8. 1999 Community Health Center Week in Rolx'son County. Ms Lowery would like to thank them for their proclamations and for the many calls and letters of thanks RHCC has received from other agencies and groups throughout the county Ms. Lovvery stated that she appreciates the partnerships and people who have worked together with RHCC to meet the health needs of Robeson and surrounding counties. j Ms Lovvery added that RHCC continues to grow ami will be expanding serv ices ancKhours at the local centers as well |is some new programs for the communities. RHCC will hasalsqjbccn awarded $ 1.234,000.00 fora Prescription Drug _ Purchase Assistanco-Progranj for' .'w RHCC patients via RHCC provider prescriptions. The grant vv as awarded by the National Association of Com1 munitv Health Centers. Ins Ms. low cry stated that more information on this program which is scheduled to begin inOctobcrwillbcdeiailcdinan upcoming news release Ms LOvverv thanks the patients and community forthe support shown for RHCC during the past 14 years. RHCC looks forward to serving the needs of our communities for many years to come. A proclamation hasbecn issued by Congressman Mclntyre and Mayor of Pembroke Milton Hunt in support of the improved health care given to the community by the Robeson Health Care Corporation and declaring October 4-8 1999 as National Health Center Week i n Robeson County. N.C Compassion motivates Robeson County Chapter Organization to offerfriendship and assistance to the community Compassionate Friends is a mutual assistance self-help organization offering and understanding to bereaved parents, siblings, stepparents and grandparents This organization is basc^upon the premise that pain experienced by bereaved parents is best understood by another parent who has experienced the death ofa child. Healing conics through sharing and learning from other bereaved parents who give etjhpalhy and support There will be a Public Information Meeting held for the purpose of organizing the Robeson County Chapt|r of The Compassionate Friends. Monday. October 18. 1999. The meeting w ill be held at the Health Horizons Home Health Building. 2002 North Ccdnjr Street in Lumbcrton This building is adjacent to C'apc Fear Credit and across the street from Southern Marble Works The building is adjacent to Cape Fear Credit and across the street from Southern Marble Works The meeting time will be 7:00 P.M Any interested members of the community or press arc welcome to attend i Congressman Mike Mclntyre joins several of his congressional colleagues in reminding the Administration and congress ahout the Importance of paying down the national debt before any consideration of new spending programs. Mclntyre stated," When families and businesses have debt, they do the sensible thing - they pay it offl / say the government should do the same!" Burnice Blanks finnie Lowty, President/CEO RHCC Mrs. Charlotte Williams has been selected as Pembroke Middle Schools Teacher of the Year for 199-2000. She has been leaching sixteen years. Her current assignment Is eight grade communication skills. She was the honoree at a reception given at Pembroke Middle School recently. She is a native of i.umherton and has one daughter and two grandchildren. Dr. Charles Clark Lumbee to be associated with Otometric Eye Care Center Pembroke, NC-Dr. John L. Adams of Optometric Eye Care Center in Lumberton, NC announces the association of Dr. Charles L. Clark with the Center. Dr. Clark was previously employed by Dr. Adams before assuming the position of Chief Optometrist at Hour Eyes Doctors of Optometry in Springfield, Virginia. In returning to Robeson County, Dr. Clark is fulfilling a life time dream of coming home. He is a graduate of the University ofNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Pennsylvania College of Optometry. Dr. Clark is the son of Dennis and Linda Clark of the Union Chapel community of Robeson County. He is the grandson of Raymond "Spotted Turtle" Clark oi Pembroke and Mrs. Stella O. Locklearofthe Union Chapel community. Meet the EMC Candidate Oct. 16 On Saturday, October 16, Bumice Blanks, Candidate for District 3, EMC Board of Directors, will be meeting consumers at the Union Chapel Community Building from 11 a.m. until 2 P.M.. A cookout will be held and lunch will be served free to those attending. "100% Secretary Award presented by The Lions Club of Pembroke The Pembroke Lions Club held their monthly meeting on September 20, 1999 at the Lumbee Restaurant Lion Club President John W. (Ned) Sampson presided. The Reverend Welton Low eiy gave the invocation, with' Lion Adolph Blue leading the United States Flag Pledge of Allegiance.. As the highlight of the program, Lion President Sampson presented to Lion Kelly Sanderson the, "100% Secretary Award." The award was authorized by Lion Tony G. Williams. District Governor of District 31 -F The ward was given in recognition of Lion Kelly Sanderson's promptness and excellent manner in w hich he makes reports to the District Governor in his capacity as Secretary of the Pembroke Lions Club. In other club business, plans were finalized for a raffle sale on a television to be given to the winner. The proceeds will be used to purchase eyeglasses. Also the club approved the purchase of a hearing aid Robeson tounty JMluscuin Associates presents Hook Signing and Reception for L/oca /A uthor Pembroke, NX - Delano Cummings, author of Moon Dash Warrior, will participate in a book signing and discussion on Oct. 7, at 7 pm*?t the Os'tcrncck Auditorium of the Robeson County Public Library. Moon Dash Warrior is the personal account of Delano Cummings. ayoung Lumbcc Indian from Robeson County, who. inspired by simple patriotwm and devotion to duty, grew to become a United States Marine in Vietnam. X following the comments on Cumming's book, there will be a reception at the Robeson County Museum. This is in conjunction with the currereftxhibit at the museum entitled. "A Military History: Contributions of kpbeson County." This event is sponsored by the Robeson County Museum Associates.

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