gM MM MM MM MM^ w "If a man die shall he live again? All the days of nn appointed time will I wait, till nty change come. Thou shall call and I \\ ill answer thee: thou wilt ha\e a desire to the work of thine hands." (Job 14:14-15.) "Who shall change our \ ile bod> that it mat be fashioned like unto his glorious body? According to the working wherein He is able even to solve all things unto himself." (I'hileppians 5:21.) "And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain." (ICorinphians 15:14.) Job had a concern that if a man die shall he liv e again. Job here is concerned about life and death. It has become a reality Job has the answer about the tree, its roots, the water and its scent (\ erses 7-0) But Job is saving what about me. "But man dieth and wasteth away: Vea man giveth up the ghost: and where is he." (Verse 10)' Job wants to know, where will he be. W ill I be alive or died" Folk often say when someone dies from a terrible sickness, "well he or she tr better off:." My reply to that, my friend, is. if they die without Christ as their saviour, they will regret the day in which they were born. Here Job is sick and in pain and has sores Friend, it is not unseemly to think about dying when you are in good health. But it is if you wail till death has got a grip on your soul There are many of you who hav e death at a far off distance. Job was looking death inlhe face saying "if a man die. will he live again?" So man liv eth down, and riselh not till the heaven be no ntor. They shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep. (Verse 12.) One thing Job knew about death. He knew it was fixed and appointed like a clock. Ah my friend, you have the priv ilege to rewind and set your watch, but death is set and all man kind is on a death beat march. Dust is what we are and dust you and I shall return, grav e space is reserved for all. Job saw death as areniover of all living things. People of all ages, taken out of this world. Job look and saw a rock and.declared even the rocks are removed out of his place. The waters wear the stones, thou washes away the things which grow out of the dust of the earth: and thou destroved the hope of man. Verse 19. We have rocks in our churches today for years, they have called themselves deacon, they have place d harlots fornicators, adulterers in the pulpit, and thou hast destroy ed the hope of man. Because of what you have done, many souls will be lost, soul who once felt the spirit now are cold. And saying if you and I go the heaven they can to. Because they-arc saying that they are as good as the church. But Mr. Deacon, preachers of harlot, in Job fear of death. He said of those who were a stones rock, the water of death washiest away the things which grow out of the dust of the earth thou who destroyest the hope of man. Folk will go the extreme to keep a man of God from their midst. Folk always wanted our kind of preacher, ah friend w hen you come to face to face with death, you will say as Job, Man' liv eth down and riseth not. Verse 12. Death is a remover, you have served your earthly position well and when you have been widhed away by time, the harlot which has been placed by y ou will lie over your graves by say ing. 1 have fought a good fight. I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. II Timothy 4:7. The truth which w ant be said, and thou destroyeth the hope of man. Verse 19. Death like a cloud it vanished away, to the grav e yard and not back home. My friend death doth not need to improve itself, but you and I need to improv e. Death is stem, its not affected by the cry 's of mom and dad or by the children. Those who smile, no more, those who play. no more. A dead person is stem and has a bold look. He or she will show no concern for love ones who are crying. The under taker will work hard to improv e on your look, even those who view your corpse will convince themselv es, that you look like you were asleep, but the truth ts. you will be dead from this world, and nothing you do or put on will change what waits beyond. There are you out there as readers who sit with a suicide note in your hand, because of many difficulties, may friend, lack of success but you have gone from one bad marriage to another. From house to house and it could be opposite. Great success, turned all over this earth, and you are fed up with the new invention of life those devices which you use to fill up those 24 hours a day. Now you are fed up and you are struggling with your enter life to live with the now and here struggling with the gloom of a senseless existence. You'need to be saved you need to be restored in faith, in the knowledge of eternity. You need to settle the question about hell and heaven. You don't need to sit-vVith a suicide note in your hand. Job ask the question if a man, woman, boy, or girl die shall he live again? Yes, Brother Paul said, who shall change these vile bodies, that it may be fashion like unto his glorious body according to the working whereby he is able. Phillipians 3"21. We are witnesses of these things; and so is the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him. Acts 5:32. Today the true church of God is Still saying thai Christ rose from the dead, that angles are all ministering spirits sent forth to do service for the sake of them that shalt inherit salvation. We are witnesses of these things and so is the Holy Ghost. We the church exist to witness to these things, the risen Christ, the crucified Christ, the enthroned Christ, the living and working Christ. The world does not want the church. The church cannot save the world. The world wants the things that the church testifies of. If a man dies shall he live again? They the world wants to have (these things) The God of our father raised up Jesus, whom ye slew hanging Him on a tree. Him e^d Qod exalt with His right hand tQ be a Prince and Sav io?r. For to give repentance to Israel and remission of sins. That is the Ev angel Christ is risen. God?raised up Jesus: Christ was crucified. Whom ye slew hanging Him on a tree. Christ is enthroned. Him did God exalt to be a Prince and a Savior: Christ is at work, to give repentance to Israel and remission of sins. The risen Christ the Crucified Christ, the exalted Christ, the working Xhrist... These things we are witnesses of these things. The church does not exist to entertain the masses. She is unequal to competition with the theater. The church does not exist to educate the masses. She must be interested education but this is not her supreme vocation. The church exist my friend to these things. The risen Christ, the crucified Christ, the entroned Christ, the living Xhrist. the living and working Christ. The world has nice furniture, carpet, cooking ware, TV. dining area, console. Inter-net, movies, they got all that you have tried to entertain them with. What this world wants and hurrying for is that a man called Jesus. Rob the grave of its victims. Jesus is alive. The world not interested in a so called well educated man who has been to Asbury Duke University. Wake Forest Southeastern Seminar. They want to hear the grand old story, even if it told by tolling fishermen of the Galeleon Lake^ no^choolman in their number, no ruler, no priest. The world wants to hear it front a witness, whom God hath given to them that obey Him. * - * Next Week: Jesus is Lord Christ is enthroned. The United States flag was originally designed in 1777 with 13 stars for the 13 original colonies. The next re-design came in 1795, with 15 stars, including Vermont and Kentucky. Pediatric Pointers by Dr. Joey Bell. Pembroke Pediatrics Sometimes parents (and as physicians) we ha\e to use our sense of hearing to determine if our children are sick or not. Remember that certain sounds can he a tip-off that something is wrong: a cough can he a sign of pneumonia, and wheezing can mean a child mas base asthma. \nd while snoring is most often thought ofas being restricted to adults, it is seen in children and can he a sign of a medical problem. Snoring is the sound that occurs when the airwav collapses during inspiration (breathing in) Most normal children snore at one time or another, and main, particular!) those who base nasal allergies, snore almost ever) night. In most children who snore, increased breathing effort successfullv compensates for a collapsingairu ay and both the breathing pattern and sleep is unaffected. However, if the obstruction is severe (like with poor muscle tone in the airwav s or large tonsils and adenoids) the snoring can be more pronounced and the normal sleep pattern may be disrupted. For reasons that are not understood tull\. disrupted sleep can lead to growth failure, daytime drowsiness, bed-wetting, high blood pressure, school failure, headaches, and other nonspecific symptoms. If the obstruction becomes extreme, children max go short periods of time without breathing (apnea) xxhich puts a big strain on the heart and can lead to heart problems. Snoring that is associated xxith airway obstruction and is causing health problems should be evaluated by a physician. Enlarged tonsils and adenoids are by far the leading cause of airway narrowing, snoring and abnormal breathing patterns in children. Remoxing the tonsils and adenoids max often eliminate or improxe these conditions. Remember, a tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy is not indicated for the xast majority of snoring children, and just because this procedure may decrease snoring does not justify its xxidespread use in children xxho are otherxxise normal. \ good rule of thumb for parents is to remember that if snoring is regular, not interrupted by periods of no breathing, does not lead the child to assume unusual postures during sleep or to sxveat profusely, it is probably not a health problem. In the absence of other signs or symptoms, further evaluation is rarely indicated. If you are concerned you may want to make a tape or video of your child for your doctor to exaluate. That's all on snoring. See you next week! by Bruce Barton The Sooners are coached by Pembroke native Kelvin Sampson. mm iiii Kelvin Sampson Oklahoma Guard J.R. Raymond helped cement the 20th win of the season for coach Kelvin Sampson and the Sooners Monday night as he hit a 3-pointer in the last minute of the game with the Nebraska Cornhuskers in their building as the Sooners held on for a 62-54 win Monday night. The Sooners are now 20-4 overall and 8-3 in the tough Big Twelve Conference. Oklahoma goes against conference rival Kansas Sunday, February 20 on their home court and against Texas Tech at home Wednesday. February 23. ' Way to go SOONERS! Pembroke Kiwanis Report The weekly meeting was held Tuesday evening at the Jade Garden Restaurant with President Todd Jones presiding. Program Chairman Arnold Locklear presenting Mr. R.D. Locklear, Chaiman of the Lumbee Self-Determination Commission. The Commission will present to the Lumbee People, in the fall, their options for selecting their type of goverance they wish to have or not to have. The extensive study is being done through public hearing. The hearings started December 1st at South Hoke School, January 10th at Oxendine Elementary. January 17th at New Point Baptist Church, January 24th at South Robeson High, January 31st at Fairmont High School, February 7th at Prospect Elementary, February 8 at Union Chapel Community Building, February 15th at Rex Rennert Elementary, February 21 st at Purnell Swett High School. February 22 at St. Paul's High School, February 28 at Magnolia Elementary. . Public hearings outside of Robeson County will be held in Greensboro on March 6th, in Baltimore on March 1 1th, and Fayetteville on March 13th. This is all a part of the legal system prescribed by Judge Manning. Invocation. - Albert Hunt; Song Leader. - Ed Teets; Reporter. - Kenneth Johnson Robeson Planetarium and PSRC to present program The Robeson Planetarium and Public Schools of Robeson County, in celebration of Black History Month, are pleased to present "Follow The Drinking Gourd." Produced by the State Museum of New Jersey with funding by Martin Marietta, this program expands upon the children's book of the same title, revealing how a spiritual sang on the cotton plantations held coded directions to freedom in the North. Tying together history, music and astronomy, a detailed translation of the song's lyric code is included, as well as an explanation of how the Drinking Gourd (another name for the Big Dipper) could be used year-round to find North Matthew Perkins and Jackie Sherrod provide the collection of Dr. Marvin Curtis, professor of music. The public is invited to attend a special showing on Sunday. February 20th. at 2:00 PM. Private showings for groups larger than 15 may be scheduled by contacting Matthew Perkins at (910) 671-6015. How You Can Be Sure You Are Ready for Heaven H it were possible to walk to the moon. 239.000 miles away, at the rate of 40 miles a day. it would take you more than 16 years. If there was a railroad to the sun. 93 million miles away, and you rode a high-speed train averaging 100 miles per hour, day in and day out. it would take you more than a century . However, heaven-the city of God. the New Jerusalem-is much farther beyond. However, sou can reach it in just three steps it you want to. Today Elder Joseph Bullard explains from the Bible how you can take those first steps with Jesus?how you can KNOW that you are ready for heaven. Experience the peace and joy that come only from God as you explore this vital topic in this Search for Truth. \otlung citn enter heaven that defiles. Revelation 21:27: "And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth. neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life." H e ore nil horn with a sinful nature Romans J. 23: "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God": The blood of Jesus cleans us from all sin I John l :~: "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin." It is not how you feel hut that God has promised. I John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Hi' must he horn again spiritually, that is the Sew Birth. John 3:3: "Jesus answered and said unto him. Verily, verily. I say unto thee. Except a man be born again, he cannot sec the kingdom of God." When you make' a full surrender of yourself to Jesus, the Holy Spirit immediately creates a new heart within. John 1:12-13: "But as many as received him. to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man. but of God." Jesus stands at the door of your heart. He says. "I want to come in. Revelation 3:20: "Behold. I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door. I will come in to him. and will sup with him. and he with me." How can I know that / have been born again? 2 Corinthians 5:17: "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.'" Do you have the Son, Jesus Christ, abiding in your life today? If He is there, you have eternal life. I John 5:11-13: "And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life: and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have 1 written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God: that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the Son of God." We must obey Christ. I John 2-3-6: "And hereby we do know that we know him. if we keep his commandments. He that saith. I know him. and kcepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But vyhoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him. He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked." Evety day of our lives obedience will give proof that we are Christ's disciples--proof we know Him-proof that we have received Him-proof we are living the Christian life. Galatians 2:20: "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." There are only three steps to heaven. 1. To Confess Christ as our Savior. 2. We must be born again Spiritually. 3. We must be obedient to Christ. We have seen men and women, time after time, have this wonderful experience--,and you can have it too. If you will only take these steps with Jesus. And thank God, it does not take a long time to take these steps. You can do it today. Jesus is willing to help you. He is anxious to help you and deliver you from all your sins and bad habits. And you can know, with certainty, if your sins are forgiven, if you have been born again, if Christ is living His obedient life in you?that YOU ARE ready for heaven. Letters to the Editor Thank you for financial assistance Dear Editor, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the wonderful people who has helped my brother Charlie Dial. Grandson Cedrick, nephew who is a miracle baby at Duke Medical Center in Durham N.C. God has really been on the scene in this particular case. They gave him up several times, to die but every time he came through. I want to especially thank all those blessed people who gave me money personally to help with the financial obligations. "God will bless." You know the Bible says, "Do unto others as you wish them to do unto you. And love thou neighbor as thy self." And if we strive to do these, every thing else will fall in place. Again I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart and I pray that God will continue to bless you in all your future endeavors. Thank You, Sincerely Canell Lock/ear Pembroke Robeson County Democratic Precinct Meetings To Be Held March 7. 2000 Local Democrats will hold Precinct Meetings on Tuesday, March 7 at 7:00 p.m. at the polling place of each Precinct, unless otherwise designated by the Local Precinct or County Chair. The Chief item of business will be to elect delegates to the County Convention to be held on April 15 at the County Courthouse. For more information contact County Democratic Chairman Milton Hunt at 521-4703. (nights) ; pilied with quoted %ztive huuton. aud dfaOiituatity. A READING MUST!!! Ndme Address Please fill out above coupon and send along with $7 to: Wendy Moore-Cummings P.O. Box 1685 Pembroke, N.C. 28372 V *r?lon PROGRESSIVE SAVINGS & LOAN, LTD. I $100 liL| m minimum balancf 'This $100 Minimum Balance Checking Account Allows You To Write Checks WITHOUT A SERVICE CHARGE As Long As The Balance Does Not Fall Below $100.00. If the Balance Does Fall Below $100.00, A $6.00 Monthly Charge And 30 Cents Per Check Is Necessary. This Account Does Not Pay Interest DEPOSITS FEDERALLY INSURED TO $100,000.00. Substantial Penalty For Early Withdrawal Rate Subject To Change Without Notice PROGRESSIVE SAVINGS & LOAN, LTD. 308 N. Chestnut I.umbcrton, N.C. I 738-1478 4400 Fayetteville Rd. I,umbcrton, N.C. 73S-1415 720 Harris Avenue Raeford. 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