Published each Thursday m Pembroke, N.C. I Carolina Indian voice "lliiildin$ Communicative Hridges In A Tri-Rncial Setting" ^PR I 0 POPfl Volume 27 Number 13 Thursday, April 6, 2000 y7-~~" 25c Rams Participate in Poetry Reading by Yvonne Barnes Dial Too often students feel reluctant to write. They feel that they do not have the potential, they may not feel motivated orthey may sometimes find it difficult to express their feelings. G i ve them something to wt ite about that interest them of if something affects their emotions, students usually enjoy writing or expressing themselves. They soon discover their sincere concerns and opinions on issues and events in their lives. English III students in Yvonne Barnes Dial's class demonstrated their true feelingsoftheirheritage, families, or other topics of interests to them, as they participated in a poetry reading March 23 at the Public Schools of Robeson County's Indian Education Resource Center. "Themore I writethemore 1 realize that writing is a healer," stated Jonathan Chavis. Too many other students, they also discovered that writing provided a chance for them to feeland appreciate the joys and blessings in life as some reflected on the sacrifices that parents encounter for their children, and a time for them to release anger, pain, or bitterness and leam to heal from these encounters. Students who participated included: Christy Locklear, Jessica Oxendine, Chasady Clark, Bostic Locklear, Patrick Tyler, Aimee Lowry, Cameron Mathis, Steven Locklear, Helen Hunt, Grade Griffin, Kelly Chavis, Morgan Hunt, Jonathan Chavis, Morgan Hunt, Jonathan Chavis, Candace Oxendine, Jedidiah Locklear and Karon Bird. Purnell Swett High Students are shown: Christy Lock/ear, Jessica Oxendine, Casady Clark, Bosti: Lock/ear, Patrick Tyler, Aimee Lowry, Cameron Mathis, and Steven Locklear; Helen Hunt, Gra. ie Griffin, Kelly Chavis, Candacc Oxendine, Jedidiah Locklear and Karon Bird. 1965 Class Reunion Planning Meeting The Pembroke High School Class of 1965 will holdaplanning meeting at Linda's Restaurant on April 15,2000 at 5 p.m. Anyone who isamemberofthis class is invited to attend. Your ideas for our 3 5th year reun ion wi II be greatly appreciated. Gl > Sutton ranks high in lawmakers survey Indian lawmaker Ron Sutton, a Pembroke lawyer, scored relatively high on the lawmakers survey that is conducted every two years by the supposedly non partisan N.C. Center for Public Policy Research. It is interesting that the rankings are being released one month before the May primary. Sutton ranked 23rd out of 120 representatives in the N.C. General Assembly, up from 53 in 1997 and 67 in 1995. In contrast. Rep. Doug Yongue ranked 29th and Rep. Donald Bonner 84th. The rankings are supposed to show effectiveness as a legislator. David Weinstein, the local senator, ranked 26th out of 50 state senators. We guess you could say, generally, that our legislators are good and getting better. Pembroke Town Council says "No!" to annexation Pembroke's Town Council said "No!" Monday night to a request from local businessman Archie Loweiy to annex about 70 acres that would have included a proposed residential subdivision that was designed to attract UNCPembroke faculty and administration. The vote was 3-1 with only Councilman Larry T. Brooks voting in favor of the proposal. The land in question is on Deep Branch Road, about 3 miles west of town. Ron Sutton, a Pembroke lawyer, and local legislator, spoke on behalf of Lowery who was not present at the meeting. According to Sutton, the project continues and will include a convenience store, washerette, and car wash as well as the residential subdivision. The only difference is that the project will not officially be a part of Pembroke proper. Those opposed, including Councilman Larry McNeill, cited anticipated costs as their reason for voting against the proposal. McNeill was quoted as saying that "We're not in shape right now to jump out of town." He added, "It is too soon to be growing like that. We don't have enough police and fire personnel to serve that area ..." It was the first time in recent history that anyone could remember Pembroke's Town Council voting against growth. Mayor Milton Hunt spoke in favor of the proposal although he was not obligated to say how he felt one way or the other since he only has to vote in case of a tie. Mayor Hunt exclaimed. "We might have ended up getting everything for zero costs ... I would have voted for this. The day I stop supporting growth is the day I stop asking for your vote." Shirley Pennington resigns from RC'C Board of trustees Shirley Pennington has resigned as a trustee of Robeson Community College, reportedly without comment or explanation. It probably will raise political eyebrows because of Ms. Pennington's role as chairman of a committee charged with finding a workable solution to the dispute over trustees applying for jobs at the college. The committee was disbanded when they were unable to find a solution to the dilemma of how to modify the school's hiring policy in the wake of trustees Johnny Hunt and Rona Leach applying for position of vice president of continuing education. Because of the political fallout, and possibly even a tinge of racism, neither is expected to get the position. Uncle Grover Oxendine shot in arm by stray bullet Uncle by marriage to Publisher Bruce Barton, Grover Oxendine was shot in the arm Friday morning by a stray bullet. Oxendine said that he did not plan to press charges in the freakish accident. Oxendine said, "1 told him to cover my hospital bills and we'll leave it at that." A young 83, Oxendine was sitting home Friday morning watching the Montel Williams show when he felt a hot flash in his upper arm. "It burned like fire," said Oxendine, who did not realize at first that he had been shot. It was reported in the local press that Ronnie Eddings, an off duty St. Andrews College Security Officer, was trying to unload his gun when it fired. Eddings was visiting Cartwright's Custom Cycles Shop next door. No explanation has been given as to why Eddings would have been handling his service revolver inside the shop. Eddings reportedly told investigators that a cartridge was "hung up" inside the 40-caliber handgun which caused it to fire as he tried to unload it. The building from which the gun was fired is next door to the Grover Oxendine residence and is owned by the Oxendine Family, reportedly by Grover Oxendine's sons. Want to pay your taxes on line? Listen to this! LUMBERTON - Talk about computer literacy. Wow! Robeson County residents will soon be able to pay their property and other taxes on line without having to leave the confines of their home. The county commissioners voted Monday night during a regular meeting to allow the county to take part in an 18-month pilot program in which 20 North Carolina counties will provide residents the choice to pay taxes and fees through the InterNet. The service will be provided free of charge by a Delaware company using the website The counties participating in the pilot project will participate in the pilot program for free, according to Scott Elliott. county manager. At the end of the trial period, the county can then decide whether or not to continue its association or pay a mutually agreed upon fee. After the trial period, residents who use the program to make payments will be charged a convenience fee. According to the company, it would cost $4 to pay property taxes and $3 for vehicle taxes, or 3.5% of the taxes, which ever is greatest. Greg Cummings honored with Spirit of Unity Award Congrats to Greg Cummings for receiving the Spirit of Unity Award last week at the Business Visions 200 banquet at Pinecrest Country Club. Cummings. the county's economic developer, was recognized because of his efforts to "sell Robeson County 24 hours a day." The award is given yearly to the person who has helped unify the county's business community. The award was given by the UNC-Pembroke Regional Center, which hosted the event. New Board Members to be seated on I.RDA Board Lcroy Freeman and Rodney Hunt have been unofficially declared the winners in Thursday election for two seats on the Board of Directors of Lumbee Regional Development Association. In District I incumbent Patricia Hunt was defeated by Leroy Freemari. 211 to 193. In District 3 Rodney Hunt received 94 votes. James Ertle Chavis received 22, l.arry R. Locklear. received 15 votes. There was no incumbent in that position. Donald Locklear had served as the representative until he was hired to direct the Lumbee Housing Department for the agency. Pageants Planned for November November 24th & 25th 2000 at the Diane Wortham Theatre at Pack Place in Asheville, NC Official preliminariestothe nationally televised MissUSA.MissTeen USA and Miss Universe. Contestants must be a single female, between the ages of 14 & 26, never married, a US citizen and at least a six month resident of North Carolina. Competition in: Evening Gown - Swimsuit - Interview - Noperforming talent required. For information send name, address, telephone number, birthday and snapshot to: Miss North Carolina USA Pageants -- 541 Holley Lake Road. Drawer NP -- Aiken, SC 29803: or call (803) 648-6220. Visit ounweb site: One of the students who dances with Turtle Vision, Inc. of Pembroke. Turtle Vision will take part in the cultural program at the Public Library on April 8th. Robeson County Democrats to Hold County Convention The Robeson County Democratic Convention will be held at the County Courthouse in Lumberton on April 15,2000 at 11 a.m. Election of Delegates to the District and State Con ventions will be at that time. The Convention will also hear other business to be acted upon by our organized Precincts. All Democrats are urged to attend. For more information call County Democratic Chairman Milton Hunt at 521 -4703 (nights). Red Springs to Hold Street Festival Red Springs?The Red Springs Arts Council will present its annual Street Festival on Sunday, April 16,2000. The activities will begin at 1:00 p.m. and end at 5 p.m. in downtown Red Springs. According to Ralph Steeds, festival organizer, "This year's festival promises to be really exciting vvith some of the best entertainment we have scheduled in recent years. There will be a wide variety of activities that will appeal to the entire family. And we will have lots of activities for children, including free carousel rides for small children." This year's festival will feature two musical groups-Molasses Creek, one ofNorth Carolina's most popular bluegrass bands, and the Georgia Sea Island Singers. Also performing will be Wilmington, North Carolina storyteller John Golden, and area dance students from Laurinburg's Gibson School of dance. Molasses Creek is a trio of musicians who utilize a variety of acoustical instruments and vocal styles, whose members have performed extensively across the eastern U.S. The Georgia Sea Island Singers are internationallyacclaimed artists who have toured throughout the U.S. and Europe. Their music, storytelling, games and dances bring alive the African American history and culture preserved in the isolated sea islands along the coast of Geogia. There will also be clowns and other forms of street entertainment. And as usual, there will be exhibits of arts and crafts, food vendors, train and pony rides, the "Moonwalker," miniature golf, football toss, and numerous other games and activities for the whole family. The annual Red Springs Street Festival is supported by a grant from the North Carolina Arts Council. Admission to the festival is free. For more information, call(910) 843-3559or 843-2427. County Library to Sponsorgame The Robeson County Public Library will be hosting a week-long game starting on April 8th as part of the State Library's "Very Best Place to Start" campaign. Children up through the age of nineteen may go to their local library in Lumberton, Maxton, Fairmont, Rowland, St. Pauls, and Pembroke, pick up a game card, answer a few questions, and be entered in a statewide drawing for prizes. The game will last from April 8th through April 15th, National Library Week. Also on Saturday, April 8th the Robeson County Public Library will host a kick-off event for the "Very Best Place to Start campaign. Perfor mances celebrating the ethnic heritage ofRobeson County will be offered. Turtle Vision of Pembroke will provide Native American storytelling and music. A Scottish dance group under the direction of Honey McLaughlin will perform and an African-American group, the Heritage Restoration Chorale, under the direction of Denise ' Payton, will sing traditional spirituals and African songs. The performances will be from 2:00 p.m. to4:00 p.m. in the Lumberton Ostemeck Auditorium. This event is open to all ages and , admission is free. For more information, contact B arbara Allchin at 73 8-4859. Easter Celebration To Open Twenty First Season Of "The Message of Easter" Piney Grove Baptist Church near Williamston, North Carolina ispleased to announce the performance schedule of the outdoor drama, The Message of Easter. The twenty first season of the passion play opens on Friday, April 14 and runs through April 24. Performances begin promptly at 8:15 each evening. As always, there is no admission charge. The ninety-minute narrative brings to life the accounts of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ as spelled out in the Holy Scriptures. The cast of over 150 transports the audience back 2000 years to Jerusalem and the surrounding countryside. Prior to the years' initial performance on April 14, a special performance narrated in Spanish will be presented on Saturday, April 8 at 8:15 pm. Having premiered in 1993, this performance is open to the public but is geared to the Hispanic community who have difficulty understanding the greatest story ever told when presented in English. In an attempt to make the drama accessible to as many people as possible, the Monday, April 17 performance will be signed for the deaf and hearing-impaired. In the event of rain, the Tuesday, April 18 performance will be signed. The Piney Grove church family extends an invitation to the general public to attend. Seating is on a first come basis and no reservations can be accepted. Those attending are urged to dress warmly. Formore information call (252) 7924977, 792-4875 or 792-1342. Information can also be obtained by writing Piney Grove Baptist Church, 2930 Piney Grove Church Road, Williamston, NC 27892. Lumber River Holiness Methodist Conference to celebrate 100 years The Lumber River Holiness Methodist Conference will be celebrating 100 years of existence during the next annual session scheduled to be held on October 26,27,28,2000 at Union Chapel Holiness Methodist Church. LRHMC is, presently, collecting historical data to compile a report about the formation, ministry and growth of said Conference, and each church therein. A conference committee, consisting of a representative from each church, has been formed to compile all the information and present a report to the 100th Annual Session. The Churches of the Lumber River Holiness Methodist Conference are follows: Cherokee Chapel, Hopewell, Macedonia, Maxton Full Gospel, New Bethel, New Prospect, Riverside Memorial, Shoeheel, Union Chapel. In the interest of making a thorough, complete, and accurate report, as much as is possible, we would be very appreciative and receptive of any information, pictures, documentation, etc. (or copies thereof) that anyone would like to share with us. Perhaps you were once a member, or an heir to a former member, of one of the above named churches and you acquired significant and important "Historical Data" pertaining to the church(es) which you would like to share with us. You may do so by calling one of the following persons: Rev. Alonzo& Carol Oxendine(910) 521-4063 or Rev. James H. Woods: (910)521-4317. Chavis Appears onTLC Lieutenant Robert Earl Chavis Jr. recently appeared on The Learning Channel demonstrating demolition tactics used in the armed service, as well as in destroying structures for construction purposes. Lt. Chavis is completing Officers Training in Fort Leonard wood, Missouri. He is a graduate of Pumell Swett High School and the University of Notfh Carolina at Pembroke. HeisthesonofMr.and Mrs. Robert and Jane Chavis of Pembroke. Spring Revival begins at Youth for Christ Church Spring revival will be held at the Youth for Christ Holiness Church in Maxton, H\w 71 April 30 a-May 5. Sunday night service will begin at 6:30 p.m. with the rest of the week beginning at 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker will be Evangelist Keith Speed. The pastor, Odell Wilkins and congregation cordially invite you to come and worship with them. There will be special singing each night. 41

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