4k ^ Anything which dues not glorify God is a sin. "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world If any man love the world, the love of the father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eye. and the pride of life, is not of the father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof; hut he that doeth the will ofGod abideth forever." (I John 2:15-17) When I see folks who say they are Christian and they are still sinning. I know they are not dead yet. They are still going back to the cemetery of their soul, feeding lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life which God has promised is going to pass away and those who hold on to it will pass away Let us again hear from the words ofGod from Romans. Chapter 12: "Be not overcome of evil; but overcome evil with Good." (Verse 21). "And if possible, as much as lieth in you. live peaceably with all men." (Verse 18) Can you imagine what the church would be like if we recompensed to no man evil for evil, what it would be like if we were to provide honesty in the sight of all men? Can you imagine if we were to-live peaceably with all men? Can you imagine if we were to avenge not. but rather give place unto wrath, for it is written vengeance is mine. I will repay saith the Lord. Can you imagine if thine enemy w ere to hunger and you did as Jesus said, "feed him." My friend, you better be careful how you set out to destroy your enemy. God's word warns us severely. "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." Romans 12:21) 1 remember years ago a church was having a severe problem in their fellowship. Two members had become angry at each other. One said to the other that she would get even and she would do so in the name of Jesus. Some few months later that person died very suddenly. You see. she was overcome of evil. She could have still been alive, if she had overcome evil with good. We are warned not to give place unto. Satan, to beware of his devices. Jesus said revile not when men shall persecute you, shall say all manner of evil against you. This word evil means any action which does not glorify God. We need to put it to death. It does not need to be back there wiggling, but it needs to be dormant (dead). Jesus said those who are dead in Christ are blessed, blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted. Those who are dead are called peace makers, those who are dead are called the merciful and they are promised by Jesus to obtain mercy. Another thing about being dead in Christ. They are referred to as the pure in heart for they shall see God. (Matthew 5:3-12). No wonder Brother Paul said, "Now being made free from sin and become servants to God." (Romans 6:22) We were buried and baptized into Jesus Christ, were baptized into his death, therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death, that like as Christ was raised up form the dead by the glory of the father, even so we also should walk in newness of 1 life for if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection. Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sin for he that is dead is freed from sin. Now we being dead with Christ, we believe we also shall live within." (Romans 6:3,5) Now we need to be sure. Again, are you his witness? Are you dead from the things of this world? "If any man love the world, the love of the father is not in him; for all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of God, but is of the world." (I John 2:15) We said before, anything which is dead does not seem to be uncomfortable, does not want to change its position. It is dead, a very restful state. So then, anything which does not glorify God ought to be put to death. When we know that it does not please God, we ought to put it to death. You don't feed something that ought to be dead. Now when I say the word evil, we are not speaking of killing, stealing, murdering, these are evil, hatred, but we are talking about evil on another level. Evil in the church. Evil that does not factor out to God's plan. Any conversation which does not glorify God's way of life. Anything in our life which does not glorify God, we need to put it to death. The reason we ought to put to death the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eye, pride of life is that it is a life controlled by flesh. It is not prepared to enter the presence of God. Pride, deception, licentiousness, cruelty, have become fixed in your character. Can anyone who has not glorified Christ by being dead to sin enter into heaven to dwell forever with those whom they despised and hated on earth ' I isien rm friend, truth will never be agreeable to a liar, meekness will never satisfy self esteem and pride; purity is not acceptable to the corrupt, disinterested love does not appear attractive to the selfish What source of enjoyment could heaven offer to those who are wholly absorbed in earthly and selfish interest'1 You mean to tell me those persons who have not died from the lust of this world, those persons who are not over comers of ev il. suddenly be transported to heaven and witness the high, the holy state of perfection, that ever exists there, every soul filled wtth love, every countenance beaming with joy. enrapturing music in melodious strain rising in honor of God and the Lamb and the ceaseless stream of light flowing upon the redeemed from the face of him who sitteth upon the throne, could those hearts that have been filled with the hatred of God. of truth and holiness, mingle with the heavenly throng and join their songs of praise; could those persons whose lives which have never glorified Christ endure the glory of God and the Lamb? My friend, for a long time now Satan has fooled most of the people to believe that people who have not put to death anything which does not glorify God. those who went to the grave unprepared, will have you to believe that they are in heaven, happy and that they have inherited exalted positions there, and they will tell you the error is widely taught that no difference is made between the righteous and the wicked. I tell you such men are acting and preaching on their own initiative and have not been under the control of God. My friend, when'there is sin in the priesthood it will produce sin in the people and. therefore, these things cannot glorify God. And anything which does not glorify God will not build the temple of God on a foundation of truth. One cannot erect the palace of purity on a foundation of corruption. You cannot accomplish the building of the city of God save as we are true to the divinely prepared plan. Let me close with this thought on being dead in Christ. You may argue, but not with me. I tell you the truth. To be dead in Christ simply means to believe what Jesus has left us as a guide and that is his word. Jesus demands absolute perfection. "Ye. therefore, shall be perfect, as your heavenly father." (Matthew 5:48). Wait, now before you go off to the grave, you want to know if you are going prepared or unprepared. Now I have never read where Jesus excuses sin. Never, even at this very hour Jesus still demands perfection. In doing so he has left us all on the highway of life to discover our failure and to find God's house is to be desired a place where we can dwell. It is discovering, knowing God desires absolute perfection. For years this world spoke of the survival of the fittest with strange intuitive accuracy, humanity has fastened on that phase. And now it seems to apply everywhere today it stands for the conception that only the fit things ought to survive. Men and women have been applying it physically and mentally and bless God the church ought to have been applying it spiritually. You see, it embodies the essential truth. You see. it reveals a profound necessity. "Be ye perfect." It is a principle apart from which our life is not worth living. My friend, only fit things must survive. The unfit must go to the wall. We need to go further and say it is a law of God. And that the chief exponent in human history of that particular law and that particular principle is Jesus Christ. There never passed the lips of Jesus a single plea for the excuses of incapacity. Through the centuries he is not leading into some heaven that lies beyond an army of mental, moral and spiritual cripples. No, bless God, Jesus demands perfection and anything which does not please God is a sin. He demands perfection in this present world. You and I must not indulge in any kind of criticism which would try to tell us that Jesus did not mean what he said. He said "be ye perfect." Folks don't let it frighten you to death. Paul said, "I count all things but dung that I might know him and the power of his resurrection. Ye shall love your enemies. Ye. therefore, shall be perfect, as you father." Your father is perfect. This, my friend, is Christ's demand for the ultimate fitness, the fitness of the soul. Love, baptize, love inspired, this fitness of the soul that cannot stoop to untruth or to meanness, cruelty.or devilry because it is mastered by love. The lost spiritual, mental, physical, fitness of humanity is covered by the mastery of love. Christ stands with the great words forever sounding in the listening ear of astonished, ashamed, confounded, humanity, ye shall be prefect and let there should be some lowering of the ideal." He interpreted his meaning as your father, your heavenly father is perfect. My friend, we are to mortify the deeds of the flesh, to tell what does not glorify God, I am not to be a friend to this world, the reason is that 1 stand in the presence of Christ. We need to say if that be Christ's standard for a respectable society and you could pass and would be something the church speaks of lightly and you could very well pass. But if you come to a solemn holiness of God's spirit, which is the self consciousness of man in the presence of Jesus Christ, you will say if that be the standard, God help me. I am not that yet, .which Christ demanded. Now let me ask sou a question In you body and spirit, does it glorify Christ? The w ill of you life. does it factor toGod's will0 Let me warn sou again, you cannot overcome ev il by evil L\ il is over cotne by love There are those in the church which need to cross over some aisles to settle something. Evil does not over come evil. Some of you are not comfortable in your spiritual state. There are some thing which need to be forgiven. You are not prepared to face God. You need to know there is no future years of probation Now is the time to say I am sorry. I didn't mean it. Will you forgive me? You might say. Preacher Ted, it was not me. That could be so. but Jesus said if thy brother has an ought, go to him. My friend. Jesus is glorified when you will rise and say I want to be pure in heart. I will go. Can I say this? This is a dirty world. We are not to think like this world or to act like it. "Beware least you be also being led away with error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness." (I Peter 3:17) There is a danger when our life does not glorify Christ. When Lot went out to testify to his daughters and son-in-law. Lot was laughed at. When he tried to warn them of Sodom's destruction, they laughed at him because he had been seated with this world's philosophy and they would not hear his warning. Lot like some ofyou who are rotten morally, your loved ones are going to die and go to hell because they are stumbling over your rotten testimony. Your children laugh at you when you tell them about Jesus. You know why? They can see the perversion of this world in you. They see you living, one foot in the church and one in the world. Some of you very soon will suffer the loss of your faith, family and even our fortune. Soon all our business will go up in smoke. Evil will destroy you. Look around you. killing, murder, stealing. Why? The church which was left here to glorify God has mingled w ith the world and we seek to destroy evil with evil. The world will laugh at you when you try to tell them about Jesus. Too long now they have seen how we overcome evil. They do it with hate, killing, murdering one another, all because Jesus is not being glorified. . / I will stop for a while but I want you to know my heart burns for the righteousness of God. I could write forever about God and his mercy, tell how good he has been to me and my family, and I will until his blessed return. Amen. Pembroke Kiwanis Report The monthly business was held Tuesday evening at the Jade Garden Restaurant with Todd Jones presiding. The Club voted to provide Pembroke Elementary School S500.00 to help defray expenses for a Marquee sign. S200.00 was approved to defray expenses for the 4th of July Parade Float for Lumbee Homecoming. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts plus Little Leaguers will be riders. Also, a five hundred Bond wi 11 go to the winner of the Bond drive. Tickets are S5.00 for six tickets. The drawing will be 12:00 noon on the 4th of July of Lumbee Homecoming. Fund Raising Chairman. Furnie Lambert. Invocation.; Garth Locklear; Song Leader.- Hent^ Ward Oxendine;Reporter. Ken Johnson. AUTO ACCIDENTS WRONGFUL DEATH PERSONAL INJURY DWI & I TRAFFIC OFFENSES OF ALL KINDS I Free Initial Consultation ! Call 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week RONNIE SUTTON I Attorney At Law "PROTECTING YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS" 208 Union Chapel Road (910) 521-4797 Say you read it in the Carolina Indian Voice Pediatric Pointers I by Dr. Joey Bell, Pembroke Pediatrics If you read the early history of North and South Carolina, you find how devastating European settlement was to the Native people of the area. The Europeans carried diseases that these Natives had never been exposed to and to which they had no immunity. These disease, especially smallpox, killed many Natives during those early years. Today we have ways of preparing a child's immune system to help fight off infections. One important way is by immunizations (or vaccinations). Immunizations are products of the germs given as shots or by mouth. These germ products stimulate the child's immune system against that particular infection. This allows the body's immune system to fight offthe infection. If it ever comes in contact with that gem again. Vaccines are very safe and are rarely associated with major side effects. The minor side effects, such as fever or swelling, are uncommon and usually are only seen with the DTaP vaccine. I usually tell parents to give some Tylenol or Motrin before vaccinations to help with pain or fever. The following is the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended schedule for immunization in the US: ? At birth, infants receive the first Hep B (Hepatitis B) vaccine. ? At two months of age, they receive the second Hepatitis B, the first DTaP. ? (Diptheria/Tetanus/Pertussis), the first Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b), and the first IPV (injectable polio vaccine). -- At four months of age, they receive the second DTaP, Hib, and IPV vaccines. ? At six months of age, they receive the third DTaP. Hib, and the Hep B and IPV may be given at this time or at any time over the next 12 months. -- The next vaccines may be given over a range of time, as follows: the fourth DTap can be given over a range of time, as follows: the fourth DTap can be given between 15 and 18 months, the fourth Hib can be given between 12 and 15 months, the first MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) can be given between 12 and 15 months. ? Varicella vaccine (chickenpox) may be given after 12 months. ? Preschool children (ages 4-6) receive the last DTaP and 1PV injections, and the second MMR. ? Children ages 11-12 years may receive boosters of Hep B, MMR, and Varicella injections. In some areas of the country, they also receive a Hepatitis A vaccine. As parents, we should try our best to make sure our children are current on their vaccinations. Remember, it will not only help your own child safe from infections, but will also help prevent the spread of infections through schools or communities. If you have any questions about immunizations, please feel free to write me at PO Box 3010, Pembroke, NC,28372. In case you are seeing this article at www.pembrokepeds.com, or you have access to the Internet, here are a few sites that can give you more information about immunizations, from reputable sources. ? http://www.aap.org/family/parents/immunize.htm This one is from the American Academy of Pediatrics, and includes the year 2000 immunization schedule. ? http://www.cdc.gov/nip/publications/6mishome.htm This one talks about worries that parents have regarding vaccines. . i Lumbee Homecominq 2000 And C.A.R.S. Presents 10th ANNUAL HOMECOMING CAR SHOW Located in Pembroke, N.C. 3rd Street in front of UNCP Saturday, June 30,2000 Registration 8:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m. Pre-Reqistration $25.00 (by June 27,2000) Day of Show $25.00 Alcohol and Drug Free Event! y? TROPHIES FOR TOP FIFTY f ? FREE DASH PLAQUES TO FIRST FIFTY REGISTERED^ There will be a 50 - 50 DRAWING Plenty of Good Food and Drinks in the Park!! Please mall Check or Money Order Tot Lumbee Homecominq 2000 c/o Parade Chairman PO Box 68 Pembroke, NC 28372 NAME: ADDRESS: TYPE VEHICLE: PHONE: IF YOU HAVE ANY VEHICLES FOR SALE PLEASE LET US KNOW THAT DAY! C.AJLS* OR L.R.D.A. ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS OR INJURIES!