A ^ HBl w Anything Which Does .Xot Glorify God is a Sin Let us now began to read again from the word of God. Remember w e are talking about how to live in a world filled with e\ il. Anything which does not factor the will of God. you better put it to death. Brother Paul said. "Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For in that He died. He died unto sin once; but in that He liveth. He liveth unto God. Likewise, reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin. but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord " (Romans6:6-l I) Now when that body has been buried in the body of Christ, it is dead, and will not rise as'Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creation; old things are passed away; behold, all things become new." (I Corinthians 5; 17) When I see folks who claim to be saved and they are still sinning. I know they are not dead yet. "And you hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins, wherein times past, ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the childrenofdisobedience.amongwhomalsoweallhadourconversation in times past in the lust of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind. But God who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us. Even when we were dead in sin. hath quickened us together with Christ (by grace are ye saved. Ephesians2:1-5) In time past we all lusted and sinned w ith our minds and flesh, but that was in time past, time past, we did walk according to the course of this world but not any more. Friend, that was in time past. Now we are new creatures in Christ, old things are passed away. When 1 see and hear of people still lusting with their minds and flesh I know they are not dead yet. So, now I want to finish this message on how we can be a witness in a world filled with evil. In the Book of Romans, Chapter 12. Verse 14 we read, "Bless them which persecute you, bless and curse not. Rejoice with them that do rejoice and weep with them that do weep. Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate, be not wise in your own conceits. Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Dearly beloved, avenge tjot yourselves; but neither give place unto wrath; for it is written vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore, if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him to drink, for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head." "Be not overcome of evil; but overcome evil with good." (Romans 12:14-21) Suppose you were to say don't care what this says, I do not intent to rejoice, don't intend not to persecute, I will not bless, but curse. My friend, you are not dead. You have never been Quickened by His grace. And you cannot be a witness to a world filled with evil. There are preachers who will tell you that you are saved regardless (once saved always saved.) Listen to these stem words of God, "Behold, you trust in lying words that cannot profit. Will ye steal, murder and commit adultery and swear falsely, and bum incense unto Ba'al and walk after other gods whom ye know not; and come and stand before me in this house which is called by my name and say we are delivered to do all these abominations? Is this house, which is called by my name become a den of robbers in your eyes? Behold even I have seen it, saith the Lord." (Jeremiah 7:8-11) My friend, have you ever heard the word blasphemy. It means words seemed to be true and they believe them not. (St. Luke 24; 11) When you push God's word aside, and set in your heart to sin, you blaspheme. The Pharisees heard it, they give more earnest heed when Jesus said, "Hath never forgiveness, but is ir danger of eternal damnation." Oh. my friend, you ought to reckon yourselve; to be dead. There is coming a day of judgement. Jesus himself knew that a person's heart would be in a state of backsliding and that it would exist just prior to His second advent. There would be as in the days of Noah, the activity and stir of worldly business and pleasure seeking buying, selling, planting, building, marrying and giving in marriage, wit! forgetfulness of God and the future life. Christ's admonition is "Take heed tc yourselves, lest anytime your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting anc drunkenness and cares of this life and so that day comes upon you unaware watch ye therefore and pray always that ye may be counted worthy to escape.' (Si 1 uke21 < i '6il euon again toho warning to those who refuse tube aroused from their careless security the solemn warning is addressed. 'It thou therefore shall not watch. I will come on thee as a thief and thou shall not know what hour I will come upon thee " I Revelation 3 1-3) Oh. mv friend, are > ou a w itness' Are \ our bur led in Christ? I sa> these things to arouse sou to help prepare sou for that solemn esent connected with the close of probation Hie prophet off tod dec lares " The das of the Lord is great and s ers terrible; who can abide, wltocan stand when he appearcth. who has pure eves then to behold esil and cannot look on iniquity?" (Joel 2:11 Habbakkuk 1:13). Let me say again, better to be a drunkard than to be hardened. There is more chance for the man who is in the grip of some specific sin who still retains a heart and conscience than for a man who is hardened and set commits no sulgar sin condemned by the age in which he lives. But for those who know the terms of the lasv and the gospel, there is a warning lest ye (anyone of you) be hardened Saul's utterance was "I have placed the fool." (I Samuel 26:2 I) Can I ask you again are you a w itness for Christ'.' Now listen, if sou are than sou can be still. You don't need to be part of confusion. You see. confusion does not act out the factor of Jesus. If in a decision Christ is not glorified, it is sin. You don't want to be pan of sin. You can't overcome evil w ith hate. You overcome evil by good. Jesus said bless them that persecute you. love sour enemies. I ,et me say th is. Don't panake with ev il. Leave i t alone. I f your wi fe or husband panakes in evil, you cannot panake of it. You are dead in Christ, Wife, if your husband is selling beer, liquor, drugs, you can't panake of evil. The Bible said the angels respond to the voice of God. not the word they heard, but his voice. Listen, sou have a host of angels camped around you. You are living in a world filled with evil. You and I must not be part of this world's system. Ifyour children are making money illegally, you can't be part of it. We are in this world but not of it. We are dead to the things of this world. We are his witnesses and we are to be careful where we pitch our tent. Pitched any where as long as you have not been persuaded by the is world. Lot pitched his tent toward Sodom. The land looked good. Folks had fenced yards, pools, nice homes, but when Lot left, the price was high. He lost his wife, son-in-laws. He went and hid in a cave and committed incest with his own daughters. We are living in a world filled with evil but 1 refuse to participate in evil. Let me share this poem w ith you called "A Great Work." An old man was asked about his complaint, weariness of pain. Oh. he said, every day I have so much to do. I have two falcons to train, two rabbits to keep from running away, two hawks to manage, a serpent to confine, a lion to chain, an old man sick-to tend and wait upon. Man's reply on this is foolish. No man has these things to do at once. But the old man said but it is so with me- the two falcons are my eyes which I must guard diligently lest something should please them which may be hurtful to my salvation. The two rabbits are my feet which 1 must holdback lest they should run to evil and walk in the way ofsin. T wo hawks are my two hands which must be trained to work that 1 may be able to provide food and shelter. The serpent is my tongue which must be bridled, lest I speak evil and hold to pride that would destroy my soul. My friend, we must be witnesses. In the last twenty-four hours, approximately 260,000 died of a deadly disease. Throughout the world thousands are mourning the death of their loved ones and 260,000 more will die w ithin the next twenty-four hours of this plague. James tells us the cause of this malady is sin and when it is finished, it brings forth death. (James 1:15) More people will die in the next twenty-four hours than the entire population of Nevada. "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow for thou knowest not what a day will bring forth." (Proverbs 27:1) 60,000 per year are killed in auto accidents in the United States. Every nine minutes around the clock a baby lies sprawled on the highways, dead because ) of an accident. Death is sure. Often death is sudden. "And as it is appointed unto . men once to die. but after death, judgement." (Hebrews 9:27) My friend, you have no'guarantee you will see the sun rise tomorrow. Will you join along with me as ( Bro. Paul declared "I reckon myself dead that we are more than conquers for ; Chirst pulling down the strong hold of Saian." Would you confess along with ' me that anything which does not glorify Christ is sin. I will submit myself unto J Christ. 1 will resist the devil. Come on now, you can't resist the devil until you , have submitted unto God. Some are going around rebuking the devil saying I I am rebukinghim in Jesus'name. No! No! First submit to God then resist he devil. Do it this way and Satan will flee. (James 4:1 -6) Lumbee Homecoming 2000 And C.A.R.S. Presents 10'" ANNUAL HOMECOMING CAR SHOW Located in Pembroke, N.C. 3rd Street in front of UNCP Saturday, July 1, 2000 Registration 8:00 a.m. -12:30 pan. Pre-Registration $23.00 (by June 27,2000) Day of Show $23.00 Alcohol and Drug Free Event' )? TROPHIES FOR TOP FIFTY ?C ? FREE DASH PLAQUES TO FIRST FIFTY REGISTERED^ There will be a 50 - 50 DRAWING Plenty of Good Food and Drinks in the Park!! Please mail Check or Money Order To: Lumbee Homecominq 2000 c/o Parade Chairman PO Box 68 Pembroke, NC 28372 NAME: ADDRESS: TYPE VEHICLE: PHONE: r ir YOU HAVE ANY VEHICLES FOR SALE PLEASE LET US KNOW THAT DAY! C.A.R.S. OR L.R.D.A. ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS OR INJURIES! '1 BiiiMiMBB The action taken by the Board of Education earlier this month approving a plan to develop a technology high school on the site of the sv stem's Career Center has the potential to contribute a great deal to the future of Robeson Counts's development industrially and commercially. Concern about the problem of dwindling attendance at the facility had caused a study to be undertaken to try to determine what might be done to improv e the situation. Add to that the concern about our dropout rate and there was a feeling that, if courses that would be attractive to students could be added to the curriculum there, it would contribute to an improvement in the dropout rate too since students would be more inclined to remain in school until graduation. Before students could become inv olved w ith any expanded curriculum at the Career Center, dubbed Robeson County High School.com, they would first have to complete basic requirements like English, math and science which could be done in a supers ised computer lab or. even, at home. .After that, the students could begin work on their other projects. Receipt of a grant from the State Department of Public instruction in the amount of S177,500 will fund online development of the project which includes paying teachers to develop classes such as Advanced Placement US History, European History, Cal cuius, and other courses required for graduation. It will also fund equipment, video conferencing expenses, faculty training, and fee payments for students taking on-line courses through the Web Academy in Cumberland County. As I said earlier, upon completion of these courses, students attending the technology high school can get involved with various Academies. One is the Cisco Academy which teaches students to design, install, and maintain networks making it possible for them to directly enter the workforce while the TV Broadcast Studio Academy will allow students to explore the world of electronic journalism. Still other academies will include the Computer Repair Control Academy which will teach students to build, repair, and maintain computers and the Microsoft Academy where courses will teach students how to install and maintain Microsoft network operatingsystems. Also a Motor Sports Academy will offer hands on experience with real race cars allowing students to study design construction and geometry components enabling them to build actual models. Interest in the latter was evident by the large turnout of students at last week's press conference at which representatives of motorsports were on hand to put their stamp of approv al on the project. These academies would, of course, be in addition to existing courses in welding, masonry, carpentry, along with the other courses currently being taught there. It's obvious, then, that students trained to do such jobs can provide a pool of young people who will be able to fill jobs for which there is great demand elsewhere and, therefore, making it feasible for new industries to consider locating in the county because of these graduates' availability. A number of summer camps are being planned to explain the program to our students and measure the interest there is in it. There is, however. no doubt that the direction we are taking shows great promise for education in the county as well as the county's progress. Pembroke Kiwanis Report bv Dr. Ken Johnson Mr. Matthew Perkins. Director of the Robeson County Planetarium was the Tuesday evening speaker. He was presented by Program Chairman Bob Oxendine. His topic as "The NASA sponsored Trip to Mars." Program Chairman Oxendine mentioned in his opening, the extreme dependence the U.S. Navy has on Celestial Navigation. His Carrier in World War [I did not know where they were without Celestial Navigation. How very important the readingofthe stars can be. Mr. Perkins home is Nashville, Tennessee. The movie "The Trip to Mars" was for too far fetched. The case for the trip to Mars in the next twenty years is to put people on Mars. Ninety-six percent of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide. The temperature is close to that of the earth, mountains, and volcanos are very evident, spouting fire. Mars has channels indicating water. Capable of supporting life, Probing in the 1986 indicating no life there. Fossels showed signs of life a million years ago. The path finder under the Bush Adminis tration, 1989, studied mars Jt will cost aS450bi!liondollarstogotomars. Six months to travel means six months orbit, to save cots. Why a trip to Mars? We believe life is there/ Debrium is there. Debrium is used in telephones. Mars is twice the distance from the sun as earth is. The Planetarium opened in 1969, over 300,000 have visited and gained insight into the universe. Renovations have increased its use. The Science Center opened m 1986. It has a lunar module, retired experimental aircraft, and exhibits, a bee hive of activity . There are eight school programs? LaiTy the Car in Space;" "Follow the Drinking Gourd;" "Adventures Along the Spectrum;" "Destination Mars;" "Reasons for the Seasons;" "The Endless Horizons;" "The Night Skies;" and "Tis the Season." And there is a Galaxy Gift Shop. The Planetarium is a sure fine place for our school children to see and all of us. Presiding-Todd Jones. Invocation-Albert Hunt. Song LeaderTodd Jones. Reporter-Ken Johnson Say you read it in the Carolina Indian Voice. To subscribe call (910)521-2826 The Carolina Indian Voice First American Publications The first issue of The Carolina Indian Voice was published on January 18, 1973 by then editor, owner and founder, Bruce Barton with a $500 personal loan. Connee Brayboy Editor Bruce Barton Publisher Ricky Barton President and Business Manager Garry Lewis Barton Production Manager AUTO ACCIDENTS WRONGFUL DEATH PERSONAL INJURY ' DWI & TRAFFIC OFFENSES OF ALL KINDS Free Initial Consultation Call 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week RONNIE SUTTON Attorney At Law "PROTECTING YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS" 208 Union Chapel Road (910) 521-4797

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