? 1? 5555 ?j m?m Published e.ieh Thursdav m Pembroke. N.C. H ' V Carolina Indian Voice "Building Communicative Undoes In A Tri-Racial Setting'' Volume 27 dumber 40 Thursday, October 5, 2000 ^ 9^0 Roderick Locklear promises involvemem of tribal members in new government Roderick Locklear is a candidate for the position. District 17, Representative for the Lumbee tribe. The election will be held on November 7. 2000. Twenty-three elected representatives and the Tribal Chief'Chairman will develop a governing document (with input from the people) for adoption by the Lumbee Tribe as past of the process to establish a government for the Lumbee people. Locklear is married to Ruth L. Locklear and they have two sons, Clarence Eden and Roderick Glenn Locklear Jr. And they have three children. They have three granddaughters. The Locklear family resides in the State of Maryland but they maintain a resident in Pembroke. They attend South Broadway Baptist Church in Baltimore and Mt. A iry Baptist Church when they are in Pembroke. Locklear is the son of the late Rev. Clarence E. (CE) Locklear and Mrs. Annie Lizzie Oxendine Locklear. Locklear's wife is the daughter of Mr. Emery and Ms. Adell Locklear of the Mount Airy community. She is employed with the Howard County Schools. Locklear is employed with the Department of Health and Human Services. Health Care Financing Administration.. He is a manager in the Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights with offices in the Baltimore and Washington, D.C. area. District 17 includes the states of Maryland, Virginia, Maine, New Jersey, Pennsylvania. New York. Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire. Mississippi, Delaware. Massachusetts, Tennessee, Alabama. Rhode Island, Kentucky, Florida. West Virginia, Georgia and the District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.) Both Mr. and Mrs. Locklear encourage their family and friends in Robeson County to contact relatives living in District 17 and urge them to vote in the November 7 election. Locklear has been a member of the board of directors of LRDA for many years and was instrumental in the establishment of the agency. He services on the Lumbee Self-Determination Commission and chairs the Tribal Referendum and Election Committee for that Commission. Locklear believes that the time is right and this is a unique opportunity for the Lumbee people to unite behind a common goal to provide a better world for the Lumbee. He is committed to involving the people in putting together a tribal governing document that will be put together with the input of tribal members. With the help of the LUmbee people, Locklear is committed to puttinga government in place that is pro-active, progressive, fair, equitable, accountable, responsive and one that communicates with and serves all Lumbee people. Locklear said, "If I am elected I will continue to fight for Federal Recognition and for the fill 1 benefits to the Lumbee people that recognition could bring into the community.. I will fight to put in place processes to enhance opportunities for economic development in the Lumbee communities. I will draw on the talents, knowledge, experiences and expertise of Lumbee people where ever they live to create new ideas and programs for the tribe. "lama loyal and dedicated worker with plenty of energy and want to represent, serve and work for Lumbee people. Please ask you relatives and friends who live in the twenty states of district 17 to vote for Roderick Locklear. "Ask them to vote for me so that I can represent them and help to address the issues we are all concerned about. I am ready to use by experience to help with the tasks, opportunities, t and challenges that we face in build- t ingmoreunitywithinthetribe: creating [ a sound government that serves the r people, protecting the Lumbee tribe's t sovereignty, expanding current pro- ( grams, obtaining federal recognition, i expanding services and economic opportunities to all of our people. r "With God's help we can and will s bui Id a better future for the next seven generations of Lumbee people." c A. Bruce Jones offers experience and vision to District 14 voters November 7 A. Bruce Jones A. Bruce Jones of Raleigh has filed for a seat on the Tribal Board representing District 14. Mr. Jones brings to his candidacy a long, distinction record of service to Indian people. He is well known on the national level, both in Indian country and in the non-Indian communities. He has worked tirelessly for more than 3 5 years to bring about positive and productive change in the life style and living conditions of Lumbee people. For more than seventeen years Jones served as the Executive Director for the North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs. Other positions of distinction include helping to create and develop the Lumbee Regional Development Association. He continues to provide his experience and talents to that board as an at-large ember. During his tenure with LRDA he worked to have the Lumbee Tribe recognized and added to the membership of the National Congress of American Indians. This is the largest and oldest national Indian organization in the United States. Jones has the distinction of serving as a delegate and is the Southeast Area Vice President to the this a august body. Prior to the efforts by LRDA the Lutnbee were not aiiowed to participate in the National Congress of American Indians because of our status as non-federally recognized Indians. Amongthe other accomplishments to Jones credit are the creation of the North Carolina Indian Housing Authority, where he serves as Chairperson; a legislative scholarship for Indian students in the State of North Carolina; the creation of Lumbee River Legal Services. In addition, Jones has served for eight years as a principal and school teacher for the Public Schools of Robeson County. He serves as a member of the Lumbee Self-Determination Commission andisamemberoftheFederal Recognition Committee. He has served as Chairman of that Committee. In making his announcement, Jones released the following statement: "I believe that my experience in working with the Lumbee and other tribes across the country in finding solutions to community, legislative, policy and governmental issues gives me a unique a perspective on the issues involved in developing a new tribal government, "If elected 1 will represent District 14 so that i can continue to support the Lumbee people on the critical issues that are facing us "There has never been a more critical time in Lumbee history than now as we form our new government. As wc form our new government we will be determining for ourselves our own history. It is important that we have someone with a vision and experience to help us determine our destiny. " If e lected to the new Tribal Government, I will represent District 14 with vision, experience and dedication to the preservation of our unique culture and heritage." Jones' varied experiences also include working with other tribes across the nation to develop Indian policy on the state and national levels. His expertise in this area was gained when he served as President of the Governor's Interstate Indian Council. Jones continued, "I believe my experience in working with the Lumbee and other tribes across the county gives me a unique perspective on the issues involved in developing a new tribal government." Reginald Oxendine files for District 6 seat Reginald Uxendne has tiled tor a seat on the Lumbee Tribal Government, representing District 6-North Pembroke. In making his announcement, he released the following statement: "I am seeking election to the LumbeeTribal Counci I for District 6 - North Pembroke. If elected to the Lumbee tribal government, I will work for the tribe to provide better economic, educational, social and recreational services for all Indian people." Reginald Oxendine lives in Pembroke, N.C. He graduated from Pembroke State University with a degree in Elementary Education, East Carolina University with a Master's Degree in Educational Administration and N.C. State University with a Doctor of Education Decree. Reginald Oxendine worked with the Public Schools i n Robeson County for more than twenty years as a teacher and administrator. He worked as Director of Indian Education for Lumberton City Schools for five years. He has been involved in several businesses in Pembroke. He built Pembroke Skateland. He is now the owner and CEO of Arrow Educational Products, Inc. This is an educational software company which produces educational reading materials for the i home and school market. Reginald Oxendine has been in- | voived in Indian Educational i Programs for more than twenty years. i He was a member of the National Indian Education Association for five i years. He has written five grants to receive money from the Federal Government that was funded to provide educational programs for students. He has served as a consultant to National Indian Education - Title IV Program. He has also attended eight National Indian Educational Con ferences. He is currently a board member of the National Indian Children's Trust Fund. Reginald is married to Peggy Oxendine and they have two sons, Reggie and Micah. They also have tow grandchildren - Jessica and Adrianna. Dr. Reginald Oxendine Fannie Lou Oxendlne Chavis-Mickey seeks Scotland County seat on Tribal board Dr. Angela Chavis-Mickey announces her candidacy for election in District 12 for a new Lumbcc tribal government seat. District 12 includes all of Scotland and Richmond Counties. Dr. Chavis-Mickey is currently employed with the Department of Corrections as a Dentist at the LumbertonUnit. She also works part-time with Robeson County Detention Center as their Dentist. Dr. Chavis-Mickey graduated from UNC Dental School in 1980 with a Doctor CONTINUED ON PA GE 6 Roderick G. Locklear Roy Maynor Htv- wmmmmmm Joe! Garth Lock tear Fannie Lou Oxendine Files To Represent District 7 Fannie Lou Oxendine a retired teacher with the Public Schools of Robeson County has filed for a seat on the Lumbee Tribal Government representing District 7. She is married to Hartley J. Oxendine and they reside at 7632 NC 77 Hwy. They are the parents of two children. Hartley Blaine Oxendine and Susan Oxendine Locklear. They have four grandchildren. Oxendine released the following statement. If elected, I will work hard to represent all Lumbee people. It will require a commitment to work with other elected members on writing a Constitution, should the Lumbee Tribe vote to have a Constitutional Government. If elected I will be a voice for the Lumbee Tribe. We have been seeking Federal Recognition for over 100 years. I would like to be a part of this historical opportunity in forming a government for the Lumbee Tribe. We need to continue to seek for what is rightly ours and that is better education opportunities, health care, economic development, housing for the elderly and handicapped, and seek programs to help the Lumbee Tribe, to become more self-sufficient. District 7 includes South Pembroke and Union Precincts. I need your support and your vote November 7. Llvetm?'e ? f,i\arv u r imcp _ id for re-election to the at-iarge posiion on the LREMC Board of Directors. The election for four board nembers will be held October 17 at he UNCP Givens Performing Arts Center, at the Annual Meeting of .REMC. In making his announcement, Cumnings released the following ;tatement: "I have served you as an at-large iirector of the Lumbee River EMC "or the past 18 years. Thee past three /ears have been very rewarding for he members and I am proud to have >een a part of it. Electric rates have jone down 11.25%. There are not nany things that have reduced in price. At the same time 54,306,672 was returned to you through Capital Credits and additional 53,551,598 was credited on December electric bills. "There has been an increase ins services to the members of LREMC. We now have generators, surge suppressors, long distance Telephone service available for you. We also provide service poles and their installation for your convenience. Also in the near future you will be able to purchase your propane gas needs through your co-op/ "Recently we were awarded the first phase of the privatization of Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base. In the future this will help subside cost increases for our members. "As your director I have focused on your future and if re elected to serve you again, I will continue that effort. I have the knowledge, dedication and experience to help you to continue to have your needs met at your Co-op and at the same time ensure that your cost of goods and services are at competitive prices. I ask you for your support October 17, 2000 at the Givens Performing Arts Center and I promise to support you, the members, for the next three years in the same manner I have supported you thee past three." Roy Maynor files for Cumberland County Seat on Tribal Board Mr. Roy Maynor, Chairman of :he Cumberland County Association for Indian People, has announced his candidacy for the Lumbee Tribal Government to represent Cumberland County Precinct District #13 in the November 7th election. Mr. Maynor is committed \o service on behaif of the Indian people. He served on the Tribal Council of the Lumbee Tribe of Cheraw Indians. He is also a life long member of the Cumberland County Association for Indian People Board ofDirectors and a member of the Cumberland Community Action Program Board ofDirectors, Precinct Chairman of Pearces Mill District #2 of the Democratic Party and a former Treasurer for the Senior Citizens Democratic Council ofFayetteville. He represented the Cumberland County Association for Indian People on the North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs. Mr. Maynor is not only active in Indian affairs, but in all areas of his community. He is a charter member of the Lakedale Church of God in Fayetteville, NC. He is married to Ms. Lula Ammons Maynor and they have five children and eleven grandchildren. In announcing his candidacy, Mr. Maynor released the following state ment: 1 "Ihaveworkedwiththelndiansin Cumberland County for the last 25 years. "I have and it will continue to be my desire to bring about unity for the Lumbee people to achieve federal recognition status and to solidify our efforts. "I have extensive experience in work'mg for \nd\an people \n relation to state, federal and local political concerns, educational opportunities for our Indian youth, economic advancement, cultural training, employment training and housing and health needs of the Lumbee Indian people. "I am especially concerned and will work diligently for the benefit of the elder members of our tribe to accomplish adequate health care, recreational activities, safe affordable and decent housing. "1 will continue to advocate that it is our sovereign right to govern ourselves. "If elected, I pledge to work diligently for the benefit of all Lumbee Indians on issues that affect their lives, but will be committed to report and respond to members of my district. A vote for me will be a vote for the people." Election sites in Cumberland County will be at the Indian Center, 102 Indian Drive, Fayetteville, NC 28301 and Jones' Plumbing Company, 3934 Legion Road, Hope Milles, NC 28348 Joel Garth Locklear files for one of two seats in District 7 Joel Garth Locklear has filed for one of the two seats for District 7 on the Lumbee T ribal Government. Locklear is a life long resident of the Pembroke community. He currently resides with his wife on Breece Street in Pembroke. District 7 includes South Pembroke and Union Precincts. Locklear's work record includes serving as Chief Investigator with the Robeson County Public Defenders Office. He retired from this position in 1998 after seven years dedicated to protecting and ensuring the rights of the indigent to a fair trial and equal justice under the law. He is owner and operator of Garth's Detective Agency in Pembroke. He has been serving the public and private sectors in this capacity since 1988. He also served as Chief Homicide . Investigator for the Robeson County Sheriffs Office from 1983 until 1988. He is presently serving as an elected member of the North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs. He is a Commission with the Pembroke Housing Authority. He was appointed by tne mayor in 1993 and reappointed in 1998 for a five year term. Locklear released the following statement: "If elected my top priorities forthe Lumbee tribe will be federal recognition for all members; equal and fair administration of all programs forthe betterment of the Lumbee tribe; development of a form of government as determined by the people whereby all members of the Lumbee Tribe are protected and provided for equally; and a commitment to the people of the Lumbee tribe to enhance the spirit of unity whereby decisions are carefully crafted that benefit many, not just a certain few. "All of these issues are critical to the existence of the Lumbee Tribe. If elected, 1 anTcommitted to personally keeping the people of District 7 aware and informed of what is taking place so that all of us know what is going on and what might be available. I promise to be your representative, if elected, and will be available and when necessary 1 will intercede on the people's behalf."