CAR' UNA India. . jce Published eueli Thursday m Pembroke. N'.C. "Building Communicative Bridges In A Tri-Racial Setting" Volume 27 Number4.1 Ihui>d;i\ ( Mobet 26 ?()()() 25? Gerald Strickland Files) Gerald Strickland has filed as a candidate in the Tribal Election for District five to be held November 7. 2000. District five, which will have two representatives, includes Maxton and Oxcndinc precincts. These precincts encompass the tribal communities of Prospect and Oxcndinc Strickland, owner ofProspect Satellite, is married to the former Brcnda Dial Strickland, a retired school teacher ofhtc Robeson County School system, and current office manager of the couple's satellite business Thcv arc the parents of two children: Jeri Lynn, an eighth grade student at Prospect Middle School and Chad, a senior at Purnell Swctt High School. The couple and their children reside in the home place of Ms. Strickland, a lifelong resident of the Prospect community. They attend church at New Prospect His wife is the daughter of the late Mr. & Mrs. William Herman Dial Strickland is the son of Mr &Mrs. Timothy Strickland of hte Harper's Ferry community. Mr Timothy Strickland of hte Harper's Ferry community. Mr Timothy Strickland currently serves on the Board of Directors of LREMC. Gerald Strickland has been employed by the Robeson Counts Health Department for 2"t years as an En\ ironmcntal Health Supervisor He is a registered Environmental Health Supervisor, and in 1991 was appointed to the State Board of Sanitarian Examiners by Governor Jim Hunt He is currently the president of htc Pembroke Civic Club, formerly the Pembroke Jaycees of which Strickland has been a member of the organization since 1971 In 1991. Mr. Strickland was elected to the LRDA Board of Directors to represent District fiv e which comprises the Smiths and Maxton precincts According to Strickland." It has been an honor to serve the Lumbcc people since 1991 in my capacity as an LRDA board member Serving on the board has given me the opportunity to gain a wealth of experience with issues relative to the Lumbec people I have worked diligently in the fight for federal recognition I would like to continue working for tribal members as a representative for District five. This District encompasses the oldfcst Lumbcc tribal community. Prosbect However, tribal members can be assured, if I am elected. I will work for all tribal members It is my desire to have their input on how this ilcw tribal government will be developed I want a tribal govemingddcument that tribal members can use ds a tool to ensure their rights as methbers of hte Lumbee tribe are protected. I feel my experience as a businessman and an LRDA board member w ill allow the tribe to progress. It is not my desire to be elected to this position for my own political agenda If elected. I will be an honest and fair representative not only for District five, but for all members of the Lumbee tribe I humbly ask your support in this election If given the opportunity to serve as a representative in the new tribal government. I would sincerely be appreciative." Christine F. Locklear Files For Lumbee Tribal Chairperson Hello my Native people I am Christine F. Locklear and I would like to represent you as Tribal Chairperson 1 graduated from Pembroke State University in 1978 with a B.S. degree in Sociology I am married to Harold Locklear and reside in Lumberton N.C. I am the mother of three children and also a proud grandmother I have invested 20 years in the human services field My dedication to the people of Robeson County proves that my committment is teg suffering for our future generations As Tribal Chairperson I will resprcsent the Lumbec people with pride, honesty, and dignity It is time that the Native people arc recognized and heard, and I will be your voice. It is only through unity and strong leadership that our native people will prosper in the new millennium. We need to invest and reinvest in our youth, senior citizens, and our community as a whole. In order for our children to realize their dreams and be successful it takes the Lumbee Tribe. Together we will be dream makers and not dream chasers. I look forward to serving as your Tribal Chairperson and ask for your support on Nov. 7TH Sincerely. Christine F. Locklear Tim Blanks Canidate For Tribal Council My Fellow Lumbce. My name is Tim IManks: an educator, businessman and family man who is proud of his race. f ederal recognition is a must for the I.umbee people This can only be achieved through education and development. It is my privilege to be a candidate for tribal representative in District 18. the areas West of Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. I am asking for your support. Please contact your friends and rela-. tives in these areas and encourage them to vote for me in the November 7th election. Thank vou for vour support Remember: ' HI- l.UMBKK. BF PROUD! Reception held for Lumbee Tribal Government Council Candidate Darlene Jacobs Raleigh - Do/ens of supporters and well-wishers for Darlene Jacobs packed the contemporary office building located at 700 South Wilmington Street in Raleigh on Sunday. Jacobs is a candidntc for the I.umbee Tribal Ciovcrnment Council for the 14th District and a resident of Garner, north Carolina The reception was hosted by friends and supSrtcrs and featured a Fall theme. The jd table was donned with pumpkins. flowers, baskets and Indian corn. The food ranged from homemade chicken salad to old-fashion sweet potato bread As an added feature John Chico Carter played soft but lively music for the guest. During the short formal pro gram Jacobs spoke of her dreams and goals if elected 1 ligh on her list of goals was the inclusion of all I.umbces into the process and the rpening of an urban center for the ' .tangle area to assist Native youths and especially ones attending the colleges and universities in the area. Among the guest included Pembroke Mayor Milton Hunt and Rev Jerry McNeill both candidates for Tribal Chairperson. These candidates spoke briefly and then joined the activities for Jacobs. Jacobs personally thanked everyone for their hard work and then joined the campaign workers for a photo session. On Saturday. October 21. 2000. First Health Family Care Center in Pembroke had its Open House and fall festival. Shown left to right at the ribbon cutting are Glenn Reeves of First Health; Pembroke Mayor Milton Hunt; Thomas and Zoo Ann l.ocklear (with daughter Flizabeth in foreground); Catherine Strickland and Dr. Robin Cummings of First Health, a Pembroke Native Locklear Running for Lumbee Tribal Council I encourage members of District 16 and all Lumbee to join in this historic opportunity to exercise your right to vote in the establishment of a government for the Lumbee people. Those persons elected on November 7th will draft our governing document. most likely a Constitution, after which you will be asked to ratify' or reject. I believe that I am uniquely qualified to serve as a representative. However, qualifications standing alone do not justify your blind allegiance. Thus. I invite you to consider my specific proposals: First. I believe this document should demand accountability of its elected representatives. To avoid the accumulation of pow er in the hands of a few. I will support the imposition of term limits. Second, services based upon need should be distributed equitably to each of the districts. Wherein distance is identified as an obstacle in achieving this goal, vouchers should be utilized to insure services are provided to those living outside the immediate Robeson County region Third, efforts to obtain federal recognition should be continued. I believe a detailed and well constructed governing document will enhance support of both Congress and the Bureau of Indian Affairs in our efforts to achieve this goal. Finally, in that other federally recognized tribes have engaged in gambling activities, it is naive to assume that our governing document would not address this sensitive subject. The issue of whether or not the Lumbee would allow gambling should be placed before the people in the form of a referendum. Prior to sub mitting this question the governing document should detail in very specific language the manner in which said activities would be governed if approved. I believe that a separate article should be devoted to outlining the specifics of gambling "The objective is to insure profits gained from said activities would be utilized to assist educational programs, scholarships, as well as social needs'of tribal mem bets In that monies derived from these activities would not be audited in the same fashion as other government funded programs. I believe it would be necessary to establish accounting procedures to oversee the receipt of profits and distribution to targeted programs. In anticipation that such activities may initially require administration by outside investors and consultContinued on page 12 Linda Rose Locklear files for District 18 seat Linda Rose I.ocklear is a resident of Valley Center. California and she has lived in California since 1970. Linda is the daughter of Helen Bell Locklear and George Locklearof Jacksonville. Fl. She is the granddaughter of Maggie Bell, the late Furman Bell of St. Paul's and the late Rosie Hunt Locklear and Flag Locklear of Fairmont. Linda attended Magnolia School as a young girl. She attended San Diego State University and University of California in San Diego. She has been a professor of American Indian Studies for twenty-six years at Palomar College and is currently Chairperson of that department.. She also teaches at San Diego State University. Active in the issue of federal recognition. Linda has worked with both federally recognized and nonfederally recognized tribes on a variety of issues. She also participated in the National Congress of American Indian. National Indian Education Association, American Indian Science and Engineering Society, Alaska and American Indian Professor Association. and many other American Indian organizations. Linda has two daughters and two grandchildren who arc enrolled in the Pauma Indian Reservation in California. Her husband. Michael Aimer, is a supervisor in the probation department in San Diego. "I will bring another perspective to tribal issues, especially in our pursuit for federal recognition. 1 have experience and knowledge in working on these issues for both federally recognized and non-federally recognized tribes. I've also been involved internationally with the Word Council of Indigenous People that brings issues of all tribal people together. I can offer a global perspective in maintaining our culture and sovereignty. Darlene Jacobs flanked by members of her election executive committee (L to R) LaTonya Hammonds, Alisa L.owery, Gwen Locklear, John Chico Carter, Ms Jacobs, Rod Lowery, Horace Locklear, Clarice Dial, Marvin Butler and Weldon Freeman. (not shown Margaret Wynn, Terri Bullard-Qadura and Brett Locklear) N.C. Indian Cultural Center Adult Breakfast Program tor senior and disabled will begin October 11. 2000 at 8.00 a m The program will begin with nutrition ? 7 ..ii.. "'.snal | lograms. The breakfast will bv held it the Intra! Tribal I.onghoiui. (Community BLD). 2000 Oilseeds Program The Robeson/ Scotland Farm Service Agency (FSA) is accepting application "for the 2000 Oilseeds Program. This program will distribute financial assistance to farmers who produce soybeans, sunflowers, flaxseed, canola. rapcsccd. safflowcr seed, mustard and crambc Farmers arc urged to contact the FSA office for additional details. Library Book Sale Miss the 1 ibrary book sale in April9 You will have another chance to buy reading bargains in November. Robeson County Public Library will again offer books for sale on Thursdays. Nov 2.5-9p.m..Nov. 3.9 a m. - 6 p m . and Saturday Nov. 4.9 a m - 4 p.m. The Book Sale will be held at Robeson County Public Library in the Ostcrneck Auditorium For more information call 7384859. _______ Richard D. LockJear Candidate - District 16 Lumbee Tribal Chairperson Public Forum The Carolina Indian Voice and Rep Ron Sutton, NC HOuse, are sponsoring a public forum for all Tribal Chairperson candidates. The forum will be held at 7:00 p.m. Monday, October 30, 2000 at the Pumcll Swett High School cafeteria. The purpose of the forum is to give the public an opportunity to hear what all the Tribal Chairperson candidates have to say on specific topics, j The format will consist of general I statements by each candidate as well as their response to specific questions posed to each of them. The final formal is still under development by the sponsors but will be announced before the program in time for candidates to thoroughly understand the process. Rep Sutton will moderate the meeting. "It is my desire that the i general public have the opportunity to see where the candidates stand on issues and how they respond to potential problems they mav encounter upon being elected", said Rep. Sutton. The questions, still under development. will be fair, direct and pertinent but broad enough for candidates to give their own prospective. Responses and comments will be timed to be fair to all candidates. "The role of the Tribal Chairperson will be critical in a new Lumbee Government and Lumbees should have an opportunity to hear how each candidate views his/her role", said Rep. Sutton. Candidates were previously invited to participate by a letter from REp. Sutton. They were advised that proposed issues were Chairperson qualifications, questions about a Lumbee Constitution, their leadership style, how they intend to lead the newly elected governmental body and their vision of what should happen to the existing Tribal Council and Lumbee Regional Development Association after the election. District Tribal candidates will be publicly recognized but due to time constraints will not address the audience. If all tribal candidates participate. a two hour format will only allow short and hopefully concise responses to various questions It is doubtful that there will be time for questions from the audience. Ihis is an extremely important torum and I .umbce voters should come out to hear their potential tribal leaders. I he Lumbee Tribal Candidate ultimately elected as Chairperson on November 7th will be our governmental head for at least the next three years. I hat selection is too important to be made without examining all candidates. All Lumbees need to make an informed decision prior to voting and this forum can be one important tool to help in that process. The sponsors' look forward to seeing al prospective Lumbee tribal votci* at the Pumcll Swett I Iigh School on Monday night. October 30. 2000 at 7:00 p.m. for this important public forum. Rep. Ron Sutton

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